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Bill Marmion | Politician

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Bill Marmion

Phone: (08) 9386 3064


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25.01.2022 It was fantastic to visit Broome last week and hear from locals what is needed in that magnificent part of the world. Highlight of the trip was hearing from the Broome Surf Life Saving Club and discussing their work to keep the community safe

25.01.2022 This weekend why not help support our local small businesses by dining locally!

23.01.2022 Today is R U OK Day, remember to reach out and ask your family and friends R U OK? #ruokday2020

23.01.2022 Your 2-minute WA COVID 3:45pm - Friday 5 June CONFIRMED CASES: 596 +4 ACTIVE CASES: 30 +4... RECOVERED: 557 - IN HOSPITAL: 0 -1 ICU: 0 - DEATHS: 9 - TESTS: 107,811 +4,910 *** NEW CASES: Four new cases are a family (2 adults & 2 children) who have recently returned from travel from Sudan. They remain in hotel quarantine. Of the active cases, nine are Western Australians, one is from interstate & 20 are crew members from the Al Kuwait vessel. *** PHASE 3: From tomorrow, under Phase 3, we will see an increase in the number of people at non-work gatherings & additional businesses will be permitted to reopen. The 4 square metre rule will be revised to 2 square metres per person for all WA venues. Physical distancing, good hygiene and the 2 square metre rule will apply to all activities permitted in Phase 3. *** PHASE 4: The results from asymptomatic testing will help determine what Phase 4 restrictions look like. The results so far are promising, with no cases of community transmission. You can get a free, voluntary COVID test if you are: a healthcare worker, including WA Health staff, employees in private hospitals, residential aged care facilities, general practices, pharmacies, the disability sector, or any worker employed by an organisation delivering health services WA Police staff school staff (involved in any function in a school setting (pre-kindergarten to year 12), including Department of Education employees) meat worker employed in an abattoir, meat packing or in further processing such as small goods manufacture retail employee such as employees in supermarkets, department stores and specialty stores hospitality worker such as employees in cafes, restaurants, pubs or hotels tourism sector employee, involved in the planning, booking and delivery of tourism activities transport worker, such as employees of road, rail, aviation and maritime workers, including Public Transport Authority employees. This program runs until 10 June.

23.01.2022 Congratulations Dogs Refuge Home WA INC on your 85th birthday! Amazing work for a great cause.

21.01.2022 Phase 4 of eased restrictions begin this Saturday

21.01.2022 Your Weekly WA COVID Briefing Changes Since Friday 10 July CONFIRMED CASES: 648 +18 ACTIVE CASES: 26 +7... RECOVERED: 613 +11 IN HOSPITAL/ICU: 0 - DEATHS: 9 - TESTS: 219,758 +14,829 *** CASES: Since Friday's update, we have had 18 new confirmed cases, which have either been historic cases or returned travellers. Of the current active cases, 19 are West Aussies, 7 are interstate travellers. There is a case today of a West Aussie who has returned from Victoria, and has been confirmed COVID-19 positive. He was self-isolating at home, and now will be going into hotel quarantine. *** HOTEL QUARANTINE: From today, all arrivals from O/S will have to pay for hotel quarantine. As a result of what happens in VIC, this will also apply to people travellers from that state into WA. *** VICTORIA: The situation in Victoria continues to deteriorate, with 428 new cases today alone. There are 5165 confirmed cases in VIC. As a result, this means that all people entering WA who have been in Victoria for the last 14 days will be moved into mandatory hotel quarantine, paid for at their own expense. I have attached a graph of Victoria and their daily cases (bars) & a 7 day average (line) from since 1 March 2020

19.01.2022 Today is WA Small Business Day, so buy local and support our community!

18.01.2022 It was great to welcome Hon Liza Harvey, Leader of the Opposition to the Electorate recently on a visit to the Royal Western Australian Historical Society. I would encourage everyone to visit this hidden gem and learn more about the history of WA!

