Elaine Schnelle Psychic Medium | Local service
Elaine Schnelle Psychic Medium
Phone: +61 408 610 176
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25.01.2022 Come and explore with me on my evening walk. There has been quite a lot of wind over the past few days which has stirred up the sea bed and coral. I just had some fun with my inner child. Join me if you wish. The message this weekend is just to connect with your inner child too and go play for a while. The law of attraction brings to us what we focus on so a bit of joy and fun will bring more joy and fun into your life too. God Bless
24.01.2022 Come share my morning walk with me. Today’s message is about commitment to our goals and not giving up when things look bleak or seem tough. I have set a number of goals in my life including good health, where I live and also about my psychic readings and my business and how I inspire others. This morning the sky is overcast, it’s windy and cold and yet there is a swimmer way out in the ocean training. He inspired me. He could have not trained today. Found an excuse. When th...ings seem bleak and I want to give up I am reminded that what seems like a block has been for other reasons. Perhaps the timing is not right, perhaps I am waiting for something to fall into place before I can move forward to my goal. Or maybe my goal needs refining as there was something that I also need to include. The swimmer reminds me to just trust in the Universal plan. There is always a higher plan as well as my own plans. Timing is important and I need to stay positive, keep training, don’t give up and just trust. God Bless See more
23.01.2022 This is some of my handmade healing gemstone jewellery that I sell at the markets. I will soon be selling some online as I cannot reach everyone at the markets here in Townsville. The majority of the gemstones I use are from Australia. Each piece is unique. I make them in conjunction with the guardian angels of the person for whom the necklace is made for and for whatever needs healing. I never know who the necklace is for until it is purchased and I get great joy when the ne...cklace finds the right person. Last night for example, I couldn’t get to sleep as I was being nudged to make a necklace so I made the necklace and then felt at peace and slept very well. This morning that necklace found its owner at the markets. I remind the purchaser that I am only the channel and that I feel very honoured to be able to do this. Each necklace comes with a guided message from your guardian angels about the healing qualities of the necklace. You will know if the necklace is for you as you will be drawn to it’s energy. Blessings and love See more
23.01.2022 Come share my walk with me this morning. Today I was guided to go straight down to the beach. There was a group of seagulls. One was being a bossy boots to the other seagulls. Today’s message is about bossy boots people. People who try to control and manipulate others to get their own way or it may be people who don’t speak their truth and then bottle up their feelings and finally explode. Maybe a bit if both. Maybe you know someone like that. Maybe it is yourself. I know th...at I am sometimes like that . I am getting better at not being like that too. I feel it is a generational thing where we , especially men, were taught not to express our emotions and just do what was expected of us. This is now happening again for some in covid where people are confined in small places and their freedom has been taken away. The message today is to practice the new way. The new energy is about being more sensitive. Listening and honouring your feelings. And speaking my truth. It was hard for me to own up to my spirituality and show it to others. The energy now is to be authentic to oneself but also to allow others to be authebtic and to respect others who are living in their authenticity and yourself. Be like the indigo children and the new children of the light who are teaching us the new way. How to interact with others and how to have positive relationships. To speak up in a gentle loving way and to respect our differing opinions. Not to be selfish but to consider other people’s feelings and to honour our own feelings. We have all had different experiences so will have different perspectives. There is always one thing we can agree upon. We can agree to disagree. We are then still interacting positively, respectfully and with love. I love the new way. Love and Blessing everyone. See more
23.01.2022 Super New moon tonight at 9pm in Australia https://www.facebook.com/yasminboland/videos/2513781492204732/?vh=e&extid=mC30rBQql3eO2oWM&d=n
23.01.2022 Hi Everyone... just letting you know that I will not be at the markets this Sunday 29 November as I have a family function. Please message me if you would like to arrange a private reading. Love and BlessingsHi Everyone... just letting you know that I will not be at the markets this Sunday 29 November as I have a family function. Please message me if you would like to arrange a private reading. Love and Blessings
19.01.2022 Pulled a card for everyone from Rebecca Campbell’s Starseed Oracle. I am reminded that when my soul chose to have an earthly experience there was a path that it wanted me to take. It’s my soul path. Once here, we often get wound up in our earthly lives (our fated life) and forget our soul path. This card reminds us to surrender to that inner knowing and gut feeling that is our soul path calling us to follow its direction even if we have doubts and it feels scary. Rebeca say...s in her notebook, to trust the the path your soul is calling you toward - and to remember that this moment was prearranged on your life’s timeline. I have some of these and lots of other oracle cards for sale, so pop down and have a look at my market stall on Sunday at the Cotters Markets in Flinders Street. And I also give short readings at the markets. For longer private readings, or a reading over the internet - just contact me for a booking. God Bless and follow your soul path no matter how uncomfortable it feels and watch the support and miracles unfold. See more
18.01.2022 Come share my walk with me. When I arrived at the beach this morning I just wanted to see the sun rise. It will make me happy I thought. But it was covered in deep dark grey black clouds. I watched for a while and decided that it’s not meant for me today. I felt disappointed. I walked down the boardwalk and turn back to see if I could see some dugongs and instead I saw the most magnificent pink and blue grey sky with the suns rays breaking through the clouds. It filled the sky. The message was clear. I just have to let go of control, have patience and let the Universe works it’s magic. The Universe had something better for me that was truely magnificent and long lasting. I just need to let go and trust. Love and Blessings to you all.
