Woodend Cricket Club | Sports team
Woodend Cricket Club
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20.01.2022 Hi all, Please don't forget AGM on Wednesday night @ 7pm. Click on the link below as we move into a technology based AGM. It will be held over Google Meet platform, and you can attend just sitting in your loungeroom. This is a first for the club, and maybe the way forward for the future. You will be recorded by the secretary as either attending or an apology. If you cannot attend meeting, please email your apology to [email protected] If you believe you can make a... difference please come along and nominate for a position on committee. An exciting season is ahead for us all. https://meet.google.com/hhx-jgvn-yvu?pli=1&authuser=0 Thank you, Ronan
19.01.2022 In news that I'm sure will make all junior players and parents very happy, we can confirm that junior training will be starting next week (the week of Oct 5th), ahead of first games on Oct 17th for U13s, U15s and U17s. U11s games will start in Nov. The club is still organising some Covidsafe aspects, including signage and guidelines, but all will be in place for the 5th. Regulations prevent sharing of kit this season, so everyone needs their own gear, including a ball. If ...you need gear, club sponsor Buffalo Sports is a great affordable option. You can contact EJ on 0408 541 992 and he should be able to help you out. We're still finalising coaches and training nights, but for now we'll work on the following schedule: U11s/U13s - training Monday afternoons. U15s/U17s - training Weds afternoons. If you are interested in coaching or helping out in some way (particularly for U13s and U15s) please get in contact with our Junior Coordinator, Andrew Price, on 0419 604 444. We're also low on numbers for these age groups, so please tell friends and anyone who is keen for a bit of sport to come along to training.
17.01.2022 U11s training starts on Monday! For all the budding young cricketers and Woolworths Junior Blast graduates from last year, our U11s training starts this Monday at 5:15 at the old nets. We'll be fielding at least two teams so get your kids down to get them involved!
10.01.2022 Online Junior Registration is now open! Go to playcricket.com.au and enter the required details, or simply follow this link: https://www.playcricket.com.au/club-finder... Junior training for u13s, u15s and u17s will start next week. U13s will have their first training session on Monday (Oct 5th) from 5:00pm. Please bring all U13s players down so we get an idea of numbers. Any girls who were under 15 as of Sept 1 2020 are also eligible to play in the U13s if they would like. *IMPORTANT* - we do not yet have a coach for the U13s so please give some thought to whether you might be able to help out in this critical (and fun!) role. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information. U15s and U17s will have their first training session on Weds (Oct 7th) from 5:00pm. Once again it is important to get all players to training so we can get a good idea of numbers. *IMPORTANT* We also need an U15 coach if anyone is interested in helping out. Finally note that a number of Covid-related safety measures will be in place for this season. There will be no sharing of kit (pads, gloves etc) and each player must have their own ball. Sanitizer will be available at the nets and will need to be applied before training starts. We also have signage up at the nets with guidelines and a QR code to assist with signing in to register attendance at training. It will be a different season, but we're very lucky to be getting back into the normality of summer sport! Any questions, please contact our Junior Coordinator, Andrew Price, on 0419 604 444.
09.01.2022 Our longtime sponsors and friends at Buffalo Sports have weights and weight sets in stock for all of you looking to keep in shape while the gyms are closed. Pick up available from their Brunswick warehouse or EJ is happy to deliver free to anyone around Woodend
02.01.2022 Woodend Cricket Club are happy to announce the Executive Committee for the upcoming season. President Ronan Hume, Vice President Chris Large, Secretary Steve Rollinson, Treasurer Kieran Else. Junior Coordinator once again is Andrew Price and General committee positions are filled by Ben Thompson, Warren Else, Jess Horan & Lachlan EJ Whitton feel free to contact Steve or Ronan should you wish to take on a committee role. Congratulations to John Mackintosh was also awarded Life Membership of WCC.
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