Wombat Hollow in Elsternwick, Victoria, Australia | Counsellor
Wombat Hollow
Locality: Elsternwick, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 478 790 810
Address: Glenhuntly Road 3185 Elsternwick, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.wombathollow.com
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24.01.2022 A general Wombat Hollow one card reading for all of us, seemed to flow readily into this 3 card reading. Card 1 Healing the Past: I step into my future with strength and ease. What meaning does this key card hold for you? Are there hurts from the past which need healing, acceptance, resolution, forgiveness? In healing the past, how may we offer ourselves peace and a brighter future?... Looking at this time of shared impact on all of us of the pandemic, might there be some particular message of guidance and hope as we look to an unknown future? Could the Past perhaps refer to our broader Present - to what is happening now in 2020, to this present and recent past. This present time of ours will become our past, and a time to stay in our collective memory. Are we reminded that we can use this time to build, repair and heal, so that the promise of a bright future is actualised? Look at the image. The earth is bare, the trees are strong, but the roots are reaching the surface, looking for sustenance. Then look ahead, and see that there is light ahead, and the tree is strong and green. What might we do now to allow for healing - healing in our own lives, healing for others, healing for nature and the planet? Card 2 Proceeding Softly: My inner power grows in moments of quietude. If we look to this time as a time to build our strength, to refresh and heal, what might this card highlight? Look at the gentle scene, the table set for a relaxing afternoon tea. See the bright pathway - rainbow-like in effect, a symbol of joy and promise. Yes, the future is unknown. Healing in this time will be the healing we desire for the future. But it is OK, it is in fact desirable, to look within, and to heal with softness, gentleness, and conscious attention to loving self care. Card 3 Giving Birth: I am bringing forth new and dynamic energy into the world. What a beautiful card and affirmation, to show us what we are ultimately promised in heeding the guidance offered. This is a message of true hope and bright energy, warmly wished for all of us, Jeanette xo #gatewayoraclecards #deniselinn #healingthepast #healingnow
24.01.2022 Sending love and thoughts to all of you ... Stay safe, well and happy, and please ask for help as needed xoSending love and thoughts to all of you ... Stay safe, well and happy, and please ask for help as needed xo
24.01.2022 Spotted cheerily climbing upwards, already covering the base of a dark concrete wall ... Nature sends hugs to you wherever you are . Today it smiles and says 'hello' in these bright, healing, heart chakra colours , Sending warm and cheering wishes to all of you today , Jeanette xo... #hugs #nature #heartchakra #healingcolours
23.01.2022 A brief Wombat Hollow Heart Chakra meditation, sent with loving wishes to You: Breathing in, breathing out... Place your hand over the area of your heart ... breathing in, breathing out. Feel the life force within your breath, and within your heart. Now breathing right into your heart, breathing in the healing colours of the heart chakra... Breathing in, breathing out ... the beautiful pink colour of love - love for self, love for others, for acceptance, forgiveness and... compassion . Breathing in and enjoying this pink energy .... and then breathing it out to all around you. Breathing in, breathing out ... the beautiful colour of green, the colour of balance, renewal and regeneration . Breathing in green, feeling refreshed and aligned .. and now breathing it out to the world around you. Breathing in, breathing out ... a gentle swirl of pink and green combined . Breathing in all healing aspects of these pink and green heart chakra colours ... feeling love, peace, balance and the joy of life which glows within you... Then each time, breathing out pink and green energy ... surrounding you and extending beyond you, with healing intentions to all people, animals, plants, to ALL who share and make up our Universe .... Jeanette xo. #breath #heartchakra #meditation #colourhealing
23.01.2022 Crystal Friends are always part of any Wombat Hollow session or event. They are enjoyed by our Circle participants; they have a special role in our Reiki training and other workshops, and there will always be one, or several, just happily present in our individual counselling and holistic healing sessions. Hooray for crystals and the joy they may bring! As all my clients know, you certainly don't have to enjoy or connect with crystals - at all - yourself . They a...re simply there, sharing their colour and light. They don't need to be noticed; they are just present and happy to be nearby. For those who do resonate with crystals, crystals may take on a more active role as a metaphor for something we are working on in your life . And when we hold a chakra