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to load big map

Abby Branson

Phone: +61 477 028 044


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to load big map

25.01.2022 I know the pain that arises when we are balls deep in the ego and the stories of unworthyness or fear are running rampant like a headless chicken in our mind...... It creates a gap, a disconnect within the body. It actually cuts the channel of alignment to your higher self clean off and stops the creative flow of energy from running harmoniously through you. IMAGINE TRYING TO CREATE FROM THIS? Ive tried trust me. it doesnt work. Every client I work with is wanting to create... a life that allows them to be the full expression of themselves, set their soul on fire and reap the glory of what it means to be an awakend and embodied creator of their own lives, yet so many humans have trouble with this..SO Are you creating from SOUL or EGO? Ego creation always has an adgenda.. to hussle for fame, followers, money, likes, status and dominance. Its a massive push to keep going and you will eventually get to a point of dissatisfaction- because what your wanting is coming from lack. Soul creation is a dance and an opening. Slowing down enough so that we can become fully rested and connected to what our own unique essence is currently experiancing. Creating and ideas are then birthed through us effortlessly because its something that generally moves us AND THAT CREATES MAGNETISIM AND RADIANCE) *Feeling the need to shout that last bit* I also wanna add that SOUL is not in a rush. There is no time limit in the soul realm. Ideas and vision are birthed and created through you in whatever time you need. Dont get caught up on the expections and stories from ego. Your vision is BIRTHING. Stay connected to your essence and let that be the thing you hold deep reverance and intergrity for.. ONE LOVE GUYS A X

23.01.2022 Feels this morning- What you are looking at in your reality right now; is quite literally a by-product of your past thoughts and actions. Are you liking what you see? Did you forget how powerful your vibration is? How magnetic your frequency is? ... Are you committed to the path of constantly upgrading and re-writing your story over and over again instead of allowing your sub-conscious thoughts and actions to run the show. Time is of the essence and we are being asked to explore just how much movement can be made in a short period of time. Don’t buy into the illusion that in a certain amount of time you will happy, or that when you reach a certain level you will be satisfied. Satisfaction and happiness is right here in the NOW. Once acceptance is made to your currently reality you take back the power to change and create whatever you want in life. Shift your perception - shift your world @t.r.i.s.m See more

21.01.2022 Your feelings CANT be wrong. They just are.

19.01.2022 I’m creating a life EXACTLY as I want it. No one to answer to, No structure or routine that doesn’t work for me, Relationships deep rooted in joy, ... Life flowing through me with absolute ease, Abundance rippling through my life with such grace, Work and passion married together, Dancing through the ebb and flows like a mother fucker and feeling Sexy, Alive and vibrant in the journey of it all. When did this happen? If I look back to even three years I was still struggeling with myself, looking outside for answers, caught up in romantic illusions, caretaking roles, projecting my power onto others, not trusting of myself, Still guessing my brilliance.... but not fast forward here I am. My circle last night we explored the judgements we have on ourselves and others and how the seperation externally is just a reflecting on the inward seperation. Intergrating into wholeness starts first with acceptance. Thank god I started this journey. If you don’t start now, time will make you it’s bitch! Start now. Love yourself now, smile now, forgot about what has happened and be here now. Wake up in 3 years and watch how your life has transformed. I’m on this journey for life and everyone in my path is coming with me NEW EARTH IS HERE NOW PEOPLE

18.01.2022 My man. Thank you for letting me into your heart so quickly. When we met it felt as if our worlds collided. I didn’t come into yours and you didn’t come into mine- we lived totally different ways of life. ... But we met in the middle and OUR world was created, a beautiful balance of action and rest, loving and play, freedom and saftey. You have taught me more about myself in such a short period of time than I have learnt anywhere. Even tho I still test your love - often, you continuously love me unconditionally- totally recalibrating my nervous system to trust you, to trust love and to trust men- If there is nothing else you could ever give me, I would die a happy girl. I love this dance we dance- it gets more and more wild, safe, explosive, loving, tender and deep every day. HAPPY Earth day beloved!! I’m so grateful I get to celebrate with you every year - forever!

16.01.2022 Hmmm my thoughts this morning- To heal relationship, whether partner, family or friends - We need to drop all protection. ... You can not ask for love & peace while simultaneously keeping yourself shielded with protection and blame. In order to heal, we need to be brave enough to love first. Loving first means we can rise above our own pain, ego or projection, letting go of our need to be right, our need to be heard, our need to be validated. Loving first means we surrender our armour to expand our awareness to see the higher perspective in all. Meeting it with gentle compassion. The person who can love first is by no means a push over. It takes huge amounts of power to put your own things aside to show up for the greater good of everyone and most definitely yourself. A

