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Iron Matrix

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25.01.2022 It's time to scale. The killer feature of solar + batteries is what it doesn't have - moving parts. This means that uniquely, solar + batteries can be modularly engineered and scaled without loss of efficiency. Its actually more efficient to locate them as close as possible to the consumer. Large centralized solar, wind and fossil fuel energy will always be tied to the grid with its associated cost of transmission, power management and off take agreements. Avoiding all these ...will afford solar + batteries the position of dominant technology for energy generation, storage and delivery over the next decade. #EnergyWealth #IronMatrix

25.01.2022 Here are some disturbing numbers for centralised power generators. A modest sized house has a 160 square meter footprint (10x16m). In Australia, sun irradiance is around 1,000 watts per square meter for an average equivalent of 4 hours per day. A reasonable solar PV panel has an 18% efficiency. That's 160 x 1,000 x 18% x 4 = 115 kWh per day. Or, 5 times the amount of energy an average house consumes. Or, power your house and drive an EV 500km..... every... single... day.... Now if you could build a roof with standard solar panels at no additional cost to a traditional roof, wouldn't that be interesting... or devastating, depending on your perspective. #IronMatrix #EnergyWealth

25.01.2022 Our numbers show that if Europe is keen and able to follow a net-zero goal, within five years of time solar will be the number one electricity capacity in Europe, overtaking everybody, We consistently underestimate the growth of exponential trends.

24.01.2022 For Battery Day to live up to its hype, there's only one measure of disruption capability we need to follow - cost per unit of energy delivered ($/kWh-delivered). Currently, Tesla batteries deliver energy for around 20c/ kWh. That's too much. At that price they can't compete with grid supplied electricity. Today it's already possible for Lithium Iron Phosphate (CATL) batteries to deliver 10-15c/kWh. When (not if) the delivered cost of battery energy gets to 5c/kWh, expect eno...rmous disruption. The most significant and likely technology breakthroughs will not be capacity ($/kWH - stored) but rather cycle life. The more times a battery can be cycled, the lower its overall cost to deliver energy. Even at 5c/kWh, batteries will be expensive but expect them to be leased on the basis of delivered energy. You'll be able to lease a battery for your home that will charge from your existing or new solar panels and sell it back to yourself cheaper than buying it off the grid. It's highly likely Tesla will sell you this option long before a utility company can. I don't think it's too long until we can expect banks of batteries driving around autonomously to consumers and back to sites to be charged form wind and solar. This won't be the world your granddaddy remembers.

24.01.2022 We can supply Iron Matrix in any colour a customer wants. So long as that colour is photovoltaic.

22.01.2022 If you're up for one of life's greatest challenges we can highly recommend starting a Company and a human at the same time. The fear of the unknowns is immense but if you can get past them, so are the rewards. And, if combined strategically, potentially tax deductible.....? Could have only ever done this with Carley Morgan ... #IronMatrix

21.01.2022 We're predicting that thermal batteries will become more common for local HVAC systems run on solar. A thermal battery can store energy at half the cost of a lithium chemistry battery. If this thermal battery looks like a chest freezer full of water bottles, it's probably because it is a chest freezer full of water bottles. It runs continuously while there's sunshine and then absorbs heat through a simple air heat exchanger. 100kg x 4,200kj/kg/Deg x 30 deg = 3.5kWh for $450.... That's Au$128/kWh. The cheapest LiFePO4 chemistry cell is Au$260/kWh. Further reduction in energy storage is always an opportunity to create more #EnergyWealth and this battery gets charged for free off an Iron Matrix solar structure. Next challenge - reverse cycle.

21.01.2022 Once upon a time a husband and wife left careers in oil and gas to try something so crazy, so audacious, that they dared not even tell anyone. The goal - to generate, store and deliver a unit of energy cheaper than fossil fuels. The plan was to dual purpose standard solar panels as a wall and roofing material and in so doing, create a step change improvement in solar power economics. In 2015-17 the structure was designed and tested. In 2018 the company was formed and others... joined them. In 2019 robots were built. In 2020 the full solar roof was developed. During all this time, battery prices kept falling and today, the goal has been met. Lower cost energy generated, stored and delivered. A modular steel structure with free electricity. Or, electricity with a free structure. You decide. #IronMatrix #EnergyWealth

21.01.2022 The power generators of the future will be building owners. Energy can now be generated, stored and delivered cheaper than grid distributed fossil fuels. This Iron Matrix solar roof can power an electric vehicle over 1,250km (780mi) every week and costs no more than a regular roof. Buildings can now pay the mortgage by just sitting there. More energy, lower cost and also lower impact, just ask the flowers still growing around this construction site. ... If this ain't the future of construction then I've wasted 25 years of my life.... other than the whole marriage and kids thing of course #EnergyWealth -

19.01.2022 I feel the engineer is strong with this one.

17.01.2022 "Not now honey. I'm watching machines and robots manufacture battery cells." Tesla's new 4680 cell continuous manufacturing process. Reducing the energy used to make the things that generate store and deliver energy increases Energy Wealth.

