Williamstown Spiritualist Church in Williamstown, Victoria, Australia | Community organisation
Williamstown Spiritualist Church
Locality: Williamstown, Victoria, Australia
Address: 61 John Street 3016 Williamstown, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.cosewilliamstown.org.au/
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25.01.2022 Erica Aimino, is a extraordinary, talented and naturally gifted Medium. She has been presenting public & private mediumship demonstations for well over a decade. Erica presents her demonstrations with clarity, confidence and uncanny accuracy. She is well versed in her craft and dedicated to her sacred work in "Proof of Survival after Death". Erica and her partner Paul, work together in the sharing of messages of love and light from the Spirit Realm. It's always a great pleasure and priveledge to have Erica and her partner Paul present at C.O.S.E. An opportunity not to be missed
25.01.2022 Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren't any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you wouldn't be here i...n the first place. And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life's challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. So be that one person. R. Buckminster Fuller See more
24.01.2022 We pray old lies will die, that visions will dance on the land, that we will learn a song to heal the Earth and bless the four directions, the five colors o...f people and of corn, that everyone, black, white, yellow, red and mixed will see the sacred light that weaves creation, into a dazzling pattern where life is supported by the interaction of every creature the force that created thinks of. We stand on the beach by the edge of the water and weep, let grief wash the madness away until we see the beauty in the sun. Light wakes us from life's nightmare, and we sing. ~ Gail Tremblay www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/gail-tremblay Art by Catherine Nagy Mowry www.miamiindianart.com/
23.01.2022 New Moon Blessings to All
23.01.2022 Sunday Divine Light Service this Sunday @ 3pm with Rev. Barbara Witcombe & Sue King. The Service Agenda includes a Guided Healing Meditation, Short talk on a Spiritual topic, and Clairvoyant Demonstration (everyone receives a reading The COSE Sunday Service, provides Sacred Space to meditate, heal, be uplifted and receive guidance & inspiration through Spiritually inspired messages.... Unfortuneately we will not be providing individual healings during the Service or the usual social refreshments after the Service (until further notice). During the Service, the Government Health Guidelines for COVID19 will be adhered to : *Maximum of 20 people in Church (arrive early to ensure your place) *Hand Santizer to be used prior to Church entry (Hand Sanitizer is provided in Church foyer) *Social distancing of 1.5 metres *No physical contact with other guests, visitors or members (including handshaking or hugging) *Please do not enter Church if you have any symptons of cold or flu - even if mild (seek medical advise if necessary) *Do not enter the Church if you live in the suburbs/hotzones of COVID19 as outlined by the Govt Health Authority. *For further information on restrictions and health guidelines, please view the DHHS website: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/new-restrictions-melbournes-hot
22.01.2022 Cheltenham Spiritualist Church online zoom Service today @ 2pm Zoom link provided below
22.01.2022 Happy New Moon!
22.01.2022 COSE's dear and longtime friend & Lightworker Rev. Jann Brearley (former Minister of Geelong Spiritualist Church), sadly passed away on August 31st, 2020. Rev Jann Brearley & Raelene Gavin have been attending our Sunday Services sharing their light and spiritual talents for many years. Jann's dedication of Lightwork, Healing, Teaching & Ministry has extended over three decades.... We will always remember her inspired talks, clairvoyant demonstrations and warm presence at our Sunday Services. Jann has left a great contribution to the Spiritualist Communities and to all those who lives she touched through her inspiration, wisdom and spiritual guidance. COSE endeavours to hold a special memorial service for Jann when restrictions ease and the Church has re-opened. Our condolences to Jann's family, loved ones & friends. Our love also extends to her longtime friend and spiritual companion Raelene
21.01.2022 Dear COSE Friends and Members, due to the recent rise in numbers of the Corona Virus and the subsequent lockdown of 12 suburbs in Melbourne, we will be suspending all Church activities until further notice. COSE regards the health and wellbeing of all her members, friends, visitors and guests. We will review the Covid situation at the end of July, and determine whether we will re-open or remain closed until it is safe to commence our Services. May all of you & your families b...e safe & harmonious. Love, Light & Blessings, COSE