17.01.2022 Your Weekly WA COVID Update Since Saturday 13 June CONFIRMED CASES: 603 +1 ACTIVE CASES: 2 -16... RECOVERED: 592 +17 IN HOSPITAL/ICU: 0 - DEATHS: 9 - TESTS: 155,815 +21,324 *** CASES: WA continues to have very low rates of infection. None of our active cases are in hospital and all the Al Kuwait vessel cases have recovered. *** SCHOOL STUDY: The Telethon Kids Institute last week started a study in 80 schools across the state, scanning the school community for possible undetected COVID-19 cases. Between now and the end of July, nurses will visit 40 schools across the state & conduct up to 150 swab tests on a random sample of volunteers. Results will be processed by PathWest, and the process will be repeated twice more before September 2020. *** DETECT STUDY: 18,409 people were tested via DETECT Snapshot (which tested healthcare, school, retail, hospo, meat workers etc) through to June 10. During this testing blitz, not one person tested positive for COVID-19. The median age of people tested was 47 years, and 72% were female. This should give great confidence that there is no undetected community spread of COVID. *** ELECTIVE SURGERY: On 15 June, elective surgery resumed to 100% levels. Approximately 3,550 West Aussies would have had their procedures undertaken this week. *** HOTEL QUARANTINE: To yesterday, 5,291 mostly international travellers have quarantined at hotels as per quarantine directions. In addition, 198 passengers from the Vasco da Gama cruise ship and 211 returned travellers from a South African flight were accommodated at Rottnest Island. As at yesterday, 841 travellers are residing in a hotel706 are in quarantine and 135 have completed quarantine and are awaiting transport to their next destination. A total of 128 passengers have tested positive for COVID-19 while in hotel quarantine. Up until 15 June 2020, the total for quarantining people in Perth’s hotels is $14 071 186. The total so far for quarantining people at Rottnest Island is $710 369. The State & Federal Government's split this cost 50%. *** GET THE COVIDSAFE APP:

17.01.2022 I spent today at the WALGA Political Forum and AGM. Nice to see so many familiar faces and discuss local government issues with representatives from around WA.

17.01.2022 3:45pm - Tuesday 2 June CONFIRMED CASES: 591 - ACTIVE CASES: 29 - RECOVERED: 553 -... IN HOSPITAL: 2 +1 ICU: 0 - DEATHS: 9 - TESTS: 94,948 +947 *** NO NEW CASES: There are no new confirmed cases in WA. Of the active cases - Four are West Australians - Five are from interstate - Twenty are from Al Kuwait vessel *** ASYMPTOMATIC TESTING: Today there has been an expansion of people eligible to be tested even if you don't have symptoms. So now you can get a free, voluntary COVID test if you are: a healthcare worker, including WA Health staff, employees in private hospitals, residential aged care facilities, general practices, pharmacies, the disability sector, or any worker employed by an organisation delivering health services WA Police staff school staff (involved in any function in a school setting (pre-kindergarten to year 12), including Department of Education employees) meat worker employed in an abattoir, meat packing or in further processing such as small goods manufacture retail employee such as employees in supermarkets, department stores and specialty stores hospitality worker such as employees in cafes, restaurants, pubs or hotels tourism sector employee, involved in the planning, booking and delivery of tourism activities transport worker, such as employees of road, rail, aviation and maritime workers, including Public Transport Authority employees. This program runs until 10 June.

16.01.2022 Remember to support small business this weekend! Felix & Co. Specialty Coffee

16.01.2022 Great to catch up with Barry Fitzgerald from Roy Hill and learn more about their autonomous vehicle project!

16.01.2022 Congratulations to Perth Dinghy Sailing Club on a great opening day last weekend with past Commodore John Erwin and current Commodore Clayton Erwin who are also father and son!

