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CrossFit Access in Wangara | Gym/Physical fitness centre

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CrossFit Access

Locality: Wangara

Phone: +61 415 636 543

Address: 19 Innovation Circuit 6065 Wangara, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 O P E N G Y M Need to spend a little time on your gymnastic skills? Lifts? Strength? Our dedicated Open Gym space is a perfect for getting in those extras! ... Check Wodify for session times and remember to book in #accessstrong

25.01.2022 Coach Nic and her fit crew! Come down Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:30pm for some high intensity, engine building, stamina and endurance strengthening training on a smaller scaled group environment. We call it E N D U R O! Sweat guaranteed!... #accessstrong #enduro

25.01.2022 MANDATORY REQUIREMENT Team, please make sure you have the SafeWA app installed from Monday or come prepared to sign our mandatory contact register. If you haven't seen Aidos vid go and have a quick watch on our members page or YouTube channel for more details.

24.01.2022 A brand new week is upon us! Show up. Send it. Eat all your greens. Call ya Mum.... Take your vitamins. Sleep well. and repeat Catch ya’s tomoza crew #accessstrong

24.01.2022 T U E S D A Y T E E N T R I B E Our younger lads putting in the hard work. Big gymnastics workout yesterday. Handstands and pull-up progressions coming along nicely!... Awesome work crew! #accessstrong #accessteens

24.01.2022 MASTERS LEAGUE OPEN 2021 Calling all Masters Athletes! Registrations are open See you all on the leaderboard ... @mastersleagueaustralia #accessmasters #accessstrong

24.01.2022 The best C O A C H E S dont set out to be the leader. They set out to make a difference. Its never about the role - always about the goal ... #coachesofaccess #accessstrong @ln_media

24.01.2022 You know what they say... S U N S out G U N S out! Summer is coming guys #newchallengealert ... #thataccessvibe See more

24.01.2022 H O L L E Y M A N Our 5:30am crew kicking off the second workout voted by our members for CrossFit Access’s annual 12 Days of Christmas shenanigans All of the emotions were felt today ... Awesome work crew #accessstrong #access12daysofchristmas

23.01.2022 Everyday is an opportunity to test yourself against your own P O T E N T I A L #accessyourpotential

22.01.2022 The H Y P E crew getting @jakewhitey_ through those last 10 cals... 5 ROUNDS 30m WALKING LUNGE 30 SIT UPS... 30/21 CALS #accessstrong #thisisaccess

21.01.2022 Lets root for each other & Watch each other G R O W ! This community! Stronger together!... #thisisaccess

21.01.2022 A C C E S S T E E N S Lets talk Adolescent Health! Educating our younger generation on the significance of keeping active in their early years, paths the way to a healthy body and mind for years to come ... Come have some fun! Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30PM - 5:30PM #accessstrong #accessteens #thisisaccess

21.01.2022 M U M S & D A D S ! ! Crossfit Access is a family friendly box with a fully gated play area for your kiddos! We have a bunch of activities to keep your little ones busy while you train. Get in touch to find out more #accessstrong... #thisisaccess See more

19.01.2022 FIFO & SHIFT WORKERS - OPEN GYM!! Were very excited to announce that Phase 1 is now LIVE! Weve been talking & posting previously about Open Gym and how its a great opportunity to use the space to get in some extra training or catch up on missed sessions.... Open Gym is now not only available whilst classes are on but weve also opened up some times during the day for you to come in and use the gym outside of class times! This is a great opportunity for shift or FIFO workers to get a workout when you cant make classes.

