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25.01.2022 Anyone in the Melbourne area with kids aged 5-8, please check out this wonderful event with Edgars Mission next week. Its a fabulous opportunity for socially-minded kids who want to help our animal friends.

25.01.2022 For anyone who’s heard of this movie and is considering seeing it - please know that it portrays mental illness in a not-so-accurate or helpful way. This article explains why (contains spoilers).

25.01.2022 This parenting thing is hard work. Especially if we choose respectful parenting, gentle parenting, positive parenting, or conscious parenting. Most of us were not raised this way. We had parents who were authoritarian, who didnt accept us and our feelings, or who didnt see us as unique individuals. We became accustomed to this, and as kids we developed templates in our mind about what parenting is.... Now, as parents ourselves, we have to undo those very same templates. And, install a new set of templates. Its mentally draining, and fraught with error. We might accidentally revert back to habits from the past - and then beat ourselves up for not being perfect. We live in a world where our positive actions are often ignored and our errors are scrutinized. There can be judgment at every turn, including from ourselves. This parenting thing is hard work. Undoing habits is hard work. Self doubt is hard work. Maybe its time for us to go easy on ourselves, because all we really need to do, is better than we did yesterday.

22.01.2022 Its the start of a new school year, and you may be wondering about some of the new faces in our childs class. Sometimes, there is THAT kid, and our first response (understandably) is to focus on the impact on our child. Perhaps its also worth taking the time to read this, because its 100% spot on. In fact, this reminds me of so many young people Ive met over the years.

22.01.2022 Did you know that handwriting uses more of your brain than typing? So, all things being equal, the child who is learning through writing will be mentally more active than the child who is typing. But of course, this is real life, and screens are way more engaging that a boring old pencil. I have wondered about the long term impacts of screen use, on young kids. Motor skills are being affected, and I wonder what screens will do to our kids concentration spans, impulse contro...l, creative thinking, and learning. If your child is using a lot of screens, then make sure youre balancing it out with plenty of tactile/sensory activities. Or cut down on screen time if youre feeling particularly brave.

21.01.2022 This is a really powerful story. And theres lots of take-home messages.... I think some key ones are: If you notice something isnt right with your child, trust your instincts and reach out for help. If youre not satisfied with your level of care, then its ok to get a second opinion. ... Remember - once upon a time, leeches were a common treatment, homosexuality was seen as an illness, and DDT was encouraged as being good for me. Health care is constantly changing, and unfortunately not all practitioners are open minded. When choosing your health care provider, find someone who understands and respects your family, and is truly willing to act in your best interests.

21.01.2022 Occasionally we'll allow women to take some time for themselves to have a massage or exercise. But again, it's not really about her needs, but rather an opportunity to recharge the batteries and stay heathy so she can be a better mother.

21.01.2022 Here's a good video if you or your kids have ever experienced bullying. Some of his phrasing is controversial but the overall message is important. Bullying is an imbalance of power, and kindness and empathy are ways of completely shifting the balance.

20.01.2022 Ever noticed that childhood is mostly about comparing kids to one another? It could be achieving milestones, acquiring literacy skills, or report cards. It's all comparison. Which is fine... as long as we don't lose sight of our child's individuality. Each of our kids is a unique blend of intangible, immeasurable qualities and experiences. ... Their friendliness. Their opinionated nature. Their kindness towards others. Their steadfast determination to get what they want. These days, it's easy for our multifaceted kids to be reduced to a number, or a label. Always remember that there's so much more to them - and ultimately, it's those unique qualities that actually matter the most.

19.01.2022 This is so beautiful.... if we want our kids to manage their feelings then we must show them how. Anger is tough for everyone, and especially for females. We get told to bottle it up and be good and quiet and well behaved. Anger is enervating and transformative. It has the power to hurt or help. Our choice.