21.01.2022 Stories of Easter or Eostre Before Judaism and Christianity people worshiped a Goddess, the Great Earth Mother. Across the world She was celebrated at spring time in the guise of the goddess Ostara or Eostre As the Roman Empire spread across the world and converted people to Christianity many pagan rituals of conquered peoples were adapted in an effort to help convert them. This worked as a strategy and was successful in Anglo Celtic countries around Easter.... One of the many adaptations was that of the spring festivals which celebrated Oestara with the joy that comes with the new life and abundance of that season, ostre is variously depicted by scholars as a fertility goddess and a goddess of dawn and light. The dawn connection could explain a linguistic link between ostre and the word east. Many of the pagan customs associated with the celebration of spring eventually became absorbed within Christianity as symbols of the death and resurrection of Jesus. For example, eggs which were a symbol of new life and associated with the Goddess as giver of abundance, became associated with the resurrection and the rebirth of Jesus. Hares were also associated with fertility and were symbols linked to Eostre. Later they became the Easter Bunny. And Hot Cross Buns were referred to in the Old Testament as Cakes to the Queen of Heaven a sweet bun with a cross like symbol on top. Life continues over centuries and old symbols and traditions adapt to new ways and so to the symbols and traditions of early civilisations were absorbed into new ones. (Tricia Szirom 9.4.2020)
20.01.2022 "Readings Day" - Saturday, 21st November @ COSE Our variety of Readers offer different modalities of spiritual & psychic readings including : Tarot, Spiritual Readings, Angel Card Readings & Mediumship Readings are available between 10am-2.45pm (Enter the Rennie St door) Bookings are not necessary, simply register at the desk. All readings are $30 Govt. Health Guidlines will be in place : *Maximum of 20 people within the Church *Social distancing of 1.5 metres... *Use of hand Santizer (Hand Santizer is provided) *Face Masks need to worn (unless the govt regulations have changed before the 21st November) *If you have any symptons of cold or flu, please do not enter church and seek medical advise if necessary. See more
20.01.2022 Our recent Healing Energy Course prematurely wound up due to the advancement of the Corona virus situation. A sudden halt in all life & health activities, work, socialising, normal everyday living - leaves ones feeling numb and in a void of uncertainty and apprehension. Lala, one of our Course participants recently shared an encouraging post. In hindsight of the crisis we are all in and the fear it has invoked, Lala's words are an encouraging reminder to let go of the fear and allow your energies to engage in gratefulness and gratitude, love and calmness, hope & community. "Ride the Waves with Love in your Heart, not fear on your sleeves". Keeping the momentum in this time, and riding the wave - is by keeping our thoughts high, and our hearts open with our healing love flowing in abundance.
19.01.2022 There are always moments when one feels empty and estranged. Such moments are most desirable, for it means the soul has cast its moorings and is sailing for di...stant places. This is detachment -- when the old is over and the new has not yet come. If you are afraid, the state may be distressing, but there is really nothing to be afraid of. Remember the instruction: Whatever you come across -- go beyond. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj See more
19.01.2022 Full Moon in Libra - which also happens to be the biggest supermoon of 2020 has a desire to make everything more beautiful. Taking place in elegant, harmonious, and diplomatic Libra, this full moon aims to ease tensions, find balance, and remind you of the beauty that surrounds you. There's no doubt everyone is going through a difficult time at the moment, but the pink moon is here to show you that beauty never really disappears. However, in order for beauty to make itself... known, the darkness must be faced first. As Mars planet of conflict joins forces with karmic Saturn and argues with rebellious Uranus, it's clear that you may be dealing with a lot of pent-up energy. The urge to break free and do your own thing might be driving you up the wall. Luckily, the pink moon will show you that there are other ways to channel your energy and aggression into something worthwhile. As the full moon forms a trine with both romantic Venus and passionate Mars, it will drive you to focus on creativity, love, hopes, and dreams. It will remind you that being human is a vast spectrum of emotion and your spirit is alive, no matter how difficult the situation. No matter how dark the shadow, there will always be a light to guide you through it. With expansive Jupiter forming a conjunction with transformative Pluto on the night of this pink moon, there will be a strong desire to overcome your hurdles and grow in ways you've never challenged yourself to grow before. It's time to realize just how resourceful, resilient, and unstoppable you truly are. Prepare to learn more about yourself and bear witness to how strong and capable you can be. (Roya Buckland 7.4.20)
