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Amplified Life Coaching
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25.01.2022 You are amazing. Incredible beyond imagination. Your very existence is a celebration of the impossible being possible. Wow! You should hang out with yourself and do something nice for yourself today and just soak up your awesomeness.
24.01.2022 Where is one of your favourite places to gather your thoughts?
24.01.2022 It's so easy to get caught up in worry and "why me." Especially with the news saying one thing and social media saying another. I am challenging myself to make a list, every day, of all the little things I can be grateful for. A real focus on the abundance all around me and in my life. Whenever I commit to this practice, my life just takes off. It really does. Try it for a month. Every day, write down at least 5 little things (full a page of you can) of what you have to be grateful for. You can do it. Will you?
22.01.2022 A great partner brings out the best in you. They call on you to be the best version of you, but accept and love who you are right now. It's not always easy as a man to win this game. You are out there fighting your own battles and then trying to hold space for the woman you love. But that's just it. Hold space. Let her be all of who she is and let her know that, that, is ok by you. Love all of her in all her shades of joy and fury and sadness and crazy and caring. Don't take it personally. Listen and learn, but don't beat yourself up. A strong man can hold that space and let her melt away and soften. It's a journey. It's worth it.
20.01.2022 The quality of the experience of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of your relationships. And what is a quality relationship? Is it always being happy? Never disagreeing or arguing? Or is it being able to be yourself and having the other person feel loved and appreciated for ALL of who they are? Thoughts?
20.01.2022 Ever get lost in something that was definitely not heading you towards your dreams and results? Ever waste a whole day obsessing about something only to realise you didn't make that one important call or pay that bill? Distracted? Avoidance? Lack of clarity? Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year, but dramatically underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years. This can be said of a day vs a month too. There are 4 things you need to make dreams happen.... 1) If you are clear on what you really want and why it matters, then you are 70% there already. Then you need a plan. 2) The structure behind getting your dreams. The systems, the procedures, the stuff that's let's you delegate the boring work and focus on what you do best. 3) Then you need to know how you will implement that plan and take action. 4) Finally you need to know what people resources you will need to support your vision and bring it to life. Get clear. Get a plan. Go get your dreams. Need some assistance? Get in touch.... [email protected]
20.01.2022 Someone hurt you and you're angry. You feel wronged and you want to take action. So let's do it right!, Revenge does not change the other person into someone more supportive of you and it can not change the past. Turning the other cheek and forgetting it ever happened, doesn't serve either. But understanding the other person's pain and how it motivated their actions and understanding your own beliefs and decisions and how you put yourself in a situation where that person cou...ld wrong you.... That learning makes you powerful. That changes everything. Only when I believe that I am helpless to stop the same thing happening again or if I am trying to deny that I am beating myself up for not seeing it coming do I feel the need for revenge. I am a scared child fighting back in this moment. When the man in me takes the lead, I choose to search for the opportunity to make my world a better place BECAUSE of what had hurt me and find a way to be stronger, better prepared or make positive change. I figure, the world can be cruel and people are scared and scarred. So do I focus on winning the point? Or the whole freaking game? See more
20.01.2022 Our new neighbour.
18.01.2022 Let's say you've been through a rough time together and your buttons were pushed by your partner. And let's say that moment has passed, but it was intense at the time. And just suppose, your partner didn't respond in an understanding and supportive way that time and it was a moment when they had just walked in to the house, perhaps from work or shopping or jogging. So, now your brain stats to link your partner's face, the act of them walking through the door and the clothes ...they are wearing with the uncomfortable feelings you experienced during that not so pleasant moment, in the past. But the event has past and yet you continue to be triggered into strong emotions and you have a strong reaction to your partner. You are both confused and re-triggered over and over and you start to question your whole relationship. You are being triggered here. You are projecting an unresolved discontent within yourself into your partner. Sometimes, just being aware of this pattern can bring a shift in how you relate. And sometimes, you need to acknowledge it out loud and talk it through to get to the REAL issue and unfulfilled need. Own your reaction and get clear on your need. See more
18.01.2022 Im a big believer in finding the path of least resistance. But sometimes, the challenge is great and the result I worth it. Sometimes you bite of more than you can chew and you just need to grow a bigger mouth. The semi trailer, after unloading couldn't turn around. Solution? Use the 40t crane to lift the 9t semi trailer and spin it around.
