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23.01.2022 As someone who has spent most of their life trying to diminsh themselves to make themselves smaller to minimise my shadow and fearful of fully stepping up and owning who I am. I would like to share this with every woman that has ever been told to tone it down, to minimise who you are or to shrink your bright light. In the past 12 months I have embarked on an amazing self discovery journey. I have allowed myself to grow and shine. And it has been met with much resistance, cri...ticism and sometimes hurtful acts and words. One thing I have learnt is that people fear when we choose to grow and change. We are no longer the person that we were. In my journey I have had to take responsibility for my life, my choices, my experiences good and bad, to change and shed the old and allow the new to come through with fearlessness and courage. There were times when the fear was paralyzing. Where I felt like I would go crazy and never be able.to catch my breath again. There were days where I was curled up in the fetal position, crying for the little girl that missed out on a childhood because of so much trauma and loss. Then eventually there came a time when the clouds parted and I got a glimpse of the person I had the potential to be. I just had to choose life. I had to choose to accept what was, forgive those that should have been there and weren't, those that were there that shouldn't have been, and to finally let go of the ghosts of the past that were keeping me tethered back there. I came to learn in my journey the harshest of lessons. We are the creators of our reality. Therefore we have the ability to dream our dreams or nightmares into being. The choice is ours. 18 months ago I was at my heaviest at 105kg. I was sick, on medication, suffering from chronic depression, I had walked away from both my businesses, and I did not want to be here anymore. Through facing my demons, taking responsibility for my life, a little more learning, a lot of personal work, I am now 25kg lighter, off all medication, I love my life and I am ready to step out of my self imposed shadows and into the light. To embrace all of me, all the amazing gifts I have to offer myself and others. I am embracing the "too much" and shining bright in my world. My wish for all individuals is that you too will have the courage and fearlessness to see that loving all of you is the only way to love who you are. Hopefully I will see you soon. Signing off for now. Julie Hatchard WWN
16.01.2022 Drinking that glass of water with some lemon squeezed in isn't just an old wives tale. One of the livers jobs it to produce bile. Bile is not only essential for effective digestion, absorption of nutrients and assimilation of fats, it is also one of the main ways the liver cleans itself. And lemon stimulates the production of bile.... So if the festive season has left your liver feeling a bit sluggish and your belly bloated start your day with a nice big glass of water with at least half a lemon squeezed in. And if you feel you need a bit more than that, check out our done for you cleanse that will have you feeling amazing within weeks! http://bit.ly/thrivingwellness
13.01.2022 I am very proud to announce that we will be offering a new service. A very powerful healing practice called Self Directed Healing. Check it out below http://inspirited.com.au/julie-hatchard/
10.01.2022 There's still a LOT of festive days left in the festive season. Have a read of this, minimise the damage and start the New Year as you mean to go in relation to your health. Personally I'm pretty excited about what 2018 will bring me. I have BIG dreams!
07.01.2022 Have you been referred to as crazy lately? I'm kind of getting a bit tired of hearing women referred to in this way. There's been a couple of times in the last few weeks I've heard men say that about their partners and I feel I need to have a word with them. This is particularly in regards to women in their 40's. I feel like I need to give them a heads up and let them know that women's bodies are going through pretty big changes at this age. For some women this can be the ...toughest time of their lives. And they need to be supported through it and encouraged to find ways to transition smoothly. They need a bit of understanding and a partner who will roll with it rather than fight them every step of the way and call them crazy. And I would tell them that when she gets to the other side she will be wiser, happier and if you can ride it out WITH her your relationship will be stronger. I've been there and yes, there were days when I did feel like I was losing it. There were days when I'm surprised my husband didn't bite his tongue right off! I was still in my 30's at this stage so it was a very confusing and isolating experience for me. Plus I was still trying to have a child, so there was also a lot of denial. Ladies my advice to you is firstly, talk to your partners and let them know what you are going through and ask for support and understanding. And secondly, there are many things you can do to make it through this very normal part of life a little bit easier. This is not only for those of you who are peri/menopausal, but also those who suffer with PMS and infertility. If you are struggling at the moment, click on the send email button above and we can organise a chat to see if I can help.
04.01.2022 Your hormone issues may not actually be 'hormone issues'. Statistics say that over 80% of women suffer with hormonal imbalance, so no wonder it's thought of as 'normal'. But, it's not. ... More than likely hormone issues are diet, lifestyle and environment issues. So, that's good news! Right? Well yes, because it means you have some control over this and you can start to make changes today that will improve the physical, emotional and psychological symptoms that you endure every month (sometimes all month) and that can get worse as you get older. It can be difficult to know where and how to start to make the right changes, so here we have diet, lifestyle and environment all covered. Thriving Wellness starts on Monday and if you're struggling with PMS, fertility issues and peri/menopause this is a great opportunity to take action. Check out the details here http://bit.ly/thrivingwellness
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