balancing or crystal healing session , of course they do take on a star role then. Sadly it's been such a long time since any of us have been able to meet in person . But I can assure all of you who have joined me in telephone counselling sessions, email readings, Distance Reiki or any form of online connection - there has always been one - or many - of our special crystal friends nearby. Whether a fan of crystals or not, I hope you might smile, knowing there is always a little entourage of crystals close at hand - true gifts of nature - and always ready to offer their support if and when needed. To all of you, my wonderful clients and all amazing friends of Wombat Hollow, I am so grateful to have this special connection with each of you, and to share your trust and your friendship. Thank you, Jeanette #crystals #appreciation #friendship
21.01.2022 Happy wishes from Wombat Hollow - hope EVERY day of the Holiday Season remains happy and bright for you Happy wishes from Wombat Hollow - hope EVERY day of the Holiday Season remains happy and bright for you
19.01.2022 Would you like to receive our monthly newsletter? Please email me if so. (September issue now out. Address at top of Page) xoWould you like to receive our monthly newsletter? Please email me if so. (September issue now out. Address at top of Page) xo
19.01.2022 Hello to all our Friends, new and ongoing xo. Thank you for 'Liking' Wombat Hollow Hello to all our Friends, new and ongoing xo. Thank you for 'Liking' Wombat Hollow
15.01.2022 Sending you this touch of brightness, via these pretty 'Dancing Ladies' orchids. It's the last week of winter, and we will then greet spring with its promise of new growth and new beginnings . But as so many posts have shown, brightness and colour have not eluded us here in our Melbourne winter. Whether we are in the midst of a lockdown, or feeling cold on a chilly wintery day, nature always brings us colour, interest and a sense of wonder and joy in its very presence.... Enjoy your week, and wherever you are, may you find brightness and colour to bring joy to each day, , Jeanette xo #winterjoy #spring #colour #dancingladies
15.01.2022 From the lovely Daily Affirmations card set by @Kris Franken, we are offered the words: "I comfort, soften and listen to myself when life gets hard." Life is feeling hard for many right now, and it seems timely for this card to be drawn in our Wombat Hollow card reading today . If you are feeling tired of the current Covid19 situation, disappointed that we are not yet back to greater freedoms, worried about what lies ahead.. maybe this affirmation brings with it helpful g...uidance? Take time to look to your own self-care and nurturing , and how you may best cope when it all feels a bit too much. How do you bring comfort to your own life ? What self-care strategies do you have in place - and are you making time to enjoy these? Do you pause and feel the gift of taking that breath, inhaling deeply, and then, as you exhale, release the stresses and tensions of the day ? And each time you do this - soften.... Feel your body ease and relax into the moment. Feel your mind release and let go of worrying thoughts. Do you indeed listen to yourself, and to what you need, body, mind, heart and spirit, when times are hard - as well as when life is positive and bright ? Do you hear your own wise counsel? We each have our own wisdom and best knowledge of who we are and what we truly need . This is the time to reach beneath any fog of gloom and ask, what will bring me joy right now? It may be to connect with nature, to sing, meditate, play with your pets, or turn to a supportive friend or other who will truly listen to you today . There is no one answer, and the options may even surprise you and truly make life feel less hard right now. Thinking of you all, and sharing that wish for comfort, ease, and joyful inspiration in whatever faces you at this time. Warm hugs to each of you, Jeanette , xo. #selfcare #innerguidance #affirmations
15.01.2022 I often happen to place my soft pink, rose quartz heart in the centre of my lovely amethyst bracelet, when both pieces are here on the table. I don't really think about it, other than they seem to fit together so nicely. Today just glancing at them, I knew I had to take another look. I thought what a pretty image - and then I immediately knew I wanted to send this image out to all of you. I felt I was especially drawn to them in this combination today, and that maybe it... was more than the image, but the dual healing energy of both these beautiful stones, which I wanted to share, should this intention also resonate with you. So from me, and my crystal friends, to you - I hope you enjoy the gentle, loving, forgiving and soothing qualities of rose quartz , a stone of the heart chakra. And may you also feel surrounded by the deep purple energy of amethyst , said to be a high vibration and protective stone, associated with both the crown and third eye chakra. I wish you all a happy weekend, and thank you for being my inspiration in choosing to post this particular image today, , xo.
