Something Someone | Brand
Something Someone
Address: PO Box 38 2454 Bellingen, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Stop treating yourself like an after thought. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Play in the sunshine.... Swim in the ocean. Eat nourishing food. Stop weighing yourself down with doubt. Be open to opportunities that cross your path. Outgrow your excuses. Be grateful for the moment and everything in it. And decide - what are you waiting for? #MAKEYOURSELFAPRIORITY
25.01.2022 {EEEEEK} We are getting SO CLOSE (like only three sleeps to go close!) to the launch of our brand new, totally rocking online lifestyle program!! Over twelve months of love, sweat, tears, trial and error of making this the best possible experience loaded with value for YOU, and we are SO excited to share it!! ... A beautiful new website, new programs, new ways to interact and all at your fingertips whenever you need. Did I mention we’re excited..?? We’ll be giving away over $1000 in new memberships after we launch, so watch this space for your chance to be part of the Adore Your Core movement!! #ADOREYOURCORE #THREESLEEPS
24.01.2022 {ONE DEGREE DIFFERENCE} Nothing will change if you keep doing what you've always done. One choice, one baby step, one moment of courage, can change the long term direction of your life. ... If you want to be somewhere different in a years time, do something different today #ONEDAYATATIME
24.01.2022 {LEAN IN} When everything feels like it’s falling apart, stop to think that it may actually be falling together. Once you wake up to the power of The Universe and start doing the inner work to change your reality, you often have to dig up some junk that you’ve been burying below the surface.... Beliefs you have been holding onto that you didn’t even realise you possessed. Memories or past experiences that you’ve tried to forget. Patterns of behaviour and habits you’ve adopted that you’ve been avoiding. Doing the work is HARD but necessary. And sometimes, this change feels uncomfortable. It’s why so often we keep doing what we’ve always done and therefore get what we’ve always gotbecause change can be scary. This is why when you start to do the work, it may feel like things are getting worse rather than better. You are undoing years of programming and with that can come some resistance. But this discomfort means you’re on the right path. You’re clearing the pathways and purging the junk you’ve been holding onto, making room for more exciting things to come into your life Trust that the undoing of one life can be the making of the next. Commit to your path, ride out the wave and trust that things are unfolding in your favour. #CHANGEISBEAUTIFUL
22.01.2022 {BERRY BLITZIN} This is how I'm rollin on a busy Monday - lunch on the run Strawberries ... Frozen blueberries Baby spinach Coconut milk And a kickass secret ingredient So simple even my mum brain can cope Packed with whole food goodness to keep me fuelled with energy. All. Day. Long. **drop your fave lunch on the run below #SPARKLYINSIDEOUT
22.01.2022 We can all agree that not many things in life are fair nor equal but one thing that is? Time. Each and every one of us are given 24 hours a day.... We make the time for the things we truly want and for the things that are important to us. If something is a priority, we find the time. If not, we find an excuse. So - what are you going to do with YOUR 24 hours? Say yes to reaching your full potential. Say yes to all the reasons why you CAN and allow yourself the freedom to fill your days with the stuff that makes you absolutely light up. Don’t let life just pass you by. Don’t look back with regrets. Don’t just ‘exist’. Live. Really truly heart thumping LIVE. It starts today. #MAKETODAYCOUNT
18.01.2022 The only thing separating where you are, from where you want to be is the quality of your thinking. You are the single most powerful thing standing in your way, and you don’t even realise it most of the time. You arrive where you’re headed, not because nothing else is possible, but because you commit yourself to a path with your thoughts. ... Be willing to see impossible change. Consider things you never have before. Get out of your own way. Blow the lid off your life. #YOUCAN
17.01.2022 {WHO YOU LISTEN TO, MATTERS} Want to know one of the BEST ways to help you get your dreams off the ground? Surround yourself with great people. ... Want to know one of the BEST ways to help you build confidence and self belief? Surround yourself with great people. Want to know one of the BEST ways to help you grow your mind and knowledge? Surround yourself with great people. Want to know one of the BEST ways to help you live a life of passion and purpose and abundance? Surround yourself with great people. #ADOREYOURCORE