16.01.2022 I'm pretty bearish on hydrogen but one of the places it makes sense is steel production. An application that consumes hydrogen where it's generated avoids the crippling inefficiencies of hydrogen storage and transportation. If you reduce iron oxide into iron, that's an investment of energy into a fungible product and a much better way for Australia to export energy than to sell it as hydrogen. Plus, we're going to need a lot more steel pretty soon. #IronMatrix ...

15.01.2022 The Spark Festival is a few weeks away. Presented as "a celebration of entrepreneurship," it's 10 days of virtual innovation, business and start-up programming. A broad range of topics will be shared. Everyone is invited to participate in this event.

15.01.2022 Battery prices have been falling even faster than wind and solar. Today, battery economics can compete with gas peakers and the trend suggests only one thing - the days of digging up dead dinos .... are done.

10.01.2022 Having lived and worked in a number of countries, I can comfortably declare that Australia, has the best lifestyle-to-effort ratio..... in the world. And Perth even has dolphins!

08.01.2022 BP just released their latest annual energy outlook report and their predictions for liquid fossil fuel demand are dire. "Low carbon transition leads to a fundamental shift in the global energy system" Peak oil demand was in 2019 at 100 million barrels per day. "Demand for oil falls over the next 30 years... The scale and pace of this decline is driven by the increasing efficiency and electrification of road transportation. Copy of pdf report below;

08.01.2022 Iron Matrix was developed with a focus on energy. Maximising generation and minimising use. We minimise sunk costs at site which also means we're ultra-low impact. It's also kind of nice working on a bed of flowers.

07.01.2022 Despite starting a Clean Energy Company, I don't advocate a Carbon Tax. Here's why; 1. When you create a revenue stream associated with an activity you're trying to reduce, there's always a risk of perverse incentives. History tells us that when we create incentives, they all too often incentivise the wrong behaviour. Like this; 2. Even if you took all that tax and invested it in producing clean energy, you're not actually going to improve things longer term. If you want to d...isplace a source of energy you have to do it on the basis of physics not economics. A clean energy technology must generate, store and deliver a unit of energy cheaper than fossil fuels. Otherwise you'll have to continuously subsidise its use with money earned through producing fossil fuels. Subsidising clean energy suppliers make them fat and happy before they're actually creating genuine #EnergyWealth. The ideal "Carbon Tax" is one where the producer is forced to sequester carbon. No moneys are exchanged but unless we have an alternative source of Energy Wealth, our prosperity will take a hit. We're far better off encouraging technology development not outcomes and that why I believe Australia should support organisation like EnergyLab

07.01.2022 In 1901, a wooden drill rig pierced an underground salt dome at SpindleTop in Texas and the resulting oil gusher marked the beginning of a new source of Energy Wealth. One that would go on to transform the quality of life on this planet. The combination of oil and internal combustion engine technology has delivered superior energy returns on investment for well over a century... until now. We're incredibly lucky to be alive this decade because we're going to witness the begin...ning of the next transformative leap in Energy Wealth. The combination of solar + battery technology will allow a unit of energy to be generated, stored and delivered cheaper than fossil fuels. It's impossible to understate the impacts this will have going forward. As Adam Dorr and Tony Seba have inferred, the future cost of energy is going to be cheaper than today's cost of transmission. Watch their latest RethinkIng Energy preview and buckle up. Things are gonna change. Change for the better. And it's going to be incredibly exciting.

07.01.2022 A big day for the Iron Matrix team. Last night we were awarded the 2020 Energy Innovation of the Year. For nearly 6 years now, we've been working on an Energy Wealth solution that can genuinely compete with hydrocarbon fossil fuels on the basis of physics. Many saw us as a construction company but we have always been focused on energy and to be recognised by the Australian Institute of Energy is extremely encouraging and fortifies our mission. Thank you to everyone who has supported us to this point ..... and we've only just begun. With Carley Morgan, Bailey Cowell, Nina Hitchins, Jacob Doogue, John Jorritsma

06.01.2022 To avoid overly exuberant valuations, the oil and gas industry adopted a categorisation of reserves (hydrocarbons still in the ground) so that the market can properly evaluate their worth. We're not running out of hydrocarbons any time soon but those that can be economically produced are dwindling. The energy return on energy investment simply can't compete with technologies such as solar + batteries. Big write downs like that from Exxon this week are a sign of the times. #...EnergyWealth

