Boomer Planning | Community organisation
Boomer Planning
Phone: +61 434 350 518
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25.01.2022 Not sure what a Plan Manager does or how they can support you? It can be very confusing as there is a lot to think about and consider, especially when you are new to the NDIS. Plan Managers are a link between the NDIS participant, providers and the NDIA. A Plan Manager takes care of all financial transactions involved with accessing your supports and will receive and pay invoices on your behalf. This is done by drawing from the relevant budgets within your plan. This relieves... the stress to you regarding claiming from the portal, the burden of keeping receipts and the confusion of navigating the NDIA system. To be plan managed, you must have Improved Life Choices included in your plan. All plan management fees are covered by the NDIA and there is no expense to you. The friendly team at Boomer Planning are happy to answer any questions you may have. Get in touch today, [email protected] See more
24.01.2022 RU OK? day today. A day to connect with others and provide that extra support to anyone having a hard time with life. A day to really try and connect with people around us; our friends,colleagues or other members of our community. By people asking "are you OK?" we are reinforcing that everyone can experience that feeling of connection. Increased social isolation and loneliness remain some of the causes of suicide and figures are predicted to rise in coming years. The RU OK i...nitiative applies 4 main steps to help people start a conversation: 1. Ask R U OK? 2. Listen 3. Encourage action 4. Check in Did you ask "R U OK ?" today
24.01.2022 PART 2 in our series of explaining the NDIS ARE YOU ELIGIBLE? If you already get disability services, you do not need to contact the NDIA to make an Access Request. They will contact you when the NDIS is available in your area If you dont currently get disability services, or you have questions about the Access Request Process, you can call the NDIA on 1800 800 110 or a LAC Partner in your local area. An access request can be started over the phone. To join the NDIS you need... to meet access requirements: Answer yes to these questions and you may be eligible Are you aged between 7 and 65? (Children under 7 will be discussed in a future post) Do you live in Australia and have Australian residency? Do you usually need support from a person because of a permanent and significant disability? Do you use special equipment because of a permanent and significant disability? Do you need some supports now to reduce your future needs? You will be asked the following: Your name, age address and residency (and evidence of this) Evidence of your disability and the impact it has on you Current and relevant reports from health professionals Permission to talk to other people about your disability For more information visit: Any questions call the friendly team at Boomer Planning on 0434 350 518
24.01.2022 There are 1.2 million Australians with a communication disability. Every day speech pathologists intervene to reduce this disability and help people communicate with confidence.
22.01.2022 NDIS news - The final budget figures for 2018/19 have been released. And they confirmed that the NDIS was underspent by approximately $4.6 billion. Essentially the scheme isnt working the way it should. There are many faults and issues that need to be addressed, and quickly. A very realistic concern is that this scheme is not sustainable under its current practice. Recently the NDIS Minister was asked about the underspend in Parliament and stated that Not a single participant has seen a decrease. Well this isnt accurate at all! This scheme is failing our most vulnerable people. If youve got a few spare minutes check out this link and read about the real reasons behind the underspend
20.01.2022 If a service dog without a person approaches you, it means the person is down and in need of help.If a service dog without a person approaches you, it means the person is down and in need of help.
19.01.2022 Today I was thrilled to attend the opening performance at HOTA called "An Evening at the Pink Poodle". What an amazing collaboration showcasing our local talent. This funny and nostalgic show took us for a stroll down memory lane. Legendary singer, songwriter Normie Rowe performed popular hits of this era that had the whole audience toe tapping and clapping. Congratulations to everyone involved in this incredible event and high praise to all the performers.