19.01.2022 RULE #1 is that you gotta have a little fun! #accessstrong #thisisaccess ... #coachesofaccess See more

18.01.2022 E N D U R O ! Building big engines since 2013 Created by the one and only Coach @jodie___lee Tuesday/Thursday ... 4:30pm - 5:30pm #thisisaccess

18.01.2022 MEMBER APPRECIATION POST Joel Carnie - Wangara OG! This morning we acknowledge the legend that is Joel Carnie and his unwavering support to Access. Joel is like a peach sour pint on a hot summers day! Creamy at first, punchy, tangy with a sweet peach finish Absolute 10/10 (give it a follow).... Over the years Carnie claimed a broken bbq we had down the back as Carnies Bench. During the renos, we turfed such bench - much to his disappointment So, we thought it was only fair to present him with a new one! Carnies (new) Bench Sweating Heaps Since 19 July 2017 Thanks to Ian McDonald for his handy work. Have the best weekend everyone! #accessstrong #thisisaccess #thataccessvibe

17.01.2022 PRs from the windows to the walls.... to the sweat run down... ahh you know the rest Epic start to de-load week. 2KM Row for time, moderate front squats and some static core fun to finish. The team bringing that Access Vibe as always!... #accessstrong #thisisaccess #thataccessvibe

17.01.2022 Best of luck to Coach Merman @yousef_ziu, Little Mermaid @samcallander_ and the squad as they brave the seas this morning, swimming their way to Rotto. We are so proud of you guys! #accessstrong ... #accesspride See more

17.01.2022 2020 MASTERS LEAGUE GAMES A massive few days of competing for these legends taking part in the 2020 @mastersleagueaustralia Games around the world! Welcome and best of luck to all the WA athletes making it down to @crossfit.access over the weekend.... Shout out to @hearne831 and @bex_ll74 repping the black and yellow! You’ve trained hard for this!! Back tomorrow for day 2! #accessstrong #masterleaguegames2020 #wamastersleague

16.01.2022 Work hard. Stay humble. Be patient. Keep hustling.... This workout was a pacing game. You against you. And kicked ass today! #accessstrong #thisisaccess

15.01.2022 C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Wow what an outstanding performance from our athletes who competed at Frantic Day Out this weekend! Chilli, Coxi, Smalls & Tigs, you should be so proud of your achievements this weekend! Weve all witnessed the hard work you guys have been putting into training! What a result!... The Access Community salutes you! #blackandyellowblackandyellow RX MENS MASTERS DIVISION 1st - @coxie_boy 2nd - @craigchilcott INTERMEDIATE LADIES DIVISION 3rd - @sammysmalls27 BEGINNERS LADIES DIVISION 13th - @___tigwan___ Shout out to @franticdayout for putting on yet another awesome weekend! #accessstrong #thisisaccess

15.01.2022 Nothing like a 10 minute time cap to shake off the weekend! For time: 20 Power Snatches 20 Lateral barbell burpees... 20 Overhead Squats 20 Lateral barbell burpees 20 Squat Snatches #accessstrong #thisisaccess

15.01.2022 All of the goodness brought to you by True Protein! #accessstrong

14.01.2022 Give it up for G R A H A M C O X !! All time legend and winner of the WA Masters 40+ Triple Crown The past few months have been pretty wild for this guy... Making podium at @franticdayout, @cfgamesday and @chasingbetter_throwdown. Training was intense, the workouts were brutal and the competition off the chain!... Coxie earned his place at each event in his humble little chilled out way. To say the whole Access Community is proud of what you have achieved would be an understatement. Congratulations our champion #accessstrong

14.01.2022 O P E N S E A S O N Preparation has officially kicked off here at CrossFit Access! We’re in a new cycle, we’re pushing our boundaries, staying focused and committed with the CrossFit Open in our sights! This new cycle will bring heavy oly lifting, dedicated gymnastics focused classes, lots of barbell cycling and conditioning. Get ready to work crew! ... @crossfitgames @crossfitanz #accessstrong