16.01.2022 No matter what your mind is telling you right now, here's the truth. You do have the credentials. Your experience and knowledge is valuable.... And what you have to contribute is worthy of being heard. No matter what fears you have taken on from others, here's the truth. You are brilliant. You will make the difference you have set out to achieve. And it’s sure as hell possible that every one of your crazy wishes can manifest into your physical reality. So, to move through the mind chatter that’s going on right now, shift your focus from who you think you should be, to who you really are - and go all in on that. Only then will you realise that you are, and always have been, more than enough. #SHINEBRIGHTBABY
15.01.2022 Before you came along, the universe decided that something spectacular was missing from it. There was an empty void, just longing to be filled. The universe was missing something very specific; something magical. And that something was you. You were never an accident or a second thought. You were never a maybe or a what if. You were intentional from the very start.... The universe knew that it needed you, and specifically you, to fill the empty space in the world. It wouldn’t have created you if it didn’t need you. It wouldn’t have brought you into this world if you weren’t magnificently needed. Just as the universe has created a beautiful array of flowers and stars, each enchantingly unique in its make, the universe created you: a beautiful mixture of purpose and reason. You were needed from the very moment you entered the world. You bring with you a light that shines brightly in a new colour. You touch the world with your own quirky habits, your gorgeous smile, and your sparkling laugh. You are needed here to share your own individuality, and you are needed to fill the empty corners of the world with your unique spirit. You are always going to be the missing piece of the puzzle, no matter what circumstances you encounter during this life. You are always going to be needed here simply because you are the only human being that can be you. You are the only human being that can complete the universe. I hope you know that you are needed here even during the hard times. I hope you know that you are needed here, even on the days when you feel like you are stagnant or stuck. I hope you know that you are needed here even when someone rejects you or bruises your heart. I hope you know that you are needed here even when you feel like you have failed or given up. I hope you know you are needed here even when you feel lonely or insecure. So next time you question your value or worth, remember that you are irreplaceable. You are a gift to this world. You were never an accident, and you can never truly fail, because the only thing you need to do is be and become yourself. You are needed here. #PERFECTLYYOU #OWNYOURSTORY
15.01.2022 I need you to promise me one thing. Actually, no. I need you to promise YOURSELF one thing. Promise yourself that with every single cell that exists in your body, you will live right now. Please don’t waste anymore Mondays wishing they were Fridays. Instead, open your eyes and be grateful to be alive. Watch the way the sunlight pours through your window and smile. Please don’t complain so much about how you have to get up early every day. Instead, take that opportunity to w...atch the sunrise and admire the endless beauty of the sky. Promise yourself you will start living and finding beauty in the small things life gives us. Those afternoons you spent driving while singing your favourite songs at the top of your lungs. The summer nights. The beach bonfires. Feeling the ocean breeze through your hair. All the times you laughed so hard your stomach began to hurt. The hot showers on cold winter days. Bumping into old friends. Finding dried flowers in books. The rainbow after it rains. Don’t save your favourite perfume for special occasions. Wear it every day. Love your body and all its imperfections. Look into the mirror and be grateful for your existence. Buy that plane ticket. Go on adventures more often. There are nearly two hundred different countries that are waiting to be explored. Walk in the woods and breathe in that fresh pure air you can only find there. Skinny-dip in a lake under a sky full of shooting stars. Visit places that leave you breathless and make you feel so tiny and so big at the same time. Run barefoot through the grass and dance under the rain. Lie on your back and admire the stars. Smile at strangers on the street and enjoy that moment of joy when they smile right back at you. Be kind. Call your childhood friends and ask them how life’s treating them. Talk about your very first sleepover together and how you cannot believe it has been so long since then. Be a shoulder to cry on but don´t forget you are also allowed to do the crying whenever you need it. The journey is going to be messy and sometimes confusing but I promise that it’s also going to be beautiful and rewarding. You see, we only get to be here once, so we better make it count, because imagine what a terrible thing it must be, to wake up one day only to realise you didn’t do all the things you wanted when you had the chance. Promise yourself you will start living. Right here. Right now. Without limit, without crippling doubt, without fear holding you back. Be spontaneous. And courageous. And brave enough to choose and live the life you want.