18.01.2022 Come share my walk with me. I am at Magnetic Island with the family feeding some fish. The message of the fish is to take the opportunities presented to you in life. Be brave and do it or someone else will do it and you will miss out. Don’t be frozen in fear, dive in and live life. Love and Blessings
17.01.2022 I met Jerry and Esther Hicks in 2008 at a workshop in San Antonio in Texas. It’s a good reminder to keep your thoughts positive so as to attract positive joyful abundance into your life. Esther has started up some 10 to 15 minute Abraham Rampage videos which I find lift me considerably if I find myself going down. Enjoy. https://youtu.be/Y-93aYiKcXk
16.01.2022 Come share my walk with me this morning. I was nudged to get up early to watch the sun rise over the ocean and when I go down to the beach there was cloud cover blocking my view. I felt disappointed and then decided to walk along the path instead. I came across the most beautiful little rainbow lorikeet enjoying the sweet nectar of flowers in a palm tree. And then after it left a blue eyed honey eater came along as well. Not long after that I turned back to look at the sunris...e and it had created the most beautiful sunrise cloud formation ... see pic in the comments. The message is clear. Stop trying to control how I think things should happen. God and the Universe May have a different plan for me that is even better than what I could have imagined. Trust. And this is how the new 5D energy is working. The Age of Aquarius that e are in now. We don’t have to do everything ourselves anymore. The best result is to let go of control and to work together with the Universe. We may not get the outcome that we desire but it will be an outcome of higher joy and the path our soul wants to take. Just trust when you get strong nudged and see where they take you . God Bless everyone See more
15.01.2022 It is so important for my wellbeing to listen to my gut. Many times I feel that others will think that I am crazy or what I am doing is wrong for me. I acknowledge that they love me and care for me and want what they think is best for me. But I know that my gut is speaking to me. It’s my intuition speaking to me. It may say listen to others, or it may say no that this is not the right time, or it may say this is the right time for me and to act irrespective of what others say or think. I know if I listen to my gut it might be a bit scary but I know that it is the right decision for me. Listen to my intuition. I make my decision. I am at peace.
13.01.2022 The last 3 blossoms from my birthday flowers that I received over a week ago from my beautiful family. I cut them down and placed them in a little white vase that I rescued when my Mum went into an Aged Care Hostel. So full of love and joy. It’s the small things in life that can bring the most joy. Love to you all
11.01.2022 Come share my morning walk with me today. Today’s message from the Universe is to Be the Bee. I am reminded when I see the bumble bee in this video putting its head Into the blossom to collect the nectar, that I too am like the bumble bee. Follow my joy... whatever brings me happiness. This will not only fill my heart with joy and the sweetness of life but it will also uplift others. I don’t have to work hard to help others. Sometimes the easiest way is to just follow your passion, your joy as this spreads to others, uplifts them and yourself and then by the law of attraction brings more joy back into your life. Be the Bee today. Bee the person who walks into a room who lights up that room just by Beeing themselves and doing what makes them happy. God Bless
11.01.2022 Come share my morning walk with me and let’s find out what message the Universe has for us. Today’s message for me is about following my own path as I weave my tapestry of life. We are all unique individuals. Love and Blessings
11.01.2022 Come share my morning walk with me. Today the message from the Universe is to listen to the sounds around us. It can be the waves like I did today, it can be the birds, it can be some calming music, the sound of rain or even the humming sound of your air conditioner ..... provided the sound is is calming to you. It only needs to be for one to two minutes to be effective and it will bring you peace. Near the end of the video join in with me for a one to two minute listening meditation. Love and Blessings.