15.01.2022 I love you, my beloved so fricken much! I’m feeling to be honest.... Incredibly happy. Actually more surrendered than I ever have. Using the current situation which is indeed absolutely crazy- I’m not turning a blind eye, nor am I ignorant to what’s going on in the world, however I’m choosing this time, this lock down, this reset to fully surrender all expectations of myself. Dancing with rest and inspiration. ... No agenda to anything I do. Dropping goals and any need to be anything. The world is almost at a stand still and it’s propelled me into the present moment to look after my vibration and slow everything down immensely. We can all do this- Pop down the theories, the news, the scandals, the what if’s... pull our energy back into self and give ourselves a rest. We all deserve it. I feel incredibly lucky to be living in Perth WA right now, the most isolated city in the world. And I’m giving thanks very day to what is in front of me right now and at this moment, it’s currently my man. Paddy O'Ciarain whom this morning did a manifesting Kriya with me live on my new Facebook group and it was just delicious- ps going to interview him soon on his money tactics, integrity, his generous heart and how well he loves a woman like me.. stay tuned! Keep loving guys, keep dancing, keep learning and most of all take the rest you need.

14.01.2022 YOUR GONNA SABOTAGE. You will, it’s the human conditioning, the EGO. When things begin to expand, when things begin to get better than ever before, if your nervous system is not used to it, YOU WILL CREATE REASONS TO MAKE YOURSELF SMALL AGAIN. ... Sound familiar? this isn’t anything to judge, it’s a Chance to get curious, what’s your mind telling you? What’s the stories that are arising right now? Where are you distracting yourself from your goals? Can you meet this, not with judgement, anxiety or should and shouldn’t, but with stillness and ease, with your breath. Slow down for a min, come home to your heart, take a big inhale and exhale out the tension. Just re-connect to your intention, to your vision and to mission. Out one foot in front of the other and ground your energy back into earth. You got this people. I see you

13.01.2022 You came into my world like a bolt of lightening. Spotting you at a cacao ceremony and estatic dance, you immediately caught my attention. The energy between us as we danced was electric. Shiva to my shakti. Little did I know that our first kiss would alter time. ... That when our hearts met we entered another world. Learning to love you and allowing you to love me has been the greatest teacher I have ever met so far. I sing with such joy that we found each other to deep dive into life, into tantra, and into self together. I love that we keep changing- moving and up leveling together. Devotion is the highest yoga and it’s become my very practice. You have my heart today and everyday.

13.01.2022 The strength of a women is not in her ability to HUSSLE and get sh*t done, nor is in in her ability to Keep the peace and shut herself down in order to not "rock" the tainted boat of F*cking Patriarchy Its in the way SHE MOVES with her body and makes love to everything - the tension and the joy, Its the way she dances with surrendering into the unstable and unknown of every moment with complete authenticity, not trying to be anything for anyone just completely herself. Its... in the way she shows up so selfishly in devotion to love, to her beloved, to her children.... Its how she creates with the wisdom of her womb, allowing every cell to vibration with what she wants before she calls it in with magic and ritual These practices, where known to women everywhere all over the world some time ago... and I feel them still lingering, pulsating behind the conditioned mind, I hear the ancestors calling, the beat of my own heart that syncs in with the beat of theirs, I feel the women whom have gone before me and I feel the women who will go after me. The red threat that connects us all..

12.01.2022 Day 5 of my self practice challenge today and I spoke about the different roles within the world that we play and I just wanted to share this with you guys..... Everyone on the planet has a role to play. Some people’s roles may be to create a multi million dollar company and Hussle their way through business and fame. ... Some people’s roles may be to live minimally in a beach shack, eating coconuts every day and swimming In the ocean. Some people’s roles may be to parent 5 children and live on a shoe sting, in the chaos of a home which is filled with love and connection. Some people’s roles may be to spend their lives on the dark web, hacking certain accounts and leaking information to the public that was once censored, awakening the planet.... Hear what I’m saying? Imagine if the minimalist was conditioned to believe that had to make a million dollar company. That’s a lot of unnecessary suffering for one soul!! NO ROLE IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER And the quickest way to cut off YOUR connection to source is by wanting, wishing, comparing and trying to copy or be the role that someone else is being - that isn’t meant for you. Hearing me here? Know your don’t need to become the person that you admire and look up too. You also don’t need to do the things that everyone else is doing. Your role in this life is to be YOU. And if you don’t know who YOU is yet, then the problem lies, not within what role you should play but within the lack of relationship to your own essence. Spend some time exploring that- and your role will find YOU!

