ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies in Townsville, Queensland | Educational research centre
ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies
Locality: Townsville, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4781 4000
Address: James Cook University 4811 Townsville, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 It's #coralspawning time! #CoralCoE's #researchers are hard at work at Orpheus Island Research Station collecting #coral egg & sperm bundles for breeding experiments! JCU: James Cook University, Australia #GBR #GreatBarrierReef #reef #coralreef Featured here: * #Coral egg and sperm bundles. ... *Prof. Andrew Baird separating eggs from sperm while Hanaka Mera records spawning times! *#Acropora sarmentosa (Brook, 1892) releasing coral egg and sperm bundles. Augustine Crosbie
24.01.2022 #NewBehaviour observed in #COTS! They can travel & find their way back home if their neighbourhood is stocked with their fav food- #corals! #CoralCoE #GBR #crownofthorns #crownofthornsstarfish #greatbarrierreef #pratchettlab JCU: James Cook University, Australia University of Tasmania #PR: #NewPaper:
24.01.2022 The first step to conserving the #GreatBarrierReef is understanding what species live there! A new international study led by #CoralCoE is using #coral #DNA to understand the evolution & current diversity in #corals! alert #SpoilerAlert: Genetic data found that traditional morphological classifications of corals are incorrect! #ProjectPhoenix #genetics #molecularbiology JCU: James Cook University, Australia Queensland Museum Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History Harvey Mudd College Museum of Tropical Queensland
24.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS to the Social-Ecological Research Frontiers team for winning the #EurekaPrizes for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Scientific Research! The international team is led by #CoralsCoE's Prof. Joshua Cinner, and includes scientists from seven Australian institutions, with Dr Michele Barnes, Dr Georgina Gurney, Professor Andy Hoey, Dr Jacqui Lau, and PhD candidate Jessica Zamborain Mason rounding out the Coral CoE team. JCU: James Cook University, Australia The Nature Conservancy Lancaster University University of Tasmania Macquarie University UTS: University of Technology Sydney Australian Institute of Marine Science Dalhousie University To learn more about their fantastic work on #brightspots:
24.01.2022 Here's an insight from our coral research team and their work behind the scenes. This is coral DNA collected by Senior Curator, Corals Dr Tom Bridge from a rec...ent trip to Heron Island. What's exciting is that some of this DNA will be sequenced and compared to corals from other regions to understand the biogeography and evolutionary history of corals of the Great Barrier Reef. The remainder will be stored in an ultrafreezer at the Queensland Museum tissue bank to provide a permanent record of the diversity of corals at Heron Island at the present time. DNA samples and coral reefs of Heron Island. Credit Tom Bridge, Tethys Images. #QMNetwork #museumoftropicalqld ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies - Coral CoE
23.01.2022 Studying #coralreefs connects all of our #researchers here at #CoralCoE, but everyone's path to this point has been different! Check out A/Prof Jodie Rummer's journey to joining us & JCU: James Cook University, Australia below! #WhatInspiresYou #WomenInSTEM #sharks #sharkscience #scicomm Physioshark Project
23.01.2022 A new study led by #CoralCoE's Jessica Spijkers found that #fishery conflicts are projected todue to changes in our #oceans from #climatechange, #overfishing, & poor #resource #management. JCU: James Cook University, Australia Stockholm University #IWD2021 #WomenInSTEM To learn more:
23.01.2022 #NewResearch led by #CoralCoE's Dr. Ian Bouyoucos looks at the simultaneous effects of #oceanwarming & #oceanacidification on #babysharks! #OpenAccess Paper in Scientific Reports: Physioshark Project #sharks #blacktip #physioshark #reef #reefshark JCU: James Cook University, Australia Queensland Museum JCU: Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture New England Aquarium #CRIOBE ... Victor Huertas
23.01.2022 Congratulations to #CoralCoE's 11 outstanding #researchers who made it onto Clarivate Web of Science 's list of 2020 #HighlyCitedResearchers! Their papers are ranked in the top 1% by citations in their field! Well done everyone! JCU: James Cook University, Australia The University of Queensland Professor Andrew Baird Professor David Bellwood Professor Sean Connolly... Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg Professor Terry Hughes Professor Geoff Jones Professor Peter Mumby Professor Philip Munday Professor John Pandolfi Professor Morgan Pratchett Dr Gergely Torda
