BPM Fitness Hampton in Hampton, Victoria, Australia | Sports & fitness instruction
BPM Fitness Hampton
Locality: Hampton, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 452 211 234
Address: 376 Hampton street 3188 Hampton, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.bpmfitness.com.au
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24.01.2022 Statistics prove that if you have a gym buddy, you are more likely to be consistent in your training. Why not bring a friend or your partner down to BPM Fitness Hampton and enjoy three free workouts together? Message us to book your free trial and ask about our 8 Week Healthy Habits challenge starting on Monday 8 February.
24.01.2022 Those gym day feels An oldie but a goodie! #gymlove #thosefeelgoodvibes #hamptongym
23.01.2022 We would like to wish all of our amazing BPM family as well as the entire bayside community a Merry Xmas and a safe and happy new year.
23.01.2022 Lots and lots and lots of positives. Contact us to arrange a FREE trial! #sixweekstillchristmas #summerbody #dontwaitanylonger #nomoreexcuses #hamptonstreet #hamptongym
23.01.2022 Want to know the secret? 1) Be brave enough to start 2) Be dedicated to consistency 3) And then the magic happens
22.01.2022 Melbourne doesn't always (often) bring the sunshine of late, but you can still bring a little bit of a sunshine to this challenging winter. How? Simple stuff like - Have a playlist of your favourite songs and have a dance break once or twice a day - Make a small, manageable "to do" list and tick things off it - Burn essential oils in your home. Sweet orange and bergamot both have mood boosting effects... - Do a happy dance. When you complete something (no matter how simple), give yourself a pat on the back, do a little victory dance ... however you do it, just celebrate your win. So go on, get boosting that dopamine and bring your own damn sunshine! #dopamine #mentalhealth #selfcompassion #wellness #brighton #hampton #sandringham See more
22.01.2022 Feel like you've lost a lot of strength and fitness and starting from square one? We love the quote from JK Rowling - "Rock bottom was the solid foundation from which I built my life" There's no better day to get back on the horse than today! See you soon in the studio.... #hamptongym #sandringhamgym #brightongym #hiit #healthy #hampton #sandringham #brighton #bayside #gym See more
22.01.2022 Sometimes there's no escaping the tough-ness of the situation. Being apart from loved ones, friends, your gym, your workmates, your favourite sports, your hobbies feels devastating. Sometimes, all you can do is breathe, remind yourself that this too shall pass and call someone you love. Thinking of everyone today who is riding the rollercoaster and stuck in the "down" phase. Tomorrow is a new day ... #hampton #hamptongym #hiit #mentalhealth #connection See more
22.01.2022 We love body scans, because they can help us to understand where you are and from there, what we need to do to help you reach your goals. Body scans can be a useful tool to help us see: - Are you training too much or too little? - Are you lifting the correct weight for your goals? - Do you need to eat more or less? ... Our members get free body scans and goal setting sessions where you sit with one of our experienced trainers and identify where your focus and efforts should be. DM us before 22nd June to organise membership for only $49 a week, no lock in contracts. . . . . . . . #hamptongym #sandringhamgym #brightongym #hiit #healthy #hampton #sandringham #brighton #bayside #gym See more
21.01.2022 Ready to feel strong again? We've got you covered. Our new training system allows you to make maximum strength gains whilst keeping it fun and interesting. Come visit us to see all the training changes in studio. ... #hamptongym #sandringhamgym #brightongym #hiit #healthy #hampton #sandringham #brighton #bayside #gym See more
21.01.2022 Who's ready to feel fit and strong again? Our training style will help you to get fit and strong in no time at all. Our experienced trainers are here to help and guide you the whole way. . .... . . . . . . . #hamptongym #sandringhamgym #brightongym #hiit #healthy #hampton #sandringham #brighton #bayside #gym See more
21.01.2022 We make sure you get it right! Exercise with poor technique creates a greater chance for injury and reduces the positive impact that movement can have on your body. "Right" technique looks different on everyone so we work with you to find what works for you. Form over reps. No rushing - ever!... . . . . . . #hamptongym #sandringhamgym #brightongym #groupfitness #strong #hiit #bayside See more
21.01.2022 Universities have had their 'O Weeks' but it is just starting BPM Fitness Hampton. All this week, students 16 years and over can train free at our studio. Come and try the unique experience that is BPM Fitness Hampton. Message us to let us know you are coming in.
20.01.2022 Trainer Tip Tuesday. @bpm_coachrob tells us how to perform the kettlebell swing correctly and safely. #robrocks #kettlebellswings #exercisesafely
19.01.2022 Put yourself on your To-Do List! Grab yourself a bargain membership and get pumped for your return to Fitness, Strength and Me Time. For a limited time only we are offering an unprecedented weekly rate on our Re-Opening memberships. These include: - Unlimited training - Body scan and goal setting session... - Online workouts for home and travel - Nutrition support -Participation in our challenges and much, much more Train on your terms at a time that suits you!