14.01.2022 Perth CrossFit Community! GET EXCITED!! The @allstaralliance Team Series is coming and CrossFit Access will be hosting the Perth qualifiers! ... Start thinking about your teams and keep up to date with all the latest info from the legends @allstaralliance!! This is going to be EPIC! Stay tuned #accessstrong #Repost @allstaralliance The Team Series is coming Registrations opening soon for the 2021 @allstaralliance Team Series competition.. 2-day live arena events held across the country for our State qualifiers Winners will progress through to the @allstaralliance National Championships held in Brisbane, 27-29 August More details to come

14.01.2022 H A P P Y F A T H E R S D A Y To all of our Dads, Stepdads, Dads to be, Grandads and Furdads!

13.01.2022 Did you know that most smiles are started by another smile? You’re smiling right now aren’t ya! You can thank @ivanamae__ #accessstrong

13.01.2022 A C C E S S T E E N S A lot can happen in 10 weeks! Confidence grows Cardiovascular fitness increases Strength develops... Technique one day just clicks! Friendship are made An appreciation and respect for healthy bodies and minds are formed We are CrossFitting A huge thanks to our amazing Teens Tribe and their wonderful parents for another awesome term! We are so proud of each and everyone of you guys! So many PRs and goals smashed! Bring on the next 10 weeks

13.01.2022 The shop is S T O C K E D Uh huh, you know what it is Black and yellow Black and yellow Black and yellow... Black and yellow #accessstrong

12.01.2022 Another week done and dusted. Take a load off today. Rest your body and mind. Eat the snacks. And get ready to crack on Monday!... Stay cozy #accessstrong

12.01.2022 It’s getting hot in here Perth is set to be 41 degrees today crew. Stay hydrated and train safe. We’ve got you covered with the aircon and fans set to Antarctica and cold @fitaidaus in the fridge. GET AMONGST IT ... #accessstrong

11.01.2022 Today we revved our E N G I N E S with a challenging chipper! 800m Run 50/35 cal Bike 40 T2B 200m Weighted run... 40 Box step ups 50/35 cal Bike 800m Run #accessstrong #thisisaccess

11.01.2022 Open training is in full flight this week! If you haven’t signed up for The CrossFit Open 2021 yet. Jump onboard and register here The Access Team series is going to be epic! Plans are being finalised for Friday night lights, prizes and a big finale to finish! Might be time to round up your team mates and get your team shirts, banners and flags ready!... Have a great week everyone #accessstrong #accessteamseries @crossfitgames

11.01.2022 The truth is you never really know who you’re inspiring, who’s watching the amount you overcome. Who notices your commitment and victory. Without even realising it, you are encouraging someone to stay on track. When you think about it like that, it gives training another level of meaning. How cool is it to help a brother or sister out, simply by showing up and being you!... #accessstrong #accessmasters #belikenormy

10.01.2022 OHHH TRUE....! Hey... Did you know we stock True Protein? We’ve added a heap of goodness to the shelves. We have Vegan friendly options, protein powders, recovery blends and lots of tasty treats. ... If you ever get stuck, we got you! #thelittleaccessshop

10.01.2022 Time for some spring C L E A N I N G ! *pun absolutely intended* #accessstrong

08.01.2022 A C C E S S O R I E S ! A small amount of accessory training will not only bullet proof your primary movers but will perfectly complement your CrossFit programming. Get amongst it ... #accessstrong #sunsoutgunsout

08.01.2022 On G O O D days we row. On bad days we row H A R D E R #accessstrong #thisisaccess

07.01.2022 B A C K O N T R A C K ! YOU DID IT! First week back, in the bag Let’s keep this energy flowing!... Shout out to everyone using Open Gym to get the full program done each day. It’s buzzing down there! Solid effort you guys #proud Next stop... T H E O P E N #accessstrong

06.01.2022 Its Monday!! Time to set the tone for this week Meet your G O A L S with small daily choices! Youve got this team! ... #accessstrong #thataccessvibe