13.01.2022 Stillness . Our very pretty card which has appeared in our intuitive card reading today, offers its message of Stillness. I love the colours, and the feeling of soft gentleness it evokes. This mandala echoes the need for calm, recuperation and time to replenish your internal reserves.... The guidebook states, "At any given moment, you can access the calm, the quiet, and the stillness that lies within you." The frog is symbolic of trusting the torrent of waves, as it rests securely on its lily pad, knowing it will arrive at its right destination. What a timely card in the presence of constant change, our year of a pandemic and often associated fear and isolation, our time of a major election in the USA, and all the various global and never-to-be- underestimated personal challenges in our midst. Some might feel they have been still for too long. However, there is a marked difference between enforced stillness, and choosing to be still for our own sakes, and our own best holistic wellbeing. Choose this time for stillness , for your health, for self-care, to ease the exhaustion which has arisen from continued stress and uncertainty, and from not knowing 'where' we are heading. Gather your strength, so you are ready for wherever your journey takes you, and - as for our little frog - believe that the direction you take, will be the right one for you. Enjoy stillness in whatever best way brings you the peace and calm which both soothes and rejuvenates you. Warm and happy wishes to each of you Jeanette xo. #stillness #peace #nativehearthealingoracle
12.01.2022 These key cards came up for us in a lovely recent Wombat Hollow (Zoom) gathering. The qualities - or intentions for these characteristics - are listed as: beauty, empowerment, hope, integrity, creativity, leadership.... As we are all linked in our broader connection with each other as part of this community, I wonder how these cards and their qualities might resonate for you at this time? Look more at the words than the images in this instance, and consider: How do I feel about these qualities? Is there a particular characteristic or quality that I feel echoes a strength I already have and appreciate? What quality do I most admire in others? Is there one I wish I could perhaps build upon? You may like to choose one of these qualities to focus upon for a day or more. See how you might incorporate this chosen aspect into your life by: recognising its presence within your day, bringing it consciously into your day, realising that the seeds of all these qualities are already deep within us, and will become more brightly apparent with our active intention that this occurs. I would love to hear your choices . Happy wishes, Jeanette . #integrity #hope #beauty #empowerment #creativiy #leadership These lovely cards for mindful living are by Simonette Vaja
12.01.2022 Wombat Hollow is sending you happy wishes for a wonderful week ahead xo!Wombat Hollow is sending you happy wishes for a wonderful week ahead xo!
11.01.2022 To all of you, dear Wombat Hollow friends , sending love and grateful wishes, and a special warm hug to hopefully brighten your day. The lovely crystals joining us here include our soft pink, rose quartz heart, and our rhodonite - already engraved with the word 'love' - as both stones share their healing energy with you. Hope you are all keeping well, safe and happy - and remembering to call upon support whenever you need it, . Warm wishes, Jeanette xo.... #caring #support #hugs
09.01.2022 Sending heart messages to each of you from Wombat Hollow , and thanking you in return, for the heart messages you readily send each other , xo
06.01.2022 I hoped to share this card and message earlier, but our computer has been under repairs until late today - which means I have not been able to post any photo image on Facebook. Now it's back, I hope you enjoy this Wombat Hollow post, with a message I feel is appropriate for ANY day ... An attitude of optimism certainly helps us when life offers its challenges. Embracing positivity helps us cope and see the brighter side of a situation. But what about when we don'...t feel so great? We feel sad or lonely or discouraged? We aren't able to 'cheer up' or smile? What indeed! These are simply emotions to be welcomed, and yes, to be honoured. We are not automated beings with a dial set to one 'allowed' feeling. We are amazing human beings with a myriad of possible emotions, and these are surely part of our life force and existence. Our emotions are reflections of our truth, at any given time . We share our positivity with others and help spread joy. If we listen to our truth in the moment, we know it's equally OK - and important - to shed a tear, to ask for help, and to express our vulnerability. Emotional resilience grows not through life always being easy. It grows through being open to joy and wonder and seeing the positive, while also nurturing ourselves body, mind, heart and spirit when times are hard or negative aspects clamour to be heard. However you may be feeling at this time, take a moment to affirm: I honour how I want to feel. And please remember, it's OK to share your feelings, to share those bright smiles, but also to allow others in, and to ask for help. Thinking of you all, and always ready to hear from you when needed xo. #honouryourfeelings #emotions #truetoself This lovely card is from The Universe Has Your Back, by Gabrielle Bernstein.