06.01.2022 I bare a bit of my startup soul this week on Grant McDowell's Spark Club Export Series Podcast. We chatted about why and how my wife and I justified leaving perfectly good jobs to begin something many thought crazy.... a clean energy startup. If you're trying to be be innovative then by definition, you're walking into the abyss of the unknown and there's no one to guide your way. Thankfully we had each other, met many great people and had a strong sense of "why?" #EnergyWea...lth

05.01.2022 Tesla’s Battery Day was all about reducing cost per unit of storage ($/kWh) and what was repeated, is that Tesla are looking at the whole battery value chain through the prism of First Principles. This makes a lot of sense. A focus on cost drivers through the fundamentals of physics. Where is energy consumed and how can that energy be reduced? This is what underpins our Energy Wealth philosophy at Iron Matrix. Tesla are now claiming a line of sight to reducing battery cost by... 56%. Most of this will be through battery chemistry and manufacturing efficiencies which Tesla want to start doing themselves with a new 4680 cell. Vertical integration from mine to cathode. The most interesting things I believe are those that no one else is doing right now like recycling old batteries. Battery elements are not like oil. The value doesn’t disappear when they’re turned into batteries and old batteries will be a richer source of battery elements than processing newly mined ore. Tesla want to start recycling their own batteries. Dual purposing the battery cell as a structural element. This is clever. The cylindrical battery cell can create a composite honeycomb type layer that creates a stiff structural element within the car to reduce its overall cost and weight. Dual purposing one crucial element to perform 2 functions is exactly why we're dual purposing solar panels as a building material and source of power generation. Dual purposing is exactly how we can increase Energy Wealth that benefits everyone. #BatteryDay #Tesla #IronMatrix #EnergyWealth

04.01.2022 Technology improves incrementally but the disruptive consequences can happen suddenly. Planes with endless flight are a good example. Solar cells get more efficient and batteries become more energy dense until suddenly, planes no longer have to land. A few year ago the technology couldn't overcome the physics but now we're on the verge of having access to aerial surveillance and communications 24/7 and an entirely new industry will be born. When you're a startup, the goal i...s to anticipate the transition and get ahead of everyone else. #EnegyWealth

04.01.2022 An Iron Matrix solar roof is entirely modular and installed from inside the structure. That means no cranes, no trucks and no roads or earth works to bring them in. Our goal is to minimise energy spent while maximising energy gained. This company was founded on the premise that to build genuine wealth, the world needs more #EnergyWealth. And every day the sun shines, the pie gets bigger. #IronMatrix Brian N Marian Mooney

04.01.2022 Only the green line gets cheaper the higher it goes. This is a technology curve not a scarcity curve. The trend is inexorable. #EnergyWealth

03.01.2022 That's the first piece of double glazed, low-e, argon filled, tinted, tempered, stud installed glass for our latest project. You can't buy glass better than this but it's very affordable when every sheet and frame on an Iron Matrix structure is the exact same size. Robots love repetition. 1.5 work days between first and second/ third photos below.

03.01.2022 Not for love or money can you find accommodation this Christmas in Western Australia. And if you want an off-grid escape amongst nature, there's zero hope. Seems like a good time for Iron Matrix to build some ultra-low impact, off grid, solar eco-accommodations..... #IronMatrix

03.01.2022 The first question potential investors ask; "Who's your target market?". And the absolutely wrong answer is "Everyone". Apparently. But it was the truth. Show us someone who doesn't want a lower cost structure with the cheapest energy and we'll show you someone who isn't a potential customer. ... Until last year we hadn't even considered outdoor media. LED screens need the highest brightness when the sun is the strongest. And now we've done more outdoor media projects than anything else. For 2021, we're super keen to demonstrate Iron Matrix in remote communities, data centres, EV chargers, classrooms, back yard studios. Maybe even an Iron Matrix flow battery. #IronMatrix #EnergyWealth

01.01.2022 People aren't poor because of a lack of money. Money can be printed as Central Banks are currently demonstrating. People are energy poor. People with the greatest wealth, have Energy Wealth. And for the last century, that means the greatest access to fossil fuels. But things are changing and the greatest Energy Wealth will come from decentralised energy. Generated, stored and delivered from solar panels and batteries. Anywhere in the world. "World’s richest 1% cause double ...CO2 emissions of poorest 50%" says Oxfam #energywealth

01.01.2022 This week we had the pleasure of a visit from Federal MP, Matt Keogh who generously allowed us to regale him with predictions of advanced manufacturing and Energy Wealth for Australia. Matt shares a genuine interest in the economy, energy and humanity. We’re very fortunate to have leaders of this calibre here in WA. #IronMatrix

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