18.01.2022 After months of covid hibernation, COSE is pleased to announce that we will be holding the Divine Light Service on Sunday, 15th November @ 3pm We are so looking forward to re-connecting with our COSE Family & Friends Rev. David Finlay & Rev. Barbara Witcombe will be hosting the Service, which includes a Spiritual talk & Clairvoyant/Medium Demonstration (everyone receives a reading). ... Covid Health Regulations need to be adhered to, which includes : *Maximum of 20 guests at Service * safe distancing of 1.5 metres (except for families) * face masks to be worn * hand sanitizer to be used (provided in entry foyer). Service is for free (donations are warmly welcome), All are Welcome. Unfortuneately, afternoon tea will not be provided after the Service until the covid restrictions ease. Peace, Light & Blessings
18.01.2022 As you become multi-sensory, you begin to see yourself as a soul first and a personality second. You begin to experience yourself as more than a body and more than a mind. and the circumstances around you as meaningful and designed for your spiritual growth. Gary Zukav
18.01.2022 Geelong Spiritualist Church holds online Services every Sunday Morning @ 10am. The Sunday Services include Guest Speakers and Guest Demonstrators/Mediums. This is a free Service, All are Welcome.... Please refer to their facebook page for further information, all enquiries and the Sunday Service zoom link https://www.facebook.com/Geelong-Spiritualist-Church-144286572298145
17.01.2022 Mother Earth Song
17.01.2022 Picture says a 1000 words
15.01.2022 Today, Sunday, 22nd March @ 3pm will be our last COSE Service then we will close our doors until further notice. During the Service, Govt. Health guidelines will be applied, including safe social distancing of 1.5 metres and no physical contact i.e handshakes, hugging etc Health & Hygiene guidelines will be visibly displayed and encouraged. Sue King will be facilitating clairvoyant readings, David Watson will present a short talk A guided Healing Meditation will be facilitated by Barbara Witcombe. If you have been overseas recently or have been in contact with someone who has recently travelled overseas please stay at home and self isolate. If you feel unwell please do not attend church and seek medical advise.
15.01.2022 Divine Light Service, this Sunday, 21st June @ 3pm Service will be hosted by Rev. David Finlay & Sue King Both David & Sue have been long time members and lightworkers of COSE. They offer a great knowledge of Spiritualism and Spiritual philosophies and are well developed in their psychic and intuitive skills The agenda of the Service includes a guided healing meditation, short talk on a spiritual topic & clairvoyant readings, everyone receives a reading ... Due to the Corona Virus restrictions, individual healings will not be available. the usual social cuppa after the service will not be available Govt. Health Regulations will be in place during the Service: *Maximum of 20 people in Church (everyone needs to sign the attendance sheet) *Safe Social Distancing of 1.5 metres *Hand Santizer to be used on entering the Church (Hand Sanitizer is provided in Church foyer) *Please do not enter church if you have any signs of cold or flu (seek medical advise if necessary). Love, Light & Blessings, COSE
14.01.2022 Special Guests Erica Aimino & Paul Harrison will be presenting a Mediumship Demonstration & Spiritual talk this Sunday, 28th June @3pm @ COSE Erica, has been teaching and presenting Spiritual & Mediumship development & a multitude of spiritual workshops for well over a decade.Both Erica & Paul, work together in complementive partnership, demonstrating "testimony to spirit". They are both naturally gifted in their inuitive and mediumship skills, and exemplify their grea...t understanding and knowledge of Spirit in their talks and demonstrations During the Service - Govt. Health Guidelines will be adhered to : *Maximum of 20 people in attendance (arrive early to ensure your place) *Social Distancing of 1.5 metres *No handshaking or close proximitity with others in the congregation *Hand Sanitizer must be used on entering the Church (Hand Saniter is located in the foyer upon entry) *If you have any cold or flu symptons, even if mild, please do not enter the Church. Love, Light & Blessings, COSE
14.01.2022 Nature’s Beauties x
14.01.2022 Please follow the Geelong Spiritual Church Facebook page. They are providing online Sunday Service on a weekly bases to watch and be inspired by. They also have development circles you can join via zoom. Like and join in to enjoy the wonderful services they are offering at this time. Much love and thanks to our fellow uplifters
13.01.2022 Oracle Card Reading for the Day - "Chalice Well" #Sanctuary#Creative Force#Mother Earth#Flow Inspired Message - Drink deep from the Well of Wisdom Within. The Divine Feminine's presence is within you- she is ever present, all wise, always caring. If you are seeking your 'completion'....Go Within.... Oracle meaning - You are ready to stand in your feminine, creative power. Use your inner well of wisdom to reflect and listen to your intuition. Learn from your emotions and move forward to greater self awarenessAllow the Goddess to nuture you and heal your wounds that have prevented you from moving forward. (Mists of Avalon Oracle - Rose Inserra).