17.01.2022 When you know who you are, what you want and why you want it, then that clarity attracts people in who align with your vision and can see their success in working with you. A few hours or days or even weeks of getting clear, can save you literally years of near misses and thousands of dollars. Interested in the Amplified Life approach to solidly getting that kind of clarity? Get in touch.
17.01.2022 Know what you want, why you want it, and who you are becoming on the way. That combination can get you anything you want. I'm running A FREE webinar on the process to bring this new financial year. Compiled strategies and processes followed by some of the greatest minds in coaching and tested by me personally and many of my clients to achieve outstanding results in our own lives and businesses. Comment below if having that kind of unstoppable clarity and finally being able to move forward with your dreams would light you up. Coming Soon....
17.01.2022 Always fun celebrating birthdays and family (hey Krissy).
17.01.2022 6 Steps to Clarity, Purpose and a Plan. What are you tolerating in your life? What is "OK?" "It'll do". What would you do to live a life inspired? A Life you were excited about? Proud of? Would you go through a simple 6 step process to create powerful clarity, a string sense of purpose and an unstoppable plan to get you your dreams? "How could 6 steps do that?" I hear you ask. ... Some people work hard, all their lives and proudly sacrifice everything for a life they learn to tolerate. They hope things will get better. They try to get it right. They are lost. These 6 steps have been created based on the successful habits, practices and thinking of HUGELY successful, happy people. I've broken these steps down into practical, usable, powerful exercises get results. 6 steps. Are you ready? You deserve this. The next 5 years of your life pass. Will you be where you want to be? It will pass regardless. You'll either be stuck where you are now, or closer to living the life of your dreams. But 5 years will pass. Make it happen. It's your life. PM me or comment below to find out more. See more
17.01.2022 In these uncertain times, we look to our governments for guidance and action. But now more than ever, it is far more important to come together as communities and take responsibility for the care, support and future of those people in our immediate circle of influence. Who, within your immediate neighbourhood, could use a bit of kindness right now? Together.
16.01.2022 If you feel inspired or unsure about what to do next in any area of your life.... Then you think your vehicle is your result! What does that mean? You might be thinking, I need to stay in my job until I can save up for a house in my favourite suburb. But neither the job, the house or the location are your result. You feel trapped in your job and enslaved to your goal. You feel like the house is a rainbow dream and just keeps moving further and further away from you. And the prices in the suburb you want to live in keep going up. Pretty soon, nothing about this vision FEELS GOOD anymore. These things are all vehicles, not results. What do you really want? Don't worry about the how for now. That will come. Who cares about the airport if you have no where to go, right? Like COVID right now. Months of not being able to travel. The frequent flyer points and your luggage are just sitting there. The real question always comes back to "How do I want to consistently feel about my life?" What matters to me, why does it matter, how do I want to feel? Then you choose the right vehicles or goals to get you that. You can never find what you want by getting distracted by the vehicle. I literally go through a 5 step process on a regular basis to maintain my clarity and focus. Truth is, the world wants to give you what you need. People do. Not because they are nice. Because when you know exactly what someone wants and you can directly contribute to that result, you feel competent, worthy, abundant, needed etc. It feels good. But when people want to help but the person they want to help don't even know what they want... THEY CAN'T SUCCEED. They will fail and they will feel bad. So, they push away from you. Judge deflect and avoid. But, of you set them up to succeed and can clear state what you want, why you want it and what your values and boundaries are, they will WANT to serve you because they will get to feel successful. If you would like to run through my 5 step process with me and gain really super power clarity in your life and have the kind of flow and momentum towards your dreams that most people only dream of...... PM me or leave a comment.