22.01.2022 According to #CoralCoE's Prof. Andrew Baird, The traditional classification of corals is dead. But, these new molecular tools allow us to reinvent a new classification system on the ashes of the old. Hence, the name we have given to the research: Project Phoenix. These are exciting times to be a coral taxonomist. JCU: James Cook University, Australia Museum of Tropical Queensland Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History Harvey Mudd College To learn more about #ProjectPhoenix: To read their latest paper:
21.01.2022 A new #CoralCoE study in Science led by Prof. John Pandolfi & Dr. Timothy Staples found that when novel communities (or new #species combos) formed, local #extinctions of species were 2x as likely! The University of Queensland #newresearch #research #localextinction To learn more: #PR: #NewPaper: Andreas Dietzel
21.01.2022 New #PhDOpportunity with #CoralCoE's Prof. Ryan Lowe at The University of Western Australia! The successful applicant will be #researching #oceanographic drivers of #tropical #coastal #marineecosystems! #fullyfunded #oceanography #PhD #coralreefs #reefs #research Applications due by 9 Oct. 2020! For more details: ... See more
20.01.2022 New #research suggests that the risk of #localextinction for an #anemonefish #endemic to southern #QLD & northern #NSW is proportional to the # of host #anemones in the area. Local #extinction risk was highest in the #SunshineCoast. #CoralCoE #pratchettlab JCU: James Cook University, Australia UNSWThe University of Queensland To learn more:
19.01.2022 From lowered defenses to determining "relationship health", #CoralCoE #researchers have used #RNAseq to shed some light on the mutualistic relationship between #coral larvae & their algal #symbionts. #GeneExpression #genetics #RNA #MolecularEcology JCU: James Cook University, Australia #Blog: #NewPaper:
19.01.2022 What can spawning tell us about the diversity of corals on the Great Barrier Reef? Dr Tom Bridge has been at the Orpheus Island Research Station to study this ...year's annual coral spawning event. Tom is a Senior Research Fellow at the JCU-based ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies - Coral CoE and Senior Curator of Corals at the Queensland Museum.
19.01.2022 Are you looking for something #educational & #free to do? Come check out our weekly #CoralCoE #seminars on Thursdays featuring #researchers from around the world! JCU: James Cook University, Australia The University of Queensland The University of Western Australia The Australian National University Don't forget to subscribe to get updates!
19.01.2022 Black coral expert, Jeremy Horowitz returns to tell us a more about his recent fieldwork with Schmidt Ocean Institute and how ROVs are revolutionizing scientifi...c exploration deep in the Coral Sea. #museumoftropicalqld Queensland Museum ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies - Coral CoE
18.01.2022 Working and studying in #academia isn't always easy, and many of us have faced more challenges than ever in #2020. Please take a moment and check in on the people in your life and ask them if they are ok. #ruokday2020 Not sure how to talk to someone about their #mentalhealth? Check out the #RUOK website for some great tips! For those who are not ok, please remember that we, your family, your friends, and your colleagues care about and are here for you! For our staff and students, there are also a range of #mentalhealth and #wellbeing resources available to you through your respective universities. Please check out your University's pg below for more details. JCU: James Cook University, Australia Resources: The University of Queensland Resources: The University of Western Australia Resources: The Australian National University Resources:
18.01.2022 New #research on #coral #evolution found that past climates similar to today's devastated #hardcorals while making way for #softcorals. #climatechange #historyrepeating JCU: James Cook University, Australia American Museum of Natural History Harvey Mudd College Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History #CoralCoE #PR: #NewPaper:
17.01.2022 A big CONGRATULATIONS to #CoralCoE's Dr. Georgina Gurney and Dr. Brock Bergseth for being awarded 2021 ARC #DECRAS! Well done & well deserved you two! With Dr. Gurney examining perceptions of fairness in #conservation & nature #resourcemanagement, and Dr. Bergseth researching how #fisheries compliance can be improved with behavioural interventions we're looking forward to the excellent #research, #seminars, impact & papers coming our way in the near future! JCU: James Cook University, Australia
16.01.2022 Pour la Fête de la science le Musée Zoologique vous propose, du 8 au 11 octobre, de rencontrer des chercheurs qui viennent étudier des spécimens de nos collections. Ils vous expliquent pourquoi. #FDS2020
15.01.2022 #CoralCoE's Dr. Kenny Wolfe has not only developed #newtech which allows for a standardised unit to monitor #biodiversity in #coral rubble but found heaps of #crypticspecies hidden in this #habitat! #BiodiversityMonth The University of Queensland #PR: #NewPaper:
15.01.2022 Congratulations to Social-Ecological Research Frontiers led by #CoralCoE's Prof. Joshua Cinner for being named a finalist in UNSW's #EurekaPrizes for Excellence in Interdisciplinary #ScientificResearch! JCU: James Cook University, Australia University of Tasmania Macquarie University UTS: University of Technology Sydney Australian Institute of Marine Science
14.01.2022 #Islands are #biodiversity hotspots, & can subsequently become #extinction epicenters. Despite this, a new study has found that 1/2 of all islands globally have no #ProtectedAreas. #climatechange JCU: James Cook University, Australia #CoralCoE #BiodiversityMonth Lancaster University
13.01.2022 Did you know that #epaulettesharks lay eggs & that #climatechange is affecting how they develop? #PhD Candidate Carolyn Wheeler found that #sharks hatched faster, smaller & lighter in warmer temperatures! Physioshark Project #PhysioShark JCU: James Cook University, Australia #babyshark #reefsharks #science #CoralCoE
13.01.2022 What exactly is a black coral? Where are they found? ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies - Coral CoE PhD student Jeremy Horowitz is here to tell us ...why their name really doesn't do them justice, revealing specimens recently collected on Schmidt Ocean Institute #VisioningCoralSea expedition. #BiodiversityMonth #QMNetwork #museumoftropicalqld
12.01.2022 New report from #CoralCoE's Dr. Jacqueline Lau and Sarah Sutcliffe on the impacts of #COVID19 on an #atoll #island #community in #PapuaNewGuinea. #LifeInCovid #pandemic #pandemiclife #globalpandemic #PNG #covidimpacts JCU: James Cook University, Australia WorldFish To read the full report:
12.01.2022 #CoralCoE acknowledges that Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the original inhabitants and traditional custodians of this continent and that they have unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land and waters. At our @jamescookuniversity headquarters, we acknowledge the Bindal and Wulgurukaba peoples and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOCWeek2020 #NAIDOC
11.01.2022 We're officially on #LinkedIn! Follow our pg for updates on new #CoralCoE #research & #opportunities! JCU: James Cook University, Australia The University of Queensland The Australian National University The University of Western Australia Tory Chase
10.01.2022 A new study led by #CoralCoE's Prof. Morgan Pratchett in Scientific Reports found that despite movement of coral-dependent #damselfishes to nearby surviving #corals, their abundance ~proportionally to the loss of coral habitat. JCU: James Cook University, Australia #reeffish #GBR #fish #GreatBarrierReef #reef #coralreef #damselfish #ocean #research #marineresearch #marine Tory Chase
10.01.2022 "#Gender has a powerful influence on people’s experience of, & resilience to, #climatechange" states a new #CoralCoE study led by Dr. Jacqueline Lau. Outdated assumptions around gender continue to hinder effective and fair #policymaking and action for climate mitigation and adaptation. JCU: James Cook University, Australia WorldFish To learn more: PR: Paper: Dr. Jacqueline Lau
10.01.2022 It's time to diversify our #fish stock portfolios if we want to secure #sustainable populations according to #CoralCoE's Dr. Hugo Harrison! The study found that #protectedareas are an important albeit variable fish source. JCU: James Cook University, Australia PNAS #genetics #babyfish #DNA #DNAFingerprinting #marinereserves #NewStudy: #PressRelease: Tne Sinclair-Taylor
07.01.2022 New #genetic #research led by #CoralCoE's Peter Cowman has found that traditional #coral classification based on #morphology is incorrect! According to Dr. Cowman "...we still don't know how many coral #species live on the #GBR, how to identify them, or which species live where. And those are the first steps in saving an ecosystem like that. Luckily, Project Phoenix ( is working to fix that and has already developed a new #genetictool to understand coral #species! JCU: James Cook University, Australia Queensland Museum Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History Harvey Mudd College Museum of Tropical Queensland #PR: #NewPaper: Tom Bridge
06.01.2022 An international team of scientists from ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies - Coral CoE, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History Inverte...brate Zoology and Queensland Museum have developed a new genetic tool that can help them better understand and ultimately work to save coral reefs across the world. See the research release here: Find out more about Project Phoenix here:
06.01.2022 A new #CoralCoE study led by Dr. Andy Dietzel estimates that there are ~1/2 a trillion #corals in the Pacific & found a mismatch between species abundance & their IUCN listings! JCU: James Cook University, Australia QUT (Queensland University of Technology) Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute To learn more: Christopher Brunner
05.01.2022 A new #CoralCoE study led by Dr. Kristen Brown improves estimates of #coralreef carbonate budgets (a key metric to determine #reef condition) & highlights the need for #habitat specific estimates! Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography #research The University of Queensland #Blog #Paper Gal Eyal