12.01.2022 My heart is lil heavy as I write this. I don’t know all the answers to life’s mysteries and I don’t pretend too. I’m still trying to figure out what the expectations are of a 28 year old navigating this modern world. How kind am I ment to be?... How certain of myself should I be? Have I done enough work to preach what I preach. How open, raw, vulnerable should I be? Is my intuition up to the standards it should be? Should I be less judgemental? Do I share too much? Am I discerning enough with who I share to? Is my need for depth and intimacy to much? My craving for truth to intense? Should I know the goals and the destination of where I am heading? Am I certain enough, playful enough, wise enough...To be loved and accepted in a culture that can’t love and accept themselves. The answer I realise to all this is no. I will never be the person that this society demands, I will never live up to the expectations that others have on me, I will never be enough to be recieved by all, And that’s ok. *Removing any masks that try otherwise* Because who I am is never going to be what you think. As a 28 year old woman in this modern day world I strive to know my self deeper than I know anyone. I don’t plan to be recieved by all, I plan to accept myself fully, to let the divine and dark self dance throughout this human experience without resistance or attachments to either- If that is something I can transmit as a 28 year old in this modern day then I feel like my life has purpose and meaning- and THAT makes my heart a little happier again.

08.01.2022 You think your not spiritual because your all over the place, anxious as hell, unable to focus and set clear intentions? You think your not spiritual because you can’t articulate your feelings like the next person can, because you don’t have that perfect yoga body like little miss namaste has? You think your not spiritual because your reality isn’t looking like somebody else’s, because your mind compares constantly to the essence and goals of the people around you, squishin...g YOUR essence entirely. Take a step back sweetheart and understand that your hot mess is just as spiritual as anothers 4 hour hot yoga practice. That the breaking open of your deep insecurities is not always a graceful and divine experience But it is an experience.... a HUMAN experience. And to be human IS TO BE SPIRITUAL. All aspects of it. In whatever way it shows up. Don’t compare your life and your chapter right now to someone else’s your have no idea where they are or what there going through. Stop beating yourself up and bull dozing the parts of yourself that are screaming out for love right now and .... soften. Your insecurities, shadows and fears FEED on your un-love. So do yourself a favour. And love it all. Kiss from me Ax

07.01.2022 The strength of the feminine is in her soften. Feel what you feel- but don’t forget to add softness Love & magic. A x

04.01.2022 Your feelings can’t be wrong. They just ARE.

03.01.2022 Constantly humbling myself before all that I don’t know. Currently feeling all the feels; old skin is shedding and I’m remembering the magic in accepting the flow of life and all the changes it brings.

03.01.2022 I am sharing a self practice challenge on my page at the moment and today I shared about the collective balancing that is happening right now around the base chakra. Our saftey. For most of us, our safety is derived from external sources that can often change - our job, finances, people, health, authorities and government bodies. Some of us find safety in food, drugs, alcohol, sex and people- regardless of what it is - When we put our saftey into the external forces that ca...n change.. what then happens to our emotional well-being when they do? What if right now the world was having a massive base chakra re-balance and the call to action in these moments is to give ourselves the PRESENCE that we actually need in order to create that safety? We’d be clearing childhood trauma off the face of the earth like a steaming troop of army men. THIS EXCITES ME. Radical self responsibility and awakening to inner child work is my bread and butter and so I want you all to know if you feel your safety have been rocked. YOUR RE-BALANCING....And I’m fully there with you. Be present with it, slow down, be kind and open to receive yourself, practice attunement, practice love and get yourself outside to the beautiful mother.

02.01.2022 Not sure about you but when I am recieving a hell of a lot of information I find it hard to be able to think clearly and write easily. Thus, i shy away from Socials,to break the pattern of my active mind. BUT i had a thought about us "Influences"....over the last 10 years we have seen a HUGE rise in the amount of people who have stepped up to share themselves to the outside world. What makes an influencer different is that we constantly put our hearts on the line to influen...ce those around us, or those who need our message. WE NEED MORE INFLUENCES NOW MORE THAN EVER. This isnt a time for shying away, even tho we are all isolating. AKA - Re-connecting. This reality shift that is happening right now is breaking open peoples perceptions to widen their experiance of themselves - Will you fall into the trap of fear, TV, Media numbing and defeat OR is this a chance to put your hearts more on the line and open yourself up to influence the world around you? To connect deeper to self, To explore alternative practices to source, To Invite new opportunies in that you didnt even know was there? Its so IMPORTANT during this time to soften yourself into trust because what is happening right now IS OUT OF YOUR CONTROL. Its happening anyway- can you make it easier for yourself to ride the flow with it? Here are some tips. -Create STRUCTURE to your day and plan out how you want to feel and what you want to try before the day comes - Drink 1.5lt of water in the morning. HYDRATE yourself. its so important for clarity and motivation. - Do some exercise!! Move your body, move stagnant energy - READ books that are going to fill your mind with JUICE - Make love. to your beloved or to yourself. Sexual energy HEALS. - Turn off your phone for a period of time to get clear. - invite in mediation, ritual and ceremony to connect to yourself, your intentions and your next moves. My new Facebook group - The Fierce Heart Rebellion is space where I will be sharing knowledge, tools, webinars, lives with others, Tantra, Kundalini Yoga, ritual, Ceremony and Self-connection. Because a Rebellion of the heart is what we are needing more than ever. EEEEK Love & Magic, Abbby

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