16.01.2022 Striving vs Pushing Pushing is a focus on achieving and getting. The danger in being in "doing mode", is that you can be busy, but not efficient or focused and you can become unaware of your mental and physical health because you slip into martyr mode where you keep pushing at all cost. You lose your result and are purely focused on your goal. Pushing and focusing purely on your goal, can lead to frustration, depression and unhealthy expectations and stress when things don't ...go to plan. Pushing also blinds you to other possibilities. You become attached to the "vehicle" you choose to get your result and often ignore if that path or vehicle or goal is efficient, healthy or fun. Sometimes the goal is chosen because the opportunity presented itself and not because it is in keeping with your ultimate result. Striving is different. Striving is a worthy practice in itself. Striving is more about "becoming" than achieving. The goal you choose is not necessarily the result you are after. Your goal might be to buy an investment property but your result is financial peace or freedom or self worth. Your goal might be to reconnect with your partner and save the relationship, but your result might be to feel loved (which can be more about self love and acceptance and self worth rather than hoping that someone else can fill that need for you). Striving is about how you grow and who you become in the pursuit of your goals. Striving gets you your result. Pushing does not. Ultimately, you strive and become the person who gets to live the life of your dreams. Striving involves stepping out of your comfort zone in a purposeful way. It requires you to grow and live your truth. It is easy to hide from your truth by pushing and being busy. Striving often involves inner work, developing stillness, trust and patience. There is no striving without clarity. You can be busy and you can push without knowing where you are going, why you are going there and what your values, standards and boundaries are. But striving calls on you to explore these things every step of the way. A Life coach is your guide through this process. Gain clarity. Understand your purpose. Know your result.
16.01.2022 Just because you think it, doesn't make it real. Our beliefs, the meanings we give the actions of others and or assumptions... They are all makey-uppy. Stories. Guesses. Opinions. But not facts. Beliefs especially can feel like facts. Beliefs are thoughts and judgements we have held onto for long enough or that were formed at a time of strong emotions and now we see them as fact. Sometimes we even take on other people's beliefs and over time, see them as fact. The secret to ...mastering this, is in getting real, getting honest, and then choosing the beliefs that will serve you, your family and wider world. So next time a thought comes into your head that doesn't FEEL right or that makes you stressed or angry or depressed, ... Notice it and ask, is this a belief or opinion that serves me? Is it based on fact or assumption? What else could I chose to believe about this situation?
15.01.2022 One of our regular morning visitors....
15.01.2022 When a new year kicks in we tend to go one of two ways (or a mix of both) 1) Full of hope and vision and optimism 2) Regrets, fear, self judgement and a lack of motivation. And here's the thing. Although option number #1 will feel better, which is a good thing, it might only be short lived as reality sets in, the bills pile up and COVID claims another opportunity. Sustained hope requires optimism requires evidence of positive progress. ...Continue reading
15.01.2022 There is a difference between doing something that distracts you from pain and doing something that FEELS GOOD. A lot of money and time is spent doing things that distract us from pain. TV, alcohol, gossip, eating junk food, working obsessively, being busy with odd jobs. When you FEEL GOOD, you are in integrity with your values and vision. You are walking your talk. You are in action doing something that is good for you, good for others and good for the planet. It feels good from the inside out. What you do is enjoyable and even when it is challenging sometimes, you can appreciate the effort because you are doing something that matters. It doesn't have to be world beating magnificent. It can be small and simple. But it matters and you love yourself a little more for doing it. Do what you love and do lots of it.