06.01.2022 I love this 3 card Wombat Hollow oracle card reading shown here today . I hope the message of any single card may resonate with you, and especially the combined message of all these three cards together. Guardian Angel : This first card drawn is Key to You. An angel means a messenger. Here you have your Guardian Angel, an angel said to be with you from birth, for your entire life. This angel is a symbol of the love and protection which always surrounds you. Blessings... : This is what you are promised! Blessings come in many forms, bringing love, abundance, peace and so much more. Look at this angel showering pale pink rosebuds on all. The rosebuds are symbolic of all that you may need, of the blessings in your life and the blessings yet to come. Balance : This third card reminds us of what is needed to ensure that we enjoy the promise of the previous card to its fullest potential. Balance is core to a healthy and truly enjoyed holistic life. Balance in life can often be a tricky outcome to achieve or maintain. . Make time for yourself in all areas of your life, especially in these times of restrictions and change. Look at the image of the angel holding such a large sphere. Look again. There is such a sense of calm and peace. The sphere/load is not as heavy when we ensure there is balance in what we do. So enjoy and have fun; make time for treats and self-care. Attend to all you need for your best life - body, mind, heart and spirit . And as you can see, I've added a sparkly citrine with the intention of happy blessings and abundance in whatever form most needed, Jeanette , xo #blessings #balance #angels #abundance (Cards are from the 'Healing with the Angels' oracle deck)
05.01.2022 For our Wombat Hollow intuitive card reading today, this was the wonderful card by Kris Franken, Writer which popped out - a card with a message of hope, positivity, and a reminder to be present, seek joy and cherish the moments we are gifted within each day. Have you noticed how often the message to be present, grounded and centered is appearing at this time ? How often are we reminded to enjoy the moment, to be truly present and mindful ? Maybe we need these reminder...s, especially now? It's not always easy to recognise those sparkling moments, small and large, for which to be grateful. Our lives are busy and often charged with demands and challenges. And here in 2020, we are experiencing and journeying through new challenges, and even coming to terms with a new way of living. So maybe these reminders come at a poignant and much-needed time. Notice the card makes no promises. There is no Pollyanna assurance that all will be well. But hopefully this affirmation provides a sense of optimism, hope and possibility. The card, still with positive intent, could have stated, 'I am completely present. I live in the moment.' Instead it offers so much more, as it affirms with conviction: I am completely and joyfully present .... I cherish daily life as it unfolds. I hope you too enjoy this affirmation and the timeliness of its message. All joyful wishes to each of you, Jeanette , xo. #dailyaffirmations #mindfulness #bepresent
04.01.2022 A Wombat Hollow card reading for you : Today's general card reading brings up the message of Illumination . This is a message filled with light, hope and clarity. Where do you need more light in your world?... Is there something that may have been puzzling you? Do you feel you would like that beam of light and understanding to highlight the possible answer? Are you perhaps feeling that you are ready to experience and be open to deeper answers and awakenings? Perhaps, in fact, this card reminds you that YOU are the light and brightness in someone's world? Illumination brings with it the possibility of increased intuition as our minds awaken more fully, and inspiration as we are lead to bright new ideas. Have a look at the beautiful image. Look at this magical being , journeying on her winged friend of transformation, with her own butterfly symbol on her back . She is filled with colour and light and brightens the night sky, just as the moon offers its own incredible light to the heavens and so to our world. Like attracts like. Here her gaze is joyfully transfixed, by the moon, seen to influence emotions , and an amazing source of light and inspiration since the beginning of time. Let this card speak to you with whatever additional messages it may offer - and please share these here if you wish. September and a new season have arrived. I hope wherever you are, today is a happy light-filled and special day for You, , Jeanette xo! #cardoftheday #illumination #oraclecardreading
03.01.2022 Here we are in this magical time of Christmas. Wherever you are and however you celebrate Christmas and this Holiday season , may it be filled with feelings of love, joy, hope and gratitude for all that is - and optimism for all that awaits you. Enjoy the time you share with loved ones, family, friends and pets . For many, connection may still need to be in an indirect form, but still hold your arms open to the links which transcend space and time.... Be kind to yourself , and be open to hope and possibility that magic and miracles do occur. As our little Angel states: Believe in the magic of Christmas . Believe in magic .. Simply Believe... Happiest wishes to all of you dear Wombat Hollow friends, and so much gratitude for the joy and connection you have shared throughout the year , Jeanette xo. #christmas2020 #magic #miracles #angels
02.01.2022 Thank you to the wonderful participants of our Wombat Hollow Zoom Circle ... It was so nice to be connecting again with each one of you - and we were all thrilled to meet and welcome a lovely new friend who joined us all the way from California. A global circle indeed as one of you happily indicated. As part of our Circle, we enjoyed and explored a 3 card Oracle reading, with the lovely chosen cards pictured here.... I hope these cards may resonate for many of our Wombat Hollow Friends. I'm sorry the words are faint, so here they are again: Be gentle with yourself Culmination of vision Illumination We looked at individual cards, and then looked at them in sequence. See what significance they may hold for you. There is so much that may be interpreted. Here, briefly, is part of our reading: Card 1 . This is the initial and key card in the reading. This is a timely and vital message for all of us . Take time for yourself, be kind and gentle to yourself for your own best wellbeing. Card 2 . This connected with our Circle topic of 'Gratitude for Possibilities.' Be open to opportunities which arise. Look forward to achieving goals . Be encouraged by recent changes and greater freedoms here in Melbourne, and other world changes. Take action and realise your possibilities into your reality. Card 3 . Again such a beautiful card in itself, but to add to the flow of the story - if we wish to boost the outcome of card 2, think of the word Illumination . Be open to the Light, to clarity and inspiration. Spread your own light and encourage others in their journey. I would love to hear if any card/cards have resonated for you? Warm and happy wishes to all of you, Jeanette xo. #illumination #vision #selfcare These lovely cards are from the Nature's Whispers deck.
