Xpoze Digital in Willawong | Media
Xpoze Digital
Locality: Willawong
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25.01.2022 Times are changing. Are you keeping up? #hustle #rose #rainbow #digitalmarketing #content
24.01.2022 The Google battle for tradies is highly competitive (were talking more choices than doughnut varieties @krispykremeaustralia!! Mmmm Doughnuts. ) Anyway... the old cookie cutter campaign, thats auto generated and pushing huge budgets is simply going to drain your bank account, drive your CTR into the ground and make you a page 3 resident. Its time to get creative, and ensure your campaigns are built from a solid foundation of amazing strategy and targeting and then slamming amazing ad copy that stands out and demands attention into the faces of the people looking for you. . Just quietly.. it also helps having an AdWords manager that actually cares about your business. I think I might know someone.. Tag the super talented tradies you know below Lets get them seen! #tradie #skills #digitalmarketing #advertising #brisbane
24.01.2022 So last night we did a thing. A cool thing. A thing at @lush_recording_studios. A thing with this guy, producer @zedd (note the total awesomeness of his shirt!) There was also a super hot babe that may or may have not been @katyperry. Yeah, last night was kinda cool. #katyperry #recordingstudio #zedd #brisbane #witnesstour #producer #needcoffee
22.01.2022 There hasnt been much sleep happening this week. Eyes are stinging, pretty sure my blood just consists of Redbull and coffee, and the same email may have been written three times before it even remotely made sense. BUT, there is also a strange clarity and creative thinking pattern that I notice in that glorious and somewhat strange space of sleep deprivation. So for now, lets go with it and see what brilliance happens. #sleep #hustle #creative #mood #brisbane #keepgoing
21.01.2022 Climb the business ladder.. one digital strategy at a time. #climb #build #love #ladder #digitalmarketing #socialmediamarketing #advertising #content
21.01.2022 It’s the little things that make business relationships successful. Do an audit on your circle and look after those that look after you. Community over competition every day of the week! #digital #build #company #relationships #speaklove
20.01.2022 #HASTAGS# Can we talk about this please? Lets get something clear, the purpose of hashtags is not to be seen by lots of people, its to be seen by the right people. The ones who are interested in what your content topic is. Lets go over the hashtag basics and collectivity create a more relevant, user friendly experience for all. . 1. KEEP IT RELEVANT. If your posting about your new puppy, there is zero point in using #space. 2. USE A FEATURE. Our friends at Insta HQ made ...it possible to now follow not only users, but hashtags. So pick ONE that is perfect for you. You can then appear in new users feeds based on your hashtag and grow your audience. 3. LIMIT YOUR TAGS. Stop using as many as possible. Pick the 3-6 that are most relevant to your post. Implement the KISS principle. 4. RESEARCH. Check out what is trending, what your competitors are using and what hashtags work best in your industry. Match those to the most relevant to your photo and you have you set. 5. Hide them. If you are posting content that you want your user to really take notice of, trail putting your hashtags in the comment section. This allows your audience to focus on the text. Our Instagram Xpozed ebook is coming soon and will contain all the juicy tip and tricks you need. Until then, tag responsibly. #hashtag #pastel #socialmedia #tipsandtricks #digital See more
20.01.2022 Yeah that technology is certainly slowing down and is just a phase
18.01.2022 Secret womens business .... new ventures coming soon. Stay tuned. And no Sharon, you cant bring your clingy boyfriend. #womeninbusiness #comingsoon #newventures #growth #hustle #love
18.01.2022 Your digital strategy is so much more than posting content and liking photos (but those help). The real work is done in the planning. It is time spent analysing data, market trends, thinking ahead, finding an innovative approach on overcrowded platforms and finding the voice for your brand. You dont want to partner with a smooth talking suit that will tell you he can build a campaign in twenty minutes. You want someone that will look at your business as a whole, genuinely care about the outcome of your campaigns and take the time to plan effectively. When you fail to plan... plan to fail! I implore you to take your digital planning much more seriously. #planning #digitalstrategy #work #socialmedia #smallbusiness #kindness
17.01.2022 Who you connect with, how you connect and why you connect, are invaluable questions. It only takes one connection. Know your who, how and why. Without these you will get lost in the digital game very quickly. Need help? Hit us up for a strategy session. It will change the game!! #digital #connect #strategy #socialmedia #xpoze