19.01.2022 Are you a master of getting stuff done for work or for the family, but rarely get around to self care for yourself like making that appointment, taking time for mindfulness or just taking time out? Some great advice for productivity that lots of us follow is to have our usual long to do list and then each day, pick the THREE most important items and focus on getting those done. Well your self care is no different - especially during COVID. So today, have your top 3 ..."to do" items for work and family and then have your top 3 "to do" items for your own mental, physical and emotional health. Need some ideas of where to start? - Book the doctor/dentist/medical appointment you've been meaning to do - Move your body in any way you like - Feeling a bit glum? Have a mini dance party in your lounge room in your lunch break - Burn some essential oils in the house - Reach out to a friend or family member - Wash your hair (this one is for all the new mamas) Be kind to yourself and others guys See more
19.01.2022 Grab yourself a bargain membership and get pumped for your return to fitness, strength and "me time" on the 22nd of June. Until the 21st of June we are offering an unprecedented rate of $49 a week which includes - Unlimited training - Body scan and goal setting session... - Online workouts for when you travel - Access to our qualified Nutritionist - Participation in our challenges and much, much more. Train on your terms at a time that suits you. Studio tours available - just DM us. This offer is available until the 21st of June. Membership commences 22nd June - no catch, no gimmicks. Just $49 a week, charged weekly and 2 weeks notice period. . . . . . . . #hamptongym #sandringhamgym #brightongym #hiit #healthy #hampton #sandringham #brighton #bayside #gym See more
19.01.2022 Ready to get back to what you love? We are looking to hire two engaging, passionate and technique focused trainers. If you have a certificate 3 & 4 in fitness and are looking for approximately 10hrs per week of work, DM us or contact us via our website or on 0452 211 234. #fitnessjobs #fitnessindustry #hampton #bayside #sandringham #brighton #highett #blackrock #workinbayside #baysidestillopen #supportlocal #jobs... See more
17.01.2022 Did you know that BPM sets a brand new program every day? We have written over 380 programs since we opened which means no member has done the same session twice! Interested in what we do? Contact us - details in bio.
16.01.2022 Did you know that theres no need to book your session and no class times at BPM? Arrive any time during our opening hours and do 1 station or all 13 depending on your schedule, your goals and your energy levels. Contact us to find out more.
16.01.2022 New Members Welcome! We welcome you to come in and experience our unique and friendly space.... please contact us for your free trial.
14.01.2022 Being aware of your thoughts is an invaluable tool. A common occurrence when our mental health starts to take a slide is that we focus intensely on negative or unhelpful thoughts and we think them over and over again. Thoughts like "I hate lockdown so much", "I'm so bored" etc. Until we become aware of our thinking, we are unable to change it. As our awareness grows, we can begin to recognise when we get hooked in to unhelpful thoughts and redirect our attention to oth...er more helpful thoughts. This could be reframing the existing thought or focussing on something entirely different, like making a mental gratitude list every time you go down the negative mental rabbit hole. And don't forget, if you are struggling mentally or emotionally, reach out to friends, family, trained professionals or helplines. We are all in this together See more
13.01.2022 This brings a huge smile to our faces, the determination, the commitment and hard work that our members have brought to the studio since re opening has made us proud and filled our happy bucket! Let’s finish the week on a gym high..... see you tomorrow... and again on Saturday!
13.01.2022 Don't forget our FREE Information Session on tomorrow (Saurday 6 February) to find out more about the 8 Week Healthy Habits Challenge.
12.01.2022 Can you feel it? Here come the sweat and endorphins and laughs and FUN! Only two more sleeps until we re-open our doors and we couldn't be more excited. Don't forget to take advantage of our opening special before our doors open on Monday. Only $49 a week - no lock in contracts. ... #hampton #sandringham #brighton #highett #hamptoneast #brightoneast #gym #personaltraining #hiit #hiittraining #fitnessgoals #fitnessmotivation #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal See more
11.01.2022 This exercise is not for the fainthearted but Mia shows how it's done. You'll need a super strong core and upper body. Give it a try tonight or tomorrow morning.
11.01.2022 We are so thrilled to be opening our doors next Monday 9th Nov! Let us help you with your health and wellness goals. Take advantage of our never to be repeated re-opening membership special offer! Contact us now for details.. #6weekstillchristmas #excited #getpumped #getfitstayfit
11.01.2022 Lockdown round is even less awesome than the first one If we have learnt anything about being in lockdown, it is that we have to fiercely protect our mental, physical and emotional health. Life is already pretty overwhelming at the moment so make sure looking after your health is simple and stay consistent with it. Where do we focus our efforts during lockdown?... - Drink enough water - Keep your caffeine intake to a minimum - Keep a regular bed time and wake up Monday to Friday - Exercise in the fresh air every day. That could be a walk, a run, an online HIIT session in your backyard. And the key? Do it consistently. See more
10.01.2022 Kettlebells for the win. We love kettlebells during lockdown. They are so versatile and able to be used for a huge range of functional movements. Some of our favourites include ... Turkish getup Swings Sumo squats Cleans Not sure how to do some of these moves? Hit up Youtube for some form pointers and demonstrations. See more
10.01.2022 Like the little engine that could, the things you tell yourself matter. When it’s all seeming a bit too much, don’t forget to check your internal dialogue. Is it helpful? What other perspective could I take on this?... Keep those chins up Melbournians
10.01.2022 Once you have made the choice to be here we can help with the motivation, technique and the fun! Suitable for all fitness levels!