02.01.2022 Thank you to a lovely friend who sent me this card. What a happy surprise to find this in the letterbox, an actual tangible card and such a pretty one too. Thank you for thinking of me and adding cheer to my day. I love the image of the feather. It is an often used symbol for so many different aspects of life, depending on the intention of the sender and of the recipient. It may relate to freedom, strength, messages from angels or the universe ... and more. I love ...its colour and the pretty shades of blue . Blue for me is a colour of peace and relaxation, as well as the colour of the throat chakra - and therefore of effective communication and truth . This is the type of communication which means truly connecting with love, grace and authenticity. I wanted to share this image with all of you, to bring this touch of cheer your way too . I have added some special blue crystals to echo the meanings of peace, relaxation and heart-felt communication being sent your way. Can you see the words written lightly in blue on the left of the feather? This too, is what I wish for each of you: Have a Beautiful Day, Jeanette, , xo. #relaxation #communication #trust #beautifulday Card is from the Koala Publishing range.
02.01.2022 Happy wishes to all our Wombat Hollow Friends, as we head into a new season, with its special messages and inspiration. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, we have the promise of spring, with new growth , new ideas and new beginnings. For our friends in the Northern Hemisphere, there is the joy of autumn with its beautiful colours , and a reminder to embrace the beautiful changes which are always part of our lives.... If you would like your name to be added to our confidential monthly newsletter list, I would just need your Name and Email Address. So please email me via the link at the top of my Page, or directly to: [email protected] Our latest September issue of Wombat Hollow News is just out, so if you are interested, I would love to hear from you. Warm and happy wishes, , Jeanette xo. #newsletter #seasons
01.01.2022 Hello and happy wishes to each of you . Our January 2021 issue of Wombat Hollow News has just been sent to our regular subscribers. It includes dates of our next Zoom and in-person Holistic Circles, a Reiki Level 1 Training workshop and lots more . Please email me if you would like to receive your own complimentary issue each month. Your details are, of course, always kept confidential. ... Our email address is at the top of our Wombat Hollow Page, but here it is again, for easy access: [email protected] Thinking of you all as we say goodbye to 2020, and welcome in 2021 . Thank you for your contact, support and wonderful connection throughout the year. Hopefully this will be a bright, healthy and happy year for Everyone, xo. #wombathollownews #newsletter #newyearwishes
01.01.2022 As usual, our Wombat Hollow oracle card reading was undertaken with the intention that the card which appeared, might best resonate 'at this time.' Today's lovely card is Patience! This immediately struck me as so appropriate for 'this time' - a time of uncertainty, restrictions, degrees of isolation, economic challenges, new approaches, directions and more. We ask: How long will this all last? When will we have more answers? What can I do ...? And as we ask, anxious mo...ments and a sense of helplessness may grow . There are also life questions, irrespective of the pandemic: When will my efforts be acknowledged? When will I find out... hear back... work out what to do, etc? Patience is not always the easiest guidance to accept, especially if we feel we have waited long enough for our desired outcome. But patience does not mean an absence of action. Patience allows us to stop, to pause, to know there is often value in waiting . We know that change will occur, and that given the right time, the answers we seek will appear . Patience reflects our emotional resilience, as it helps strengthen it . And as we wait, our own inner guidance and intuition may bring us to greater clarity and even, perhaps, a new and beneficial perspective. The guidebook links patience to a dense fog. It states : In dense fog it's best to be quiet and still.. Things that seem one way may, in fact, be completely different. Be patient, the truth will emerge. The guidebook continues : In this state of obscured visibility, your imagination and intuition can be sparked. If you can wait long enough, your dreams and inner yearnings can come to fruition. I hope this message of Patience may be one which resonates for you . May it provide some reassurance that there is indeed divine timing, and that patience at this time, may well be the desirable course of action , xo. #sacreddestinyoracle #deniselinn #patience #divinetiming
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