Dr Katherine | Public figure
Dr Katherine
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24.01.2022 What would you like to read/learn about? I'm WELL overdue to start writing for my blog again. What topics would you like to learn about? As you know, I like to provide things to think about and actions to take - so a few ideas could be:... - apologising after hurting someone - how to say you don't understand something without feeling like an idiot (I have a LOT of practice in this area!) Thoughts? (Many thanks in advance for your ideas!) DrK xoxo
23.01.2022 #confidenceclass - my best tip to develop confidence is: 1. take action 2. fail 3. learn... 4. repeat 5. shoe shop Ok, #5 is optional but highly recommended. Watch the video for the full kit and kaboodle. Dr K xx
22.01.2022 Im baaack! 10 things I learned during my time off from socials (and work) 1. The best ideas never happen in front of a computer 2. Time off is not effective if youre spending it feeling guilty 3. Plan to do little and youll achieve a lot ... 4. Sewing a hat is easier than you think (yep! The one Im wearing) 5. Alarm clocks were created by Satan 6. Eddie and Eszie have the best lives in the universe 7. Distance from work clarifies whats important to focus on 8. Distance from work also reminds you of your worth when youre back at work 9. Meetings are even better when done at the beach! 10. I missed you guys! Love Dr Katherine xoxoxo See more
22.01.2022 Time for a little break! Signing out for a few days! X
21.01.2022 Out of all of the times on 9 News Perth for #thepulse - this was my favourite as all topics were personally relevant and incredibly important: - Thank You to stop producing bottled water - Aussie Mum finds disturbing hidden lingerie on childrens doll and - outrage over plan for international students
21.01.2022 Have you ever heard of the 4 Ds? . - Disease - Debt - Divorce... - Disaster . Often we wait for one of the 4 Ds to slap us into appreciating the little things in life. Why wait? . The only true voyage of discovery, the only fountain of Eternal Youth, would be not to visit strange lands but to possess other eyes - Marcel Proust . Heres how I read that quote: stop looking at the greener grass on the other side of the fence, just look differently at the grass you already have and dont yet appreciate. . Written only with kindness in mind, Dr Katherine xoxoxo . P.S. This was me during todays 3.5 hour brain storm meeting on some really amazing new stuff thats coming up - and gosh golly things like this just makes life so damn amazing! See more
20.01.2022 Need to have a tough conversation? Want to ask for a promotion or raise? Always remember there is a HUGE difference between being assertive and aggressive. Aggression is a lack of care for other people's emotions and only toxic respect for oneself. Assertion is based on reading other people's emotions, making judgments based on appropriate timing but most importantly, comes from a place of respect for both the other person and yourself.... So don't wait for tomorrow to grab life by the s today Love and hugs, Dr Katherine xoxoxo
20.01.2022 Great to be back in my happy place at 9 News Perth while using Kelly Rowland's amazing fashion sense as my inspiration with some serious shoulder ruffles
20.01.2022 Ever find yourself in the middle of a of failure which leads you to a negative cycle of doom for 23457923 years? Yep, I get it. Here's a quick tip using to help you pre-plan and help you back on your feet in no time.... Dr Katherine xoxoxo
19.01.2022 Its impossible not to avoid comparison on social media. Heck - its basically a game of 7 billion people trying to one up each other. But what are we really comparing ourselves to? Fact? Or fiction? . Answer: (most of the time) were comparing our fact to someone elses fictitious portrayal of their life and career. Meaning - were comparing apples to oranges. . So what can we do to avoid the deceptive lure of smoke and mirrors comparisons?... . 1. As the great Vito Corleone said its business, not personal. (Meaning - dont take everything personally! Focus on fact, not fiction). . 2. As the great Brene Brown says: people are hard to hate close up - so move in. (Meaning - you dont know what you dont know until you know it. Do you actually know the person your comparing yourself to? Likely not). . 3. As the Great Katherine Iscoe* just made up: who cares? Meaning - even if they have their $hit together - who cares? Be selfish: spend your energy on yourself instead, learn from their wins and most importantly, dont pull others down on your way up. . Written only with kindness in mind, Dr Katherine xoxoxo . (*who by a vote of 1 declared herself the new Katherine the Great since the original Catherine the Great has been dead for 250 years). See more
19.01.2022 Do you compare yourself to others if youre confident? Hell yes. Confident people are not aliens. However, heres where there is a BIG difference: comparisons are not always bad - sometimes they can be inspiring, educating or even life changing. So heres 3 things I have found helpful to ask myself whenever I weigh myself up to someone else: 1. What can I learn from them? What do I like about what they do? What would I do differently?... 2. What do they do when the going gets tough? Have they pivoted their goals? Have they done a 180 turn in the past? Why? What was the result? 3. Do I fit in the same category as them? This is a BIG one - because know this: while you might be similar to others (for example there are many confidence educators out there) the most important thing to remember is: no one can do what you do, because no one IS YOU. Hope that helps a bit! Written only with kindness in mind, Dr Katherine xoxoxo PS if this interests you - Id suggest to read more about Social Comparison Theory, first developed in 1954.