12.01.2022 "COSE Readings Day" tomorrow, Saturday, 21st March between 10-2pm. Psychic, Tarot & Spiritual Readings are available for $30 or $25 concession. There is no need to book, just arrive. During our Readings Day safe Social Distancing will be implemented (there is no need to have physical contact with the Reader). Notices will be on display with guidelines for Health, Safety & Hygiene.... *If you have travelled overseas recently or been in contact with anyone who has, it is advised that you stay at home and self isolate. *If you have any symptoms of cold or flu, please do not attend and seek medical advise. this will be our last Readings Day until further notice. Love, Light & Blessings COSE x
11.01.2022 "Readings Day" TOMORROW - Saturday, 21st November @ COSE Our variety of Readers offer different modalities of spiritual & psychic readings including : Tarot Readings, Spiritual Readings, Angel Card Readings & Mediumship Readings are available between 10am-2.30 pm (Enter the Rennie St door) Bookings are not necessary, simply register at the desk. All readings are $30 Govt. Health Guidlines will be in place : *Maximum of 20 people within the Church... *Social distancing of 1.5 metres *Use of hand Santizer (Hand Santizer is provided) *Face Masks need to worn *If you have any symptons of cold or flu, please do not enter church and seek medical advise if necessary. See more
11.01.2022 Listen ........
08.01.2022 Divine Light Service @ COSE this Sunday, 7th June @ 3pm Rev. David Finlay & Rev. Barbara Witcombe will be hosting the Service. Special Guest, Jen Gavey will be playing live (singing & acoustic guitar). Safe, social distancing of 1.5 mtre's will apply. Hand sanitizer will be provided. Maximum number of visitors permitted in the Church is 20, so please arrive early to ensure your place. Due to safe distancing restrictions, individual healings are not available, we also will not be providing afternoon tea after the Service (at this stage). During the Service, readings will be facilitated - everyone receives a clairvoyant reading
06.01.2022 Yes.. Project Forgive
05.01.2022 Love is a magic ray emitted from the burning core of the soul and illuminating the surrounding earth. It enables us to perceive life as a beautiful dream between one awakening and another. Khalil Gibran
05.01.2022 This Easter will not be the same as all previous Easters we have ever known. As we distance ourselves from our family members, loved ones and friends and also the community, we will celebrate Easter inside our homes in our own special unique way. Yet we still recognise the importance and sacredness of Easter and will honour this occassion with love. We will also think about all the important people in our lives, possibly face time them or talk to them over the phone. Distanc...e cannot close our hearts as the old saying goes Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Together in our homes, separated physically, but united in Spirit we honour this Special Occasion. From my Heart and Home to your Heart and Home .Happy Easter. Love, Light & Easter Blessings, Barbara Witcombe
05.01.2022 "Readings Day" this Saturday, 20th June @ COSE Our variety of Readers offer different modalities of spiritual & psychic readings including : Tarot, Spiritual Readings, Angel Card Readings & Mediumship Readings are available between 10am-2.45pm (Enter the Rennie St door) Bookings are not necessary, simply register at the desk. All readings are $30 Govt. Health Guidlines will be in place : ... *Maximum of 20 people within the Church *Social distancing of 1.5 metres *Use of hand Santizer (Hand Santizer is provided) *If you have any symptons of cold or flu, please do not enter church and seek medical advise if necessary.
04.01.2022 Divine Light Service this Sunday, 14th June @ 3pm Service Agenda includes a short spiritual talk and guided meditation by Sue King The Clairvoyant Demonstration will be presented by Kelly Holling Due to the Corona virus restrictions, there will be no individual healing during the Service. We will also not be sharing the social cuppa after the Service (until the restrictions ease). Government Health Guideline will be adhered to during the Service;... *Maximum of 20 people in church *Social Distancing of 1.5 metres *Hand Sanitizer to be used on entering the Church (hand santizer is located in church foyer) *If you have any symptoms of a cold or flu, please do not attend and seek medical advise if necessary. Love, Light and Peaceful Blessings COSE
04.01.2022 If you have always been curious about the Nature Spirits, or wanting to deepening your connection & communication - this Nature Spirit Workshop will be held on Wednesday, 18th November @ 7pm via zoom. No Experience necessary
02.01.2022 Cheltenham Spiritualist Church has an online zoom Service tomorrow @ 2pm Service is for free (donations are warmly appreciated), anyone can join in on the Service Zoom link and password provided below
02.01.2022 Divine Light Service @ COSE this Sunday, 22nd November @ 3pm. Rev Barbara Witcombe will be hosting the Service with special guest Kelly Hollings who will be presenting a clairvoyant demonstration Everyone receives a reading. Govt Covid health guidelines need to be adhered to : *All guests must sign in the Registry book on arrival... *Maximum of 20 guests in Church (children are not included in this number, but are welcome to attend). *Hand Sanitizer do be used on arrival *Face Masks to be worn *Safe social distancing of 1.5 metres (except for families) *Do not attend Church if you have and symptons of cold or flu N.B. Currently there will be no social afternoon tea after the Service until further notice