17.01.2022 Education is key! 8 out of 10 clients I have spoken to don’t know what is really going on with their digital campaigns and strategies. They are expected to keep handing over huge management fees each month with no real say or understanding in what they are getting. As the owner or manager of a business, it is YOU that will know more than anyone what your clients want and how to make the best conversions. Let’s connect and let us show you what the client/digital management relationship should look like. #education #expozedigital #connect #smallbusiness #socialmedia #family
17.01.2022 Education is key! 8 out of 10 clients I have spoken to dont know what is really going on with their digital campaigns and strategies. They are expected to keep handing over huge management fees each month with no real say or understanding in what they are getting. As the owner or manager of a business, it is YOU that will know more than anyone what your clients want and how to make the best conversions. Lets connect and let us show you what the client/digital management relationship should look like. #education #expozedigital #connect #smallbusiness #socialmedia #family
15.01.2022 Booking meetings with doughnuts, instead of boardrooms... I think this is turning into a world we like living in. . Upcoming trip into Sydney. Whos locking in a #bondibeach session? We will bring the . #meetings #doughnuts #love #change #cute @alittlelovelycompany
15.01.2022 Grab your milk and cookies kids, its story time. Todays story is called..Google Ads. Once there was a business owner, who wanted more people to know about their kick ass service. So, they did what they thought was right and spoke to a smooth talking, contract wielding, advertising guru. Lets call him Frank. Within an hour, Frank has them secured in their awesome online strategy, where he promises to drive hundreds of shiny new, rainbow coloured, unicorn riding,... customers to their site. Frank is such a nice guy that hes only charging them a monthly fee, and 10% of their advertising budget. Good on ya, Frank. The whole campaign was built in less than an hour... (almost like a wizard ) and within a few days there was lots and lots of clicks on the website. Problem was that there werent many sales from all that traffic. Frank advised that in his professional opinion to increase the budget more and catch even more people. Good thinking.And as a bonus, like magic, he is making more money now too. . OK STOP! . You know how this story ends.. of course you do, cause its happening every day and its now the norm and culture in this industry. Well, we call . . Lets bring back some old school logic. *cue fresh prince theme song* . Dont sign lock in contracts. Its 2018. Just dont do it. #stopit Also, if they are taking a percentage of your advertising budget...and running a business to make money themselves, why would you believe they are trying to lower the cost? Just think it over... there you go! . Now, lets get real. You want people that care. (Lets hug it out) You want real campaigns that are built out properly to be exactly what you need. This takes time. You want to be able to leave at any time. Things changes. Thats a reality.. If you need to break up with them, make sure you can keep whats yours. No one likes a messy break up. And you want to talk to us, we dont even care if you dont want to work with us ( but thats nice too) but at least have a chat and change the ending of this story. from the adorable peeps @alittlelovelycompany See more
13.01.2022 Got a business that the world (or at least your client base) needs to hear about? With the right digital team behind you, you can get your message, product or service in front of your new clients in a fast, affordable and stress free way. Our super talented friends @damnwrite know that the the world needs what you got. So lets shout it from the rooftops...if the online world had buildings... and those building has roofs. Yeah, you get what we mean. #digitalmarketing #advertising #hustle #love #quote #business @damnwrite
13.01.2022 Its time to chill. What a week! We are loving the amazing new clients (and their awesome projects) we are working with and couldnt be more excited about some big things happening behind the scenes. Stay tuned for that! . But now its time for an icy pole (or whatever you want to call it) pjs, and Netflix. . Until tomorrow, when we keep going Caus who even has weekends off anymore?!... #digitalmarketing #icypole #content #pastel #cute #pink #bigweek #friday See more
12.01.2022 Time is running out! The small business grants program is providing small businesses and start up the opportunity to get a leg up and boost their digital presence with matched funding up to $10 000. If you need a new website, Google Ads, Social Media management or digital strategy sessions now is the time to do it. Entires close soon. Lets connect and get you up to speed in the digital game.
11.01.2022 Saturday. Go explore. Catch up with friends. Get some fresh air. Get that work finished. Or....take your balloons for a walk, like my insanely talented friend @tmnikonian. Oh how they hate to be locked in the house all day. #balloons #pretty photography #pink #explore
10.01.2022 No one wants to pay for a s!@# as that sits in page 84 of google and reads like every other ad on there. It wont work Sharon!! Partner up with those loud, creative (and somewhat hilarious) industry pros to get you seen. If you are going to spend the time and money with digital, do it loud! @damnwrite know whats up!