18.01.2022 "We're all in this together"... but are we? I can't even begin to express how much I miss my family back home in Canada and the States and would do anything to fly home and see them! Making matters worse my dad messaged me this morning to remind me it's strawberry season in Ontario - the best berries in the world! I get very frustrated when I hear of people who, because of being "financially flexible", try and create legal loopholes to allow themselves the ability to trave...l for "business" Thanks as always to 9 News Perth for having me back on #thepulse #9newsperth #9newsat4
18.01.2022 Are you hard on yourself... but everyone elses cheerleader ? Measure your self-kindness by answering either "yep" or "nope" to these 3 questions: 1. "When Im going through a hard time, I cut myself some slack." 2. "Failures suck, but I don't let them paralyse me."... 3. "When things get stressful, I remind myself it's ok to be human." How many "yeps" did you answer? (not many right?) If you need a little help to be kind(er) to your brain, check out the video or better yet, [DOWNLOAD] the 3-step Inner Bully Buster System (based on an ACT technique) my students have used to CRUSH negative thoughts to improve relationships, get promotions and start new ventures here https://drkatherine.com/inner-bully-lm/
16.01.2022 Opening up and sharing something can be darn hard. We put ourselves through one heck of a roller coaster before we get to the goal line. I don't think there is anything to make it easier the first time around, but like with everything - opening up gets easier the more you do it. Kind of like the first fart in front of a partner: the first one is MORTIFYING... (think Carrie in bed with Mr Big) and then, eventually you'll be hot boxing before you know it (not Carrie, but that is what I do).
15.01.2022 Channeling Hollywood glam for tonights keynote at the UWA GMA black tie event! Wish me luck!
14.01.2022 Had a hoot 'n' hanny with Burgo on today's Pulse via 9 News Perth. Funny how TVo didn't flinch when I told her my childhood hobby of collecting (can you guess?) ... #weirdthen #weirdnow
14.01.2022 5 things Ive learned about true friendship: 1. True friends know when you need to let off a bit of steam - and allow you to dance like no one is watching even though everybody is watching. 2. True friends let you be really annoying while you tell them how much you love them 5287573 times after a slight love affair with 8 caprioskas. Yet they still dont mind if you tell them just one more time.... 3. True friends tell each other their truths, without fear of judgement. 4. True friends send each other ugly selfies with pride, because they know true love is not skin-deep and ugly selfies are pointless but highly entertaining. 5. And finally, true friends are like trees (which funnily enough, is the etymological root of the word truth). They outlast storms, their foundational roots keep you grounded, and they always, like the limbs of a tree, keep you growing and reaching towards the sky. My sincere thanks to everyone for their beautiful birthday messages, and your continued support and care over the years. My heart is truly filled with joy. Big hugs, Dr Katherine xoxoxo
13.01.2022 There's no better time than now to say the words that might change your future. x
12.01.2022 Is your inner bully controlling your every move? Discover how your inner bully is quietly taking away your freedom and how silencing her will give you new levels of energy, creativity, and certainty in your life . Download the FREE 3 Step Blueprint to Silencing Imposter Syndrome and Mastering Self-Confidence so you can end the downward spiral, exude inner confidence and quit feeling like an imposter.