15.01.2022 5 steps to making sure 2021 is a great year. Ok, so 2020 may have felt like someone cut the brake lines and you just had to hold on and pray that everything was going to be ok. Or maybe you were lucky and it was more of a pleasant drift down a stream in a boat without oars. Relaxing on one hand and yet filled with uncertainty and lack of purpose. I offer you a 5 step process for taking back your sense of purpose and power and enjoyment in 2021. ...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Thoughts for the day... What we call reality, is like a reflection in a pond. You can see everything clearly; yourself, the trees, the sky. So it seems real. But it is upside down. The reality you see in the reflection, is impermanent, fragile, a perspective. A stone thrown into its surface quickly disrupts your view of reality and it becomes ripples of chaos. Clarity and certainty are gone. In moments like this, you have the opportunity to shift your gaze, your perspective.... Look up at the real sky. Notice your real self. See the vastness and the never-endingness of your real life. Know it to be real. Fig deep into what truly matters you. Your values. Your never ending learning and growth. The you that looks at the reflection as opposed to the you that you see in the reflection. Now look back at the pond if you like. It's surface will have settled again and you will know that the next disruption is nothing more than a perspective shift. An opportunity to connect with your higher self and all that is, always. To ride out the chaos, the disruption and the ripples of life, spend some time getting clear on who you are and what you want. The things and experiences in your life like relationships, jobs, businesses, holidays, deaths etc etc, these are all vehicles on the journey to WHO you want to BE. So, who are you choosing to become? How do you want to walk in the world? Then take the time to plan. Choose the path the vehicles that will serve you on this journey. Who do you need to meet? What skills do you need to learn? What experiences will you have? What contribution will you make? When you know who you are and where you are going and you have a plan to get there, then the ripples and disruptions can not stop you. You will see them as opportunites to grow, learn, reflect, refine and be guided by your higher self.
13.01.2022 Be kind to yourself....
13.01.2022 We all have a mountain to deal with. A mountain to climb, to get over, to go around. But most importantly, a mountain to admire, to appreciate and to welcome into your life experience. Yep, problems are not comfortable! But they are what allows us to grow. Challenge build muscle. Emotional muscle, cognitive muscle, will power. Your mountain is often not your greatest problem. Your resistance to growing and appreciating the learning is. What do you have to appreciate in your life right now?
13.01.2022 Amplify your Life, today 6 Steps to Getting a Life Are you happy with your life? ...Continue reading
12.01.2022 These last two months have called on me to give and then give some more. I am so grateful that I had planned ahead for such surprises and have a cash buffer to ride this time out and to be able to be there for my family. I am grateful that I have worked on my health and fitness so that I have had the energy to keep going when needed. I am grateful to have been able to take 2 days out and just meditate, do yoga, eat organic vegan delicious food and sleep.... It is so important to make sure you care for YOU. And that includes financially, spiritually, health wise and relationship wise. To set yourself up to ride out life's ups and downs, you need to establish a clear vision, know who you want to BE on this journey, then plan to make that happen and then take routine, step-by-step actions to make that happen. Ready to go play big again.
12.01.2022 Something Special The biggest struggle so many people have is knowing what they want. What do You really want out of life? ... Where do you want to be at in 10 years from now? Most people do not have clarity around their desired RESULTS, and get lost in believing the VEHICLE is their result. For example, you might want financial freedom, and that is your result, but you believe that working hard on your career and getting that promotion and saving up for a house is the result. It is only the vehicle. You may find there are hundreds of possibilities and opportunities to reach financial freedom. Your career is just one vehicle. Some vehicles give you a sense of freedom and purpose right from the start. Others require sacrifice and compromise. Don't get married to the vehicle. Stay focused on your result. That kind of adaptability and clarity gets real results in a sustainable way. I am putting together a program that is a 5 step process to making dreams a reality. It will launch soon. Comment below if you would be interested. This is the process I have used to create my own dreams and to help my clients achieve theirs. It's a step-by-step, practical process that sets you up to create the life you deserve. Let me know if you're ready to get clarity and move towards your dreams with certainty.
10.01.2022 If you're not out there looking for your WHY, then you'll never get a good WHO or HOW and you'll sure as hell not get your WHAT. I coach business people all the time, and everyone wants to start the conversation with marketing or strategy or investment. But all of that is just busy stuff without truly knowing your WHY. WHY gets you up on the morning. It keeps you focused and on track. It inspires others to want to contribute to your project. So before you get bogged down How, or who... Get totally absorbed by your WHY. WWW.AMPLIFIEDLIFECOACHING.COM See more
09.01.2022 We all have things we know we should be doing to get the results we want. There is usually one thing you could easily change right now, that would make a difference in your life right now, but you just haven't been able to make it happen. What is that one thing, for you? Save money? Meditate?... Change your eating habits? Exercise? Speak your mind? Change your job? Plan for the future? Connect with a family member? Put yourself first? Put energy into romance? Start a vege garden? What is your #1 thing that must change in 2021? See more
07.01.2022 Your world starts with your head. A clear vision and a little creativity. What could you imagine for your life? My week was filled with photo shoots, celebrations and a few great challenges. Love it.