09.01.2022 SOCIAL RANT AHEAD Stop playing the digital game from a defensive position!! Listen, too many businesses are running their digital marketing strategy half assed, focused on the wrong shit, and getting so caught up in the numbers of likes and followers, that they arent producing enough (if any) actual results. Stop playing to compete for numbers of likes and start operating with an offensive mindset. Go ahead and spend 10k on pushing the same photo you have posted 42 time...s, then call me and let me know how that went for you. Oh and by how it went, I dont mean if Sally from the other side of the world liked it or commented how your page is on fire . If you are posting to Facebook once a day and wondering why its not working and preaching that online advertising doesnt work you need to up your game. No amount of boost money is going to make your boring repetitive creative magically become great content. If you cant do it, hire someone that can. Each platform has multiple ways to reach your audience, and each requires its own strategy (its not a lucky dip). This is where every single business should be focusing both their advertising budgets and their attention, right now! I dont actually think I can handle one more (highly educated) person telling me how digital advertising isnt for them. Its 2018, your trading post ad is doing absolutely nothing Craig!! If you are targeting anyone under the age of 50, then guess what? They are going to find you either on Google or a social platform. . Let me make it easy for you.... . Ready? . Want to talk overall strategy and get real about where you are going? Or need help with your Google ads, then send me a message. Lets connect. Need some pros to show you how to absolutely kill it on the social platforms? Message the insanely talented @ohmydigital Need some kick ass content written.. you cant go past @wildsparkcopy (You really cant!) Now, I beg you!!! Please stop living in 1998 when your yellow pages ad got you 200 clients in a year and you thought you were amazing, and start taking digital advertising very very seriously. Rant over. Much love. #micdrop
08.01.2022 The new Google Ads (successfully havent called it AdWords in like 3 minutes) has been rolled out. We will be taking a deeper look into the changes and what they really mean for you in our blog. But essentially dont panic, put simply they are dropping the words and focusing on being user friendly. Back in 2000 it was all about those words and putting them on google. Now online adverting is evolving into a hybrid of words, audio, video, animation, breathtaking content and a touch of humour (we may have added that bit). Yeah... Google Ads is much more fitting. . Also if you look at the end of the new name when hastagged it is already giving you leads. Yeah I know... we are so damn clever. . Thoughts on the new facelift?? #AdWords #googleads #leads #digitalmarketing #nerd #brisbane #letsconnect #xpozed
06.01.2022 This online bullying nonsense MUST STOP! How many of our young people need to die or be in pain before some serious action is taken? This is an epidemic! We must do better. We must be better! We are working on a new project with @amandapearsonofficial to educate our youth on just how serious this is and why it is vital it ends... right now! Please, speak to your kids, educate them, guide them. Do not allow them to be a part of the online bullying trend. These kids understanding the power of the digital world, both positive and negative is something that should be integrated into every classroom, school, home and child. Stand up, say no, and be a part of the solution! #noonlinebullying #sayno #educate #motivate #genz #makeachange
06.01.2022 Want to take your business to the next level? Step through the door to the boardroom. Our executive team covers all areas in these powerhouse sessions. Super coach @jacobgaleaofficial will transform your mindset and catapult you to the next level. @amandapearsonofficial will tear your digital strategy apart and pinpoint exactly how you can Xpoze your brand more effectively. The guest speakers will inspire, motive and educate. Contact us for more details. #coaching #Iwillnotbestopped #mentor #business #hustle #mindset #motivation #inspire #brisbane #sydney #melbourne
06.01.2022 Photo shoots that are prettier than the pictures. But what goes in the chair? New exciting launch coming soon. Hit that notification button and tell your friends. #photoshoot #pastel #cute #comingsoon #launch
05.01.2022 Its the little things that make business relationships successful. Do an audit on your circle and look after those that look after you. Community over competition every day of the week! #digital #build #company #relationships #speaklove
04.01.2022 Without your branding your really just another burger and fries. . Listen, it doesnt matter what your name is. Stop spending so much time and energy on the perfect name (pssst it doesnt exist) It comes down to these little gems: brand identity marketing ... relationships kick ass service great product . What proof?.. Ok Jenny, what do you think of when I say... Fast food? Soft drinks? Search engine? Social platform? . Yep... you all thought exactly what I thought. Now either we have some mad ESP connection, which we should study and find out where the leprechaun is living and get that bucket of gold .. ORRR these brands have stolen the land grab of their industry, demanded attention and positioned themselves as the MVPs. I mean come on.. have you heard of @apple? Apple. Like the frui... I rest my case. . Thanks to @rad and their awesome content, now we need to go get some fries. If only we could remember the name of that place.. #mcdonalds #fries #branding #content #business #digitalmarketing See more
03.01.2022 On location for a content shoot... Meet our new campaign strategist Roman... the friendliest dog in the world. Thanks for your help buddy! #Roman #puppy #cute #photoshoot #love #digital
03.01.2022 Stop playing it so safe! Want to get noticed? Stand out. Take the risk. Get some nerve. Remember.. anything is possible. #possible #risk #goforit #hustle #digital #global
03.01.2022 Just begin. #go #now #brisbane #business #itseasy #justbegin
01.01.2022 Our director of sound and audio, @twisted_robot shared some #Bodhi love. Just look at that cute little face! #puppy #cute #inspo #retriever #podcast #sound #audio #producer
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