02.01.2022 Special Guests : Erica Aimino & Paul Harrison will be presenting a Mediumship Demonstration & Spiritual Talk at COSE today (Sunday, 28th June) at 3pm Numbers are limited to 20 people, so please arrive early to ensure your place Due to COVID19 restrictions, there will be no indiviual healings during the service, or social afternoon tea after the service Government Health Guidelines will be adhered to during the Service:... *Safe social distancing of 1.5 metres *Use of Hand Sanitizer before entering Church (sanitizer is provided in foyer of Church *No handshaking or physical contact with other Church members/visitors *If you have any symptom of a cold or flu, even if mild, please do not enter the Church. Seek medical advise if necessary. Love, Light & Blessings, COSE
02.01.2022 Divine Light Service, this Sunday, 29th November @ 3pm. Service will hosted by Rev. David Finlay & Sue King. Clairvoyant Readings will be presented by Kelly Hollings. Everyone receives a reading (bring a flower or article of jewellry for your reading). Covid Health Guidelines need to be adhered to :... *Use sanitizer before entering Church (Saniter is provided at entry foyer) *Face Masks must be worn whilst indoors *Safe Social Distancing of 1.5 metres (unless with a family) *There is no social afternoon tea following the service until further notice. All are Welcome to attend the Sunday Service, children are also welcome. The Service is free of charge (donations are warmly appreciated).
02.01.2022 Good morning beautiful people, today is the Supermoon/Full Moon in Scorpio opposing Taurus. This is an important time for secrets to be unveiled. A time of h...idden situations will soon come out within the next six months. Whether this is within us or within governments all over the world. This super moon is the last super moon of the three in the past few months. Next month we are having the first eclipse of three. This month will be a roller coaster month. Having four planets retrograde will have huge implications to us and the world. Pluto the planet of intensity, death, power and control has retrograded on the 26th of April which has slowed down fear and deaths around the globe. Saturn will retrograde on the 11th of May which has and will help ease restrictions for the next few weeks. Venus the planet of love, work or money will retrograde on the 13th of May. We will see all the financial problems around us with all the past lockdowns and job losses. Jupiter will retrograde on the 15th of May. We will be looking deeply at our finances, travel, religion or spiritual faith. We will also see many people from our past coming back into our life. Exes and older relationships that we thought we have let go of will try and come back into our lives. Or we will be thinking about them throughout the next eight weeks. We will look internally into ourselves from now till October as more planets retrograde throughout the year. This is a time that our planet is going to reset and we will be working on ourselves and what is important to us for the next upcoming months. This super moon will allow us to feel and get in touch with our emotions with depth and communication. Some people will talk about what hurt they have been through and what they have bottled up from their past. Some of us will finally let go of situations or people that have made us unhappy. Relationships will also come to a sudden pause or even end completely. Scorpio is about mystery, secrecy, money, passion, sex, scandals, the underworld, control, detective work and being all or nothing. Taurus is the planet of love, food, beauty, abundance and the mother earth. We are all feeling this upcoming eclipse in early June in Sagittarius/ Gemini. The north node and south node have also shifted this week after 18 months in Capricorn/ Cancer into Sagittarius / Gemini. We will all be searching for honest answers and the truth. Some communication can be misconstrued or hidden from us. Whether its in our lives or governments around the world. Please take care and Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers out there!
01.01.2022 Hello Friends of COSE! It is a relief to know that the spread of coronavirus (COVID19) has shown signs of slowing down, and with this has come the easing of restrictions On the 1st June, the Victorian Govt, will allow 20 people to attend Churches. After 10 weeks of Church closure, we will be presenting our first Divine Light Service on Sunday, 7th June @ 3pm Safe, social distancing of 1.5 mtre's will apply. Hand sanitizer will be provided. Maximum number of visitors permitted in the Church is 20, so please arrive early to ensure your place. Due to safe distancing restrictions, individual healings are not available, we also will not be providing afternoon tea after the Service (at this stage). During the Service, readings will be facilitated - everyone receives a clairvoyant reading
01.01.2022 Every Easter the story told, Passed down the ages from days of old, Of the Christ who died, Crucified, For all Humanity.... His shining Light would not expire True Love was his soul's desire Heavenly Father from above Ignited his cause for devotion and love Christ died for us All, for you and for me Over death he held victory, His resurrection was proof indeed, That from fear of death we may all be freed. And the Story told from history past, A story of the Greatest of Love which will always Last, Love is Eternal and will set you free We are All Christ Love - We are Family
01.01.2022 Beltane and Full Moon Blessings to All
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