15.01.2022 You're aiming to achieve more than most people can even comprehend. So along the way, you will experience more than most people will ever have enough courage to live through. High highs.... Low lows. Breaking points. Tipping points. Devastation and elation. Your "off" days will feel destructive. And your "on" days will feel soul-soaring. So you have to get real with yourself - let go of the pressure to feel motivated, passionate and enthusiastic all the time. You're not going to. You're going to hate it, resent it and want to check out many times. But if you choose to keep going, to go all in - no matter how much your mind tries to trick you into giving up - you will be rewarded with a life that most people can only ever dream about. #KEEPGOING
14.01.2022 Sometimes life gives you a wake up call. Sometimes it gently nudges you. And sometimes it punches you right in the face.... Regardless, you still have a choice. Let it consume and defeat you, or rise up out of it bigger and better than ever before. You’ll never have it all figured out. And that’s ok. Don’t wish for things to be easier. Just you get better. It's time to make magic #LOOKFORTHELESSON
14.01.2022 {MONDAY VIBES} My #1 intention for today is to be POSITIVE Over the last few weeks we’ve had messages hit our inbox filled with ... Negativity Excuses Drama In life and business there are so many influences working hard to bring your mindset down. I absolutely believe that a negative mind breeds negative results. And in the same way a positive mind WILL breed positive results. Even if you are dealing with 'not good' news in life or business today - shift your focus. Use gratitude to empower how you're feeling. And go kick some ass #WHATYOUFOCUSONGROWS
10.01.2022 I wish for courage. I wish we all have the courage to live the life we want to live, even if we fear not fitting in. I wish we all have the courage to let go of those that don’t love us for who we really are, even if we fear being alone.... The courage to speak our truth, even if we fear being misunderstood. The courage to love with an open heart, even if we fear getting hurt. And the courage to follow our soul’s whisper, even if we fear taking the next step. I wish we all have the courage to pursue what creates an avalanche of happiness in our hearts, even if we fear its failure. Because more often than not, when we do what we are fearful of doing, we realise that there was nothing to fear after all. #COURAGEOVERFEAR
09.01.2022 The truth is that you probably won’t recognise the moment you start to change yourself. You probably won’t know the day you meet someone who alters the course of your life forever. You might not immediately see the gifts of being brave enough to choose your future self over your current fears. But it’s going to happen anyway. You’re going to bloom anyway because that’s what you were designed to do. All of that resistance, that fear, that denial? It’s growing pain. It’s part o...f the process. You’re going to be happy and hurting and healing, all at the same time. You’re going to see places you never thought you’d see, and still find yourself gravitating to the old ones you thought you couldn’t get away from fast enough. You’re going to accomplish feats so big and brave you never even dared to dream of them, and you’re going to wrestle the same tiny demons that have followed you your whole life. You’re going to meet someone who makes you feel more at peace than ever before, and they’re also going to shine a light on every part you’ve tried so hard to hide. The truth is that becoming who you are is not a steady ascent into happiness. You don’t grow in one direction only. When your life grows bigger, it grows outward. You touch more, feel more, know more, see more, you become more. When you have to leave your comfort zone, you crave familiarity. Nothing is going to exempt you from feeling grief when you are sad, anger when you have been dealt an unfair hand, or resentment when you’ve done too much, and received too little. This doesn’t mean you aren’t getting better. In nature, nothing transforms without breaking first. Flowers can’t bloom until they’re deeply, buried. Butterflies don’t spread their wings before being cocooned up in isolation for weeks, and stars don’t become supernovas before facing their own implosion. Your greatest growth often comes just after you’ve looked your deepest fears in the eye. Your most profound successes are only made possible by the willingness to try, and to fail. The truth is that you will bloom in the moments you are most convinced you are failing and falling behind. And it won’t be easy, and it won’t be beautiful, but you’ll get to the other side and realise, that all along, there was a reason, there was a rhythm, there was a plan, there was a destination. And you are exactly where you’re meant to be. #GROWTHROUGHWHATYOUGOTHROUGH
08.01.2022 Self love, self respect, self worth, there’s a reason why they all start with self. You cannot find them in anyone else." ~ Unknown You know that sneaky voice inside your head telling you that you’re not doing" enough, or good enough, smart enough, skinny enough, whatever enough? That’s your Inner Critic or your ego.... When your Inner Critic is ruling your life it’s like an unseen weight that keeps you stuck, doubting & criticising yourself and prevents you from living the life you really deserve. We judge and criticise ourselves constantly about not being where we need to be and wonder why it’s hard to move forward and create positive change. It’s important to realise that there is no goal that you could ever achieve that will convince you that you are enough - if you don’t already believe you’re enough before you get there, you still won’t once you do. It’s about knowing that what you have to offer the world right now IS enough and that there’s nothing you need to do or achieve to deserve lovability, value or recognition. There is nothing about you that is lacking. You have something of value to offer right now, before you change anything about yourself or your life. Self love and acceptance is at the heart of living a life that’s bursting with health, happiness and passion. So stop waiting to be loved, accepted, needed. Stop waiting for someone to choose you. Choose yourself. You got this. You are this. It’s time to show up for you.