19.01.2022 PART 3 - PLAN BUDGETS Every person living with a disability has different needs. Your NDIS funding is there to help you meet your short and medium to long-term goals in your NDIS plan. Your funding is based on what is reasonable and necessary to achieve your goals, in addition to the support provided by family, friends, and other community and government services. There are three types of support budgets that may be funded in your NDIS plan.... Core supports budget Capacity Building budget Capital Support budget Your Core budget is the most flexible, and includes four categories of support: 1. Consumables (e.g. purchasing everyday use items such as continence aids) 2. Daily Activities (e.g. assistance with self-care activities during the day or evening) 3. Assistance with Social and Community Participation (e.g. supports to enable you to engage in social or recreational activities) 4. Transport (e.g. if you are unable to use public transport because of your disability). The Capacity Building support categories include: 1. Choice and Control e.g. training in planning and plan management 2. Daily Activity e.g. therapy aimed at building your capacity to participate 3. Employment e.g. employment related assessment and counselling 4. Health and Wellbeing e.g. exercise advice required due to impact of disability 5. Home Living e.g. support to obtain/retain appropriate accommodation 6. Lifelong Learning e.g. assistance moving from school to further education 7. Relationships e.g. positive behavioural support strategies to reduce behaviours of concern 8. Social and Community Participation e.g. Individual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation. Capital Support budget The Capital Support budget relates to supports such as assistive technology or modifications to your home and as such depends on quotes from suppliers. Funds within this budget can only be used for their specific purpose (e.g. a rail in the bathroom or a wheelchair) and cannot be used to fund other items. The Capital Support budget has two support categories: Assistive Technology includes equipment items for mobility, personal care, communication and recreational inclusion (e.g. wheelchairs or vehicle modifications) Home Modifications (e.g. rail in the bathroom) For further information visit: Any questions ask the friendly team at Boomer Planning on 0434 350 518
19.01.2022 Looking for a local NDIS Plan Manager? At Boomer Planning we are available to answer all your NDIS queries and help you get on the right track. We offer personalised service to assist you in making the most of your plan. Call Kirsten on 0434 350 518 to make an appointment. We can come to you. Or visit
18.01.2022 Confused and unsure about NDIS? Just received your new plan, or getting ready for a review. We can help answer all your questions.
18.01.2022 Love Me AS I Am - Wednesday, 7 August at 8.30 pm on SBS" Finding love is a tricky business at the best of times, but for young people with intellectual or learning disabilities, the challenges and stigma surrounding dating and relationships can be overwhelming. Finally, help is on hand. Straight-talking relationship coach Liz Dore is on a mission to break the taboos surrounding love and relationships for all. Shes the only coach of her kind in Australia. For the first time, SBS cameras join her as she helps six young people find love and acceptance on their own terms.
17.01.2022 Our children with disabilities dont get the flick the switch and turn on the weekend. In the words of my inciteful son (23, ASD) "Life keeps going 7 days a week. We try to understand this world the best we can; we just need guidance to navigate it better". We have created Boomer Planning, an NDIS registered plan management service. We are a small,personalised service that provides support to participants and their families no matter where they are at in their NDIS journey. I am available throughout the weekends to assist, advise and support any queries you have. Feel free to get in contact with us. Our chats are not obligatory to any sign ups. Kirsten 0434 350 518 or
17.01.2022 Today is a good day! NDIS have come through! One of my participants has gone through a review and waited very patiently, but now is so happy to have received a mobility scooter. She has increased independence and access to the community. This makes such a huge difference to emotional well being and quality of life. Theres even a comfy spot for the loyal assistance dog. Thankyou NDIS.
16.01.2022 #removethebarrier Creating awareness for people with disabilities to gain employment
16.01.2022 Kodi Lee is 22 years old, he is blind and has Autism. At a young age music opened up his world and his mum realised he was born to be an entertainer. Through adversity Kodi shines bright and shows that absolutely anything is possible. With love, support and dedication you can do anything. There are no limits! What an amazing journey to win Americas Got Talent. This quarter final performance is a favourite of mine. Have a listen to Kodi - he will warm your heart.
15.01.2022 PART 4 myplace What is it and how does it help ? The NDIS participant portal is called myplace. It is a secure website portal on the Australian Governments myGov website where you or a person you trust (a nominee or child representative) can access your NDIS information. What can I do on the myplace portal?... See your current plan and previous plans. Check your contact details. See messages from the NDIS. Create and view payment requests. Create and manage service bookings. Upload documents, including assessments or service agreements. Share your plan, or parts of your plan, with your service providers. Find service providers. How do I access myplace? You will need a myGov account to sign in to myplace. If you already have a myGov account for other government services such as Medicare, the Australian Taxation Office or Centrelink, you can use the same myGov account for the NDIS. Visit myGov (external)(External website) to find out how to create your myGov account (external)(External website). You will be given an activation code to use the first time you access the myplace portal. It is important that you access myplace as soon as possible after you receive your activation code, as the code will expire within 10 days. If you need an activation code, or your activation code has expired, you can get another one by calling the NDIA on 1800 800 110 or contacting your ECEI Coordinator or LAC Any questions, contact the friendly team at Boomer Planning 0434 350 518
14.01.2022 A sporty day watching the Special Olympics regional basketball competition. Go Gold Coast !
14.01.2022 There has been significant growth in the NDIA. Here are a few snippets of recent data delivered by NDIA yesterday. Growth in NDIS expenditure has gone from close to $1.1 billion in 2015-2016 to $11.9 billion in 2018-2019. The number of people with disability benefiting from the NDIS has grown by over 100,000 (62%) in the past year to close to 300,000 participants as at 30 June 2019, up from 183,965 participants at 30 June 2018. Around 500,000 Australians are expected to benefit from the NDIS over the next five years. Close to 100,000 people are now receiving disability supports for the first time.