06.01.2022 Are you tired of getting close, but never quite achieving your dreams? Have you had that feeling like nothing you do breaks through and you're just going around and around in circles trying? ITS SO FRUSTRATING RIGHT? For the first time, I'm going to run a FREE facebook live on THE #1 THING that changes it all and gets you results. And its not about working harder. If I get enough interest, I will run a series of FREE lives to hand you a step-by-step, actionable process that ...creates incredible momentum towards having wealth, love, happiness and health in your life. So, let me know a day and time that would suit you for me to run this series. Each live will be no more than 30mins. A half hour of getting to the point good stuff that gets you your results smoothly and sustainably. Comment below and tell me when I should run this, so that you can turn up?
06.01.2022 I've recently been going through a time of launching a new branch of my business, I've had both my parents in hospital, dealing with this strange new world of COVID, trying to manage our finances and keep everything going, dropping the ball with my fitness routine..... I'm sure some of you can relate. Life is challenging sometimes..... Ok, a lot of the time. That's why it is SO important to "check in". When you are working hard to create a great life for yourself and your fam...ily, it is easy to be all work and effort and no appreciation and enjoyment. You might want to do a monthly "Check in" on the different areas of your life and see what needs attention. In no particular order... 1. Finances 2. Health/exercise 3. Self care/needs 4. Romance 5. Family 6. Dreams 7. Work/business growth 8. Learning/personal development If you had to give each area a score out of ten (1, neglect 10, nailing it), where is your life at right now? The idea is not to create a perfect balance, but rather to lean into different areas from time to time to make sure you aren't totally out of balance. Any time you'd like to dig deep and create some positive change in any of these areas, just get in touch. So, Where are you at now? See more
06.01.2022 5 step process for taking control of your life. Hopefully we are evolving. Growing. Becoming the version of ourselves that gets to live our dreams. But getting to this new place is almost impossible if we don't have an address to program into our GPS. Most people just drive. No clear idea of where they want to end up. And then they feel lost, frustrated and disillusioned when they don't arrive somewhere they want to be. Clarity in knowing what you want and why you want it is... they key to great finances, relationships and health. The plan, the"how" is easier. Once you know where you are going, you just need a vehicle to get you there. That vehicle might be a job or a business or a connection. But a vehicle is of no use to you if you are going nowhere. So what to do? I'm about to run a series of webinars on getting direction in your life. $50, for 5 incredibly powerful webinars that lead you through a step-by-step process for getting clear and getting results. A 5 step process that will put you back in control of your life. See more
05.01.2022 Continuing my extra support during Covid, I'm offering 4 months of weekly 1-on-1 coaching for $4k. If it is time to stop tolerating financial stress, relationship numbness, or dreams forgotten? Make the rest of this year count!
05.01.2022 Taking time out to refuel and reconnect. It's put your own mask on first time. A little Self care now and then empowers you to be able to continue giving to others. And when you care for yourself, it encourages others to the same too.
03.01.2022 I'm just saying. Dads hold the power to just take the edge of a crazy morning, make people feel special, give their most valuable gift...presence, and just be there for people and keep it playful. Keep it simple. We have a lot of responsibilities to carry on a daily basis, but it's also important to find simple, easy ways to lighten the mood or celebrate what you as a family have. This morning, I wanted to bring a little extra magic to breakfast time, so with the last of the buckwheat pancake batter, I poured it was an attempt at a Pikachu, but my son tells me I got the trail all wrong. Lol
03.01.2022 Setbacks! No! We all get them. But what is your response? I've lessened over the years to change my expectations. So I'll react in the moment and throw myself on the ground and Chuck an adult tantrum! Then, I'll remind myself, that if the way forward is blocked, GO UP! Reach for something better than you thought you could have. Rather than see it as a sign that you over extended or should think smaller or should settle for less, EXPECT BETTER. Take it as a sign to think bigger, better and easier. All quality questions of yourself "So, is there a better way? What was I tolerating that I don't have to? Who would be the ideal person to work with on this? What would a bigger result be? What would feel better?" Amplify your results and the way you feel. Turn your problem into an opportunity to expand.