08.01.2022 There's always another day. Another chapter. Another adventure waiting.... Always. Don't throw your book on the fire. Pick up the pen and turn the page. Something magical could be waiting. Your story matters. #CREATETHELIFEYOUWANT
08.01.2022 Now is the time to care - to take your life into your own hands. Now is the time you get out of your own way. The time you start to realise the potential you have swirling within your bones. Now is the time you don’t ask for permission, the time you put ideas out into the world like wildfire.... It’s the time you create something that outlives you, that starts a revolution within your life. It’s the time you don’t take no for an answer. Now is the time to stop bullshitting yourself. If you want love, stop settling for those who will only ever love you in halves. If you want happiness, stop waiting for it to knock on your door, for it to show up on a Sunday morning and introduce itself. Create it. You have to build your life around doing things that drive your soul, that light you up. If you want to be a better person, work on being a better person, don’t just settle for the hope of it. Be a better friend, be a better partner. Go the extra mile, do whatever it takes. Now is the time to prove to the world that you have every reason to be in it, that you are honouring your limitless potential. It is the time you finally accept that you are the only person who defines your value in life, that you are the only person who defines your worth. Now is the time you believe, with ruthless passion, that you have purpose, that you are deserving of the things you wish for, that you are capable of achieving every dream they called too ambitious, or too big, or too difficult. Prove them wrong. Now is the time to simply give a shit. The time you care deeply about the things you’re producing, the relationships you are curating, and the life you are building. It is the time you tell people how you feel, boldly and confidently. It is the time you show up for yourself; the time you celebrate the people who chose to stay in your life, rather than cry over the ones who left. Now is the time you overwhelm yourself with feeling; the time you don’t apologise for how you shine, the year you don’t quiet the intensity of your heartbeat. Now is the time you jump, even when your legs are trembling. Now is your time. #GETUPANDGLOW
04.01.2022 I love this analogy You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? ... "Well because someone bumped into me, of course!" Wrong answer. You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in your cup, you would have spilled tea. Whatever is inside the cup, is what will spill out Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to fake it, until you get rattled. So we have to ask ourselves... what's in my cup?" When life gets tough, what spills over? Joy, gratitude, peace and humility? Or anger, bitterness, harsh words and regrettable reactions? You choose #JUSTBREATHE
03.01.2022 Believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining. Believe in your progress, even when you can’t see the results. Believe in your timing, even when it’s not on schedule.... Believe in your plan, even when curveballs present themselves. Eventually you will get to where you want to go, with who you want to be with, doing exactly what you’re meant to be doing. Trust in the process, trust in yourself, and DON’T GIVE UP. #TRUST
01.01.2022 You cannot see it right now because you’re tired, but you need to know that your hard work is paying off. You’ve been so focused on the path ahead; way too consumed in your to-do list to notice that right behind you, everything is coming to life. The seeds you have planted are growing.... Even on the days that feel like you can’t seem to get enough done. Even on the days that things seem like they’re not going your way. Every single day that you are showing up, you are watering your soil; leaf by leaf, the flowers are flourishing. Rest your mind, your flowers will be ready for the picking sooner than you think. Keep planting your seeds and watering your soil. And allow yourself the time to look back and appreciate the beauty of their growth. The beauty of YOUR growth. . . Our hard work over the last twelve months is definitely paying off, because we can now tell you we will be officially launching on October 7th!! What does this mean?? Only GREAT things!! Resources, products, programs, coaching - all at your fingertips! Countdown is ON!! #BIGTHINGSARECOMING
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