09.01.2022 Has Iso left you feeling pretty unmotivated and in a bit of a funk? You are definitely not alone! We are here to help you get back to your healthy (and happy) routine. Training + water + plenty of fruits and vegetables = a great place to start!... If you are just hanging to get back to a healthy routine, join us from the 22nd of June. If you sign up before we open you get a membership special of $49 a week, no lock in contracts. . . . . . #hamptongym #sandringhamgym #brightongym #hiit #healthy #hampton #sandringham #brighton #bayside #gym See more
09.01.2022 The program changes daily @bpmfitnesshampton. This exercise is one that you can practise at home, on the couch or at the park. Claire shows us the perfect form to work your core, obliques, arms and shoulders. #goclaire #notaseasyasitlooks #stongcorestrongbody #dailyworkoutchanges
08.01.2022 This exercise will set your heart rate soaring. Ando demonstrates bench hops that will burn calories like there's no tomorrow. How many sets can you do? #goando #benchhopslikeaboss #heartratesoaring #burnbabyburn #bpmfitnesshampton
07.01.2022 It’s the perfect time to get started on your fitness journey and be looking the goods for Christmas and summer break. Free trials available, contact us now! #sandringhamgym #brightongym #hamptongym
06.01.2022 Lots and lots and lots of positives. Contact us to arrange a FREE trial! #summerbody #dontwaitanylonger #nomoreexcuses #hamptonstreet #hamptongym
05.01.2022 No more excuses. Book us in for a trial and start your journey to health and fitness.
05.01.2022 What an amazing first week back! Great to see our members smiling faces and a few newbies back in the studio this week! We can wait for another awesome week next week.
04.01.2022 How pumped are we to re-open our doors tomorrow? Only about this pumped. See you tomorrow guys! Don't forget, today is you last chance to secure a reopening membership price of $49 a week, no lock in contracts.... #hampton #sandringham #brighton #highett #hamptoneast #brightoneast #gym #personaltraining #hiit #hiittraining #fitnessgoals #fitnessmotivation #supportsmallbusiness See more
03.01.2022 Sick of the same old same old? Get outta your garage or lounge room and join us for awesome new programs that focus on: Form Functional movement Strength... Mobility Cardiovascular fitness Awesomeness See what our members love so much about our training. DM us for details. . . . . . . . . . #hamptongym #sandringhamgym #brightongym #hiit #healthy #hampton #sandringham #brighton #bayside #gym See more
03.01.2022 Looking for ways to keep the whole family active? We love this short workout that you can get stuck into with the kids. Just head to a footy oval, park or reserve either on foot or with scooters/bikes and then work your way through 4 rounds of this: 20 Walking lunges 20 Pushups... 30-50m sprint 30-90second Plank And finish off with a quick game of chasey Good for the kids and good for you. #hamptongym #familyfun #familyfitness #isofitness #getactive See more
03.01.2022 Know that you need to get back in to exercise but finding it hard to get motivated? You're not alone! COVID + Winter is a pretty brutal combo BUT all you gotta do is get yourself in to the studio and we take care of the rest. Motivating coaches, great programs, plenty of assistance and a fun community vibe. Come visit us and start to enjoy exercise again. . .... . . . . #hamptongym #sandringhamgym #brightongym #hiit #healthy #hampton #sandringham #brighton #bayside #gym See more
03.01.2022 New member Namrata has already got the hang of dead ball slams at BPM Fitness Hampton. This exercise gives you plenty of bang for your buck, working legs, arms, shoulders and lats. As with all exercises, hold your core in tight to protect your lower back and lift the ball with your squat, not your back. Join Namrata on her fitness journey and come and discover how BPM Fitness Hampton can help you be the best version of yourself. Don't forget to ask about our 8-Week Healthy Habits Challenge which starts next week!
02.01.2022 The humble burpee. No doubt if you have been training in your loungeroom you will have done 1 or 500 of these since lockdowns began. The burpee can be an incredible exercise when performed correctly but it can be a pretty jarring and potentially injuring one when not. Our tips?... - Watch some clips on youtube to see the correct burpee form. There are many variations but the basics of alignment are all the same - Still consider your posture in each part of the movement ie long spine, core engaged - Watch your knees for the squat/jump portion. We still want to see good tracking of the knee - Make the movements less dynamic (ie. "jumpy") if you can't hold proper form. Step feet back instead of jumping them back, stand up out of the squat instead of jumping And if you love to hate the burpee, just remember. It's only 1 minute of your life! #burpee #hometraining #brighton #hampton #sandringham #bpmfitness #hiitttraining #hiitathome #isotraining See more
02.01.2022 Did you know all of our members track every training session in and out of the studio with an arm based heart rate tracking device? We use the information displayed in real time on screens during your session to gauge how you are responding to training. Questions? Contact us now! #openonmonday #justintimeforchristmas #hamptongym #sandringham #brightongym
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