16.01.2022 Your 2-minute WA COVID Update 2pm - Wednesday 3 June CONFIRMED CASES: 592+1 ACTIVE CASES: 26 -3... RECOVERED: 557 +4 IN HOSPITAL: 1 -1 ICU: 0 - DEATHS: 9 - TESTS: 97,912 +2,964 *** NEW CASE: A male in his 30s who returned from overseas travel has tested positive for COVID-19, he remains in hotel quarantine. *** ACTIVE CASES: Five are Western Australians, one is from interstate & twenty are crew members from the Al Kuwait. *** ASYMPTOMATIC TESTING: Today there has been an expansion of people eligible to be tested even if you don't have symptoms. So now you can get a free, voluntary COVID test if you are: a healthcare worker, including WA Health staff, employees in private hospitals, residential aged care facilities, general practices, pharmacies, the disability sector, or any worker employed by an organisation delivering health services WA Police staff school staff (involved in any function in a school setting (pre-kindergarten to year 12), including Department of Education employees) meat worker employed in an abattoir, meat packing or in further processing such as small goods manufacture retail employee such as employees in supermarkets, department stores and specialty stores hospitality worker such as employees in cafes, restaurants, pubs or hotels tourism sector employee, involved in the planning, booking and delivery of tourism activities transport worker, such as employees of road, rail, aviation and maritime workers, including Public Transport Authority employees. This program runs until 10 June.

16.01.2022 Fantastic news for the WA Medical Museum that operates out of Harvey House in Subiaco. Funding has been secured to get the roof repair process underway. I have raised this issue in Parliament on many occasions and am glad to see this historic building (that appears on the new $50 note) finally get some much needed attention!

15.01.2022 Last Friday was Primary Principals Day. A day to thank our primary school principals for all their hard work in educating our young children. I travelled to all primary schools in the Electorate to pass on my thanks and donate a book to the library. This year especially, don't forget to thank our hardworking school staff & teachers!

14.01.2022 It was great to visit Michelle Boylan - Liberal for Murray-Wellington and learn more about the exciting work underway for the future of the Electorate. Can't wait to see Michelle in Parliament!

14.01.2022 Your Weekly WA COVID Briefing Changes Since Friday 26 June CONFIRMED CASES: 611 +3 ACTIVE CASES: 4 -... RECOVERED: 598 +3 IN HOSPITAL/ICU: 0 - DEATHS: 9 - TESTS: 191,213 +16,883 *** CASES: Since Friday's update, there have been 3 new active cases. All are in hotel quarantine. WA Health has provided details for two cases - a man in his 40s and a woman in her 60s both travelled to Perth this week from the UK and Pakistan respectively. *** TOP 5 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREAS BY CONFIRMED INFECTION: Joondalup (41) Stirling (38) Wanneroo (34) Mandurah (30) Melville (27) *** WA PHASE 5: Is planned to be introduced on Saturday, 18 July and will result in the removal of the 2sqm rule. It is also expected to see the removal of all gathering restrictions, other COVID-related rules introduced by the WA Government, and the 50% capacity limit for major venues. *** NATIONALLY: New cases since 26 June (total confirmed cases in brackets): Tassie - 0 (228) ACT - 0 (108) NT - 1 (30) QLD - 1 (1067) SA - 3 (443) NSW - 49 (3211) VIC - 475 (2368) Victoria has initiated 'Stay at Home' directions across 10 postcodes. This means that across the restricted areas, residents can only leave home for food/essential item shopping, work/study, compassionate/medical or exercise. See the graph for a history of Victoria's confirmed COVID cases. *** DOWNLOAD THE COVIDSAFE APP:

13.01.2022 Grants of up to $1,000 are available for community organisations to host events or activities on Thank a Volunteer Day, Saturday 5 December 2020. The grants support communities to celebrate Thank a Volunteer Day as a whole of community event to acknowledge and celebrate the role of volunteers in the community. More information and to apply visit:

12.01.2022 Your 2-minute WA COVID 3:30pm - Thursday 4 June CONFIRMED CASES: 592 - ACTIVE CASES: 26 -... RECOVERED: 557 - IN HOSPITAL: 1 - ICU: 0 - DEATHS: 9 - TESTS: 102,901 +4,989 *** KIMBERLEY REOPENS: The Federal Government has confirmed that at 11:59pm tonight the biosecurity restrictions that were in place to restrict travel to the Kimberley will be lifted. That means from tomorrow (Friday 5 June) you will be able to travel to the Shires of Broome, Derby-West Kimberley, Wyndham-East Kimberley, Halls Creek & Ngaanyatjarraku as well as the East Pilbara that were covered under the biosecurity restrictions. Restrictions on travel to remote Aboriginal communities remain in place. ASYMPTOMATIC TESTING: Yesterday 1032 asymptomatic people were tested under the DETECT Snapshot program. A reminder you can get a free, voluntary COVID test if you are: a healthcare worker, including WA Health staff, employees in private hospitals, residential aged care facilities, general practices, pharmacies, the disability sector, or any worker employed by an organisation delivering health services WA Police staff school staff (involved in any function in a school setting (pre-kindergarten to year 12), including Department of Education employees) meat worker employed in an abattoir, meat packing or in further processing such as small goods manufacture retail employee such as employees in supermarkets, department stores and specialty stores hospitality worker such as employees in cafes, restaurants, pubs or hotels tourism sector employee, involved in the planning, booking and delivery of tourism activities transport worker, such as employees of road, rail, aviation and maritime workers, including Public Transport Authority employees. This program runs until 10 June.

11.01.2022 Your Weekly WA COVID Briefing Changes Since Friday 3 July CONFIRMED CASES: 630 +19 ACTIVE CASES: 19 +15... RECOVERED: 602 +4 IN HOSPITAL/ICU: 0 - DEATHS: 9 - TESTS: 204,929 +12,716 *** CASES: Since Friday's update, we have had 19 new confirmed cases, which have either been historic cases or returned travellers. This number includes: An historic case relating to a woman in her 60’s who is a returned overseas traveller and was a former passenger on the cruise ship Zaandam. Four women & two men aged between 40-64, were all passengers on a flight from Dubai which arrived in Perth on 1 July and returned positive test results Two of cases are interstate residents who travelled from Indonesia A West Aussie who was on a flight from Doha All active confirmed cases are in hotel quarantine in Perth. *** HOTEL QUARANTINE: Given the number of returning overseas travellers that have to quarantine in hotels on arrival into Australia, the National Cabinet has agreed that from Friday 27 July all international arrivals will have to pay for their 14 days of hotel quarantine. We will now have an official maximum of 525 international passengers into Perth each week from Sunday. *** PHASE 5: Is being pushed back in WA until 1 August. It was planned to be implemented from 18 July, and would have removed things like the 2sqm rule and expanded the crowd capacity for venues like Perth stadium. This has now been delayed in part due to the number of people in hotel quarantine & the worsening situation in Victoria. This stands as a reminder that we cannot be complacent, the risk to our state is very real. *** VICTORIA: The situation in Victoria continues to deteriorate, with 288 new confirmed cases today alone. The biggest increase since the pandemic began. There is now 1172 active cases in the state, with Melbourne & the shire of Mitchell in lockdown. Residents there are being advised to start wearing masks outside. There are 12 active clusters in VIC, the largest being the Public Housing Towers in Flemington/North Melbourne which have so far seen 159 confirmed cases. *** DOWNLOAD THE COVIDSAFE APP:

08.01.2022 Make your way down to the Save the Children Annual Book Sale at UWA, on from 14-19 August. Proceeds go to a great cause!

08.01.2022 Great to catch up with Miquela Riley - Liberal for Fremantle to discuss local issues and have a chat with some freo residents!

05.01.2022 It was fantastic to meet Emily who will be representing Nedlands in the 2020 Western Australian Youth Parliament. The Western Australian YMCA Youth Parliament is a great opportunity for young people to get involved and learn about WA's political system. I would like to encourage anyone interested to apply for 2021!

03.01.2022 Let's all support local jobs by shopping local this weekend!

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