Ashmore White Suffolks | Businesses
Ashmore White Suffolks
Phone: +61 439 933 111
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24.01.2022 The 2020 Ashmore Ram Sale Catalogue is now available via Photos and videos of the stud ram offering will be launched at our Virtual Field Day - Saturday September 5th at 12pm - right here on Facebook. The pictured ram is Ashmore 190016 - Lot 1. Beautifully balanced, excellent structure and used with success as a ram lamb. ASBVs of BWT 0.36, PWT 18.0, PEMD 3.4, PFAT 0.6, SF5 -3.0, TCP 162. More rams like this will be on display next Saturday.
24.01.2022 We are hiring! Calling all keen, enthusiastic people who want to learn more about stud sheep management as well as hay and grain production. This role is for 3 days a week. Whilst skills are important, we will hire on attitude and willingness to learn. Please share.
24.01.2022 Lambing at Ashmore is two thirds complete and it couldn’t be better! Our pastures are steaming ahead after early sowing and great opening rains. So far we have 800 lambs weighed, tagged, tailed at birth and entered into our database. Our birthweight ASBV for the lambs born in 2020 is an average of +0.25kg which is below the terminal average. In years like 2020, with more feed available, the average birthweight of lambs is likely to be higher than normal. Despite our ewes in excellent condition, our lambing ease has never been better with only 4 assisted births out of 800 lambs. As Troy and Nette are both into their 40’s now we have decided we needed an edge this year to catch the lambs. We have invested in a his and hers set of footy boots! No lamb has escaped our new improved speed best $100 we have spent all year!
19.01.2022 A sneak peek at our elite ram offering for 2020. Photos and videos will be available once they are shorn in late August. These rams will all be on display at our Virtual Field Day on Saturday the 5th September via Facebook. Private inspection is welcome. Our August newsletter is also available on
18.01.2022 And the prize for the slowest ram sale post goes to.....apologies for the delay! Our ram sale was a great success - average price of $1413 for 181 rams. Thanks so much to all our loyal and new clients and agents Elders & Landmark. Congratulations goes to Bundara Downs, Majardah Rams and Woolumbool Studs for their purchase of Lot 1 Ashmore 180080 for $13,500. Congratulations also to Lenny Polkinghorne and Maya of Charinga White Suffolks, Hilary & Justin Brooks, and Rod Froh...ling Hovel Stud for their stud ram purchases, we hope they breed really well for you. The day of our ram sale we discovered our Wheat was severely frosted so we began mowing immediately. We really appreciate the advice received from many friends. A special note to Gavin Schuster who was so generous with his advice and his hay bailing team were so professional to work with. Also a huge thanks to Amy-David Cawrse for bailing our pasture hay - a big job under trying conditions. We are pleased to say all the Wheaten hay and some oaten hay (~1000t) has gone to drought affected NSW. Troy has had a few trips to pick up machinery. The most challenging was the trip to Pinnaroo to pick up a header + comb which literally shaved a few years off Troy's life. 15 hours to get it 330kms home including ascending Accommodation Hill, endless traffic and driving through a bush fire near Nildottie! Troy also had a trip to Kangaroo Island to buy a ram, Ella Matta Pastoral 180100 - an outstanding sire we were really excited to secure in partnership for $29,000 with Bundara Downs and Anna Villa White Suffolk Stud. Semen is available in this terrific ram. We are now sold out of flock rams and have delivered all rams to many other locations across 3 states - its great to see our clients farms and discuss their future plans. This included a romantic 2 day trip in the truck for Troy & Nette! All the best for the upcoming joining season and thanks again for your support. Now to start Harvest!
18.01.2022 The 2019 Ashmore Stud Ram offering. Videos are on our website now at Please ring Troy if you want to have a chat about any of these rams in more detail.
11.01.2022 We are excited to announce Troy Fischer has just returned home from freezing Oberon, having purchased a half possession share in Langley Heights 180072. This ram is off the charts for production traits, 12.4 for Weaning Weight 20.5 for PW Weight, 4.4 PW Eye Muscle Depth, as well as being exceptional for eating quality, -0.07 for IMF and -2.3 for Shearforce. Of the 47,000 2018 drop terminal rams in Lambplan, he is currently ranked #2 for both the LEQ and TCP indexes. His struc...ture is also excellent - short toes, good pasterns, legs and breed type. After the 2015 Pinery Fire, we replaced our ewe flock in part with Langley Heights ewes and we were so impressed with their mothering ability, maternal attributes and longevity - they seem to want to live FOREVER! They have to be tough to survive in an environment like Oberon. Barry Lang retains 100% semen rights so if you want semen, please contact him.
09.01.2022 Introducing some new faces at Ashmore! Merv Crossman has come on board with a wealth of experience, originating from the Eyre Peninsula and having held senior roles in the grain industry as well as farming his own sheep and cattle. Here he is pictured with the new feedyard grain troughs he and Troy built. Also please meet Jodie Day, Jodie is doing certificate 3 in Ag whilst at school. Jodie’s family are long term volume buyers at Ashmore and have supported us to grow to where we are today. We have found employing an apprentice really rewarding and anyone interested in what’s involved, feel free to give us a call. Finally introducing Nacooma Bingo. Showing plenty of promise and natural talent. We hope all are enjoying a much better season. With 106 mm in April, the pastures & crops are off to a marvellous start here.
09.01.2022 Ashmore Ram Sale, 28th September at 1pm SA time - 190 Rams. Catalogue available at
08.01.2022 We're all set up for the Ashmore Stud Ram inspection day tomorrow, Saturday the 31st. The forecast is for a great day so come along and relax with a beer & BBQ lunch. Its not too late to come along, just let Troy or Nette know, 0439 933111 or [email protected].
06.01.2022 After a slower than expected start, the Ashmore AI and Embryo Transfer lambing has been a great success. The gestation length this year averaged 148.6 days as opposed to last year’s 146.6 days, we would be interested to hear if others saw a longer gestation this year? The peak lambing days coincided with some pretty horrendous weather with Saturday having 50km/hr winds, driving rain and extremely cold conditions. Despite this we have a 99% survival rate in the lambs, awesome ...job ewes! We lambed our AI and ET mob at just under 2.5 ewes / hectare which is our lowest density ever but like other years, very much under commercial style conditions in large paddocks. This meant the mothering ability of the ewes is clearly displayed but the density allowed plenty of room for each ewe to lamb down without crowding and hence pedigree mixups. Our AI ewes scanned 72% and our ET had 100% stick rate on the single eggs implanted (yay!) and 40% stick rate on the multiples (not so yay, will be implanting single embryos only next year!) All lambs born are tagged & weighed on day of birth as well as tailed and entered into our software that day. We are excited to watch the 2019 drop grow, the weighted average of our ram team overall is 18.1 for PW growth, 3.1 for eye muscle and 157 on the LEQ index
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