19.01.2022 "Kids have to learn to toughen up". Have you ever heard this advice? Maybe this is true for a few things. But most of the time, our kids are held to impossibly high standards. Should our child have to "toughen up" to bullying? Or to a sensory sensitivity? Or anxiety?... It's like telling a Type 1 diabetic to "toughen up and produce some insulin". It's like telling an employee to "toughen up" against the sexual harrassment of the boss. It's like telling a war veteran that they have to "toughen up" and attend a fireworks show. Ridiculous. Do our kids really need to toughen up? Because in many cases, it seems like we're being awfully tough on them, already.

19.01.2022 Just a little PSA for those of us with little furry ones at home. Please take care of our non-human friends!

19.01.2022 It all boils down to - respect. Thankfully todays classrooms are much more like the second one, than the first. This is a good reminder that kids learn through our actions, not our words. However we want them to be, is how we need to be with them, today. Respectful. Kind. Patient. Playful. Creative. Persistent. Dedicated. Optimistic. ... If youve ever considered making some changes yourself, its a perfect time to do it.

17.01.2022 All babies are good babies. They are not defined by their sleep habits, feeding habits, temperament, language skills, or motor skills. Some are cautious, some are adventurous.... Some sleep all night, some sleep in 45 minute shifts. Some talk or walk early, and some take their time. Some are voracious eaters, and some couldn't care less about food. Babies come in all styles. We just need to make sure we appreciate the ones we have.

15.01.2022 Keep them wild.

15.01.2022 Have you noticed? Kids of today are more free-thinking and socially aware than ever. Our kids are all connected online, which means that their social influence extends beyond just their classmates and footy team. Theyre inspired by the great things that other young people are doing, all over the world. As parents, its vital that we nurture their socially-responsible and entrepreneurial qualities. Theres many reasons why, and I just want to focus on one.... Their mental health. The phenomenon of altruism is where we give to others without expecting anything in return. Kids today want to rescue animals, help the disadvantaged, and save the planet. They want to rid the world of oppression and prejudice, and encourage peace and liberation. Altruism reduces depression, increases self-confidence and resilience, and it makes our kids feel happy. So much benefit, with no unpleasant side effects. So keep this in mind the next time your child comes to you with a fabulous idea for helping others. And, join in too. Because the benefits of altruism extend to adults, and it will bring you and your child even closer together.

13.01.2022 Parenting through anxiety. If you've ever experienced anxiety, you know how debilitating it can be. Its more than just stress. It's a chronic, pervasive type of stress that permeates our lives. It clouds our thinking and overwhelms our emotions. It's agitating, yet paralysing. Parenthood puts us at a higher risk of anxiety. The risk is even higher for those of us with pre-existing vulnerabilities. And it's not just in the early weeks and months - sometimes, the symptoms don...Continue reading

13.01.2022 Who is raising toddlers? This is an excellent article that breaks apart a lot of mainstream parenting advice (much of which is based on disrespect and manipulation)...

12.01.2022 For the record: parents shouldnt have to worry about the Larry Nassars of the world... because those sorts of things shouldnt happen to kids (or anyone). Full stop. We DO worry about these things, though. And the world seems scary when our kids are out and about in it, and we might even feel powerless to ensure their safety. There are things we can do to help our kids help themselves, and this article really nails it. ...

12.01.2022 It doesnt matter how young we are, we still hold the power to influence the world for the better.

11.01.2022 Merry Christmas! I hope your day is filled with joy, peace, delicious food, and good friends. And a space for any sugared-up kids to burn off some extra energy...

11.01.2022 Christmas Tip(s): When your child misbehaves or doesnt listen, take a moment to figure out whats really going on with them. Maybe theyre tired, overstimulated, hungry (or hangry), or overwhelmed. The holiday season is tough on everyone, including kids.... That doesnt mean we should chuck all the rules out the window. It just means that we should be a little less punitive, and a little more understanding. And take those boxes and recycle them. Or build a fort.