10.01.2022 Thankyou angels and the Universe for reminding me you are with me today. Rainbows are often the sign from the angels or your deceased loved ones. Sometimes I find them in the most unexpected places like my kitchen bench this morning!! I know this was a sign of support for me today. Blessings and love
10.01.2022 Come share my swim with me this morning and see what message the Universe has for us. It’s been twelve months today since I returned home from a 2 months stint in hospital. I have been slowly getting better and now that the weather is warmer, I am swimming again. Today I swam 12 lengths non stop in the 50 m pool which I having been slowly building up to over the last 6 weeks. As everyone seems to zip past me in the pool swimming strong and doing quick lengths, today’s message is clear. I am reminded to go at my own pace and not to compare and judge myself by the standards of others. We are all doing our best and are on our own journeys. And I remember that the turtle did WIN the race!!! God Bless
09.01.2022 Come share my morning walk with me today and see what message the Universe has for us. Today as I watch the sunrise break through the dark clouds I am reminded that I am like the sun. The dark clouds remind me of the drama or darkness that has been around me lately. I hear the waves, the ebb and flow of life. I know that I am strong and that my light will break through this drama. This too will pass. Everything is working out for me and will get better. So if you are in an ...unhappy situation or experiencing some drama in your life, remember that this too will pass and you are strong. Look for things that bring you joy, that make your light shine more brightly. Smile and be kind to others and know that everything will work out okay. And the birds flying over me reminds me of the angels and our spiritual support team including our deceased loved ones who are around us. They support, comfort and guide us. We are never alone. Blessings and love See more
05.01.2022 It’s okay for me to say No. It lets others and myself know that I am strong and that I care for my self. Elaine SchnelleIt’s okay for me to say No. It lets others and myself know that I am strong and that I care for my self. Elaine Schnelle
03.01.2022 Come share my walk with me this morning. Today’s message is reminding us to pause and connect or we miss too much. Take some time this weekend in whatever you are doing whether it’s inside or outside, to stop, pause, observe, listen and truely see what is around us. I know that I can go for a walk and miss everything and yet other times if I just pause and look and listen I see so much more. I notice and appreciate the beauty and love around me and it then fills me with joy. If you can’t go outside there will be something inside for you to see with different eyes. Maybe it’s some plants you have, or a pet, or a family member or small child or baby. I often take my surroundings for granted but if I pause and look I always find something beautiful. Let the magic flow.
03.01.2022 Come share my morning walk with me. I took this pic as I walked along The Strand and it reminds me of the energy at the moment. I find myself doing something and then it is blocked and I have to take a completely different path. It’s like in the photo. I want to get to the light in the background but it is still far away, and I am being blocked by the shadows and trees on my path and I don’t seem to be getting there. The message today, is to surrender and to detach from the ...outcome. To know that when things seemingly are going wrong they are in fact perfectly going right. There is always a divine plan. So rather than getting upset when I have to change my plans, I am trying to just let go, trust and remind myself that there is a reason for this and allow whatever it is that The Universe wants to happen, to unfold. It will be for the best. Blessings and Love See more
02.01.2022 Come share my walk with me. Today’s message is about diving into life and enjoying it. I nearly didn’t go outside today but I listened to the nudge and here I am. And once outside OMG!! What a display of magic. There have been airforce helicopters going past, birds singing, black cockatoos and at one stage three airforce helicopters even went over top together. Then I saw a dolphin popping up to say hello. I would have missed this if I had not gone outside and joined in. So make time to enjoy life. It passes by too quickly. Love and Blessings
02.01.2022 Come share my morning walk with me. Today’s message from the Universe is to watch the signs that are being sent to you. I have been busy writing my book lately. And today’s message is to make sure that I take time out to pause and observe. Observe what is being shown to me. It may be a bird or like yesterday the bumble bee. I know that if I have been busy it’s like I am in the whirlwind of life and missing my signs. I need to get off for a while. When I stop, I pause and obs...erve the things my soul wants me to see so that I can receive my message. While I have stopped and paused this morning I am reminded by some important signs that I had forgotten to include in my book. As I walk along the beach I see footprints. Lots of them. It is showing me I am supported by The Universe. So comforting. Love how the Universe works. Have a joyful day. God Bless See more
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