11.01.2022 Today I attended a luncheon with 11 other women - each held incredible career positions and jaw-dropping experience. It made me think - isnt it funny that only a few decades ago (albeit still prevalent in some parts of the world), working women reflected a sign of financial desperation. . Moral of the story is: change is possible, but it just takes a heck of a lot of effort and a tonne of patience
11.01.2022 Back in my happy place at 9 News Perth talking about all things strawberries, travel and ... Trump. #9news #thepulse #9newsperth
11.01.2022 Ever feel like a biatch when you get cold called? I remember one Seinfeld episode where he asked the cold caller for their home number and said hed call them back during their dinner time. They got the point. . My problem with just hanging up or being rude is that the people calling me are just trying to earn a living and are most likely very poorly paid. So - there is no point making their day worse than it probably is. . Failing Seinfelds method, heres what I say (which ...usually starts by interrupting their script): . I need to interrupt you - I know you are just doing your job but simply Im not interested and dont want to waste your time or just time - but I wish you all the best of luck on your next call. . Would love to know your techniques! . Dr K x See more
10.01.2022 This has been such a different process to what I thought it would be for quite a few reasons. It has changed my belief in what I thought confidence was. Before the course I thought confidence was superficial - how you looked, walked and talked basically. but now...its actually about how you think, feel and how you fail, how you challenge yourself and how you pick yourself up and get ready for the next thing. In the beginning I also thought the course would be mainly reading... and watching a few video's and possibly going through a work book....well I was completely wrong about that one ha ha! I have also found it amazing that a complete group of strangers have come together and shared some pretty intimate moments about themselves and the support we have for each other is mind blowing. Also the course is FUN! with lots of laughs, tears, "farts" and more laughs.. Today marked the penultimate group LIVE mentoring session for my Wake Up Confident program which has gone 5285829 times better than I could have ever imagined - with confidence goals being kicked all over the place! Im honoured to have had the privilege to be part of these peoples journey and their amazing wins - and cant wait to welcome the students of cohort number 2 in only a few weeks! Will you be one of them? If youre ready to be a part of a kick-ass confidence building process so you can ________ (enter your goal there!) Im ready for you! Send me a DM and Ill add you to the waitlist! (Enrolment opens in 2 weeks!) EEEEKKK! Dr Katherine xoxoxo See more
09.01.2022 Picture this: youre walking down a street and all the sudden, an angry zombie starts running towards you. Youre scared and quickly jump out of the way to avoid getting hurt. A few weeks later, you need to go to a shop on that same street. Its sunny and the birds are singing, but you instantly feel afraid, even though there is no reason to. This is called a conditioned response. Essentially your brain has been conditioned to associate that street with fear, even thou...gh there is nothing scary about the street. While conditioned responses can be useful, such as avoiding allergy-provoking foods or putting our hand on a hot stove, many conditioned responses keep us chained to our fears: - Not raising our hands to speak (because we got laughed at the last time we did) - Declining a date (because we got dumped badly the last time we did) - Wearing baggy clothes (because when we wore slim fitted clothing we got bullied This is where the theory of constructed emotion by Dr Lisa Barrett is damn important: as Barrett, says, emotions are not built in, theyre built. Meaning, what we feel is our brains best guess to help figure out whats happening in the moment - the problem is we base this on past experiences. Can you see how building self-confidence can be challenging when your brain is just trying to protect you from getting hurt again? If you learned something from this short video, Id invite you to watch my True Confidence Webinar which you can watch here: https://drkatherine.com/true-confidence-registration-page/ Remember: Train your brain (not your butt) to build your confidence! Dr Katherine xoxoxo