12.01.2022 There is a lot of confusion about the NDIS and how it works. We are going to provide a series of posts, starting at the beginning, which offers straight forward information for anyone thinking they may be eligible, to participants and their families already receiving funding. PART 1 - WHAT IS NDIS ? The NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life. NDIS - What does it mean?... National: The NDIS is being introduced progressively across all states and territories. Disability: The NDIS provides support to eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability. Early intervention supports can also be provided for eligible people with disability or children with developmental delay. Insurance: The NDIS gives all Australians peace of mind if they, their child or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability, they will get the support they need. Scheme: The NDIS is not a welfare system. The NDIS is designed to help people get the support they need so their skills and independence improve over time NDIS key words Permanent and significant disability: A permanent disability means your disability is likely to be lifelong. A significant disability has a substantial impact on your ability to complete everyday activities. Supports and services: Assistance or products that help a person in their daily life and help them participate in the community and reach their goals. Early intervention: Providing support to a person, either a child or an adult, as early as possible to reduce the impacts of disability or developmental delay and to build their skills and independence. What types of supports are funded? The types of supports that the NDIS may fund for participants include: daily personal activities transport to enable participation in community, social, economic and daily life activities workplace help to allow a participant to successfully get or keep employment in the open or supported labour market therapeutic supports including behaviour support help with household tasks to allow the participant to maintain their home environment help to a participant by skilled personnel in aids or equipment assessment, set up and training disability-related health supports home modification design and construction mobility equipment, and vehicle modifications For more information visit Any questions? Call the friendly team at Boomer Planning on 0434 350 518
12.01.2022 How brilliant! "Remove the Barrier"
11.01.2022 These small changes can make such a difference to how you make others feel
09.01.2022 The other day I accompanied a couple of sporty lads to participate in this fantastic event. A great group of coaches created a welcoming environment that forged enthusiasm and camaraderie. So much fun was had. The happiness and smiles on all the faces was infectious. The community spirit was just heart warming and I for one am wholeheartedly thankful to the organisers who make these events possible.
08.01.2022 What a fabulous day for all players who attended the Special O regional table tennis tournament yesterday. It was incredible to see such generous team spirit and fun. Thanks to hosts Kim and Graeme who coordinate this fabulous event.
08.01.2022 A few misconceptions revealed
07.01.2022 Great News from NDIS There has always been some confusion about disability-related health supports but recently we have received some clarification. From 1 October 2019, NDIS participants will be able to pay for disability-related health supports through their plan budget. The need for these supports must directly relate to an NDIS participants functional impairment, where the support need is ongoing and is and most appropriately funded or provided by the NDIS. In many situa...tions, participants may be able to select their existing provider to deliver these supports. The health system will continue to be responsible for the diagnosis and clinical treatment of health conditions, ongoing and chronic health conditions not related to a participants disability, time limited (non-ongoing) and palliative conditions and acute/post-acute care (e.g. hospital and Hospital in the Home). Check out the links below for further information. Please dont hesitate in getting in contact with me if you have any queries. See more
03.01.2022 Looking for a Plan Manager? Live on the Gold Coast? We can meet up for an obligation free chat to discuss all your NDIS queries. Call Kirsten 0434 350 518 or visit
02.01.2022 Caring for a loved one with diminished capacity? This can often be a relentless and draining role. Dont forget to take some time to manage your own needs. It is really important to recharge your own batteries, both physically and mentally. You cannot pour from an empty cup so practice self-care; take a walk, enjoy the sunshine, spend time in the garden. Sometimes its good to break routine and rejuvenate your soul.
01.01.2022 The NDIA is holding a provider information session in Nerang, on the Gold Coast. The session focuses on recent NDIS updates and important information for both current support providers and also anyone considering entering the market. Date and time Tuesday, 24 September 2019 10:30am to 1:00pm Location... Nerang RSL, 69 Nerang Street, Nerang, QLD 4211 Dont forget to register online See more
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