04.01.2022 A new #CoralCoE study led by Dr. Andreas Dietzel found that the number of small, medium & large #corals has DECREASED BY MORE THAN 50% since 1995! According to co-author Prof. Terry Hughes The decline occurred in both shallow and deeper water, and across virtually all speciesbut especially in branching and table-shaped corals. These were the worst affected by record-breaking temperatures that triggered mass bleaching in 2016 and 2017. #GBR #reef #GreatBarrierReef #coral ...JCU: James Cook University, Australia QUT (Queensland University of Technology) Royal Society Publishing #bleaching #coralbleaching #massbleachingevent #science #research #marinescience #marineresearch #PR: #Paper:
03.01.2022 Congratulations to Dr Michele Barnes from JCU: James Cook University, Australia, winner of a 2020 Queensland Young Tall Poppy Science Award. Dr Barnes explores people’s social networks can be used to better understand and help solve environmental problems. Her research found that stronger communication between tuna fishers led to significant decreases in shark bycatch, and that Reef health is positively correlated with increased communication by competing fishers. You can read more about all ten of our extraordinary Queensland Tall Poppy Campaign winners here: #YTP2020 #qldscience
03.01.2022 New #research from #CoralCoE #PhD candidate Katie Sievers has found that #parrotfish species that were previously thought to be exclusive to #coralreefs also use non-reef #habitats! This highlights the need to look at both #coral and non-reef habitats in #fish studies! #reefs #reeffish #marinelife JCU: James Cook University, Australia To learn more:
03.01.2022 "We measured changes in colony sizes because population studies are important for understanding demography & the corals' capacity to breed," said #CoralCoE's Andreas Dietzel who led a new study that found that the #GBR has lost >1/2 its corals since 1995 ( JCU: James Cook University, Australia #greatbarrierreef #corals #climatechange #coralbleaching
03.01.2022 New #research shows that #ocean #fisheries having released 730 million metric tons of #CO2 into the atmosphere since 1950! To reduce this, we need to leave more big #fish in the #sea! #CoralCoE JCU: James Cook University, Australia #umrMARBEC WWF University of British Columbia National Geographic UC Santa Barbara Paper: PR: David Itano
02.01.2022 Meet Dr Peter Cowman from JCU: James Cook University, Australia winner of a 2020 Queensland Young Tall Poppy Science Award. Dr Cowman studies the evolutionary o...rigins of coral reef fishes. Using DNA and fossil information he has shown that coral reefs act as a ‘cradle’ where new fish species arise. He is a previous recipient of the Gaylord Donnelley Postdoctoral Environmental Fellowship from Yale University. You can read more about all ten of our extraordinary Queensland Tall Poppy Campaign winners here: #YTP2020 #qldscience
02.01.2022 New #research led by #CoralCoE's Samuel Payet found that #fishing may be affecting the #demography (or size, density, & distribution of populations) of #coralgrouper #species on the #GBR. JCU: James Cook University, Australia #PratchettLab
02.01.2022 Join #CoralCoE's Marta Panero tonight on #FBLive with ADEX - Asia Dive Expo at 10pm AEST/ 8PM SST for a chat about #reeffish #biodiversity! #BiodiversityMonth JCU: James Cook University, Australia #fish #reef #coralreefs
02.01.2022 New #research has found that in order to reduce #illegalfishing of #sharks, we need to address broader issues of #poverty, #foodsecurity & a lack of alternatives in #resource-dependent #communities. #CoralCoE #fishing #sharkconservation #fisheries James Cook University Townsville
02.01.2022 New #CoralCoE #research used #genetics to identify the 1st antimicrobial peptide (AMP) in #Acropora! AMPs inhibit/kill #bacteria and are critical to #coral #immunesystems. The study also found evidence that a common coral #pathogen (#Vibrio coralliilyticus) has evolved resistance to it! #Bioinformatics #reefs #corals #coralreefs JCU: James Cook University, Australia OIST Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University The Australian National University To r...ead the paper and learn more:! Tory Chase
02.01.2022 New #genetic #research finds that while bigger #fish have more babies, they are also rare. Small fish play a big role in keeping fish populations going! They may have fewer babies, but there are more of them! #CoralCoE JCU: James Cook University, Australia Australian Institute of Marine Science #MPA #notakezones PR: Paper: Hugo Harrison
01.01.2022 #NEWDISCOVERY! #Researchers on a Schmidt Ocean Institute expedition have discovered a NEW 500m tall & 1.4km wide #coralreef on the #GBR! #CoralCoE's Dr. Tom Bridge, a Principal Investigator on the expedition, said that it's the 1st detached #reef found in >120yrs! JCU: James Cook University, Australia Museum of Tropical Queensland Queensland Museum @SchmidtOcean
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