11.01.2022 Nice to see some research supporting what we've known instinctively all along!

11.01.2022 Anyone in the Melbourne area with kids aged 5-8, please check out this wonderful event with Edgar’s Mission next week. It’s a fabulous opportunity for socially-minded kids who want to help our animal friends.

11.01.2022 Boys don't cry? Yes, they do. They need to. And we need to be there for them, when they do.

10.01.2022 For the record: parents shouldn’t have to worry about the Larry Nassar’s of the world... because those sorts of things shouldn’t happen to kids (or anyone). Full stop. We DO worry about these things, though. And the world seems scary when our kids are out and about in it, and we might even feel powerless to ensure their safety. There are things we can do to help our kids help themselves, and this article really nails it. ...

09.01.2022 Starting school earlier to boost academic performance? What’s interesting is that in many schools in the EU, students don’t start school until 6 or even 7 years of age, and yet they do better than Aussie school kids. Do you think preschool should be mandatory for three year olds, or is child care or home-based education a good option?

09.01.2022 For those of us raising social justice advocates - show them this! Kids have a natural flair for caring for others, and their actions do make a difference!

08.01.2022 Heres a great TV opportunity for any Melbourne parents with vegan kids

07.01.2022 Well worth a read - whether you have a child or were once a child. Shaming of children is a form of childism. Childism is when we discriminate against children because of their age, ability, and intelligence. Unfortunately, it pervades our society (along with many other isms). We may be so accustomed to child shaming that we dont realise it was done to us, or that were doing it to our kids. ... If you recognize yourself in any of this, dont shame yourself! Instead, use it as an opportunity to change those ingrained habits, and try something better tomorrow.

07.01.2022 An interesting read - not just for people raising sons.

06.01.2022 For anyone whos heard of this movie and is considering seeing it - please know that it portrays mental illness in a not-so-accurate or helpful way. This article explains why (contains spoilers).

06.01.2022 Something to think about for those of us with Gen Z kids... our kids seem to have a far greater sense of social justice than the generations before. If your kids are asking the tough questions about the world and its various -isms (racism, sexism, speciesism)... then this is why.

06.01.2022 This one is for my fellow messy-haired mums who don't have their shit together

05.01.2022 He asked if we could have "cockporn" today Ah the joys of a life filled with hilarious mispronunciations

03.01.2022 It’s the start of a new school year, and you may be wondering about some of the new faces in our child’s class. Sometimes, there is THAT kid, and our first response (understandably) is to focus on the impact on our child. Perhaps it’s also worth taking the time to read this, because it’s 100% spot on. In fact, this reminds me of so many young people I’ve met over the years.

03.01.2022 This is a heartwarming story that helps restore faith in humanity when women work together they accomplish miracles.

01.01.2022 Today is World Mental Health Day. It's a good opportunity for each of us to reflect on our own habits. And not necessarily where we're lacking, but also where we're succeeding. Let's give ourselves a huge pat on the back for everything we're doing right. And if there's some room for improvement, then let's make a commitment to start doing something new. ... Raising kids is one of the most wonderful, rewarding, and yet EXHAUSTING things we will ever do. It's a marathon, not a sprint - so we have to pace ourselves so that we last the distance.

01.01.2022 How do we help kids cope with traumatic events? This afternoon saw a tragic event in the heart of Melbourne. It's all over the local news and social media, and it's heartbreaking to hear about some of those injured, including young children. Anytime I hear about injured children , it's especially gut-wrenching. I suppose that's part of being a parent. It's hard enough coping with events like this as grown adults - and it can be just as tough for kids. Children often piece to...Continue reading

01.01.2022 Starting school earlier to boost academic performance? Whats interesting is that in many schools in the EU, students dont start school until 6 or even 7 years of age, and yet they do better than Aussie school kids. Do you think preschool should be mandatory for three year olds, or is child care or home-based education a good option?

01.01.2022 Its always nice when science supports respect, kindness, and fairness!

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