09.01.2022 Do you suffer from the If only syndrome. Do you say if only I (enter annoying thing here) I could do (enter awesome thing here)? If only I had more money ... If only I had a more supportive boss ... If only I could lose X kg ...... If only I didnt still get hormonal acne at friggin 42yo ... Yep, Im guilty of it too sometimes. And the only thing that it does is get me nowhere fast One thing Id invite you to consider is there is a huge difference between letting off a bit of steam and frustration (ie venting) and actually complaining. One is a bit of self care and one isnt - can you guess which one is which? So heres how I approach venting with my partner, friends and local barista (who has no choice but to listen... sorry): I just need to vent a little bit. I dont need any solutions or advice, I just need to let it fly. For the next few minutes Then Im good to go again. So the next time you are about to say if only, maybe give a little venting a try instead Love and hugs, Dr Katherine xoxoxo See more
09.01.2022 If the whole world was blind, what would being beautiful feel like to you? Who would inspire you to grow and change? If big companies could no longer make money off our appearance-related insecurities, what would they sell to us? What would our insecurities be? Self-esteem, confidence and body image is not as simple as it seems - it isnt just as simple as transforming from I hate myself to Im da shit.... There are so many damn variables that make it complicated: - social acceptance - social status - financial motives - career moves The list is LONG and is also influenced by culture, how we we raised and even our choice of religion. So if some days you feel like youre making inroads in building your confidence, and other days you feel like a balloon in a field of porcupines, know this: its complicated. Just keep trucking. Written only with love and kindness, Dr Katherine xoxoxo P.S. This evening I was darn honoured to be asked to be a guest on Fitness Unfiltered, a podcast that brings a new perspective on all things health and fitness through honest and open debate and discussion. It was, to date, my favourite experience to date and I really enjoyed the incredible knowledge and perspectives of the hosts! A big nudge to give each a follow and to listen to their podcast! https://podcasts.apple.com//fitness-unfiltered/id1441069077 Emma Storey-Gordon Fitness Dr Mike II Dan Osman - Nutritionist CISSN & Performance Coach ASCC
09.01.2022 Guess what? It's my birthday! While I haven't grown much taller since my first few days/months/years on earth (evidenced in photos as I still need a chair to reach things), I have (thankfully) got a tiny bit wiser over the years. But one thing I know for damn sure: I still don't know a LOT! But that's the best part about getting older: LEARNING!... I thought Id share five important things that Ive learnt in the past few years: #1. Although your body parts start to hang lower, you hold your head higher. You, for lack of a better way of explaining it, just give less of a F, which enables you to stand proud about the person you are and who youve become. #2. Although your connective tissues start to degrade, the connections that you make with others become stronger. You realise that the number of likes you get on a post is not important, but what is important is the care you get when youre struggling or sick. #3. Your eye sight declines, but you see things oh-so clearly. You see through the bull$hit and understand what is really important. You can make a decision based on experience, not on a guess. #4. The past is harder to remember yet it finally starts to make sense. Like detective work, you gather more and more clues which explain the story that makes you who you are. And the clearer the story, the more confident youll be. #5. Your body hurts more but your heart hurts less. This is not to say that you dont experience hurt... far from it. But with knowledge and experience, you also understand that with time, the pain will become less sharp and deep. At the end of the day, the most important thing Ive learnt is this: youre never too old to become the person youve always wanted to be. Sending you all so much love and a BIG thanks for all your support over the years, Dr Katherine xoxoxo
07.01.2022 #tgif Its interesting that the most successful people are the ones that take breaks, get away from their work environment and prioritise self care. Sounds counterintuitive doesnt it? Very far from no pain no gain mentally! But from a personal experience I know the benefits - the more Im away from work and being saturated by the confines of life, the more I create, produce and innovate. So - if youre feeling a bit guilty about deflating this Friday night - DONT. Just be and enjoy. Dr Katherine xoxoxo
06.01.2022 Proud as punch! Today marks the official end of my first ever Wake Up Confident program! Had my final call with the Agents (and of course had a little cry afterwards ) when I sat back and thought about all they accomplished: . From starting new businesses to starting an MBA, from going back to school to hitting home runs, its amazing what the brain is capable of when we push through the tricks out brain plays on us! . So if youre stuck in a rut - remember that its ...only your brain getting in your way - not your butt . PS if youre sick of being stuck in a rut and feel like you need a little kick in the butt (oh that rhymed!), send me a DM to find out more about the next round of the he Wake Up Confident program which kicks off August 2nd See more
