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Achieve Ag Solutions


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25.01.2022 Want to improve your lamb survival? Already done lifetime ewe mgmt & looking for the next opportunity to further refine your system. Lifting Lamb Survival is a new program designed specifically to help you do that. New groups forming now. For more info -

24.01.2022 Rams are high performance animals that work very hard over the joining period. They contribute half of the genetics of their progeny and are the primary drivers... of genetic improvement in a flock, so need to be given every opportunity to pass on their genes. Join Nathan Scott as he outlines why it’s so important to manage your rams to be in peak physical condition for joining, the time it takes to have rams at peak sperm production and practical management tips to help you achieve your joining goals in #AWIChangeMakers Episode 3: Ram performance management. For further information and tips for ram preparation and management, visit the AWI website at Sheep Connect NSW The Sheeps Back Leading Sheep Agriculture Victoria Achieve Ag Solutions #agchatoz

21.01.2022 With ANZAC Day tomorrow, it is important to remember what war is. War is terrifying. This song is a great reminder of the impacts of war, so I recorded my versi...on of it last night. Hopefully it prompts you to consider attending an ANZAC Day service. Stand beside those who have fought, and those that have lost. Those that still live with the effects of war. Here is my version of "I was only 19"

21.01.2022 Every year throws us new challenges. 2019 has been no exception. A year full of triumphs, opportunities, challenges & the odd failure. I hope that you all get a chance to reflect on all you have achieved in 2019, & spend some quality time with the ones you love. Merry Christmas

20.01.2022 We have another "Good to Great Presenter Workshop" coming up on Friday March 22 in Melb. If you ever have to speak in front of people, whether that is 2 or 2000, then this is an opportunity to make sure you can nail it every time. Visit for more details

20.01.2022 We will once again be involved in the Inverleigh Good Friday Appeal, both on the day & also a farmer event of our own. Today Gemini Prime Lamb Sires auctioned their charity ram raising $2400. If you are able to donate an auction item or contribute in some way please let me know.

19.01.2022 From one of our clients - Shares appreciated for this. Thanks

18.01.2022 I have 85 x 1.5yo highlander composite ewes of my own for sale. Great moderate frames. They won't eat you out of house and home. Came from an exceptional performance commercial flock. Only reason i am selling is our circumstances have changed and I can't keep them. Msg for info.

18.01.2022 Check out my latest article -

18.01.2022 We have a public speaking and presenting course running this Friday in Melbourne that has had a couple of people unable to attend at the last minute. From good to great presenting. More details at please let me know ASAP if you are interested.

18.01.2022 I need your help - Attend our Achieve More Forum on March 23, or can you help us out by donating an item for our auctions? Anything you can do would be great. If you don't already know why this important to us, then see below.

18.01.2022 We have an exciting event coming up on Monday March 23 in Inverleigh. A big name guest speaker, business networking & followed by Live music. All raising money for the Good Friday Appeal. If you or your company are interested in supporting the event please get in touch.

16.01.2022 We are now only 20 days out. If you haven't already booked your spot, then please do your bit for the kids, while hearing from one of the best business brains there is!

16.01.2022 Wean to manage. Weaning is important for the ewe and the lamb, manage ewe condition and lamb growth rates for their next steps. Join Nathan Scott as he outline...s why timely weaning is important, practical management tips and what you can do in #AWIChangeMakers Episode 2: Weaning to manage. For further information and to find AWI’s standard reference weight (SRW) calculator and weaner management checklist, visit the AWI website at Sheep Connect NSW The Sheeps Back Leading Sheep Achieve Ag Solutions WoolProducers Australia National Farmers' Federation

15.01.2022 My latest article - "Some pain on the horizon for lamb producers" -

15.01.2022 I don’t just do pretty stuff you know!! Happy to re-weld, repair and/or improve your farm equipment. Feel free to send me a message to arrange no contact work.

14.01.2022 I am very excited to announce that the guest speaker for our Achieve More Forum is Brian Cook from the Geelong Football Club! - Monday March 23 - Inverleigh. More details to follow. If you are interested in attending, or donating something for our auction, please let me know.

14.01.2022 Check out my latest article - "It's time politicians took a stand" -

13.01.2022 Lambing mob size can have a significant impact on lambing rates, particularly in your twin mobs. Join Nathan Scott as he outlines why mob size matters, practica...l management tips and what you can do in #AWIChangeMakers Episode 1: Lambing mob size. For further information and to estimate the optimum mob size and benefit for your operation from reducing lambing mob size, visit the AWI website at Sheep Connect NSW The Sheeps Back Leading Sheep Agriculture Victoria Achieve Ag Solutions Meat & Livestock Australia

12.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all of our clients, friends all the various walks of life that we interact with throughout the year. While we all take ourselves & our jobs in the industry seriously, often leading to healthy & robust debate, nothing is as important as family. Be safe & happy!

10.01.2022 We have made the decision to postpone our Achieve More Forum due to the risk of Corona Virus spread. Our attendees and their families are our priority, along with the continued good health of our guest speaker and the Geelong Football Club. We will have Brian later in the year.

10.01.2022 We have another client expanding their team! Please feel free to pass on to anyone that you think might be interested. Shares appreciated. Thank you!

09.01.2022 Around this time 6 years ago we started Achieve Ag Solutions with a view to helping our industry be the best it can possibly be. 6 years on it is something I am very proud of.

09.01.2022 No matter what 2018 looked like for you, 2019 will be full of new challenges & new possibilities. Dont make ridiculous new year resolutions. Just aim to be better. Better tomorrow than you were yesterday. Happy New Year from all of us at Achieve Ag Solutions.

07.01.2022 There wasn't supposed to be another article this year, but then sometimes I can't keep promises.... A recent twitter post & its response have prompted one final article for the year "Skin in the game"

06.01.2022 Time is running out to get your applications in for this one

06.01.2022 My latest article - "We are our own worst enemy, both Covid and in Business"

06.01.2022 We have another From Good to Great Presenter Workshop coming up on Friday, May 10. For more details head to Here is what participants have said about the training - "I found the workshop challenging, confronting, rewarding and useful. It allowed me the opportunity to see my-self as others see me and to change the way I present" - Mike Stephens "This is the training I wish I had 20 years ago, to make my key points clearly and make sure people remembered them. The course is challenging and is presented in a very supportive environment. - Lyndal, former radio presenter "What they do through this presenters course is very important. I would recommend it to anyone." - Dwain Duxson

05.01.2022 I am lucky enough to be involved in this great event raising money for cancer research. Come along and meet Samuel Johnson and enjoy a great afternoon. But you need to book!

05.01.2022 Ok Facebook people... What leaves a footprint like this in the otways? On a remote walking track, no other prints so wasn't walking along the track.

04.01.2022 After a bit of break from writing articles, i am back - "Life has changed forever"

04.01.2022 Lifting Lamb Survival is a national program that we are rolling out through @meatlivestock Profitable Grazing Systems. Ideal for Lifetime Ewe graduates. Excellent deliverers located in Vic, NSW, Tas, SA, WA. For more details head to

03.01.2022 This wasn't part of the plan

03.01.2022 After the success of our last two workshops, we are thrilled to be running another of our Good to Great Presenter Workshops on Friday May 10, in Melbourne. For more details head to

03.01.2022 Due to some very sad & unfortunate circumstances we have a had couple of spots become available for our "Good to Great Presenters" workshop in Melbourne on Friday Feb 22. For more info go to

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