05.01.2022 Thursday T E E N takeover! The demand for youth CrossFit has been overwhelming this new term! Coaches @mattanderson5859 and @sam.lass27 have been busy programming workouts to meet your pre teen/teen exactly where they are at. Adolescent fitness at Access starts with a positive mindset in a safe environment above all else. These little weapons make the fitness magic happen all on their own ... #accessstrong #thisisaccess

05.01.2022 W E L C O M E to our humble little shop! We are now proud stockists of True Protein ATP Science and Switch Nutrition ... Pop in and grab your fave stack or hit us up for a supplement assessment #accessstrong

05.01.2022 Give it up for these strong young people for showing us that L I F T I N G is for everyone. Age does not define us #accessteens ... #accessstrong See more

04.01.2022 S P R I N G T I M E V I B E S Our Teens making the most of this afternoons beautiful sunshine. 6 sleeps until Spring... but whos counting ... #accessteens #thataccessvibe

04.01.2022 Strap in and hold on for the best 60 minutes of your day! #accessstrong

03.01.2022 A C C E S S T E E N S Thursday’s Tribe of inspiring young people choosing fitness for fun! How rad is that! ... Our Teens classes have reached capacity for this term. Please join our waitlist for the next intake of Access Teens. #accessteens #teentakeoverthursday

03.01.2022 3. 2. 1 G O !! #accessstrong #thisisaccess

03.01.2022 A HUGE weekend for some of our incredible members! Starting with Leanne Bextrum and John Hearn These two superstar Masters Athletes qualified for WA for the 2020 Master League Games earlier in the year. With COVID hanging around, the games were in doubt of even happening. ... These champions have been training super hard. Lots of early morning hustling before work and the school run and it absolutely showed over the weekend. Both of these legends walking onto that gym floor with such professionalism and grace! Lea and John you are a credit to the WA Masters and the Access Community and we are so proud of you! Over to Brandy Graham and Tegan Rice - Team Midget Races!!! Coming in at 12th place at @rfxrumbleinthejungle - Beginners division today. Both of these beauties give 100% at training even staying back most days to work on their weakness and open gym. B and Tegs crushed the clusters and snatch workout like absolute beasts!! Hope you had the best day ladies! Access salutes you!!! SO PROUD #accessstrong #crossfitaccessmasters @mastersleagueaustralia

03.01.2022 Focus. Commitment. Power. Preparation. Competition. Victory. #accessstrong

02.01.2022 Our community of remarkable humans achieving E X T R A O R D I N A R Y things ... #accessstrong #thisisaccess

02.01.2022 Do you know how we came up with "ACCESS" Funny story... We took the first letter of 10 Physical Skills of CrossFit and put them in a word scrambler and ACCESS is what popped up first Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy. ... Ok ok, so we had to split the Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance into two parts but it's still a cool story #accessstrong #thisisaccess #thataccessvibe

02.01.2022 So F R E S H and so C L E A N We are stoked to announce we now have showering facilities at CrossFit Access! #rubbadubdub

02.01.2022 E N D U R O ! Stop saying no to C A R D I O Tuesday and Thursday - 4:30pm #accessstrong... #thisisaccess See more

02.01.2022 A well deserved D E L O A D W E E K coming up crew! Seeya bright and early tomorrow #accessstrong... #thisisaccess #thataccessvibe See more

01.01.2022 L O O K G O O D N A K E D 2 0 2 0 Let’s get a round of applause for our LGN’ers! We have officially hit the half way mark!... Here we have a small selection of the amazing meals our clever squad have created! We are 21 days sugar free We are 21 days alcohol free We’ve had our Dexa Scans Our Proteins, Fats & Carbs on point We can now balance our own macro’s We plan and prepare in our diaries and kitchens We train like beasts We are sleeping better and waking up fresh AF We’ve learnt about women’s health & how hormones and the menstrual cycle affects training and nutrition and..... we’ve still got three weeks to go! We’ve had some huge results already on the scales and our mindsets. Men’s health and breath work workshop up next as we move into the Mindfulness chapter of this incredible journey. See you on the other side

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