02.01.2022 Relationships are challenging.... And rich, and rewarding and for many, a mystery. And, it is even more difficult when you are in business together. Business people acknowledge that systems, strategies and modelling success is vital to building success in business. And yet many assume they will intuitively succeed without a plan or the necessary tools in their relationships. As in business, we are all individuals, but those that succeed purposefully and consistently support... habits and utilise strategies to keep their relationships strong. It is not our achievements, but or day-to-day experiences that define the quality of our life experiences. When your relationships, intimate, family and other suffer, so does your energy level, self esteem, confidence, self worth and happiness. On a practical level, that directly affects your approach and success in business and wealth creation. If you relate to this, then please get in touch and book in for a free consult to find out how you can turn this around using real, practical, step by step processes that get you results NOW. [email protected] See more
02.01.2022 Relationships are complex. They can be our greatest source of inspiration and growth and our greatest source of pain. Our relationships, when they are good, can be a powerful base from which you can create empires and dreams. When they are not good, they can feel like a prison. ... So, if you had a magic wand and could change or fix just one thing in your relationship, what would it be? What would make the biggest difference to you right now? Comment below or PM me.
02.01.2022 Do you know what you want? Let's Play.... Q1. If you could live ANYWHERE, where would you choose? Has to be somewhere you would happily live for the rest your days. Money is no object. Where would it be?
02.01.2022 2021. Man, I enjoyed switching off for a few days and just ignore the world and got into Christmas and New Year. I got to be honest here, it was TOUGH switching back on. Are you with me on that? Are you still trying to get your momentum going? So, this morning was my morning. Vision. Got clear on where I was headed this year. I also looked back at last year and recalled moments when things were actually working for me. Really humming. Then I wrote down who I was being in t...he world (habits, good, thoughts, people) and acknowledged that if I replicated that version of me, then I can replicate the success too. So I came up with a personalised success strategy. Planning Then I planned out the next couple of months based on a broad plan around my vision. I've taken into consideration the need to stay flexible and adaptable this year. Routine I jumped straight back into my routine. Hit the gym this morning, blended up a green juice, good breakfast, check my daily agenda and prioritise my day. Team Leverage my team. What can I delegate? Who can I celebrate? Fun Find the fun in my day. Plan at least one short break to do something fun and look out for opportunities to connect or be silly, or put on some music. Ok. I'm switched on. And this will be my routine all year. What's yours?
01.01.2022 Being "lost" feels powerless right? But essentially you don't have a direction or answers right now. You could decide to be "curious". It's similar in that you don't have direction or answers. But there is potential in being curious. It's a state of growth, creativity and new possibilities. So embrace the creativity of not having answers. Get curious. What would it look like if I felt happy and purposeful? What does it look like when I recognise that in others? If I could change 3 things about my life right now what would they be? If I had those 3 things, what would it give me? Why do I want them? Who do I know who has what I want? What kind of person gets to live the way I want to live? What one thing could I shift this week, to move closer to the person I am becoming? Exciting times my friend. Start lost. Get curious. Fun
01.01.2022 What is your biggest unsolved problem right now? What, of you could move past it, unravel it, destroy it, turn it into hold, would make a positive difference in your life, right now?
01.01.2022 Just finished my morning exercise. Now my focus is on how much energy and joy can I bring into my house for the next 5 minutes that could start a chain reaction running through my whole family that will make this day feel great. What if I could share that great feeling and create a ripple of energy and joy that could affect everyone I cross paths with today?
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