Dr Robert Goldman in Perth, Western | Doctor
Dr Robert Goldman
Locality: Perth, Western
Phone: +61 1300 453 307
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25.01.2022 Hi All, these are very strange and difficult times. I too am sitting at home most of the time with the occasional visit to my consulting rooms to see non-routine patients. This week, I will have done 2 short consulting sessions. No surgery is possible until the government lifts the ban on elective surgery. The Easter weekend is upon us and the temptation to go out will be great. My family have cancelled our long weekend plans 3 weeks ago. Dont go out unnecessarily, stay at home except for exercise, take precautions, stay safe and well.
25.01.2022 Sunday, May 10, happy mothers day to all our mothers! WA Premiers announcement: NO announcement regarding elective surgery yet! Maybe the individual hospitals know something we dont.
25.01.2022 Meet Dr Robert Goldman I would like to take this moment to thank this amazing human for all that he has done for Thomas Teneti. This was the largest ski...n removal that has ever been done in Australia . This process took six months of planning and thinking. We had tests and more tests to make sure every precaution was taken. I am so grateful to this Doctor who took a chance and listened to our story . Thomas has his own special story and together we have been able to change a life. Dr Robert Goldman you get ten points !!! ( I dont give them out freely ) Thank you for everything you did for us and for everything you have now empowered Thomas to be . I know there are 304,000 people who have been following this story and today are all feeling very blessed . #drrobertgoldman #thomas_tenetti #phatt #puttinghealthatthetophq #whoosheffect
24.01.2022 I have been saying this for a ling time: https://www.sbs.com.au//private-health-insurance-waste-of-
24.01.2022 The latest nightmare with the private health funds is underway! The new changes with regards to the "Private Health Insurance Reforms" classifying policies into either gold, silver, bronze and basic is the nightmare. For people having plastic and reconstructive surgery, the policy must be EITHER gold or silver to claim. For weight loss surgery, only gold policy holders can claim. Medicare carefully defies what weight loss surgery is and isnt. BUT the dumb people working for the funds have no idea about what is weight loss surgery and what is not. All that has happened it that the general public are now more confused, more frustrated and angry as they are being given wrong information by the funds and are being "lied" to. Private insurance funds; PICK UP YOU GAME, GET IT RIGHT!
23.01.2022 I am finally able to commence elective surgery again from Tuesday June 2nd at St. John of God Mt Lawley.
22.01.2022 We are MOVING on Sat Oct 31st. New ADDRESS: Alexander Building, Office 2, 1st Floor, 647-649 Beaufort St, Mt Lawley WA. Our phone numbers and email addresses remain the same. There is paid parking at the rear of the building on Raglan Rd
22.01.2022 The prime minister, in his daily briefing tomorrow, will be making an announcement regarding the resumption of elective surgery so HOPEFULLY, we may be able to start up certain categories of elective surgery SOON! I will notify as soon as we get more information.
22.01.2022 Have you ever seen a more beautiful smile ? Today we visited our superstar friend and here he is smiling . He has come through the operation with flying c...olours losing 24.4 kilo of skin . The doctors are checking now to see if it makes history in Australia . It was the biggest operation this doctor had performed. Thomas is up and walking this morning and wanted to know if he would fall over as he wasnt sure how to balance his weight . They brought him a frame just to be sure but he said that wont hold me !! I am so proud of this man and all he stands for in this world . I know he is reading his Facebook so send him some love . Thank you to everyone for your messages and your donations to TTT . It is now close up 24,000. This has paid for his operation and allowed him to buy a new wardrobe of clothes. Thomas always says all I did was answer an ad to lose some weight! Amazing where networking takes you and how many lives you touch ! Much love everyone #puttinghealthatthetophq #phatt #healthwealthchoice #thomastenetti #ourmiracle
20.01.2022 I hope to be posting the actual surgery start date for all my normal procedures by the end of May. Watch this space!
20.01.2022 https://www.perthnow.com.au//private-health-premiums-to-ri Health Insurance Premiums going up again! Wow, what a waste of money and what an amazingly devalued product ALL private health insurance has become. Please read my blog https://www.robertgoldman.com.au/medicare-changes-2018/... Cancel you private health insurance and put the subscription into you own superannuation fund. Get the tax advantage. Then use SuperCare as your own personal private insurance scheme. https://mysupercare.com.au/
20.01.2022 New for 2019! Find perthbeauteandbody on Instagram Charlene McTavish and I will be working together next year. We are very excited about this and hope to increase our association in the new year. Watch this space...