04.01.2022 Hi new friends! I thought Id introduce myself to any newbies on this page! My name is Kat (aka Dr Katherine Iscoe), also known to my father as Squigs (short for squiggles), Munch (short for munchkin) and Shorty (self-explanatory). Im 50 tall but feel MUCH bigger than my boots but it took me about 42 years to feel this way! Yep, thats why Im infatuated with all things confidence.... For most of my life, I felt I didnt fit anywhere. As a young teen, I began a cycle of extreme dieting. At the time, being anorexic was cool, so much so, in fact, that the goal was to eat so little that you fainted. My restrictive eating then spun into drinking, then drugs (hard and soft), and minor brushes with the lawall in the hopes of being popular and liked. Ive battled with severe depression to the point of attempting suicide. It was one heck of a very complicated road to get to where I am today, Im quite possibly the worlds record holder of finding rabbit holes. A few of these include: - being a pastry chef - a restaurant and catering business owner - a bankrupt - a personal trainer - a yoga teacher - a spin instructor - a dance teacher - working for a real estate company as a PA - a wanderer - a party girl - a diet and weight loss consultant - a lifelong student Thats why when people ask me about my back story of how I arrived to what I do today, I always think to myself do they really want to know the full story? or just the abstract? So - while I dont have the space to tell you the full story here, one thing I can tell you is that the key to confidence is owning the living $hit out of your story, rather than trying to silence it. So to all my new friends out there, welcome. I hope my posts inspire you to give a heck of a lot less f$Ks so you can enjoy your life, drink champagne and ALWAYS buy the shoes. Love and hugs, Dr Katherine xoxoxo
03.01.2022 Honoured to be one of the Two Dr Ks keynote speakers at this years GMA black tie sponsored by HBF! (Now... what to wear )
03.01.2022 When you need help, do you: . A) remain stoic - keep your chin up is your motto . B) accept help but say sorry repeatedly (even if youre not Canadian)... . C) be guided in knowing there is no shame being human . About 6 hours after this photo I found myself hugging the toilet mid-way through an exorcism. My partner (bless his cotton socks) was only a few meters away yet remained in a deep sleep. . As this has happened several times before I knew I couldnt manage it alone. (The first time this happened was early on in our relationship, I was non-responsive and my partner, on the line with 000, was asked to ensure there was a difibulator nearby). . The moral of the story is not about these sorts of time-stopping, helpless situations, but more of a reminder that the little bumps in our lives can be managed in one of two ways: doing it alone, or being strong enough to admit your not strong enough. . As always, written only with kindness in mind. Dr Katherine xoxoxo See more
03.01.2022 Whatcha think? Yay or nay? Ive been thinking about doing a podcast for the past 358923 years but didnt want to just do one just for the sake of doing one (ifyaknowwhattamean). So, heres my thoughts on the run down:... 1. Guest picks one of the hundreds of scribble a secrets that I have collected over the years - one that resonates with him/her. 2. We speak about it in depth (thats when I give my little educational boost to yall). 3. Then its time for the guest to share a secret - something that is holding him/her back. 4. I help turn their secret into a superpower (How? You'll need to listen to find out!). Yes? No? Thoughts? Suggestions? Would you listen? Why/why not? Dont hold back team! Dr Katherine xoxoxo
02.01.2022 Heartbreak can feel just as bad as physical pain, and in some cases can result in drug-like withdrawal symptoms leaving it hard for us to think logically and even to tackle day to day functions. It often feels like we dont have control over our thoughts or emotions, leaving us questioning - will I ever feel better?. I remember after a very bad breakup as a young adult, I called my father - hoping he would provide me with a magic solution. I couldn't believe when he said I...m always here to listen, but only time can heal those deep wounds. I was pissed! What do you mean you can't make me feel better RIGHT NOW? What kind of dad are you? time passes... Dont you hate it when parents are right? So if youre reading this thinking will I ever be able to love again? - know this, you will in time. For now, sending you an extra big hug - Dr Katherine xoxoxo Good reference to start with: Fisher HE, Brown LL, Aron A, Strong G, Mashek D. Reward, addiction, and emotion regulation systems associated with rejection in love. J Neurophysiol. 2010;104(1):51-60. doi:10.1152/jn.00784.2009
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