18.01.2022 The latest information regarding breast implants and the potential for lymphoma: https://www.tga.gov.au//australian-regulatory-action-breas
18.01.2022 What is not being accurately reported is that the recall does NOT apply to implants that are already "in". The recall is ONLY for implant stock. The "rule is that women should have an annual breast assessment regardless of whether they have implants or not. Please simply come in for a check up and discussion. There is NO need to remove implants unless there is a particular diagnosed issue.... Phone us on 1300 453 307 or email [email protected] if you have difficulty phoning. The phones are busy...
18.01.2022 Oh no, not again! The Australian Government department of health has just notified us today of more new changes to the private health insurance industry. Gold, Silver,Bronze and Basic levels of cover. They have also specified what is going to be covered in each category. Here is the "bottom line": Plastic surgery (medically necessary) is covered by both Gold and Silver categories. I assume that these will have increased premium costs associated with them...
16.01.2022 The following is my opinion and is based on my training as a medical specialist. In addition, I also have a science degree in microbiology, biochemistry and genetics. The governments of Australia both federal and state, must be held accountable for the devastation that is occurring in our economy. Businesses are going bankrupt every day the closures are in place. These closures include everything from the state border and its effects on the tourism industry, entertainment ven...ues and our daily lives.In addition, the hospitals and the private healthcare industry. It is all very well for the public bureaucrats and the private hospitals, they are sitting very pretty as they have their pay packages. The hospitals have received a federal government payment to keep them viable and able to keep their employed staff (a very good thing) but patients are the victims here because they cannot get the surgery they need even though they pay large premiums for private insurance. Again, in my opinion, private health insurance has become a very devalued and useless cost to society. Why pay for this and then find out you are unable to use your insurance because some public servants have locked down the private hospital system, THERE IS NO CORONA VIRUS LOAD IN THE STATE OF WA! There is NO risk to the PPE supplies in the state! Come on Premier McGowan, Roger Cook, open up the private healthcare system. See more
16.01.2022 Brazilian Butt Lift Vs Butt Implants Read why Perth’s top surgeon says there’s no comparison. #BrazilianButtLift #BBL #CosmeticSurgeonPerth
16.01.2022 Labiaplasty is now almost always cosmetic so from November 1st, you will not be able to claim for this op with very few exceptions. the exceptions will require pre-approval from Medicare that may take up to 3 months.
15.01.2022 Whether you call it Breast Augmentation or a boob job, there are 5 key questions you need to ask yourself before you make a decision. Find out more. https://buff.ly/2UAJNnb
14.01.2022 Have you ever met this man before ? He No longer needs to gather momentum to stand . He no longer needs to lift his tummy to see his legs , he no longer... needs to rest his hands on his gut . He is a new man with a new dream . Meet My beautiful friend Thomas Teneti everyone . Say hello to the new Thomas . #puttinghealthatthetop #phatt #healthwealthchoice #thomas_teneti #newman
14.01.2022 Hi All, Thank you for your support over 2018. PLEASE NOTE: We will be closed from close of business Thursday December 20th and will re-open on Monday January 14th 2019. Dr Goldman will remain contactable via email: [email protected].... Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
12.01.2022 No federal announcement on elective surgery as yet. Suppose the state premier will make an announcement soon, if not today then on Sunday.
12.01.2022 Hopefully tomorrow I will get information regarding the elective surgery re-commencement date during the pms announcement. Then we need to wait for the actual hospital to publish the actual start date. I will post this date both here and on my website homepage. This should also include all the other treatments as well.
12.01.2022 Wow, just set up LiveChat on the website. Do not know why we did not do this before. Now, it is much easier to make contact with us live, not a "bot" or a hosted service by someone else, but a real live person in my consulting rooms. We will see how easy it is to make contact and arrange appointments from now on.
11.01.2022 Find out how the new Medicare changes made effective from Nov 1st, 2018 will impact you!
10.01.2022 Ready to schedule your breast augmentation surgery in Perth? Be sure to ask your doctor these questions during your consultation! https://buff.ly/2WQoXmN
10.01.2022 Here is a statement from the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons with some FAQs. https://plasticsurgery.org.au//Medicare-plastic-surgery-ch
09.01.2022 IT'S TIME! Dr Goldman now consults at and performs surgery at the new Sundew Day Surgery centre. Address is 24 Sundew Rise Joondalup (behind Bunnings) WA 6027. Consulting days are a Wednesday starting Wed Oct 21st every 2 weeks. In addition, surgery days are a Tuesday commencing November 3rd also every 2 weeks. All appointments to be arranged through central bookings on 1300 453 307 or via the LiveChat function on the website.
09.01.2022 An increasing number of people are frustrated and unhappy with the ongoing restrictions to private hospitals for elective surgery. I do not understand the reasons as we have not been kept informed. Please contact St. John of God Mt Lawley hospital; on 08 9370 9222 and ask for the director of nursing, the director of medical services or the CEO and get them to explain why the restrictions are still in place. There is no covid-19 reason here!
08.01.2022 Hi all, Thanks for your kind words. Look forward to seeing Thomas again soon.
08.01.2022 What to know more about cosmetic surgery in Perth? Heres your guide to finding a qualified surgeon. #CosmeticSurgeryPerth #QualifiedSurgeonPerth https://buff.ly/3aQT816
07.01.2022 With all elective surgery on hold due to COVID-19, now is the time to do your research and consult with your doctor. Prepare now, and be first in line for your procedure once restrictions are lifted. https://buff.ly/2WIEuEV #ElectiveSurgery #CosmeticSurgery #COVID19
07.01.2022 Heres more: By the way, are you aware that as part of the Covid-19 crisis, the governments entered into a contract with ALL the private hospitals to " take over the running of these hospitals" in case they were needed? I suspect this was linked to the government funding that the private hospitals were given to prop them up. This has effectively nationalised the private health system by stealth. In effect, the public healthcare system now controls private medicine in Australia. Just look at the NHS in England.
07.01.2022 Losing weight is all really great but then theres that sticky situation of the extra sagging skin that gets left behind. For some, surgeries like tummy tuck or belt lipectomy make a great deal of sense. Heres what you need to know about belt lipectomy: https://buff.ly/2tvU32V
06.01.2022 Our phones are DOWN. Working with the telco to try and resolve. Please email us on [email protected] or use the LiveChat function on the website homepage.
05.01.2022 I love this photo ! Thomas and Dr Rob Goldman . Neither of them have the words for each other . This was such a big operation and new ground for both ...of them. Together they made history ! When you go into an operation like this you have to put your life in someone elses hands . Its a big thought and coming out the other end you realise how huge this responsibility is for anyone. Friendships are made in the strangest of ways . Life is fulfilled by people you never know are going to be instrumental in your world . What a journey this is going to be for Thomas and Rob . #puttinghealthatthetophq #phatt #healthwealthchoice #thomas_teneti #drrobgoldman
04.01.2022 If youve had a breast augmentation or considering getting one, your mind might be filled with questions, including the common concern: Will my breast implants need to be replaced? or Am I at risk of anaplastic large cell lymphoma? Read more here! https://buff.ly/339TCfk
02.01.2022 I would like to let people know that the LiveChat function on my website is with a real live breathing person based here in Perth Australia and is NOT a bot/chatbot. You will deal with someone who will be able to answer your queries AND book appointments. In the event that she/he is busy with other "chats" you will be directed to an email service that will be responded to the same day.... please use this facility.
01.01.2022 I never cease to be amazed by some people. There are those who have no understanding of the requirements to be a registered specialist surgeon yet some have undergone a procedure and think they are experts in commentary and "inform" any and all social media sites for others, who to perform their surgery and who they MUST go to. Registered Plastic Surgeons hold a FRACS but what they don't understand is that there are other specialist surgeons with the same FRACS who specialise... in breast and abdominal surgery, for example. It is very naive and a lack of understanding to think that one group of Australian Specialist surgeons performs superior surgery to another. The important thing is to ensure that the specialist YOU chose is registered with BOTH the national medical board (AHPRA) as a specialist surgeon AND holds the FRACS. These are the only 2 important considerations. See more
01.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Today, all St John of God Hospitals have told us that no elective PRIVATE surgery will be possible at St John of God Hospitals, Ramsay Healthcare hospitals are different. I am looking into the option of moving my surgery practice from St John to Ramsay Health hospitals. Also, the smaller day hospital and overnight stay hospitals are also still performing elective private surgery. I do understand all the issues but still need to offer my services. I will post daily under the current circumstances.
01.01.2022 Hi everyone, I hope you are all safe and bearing up. Although we are not working as normal, I am still available for certain categories of consultations. I have written a blog that I want people to read. The blog article is set out in the post below. Also, I have been slack in terms of my presence here. This will change. I will be online here from 1400 WST today.
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