Embassy of Cuba, Australia in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Community organisation
Embassy of Cuba, Australia
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 2 6290 2151
Address: 29 Kareelah Vista, O´Malley 2606 Canberra, ACT, Australia
Website: http://misiones.minrex.gob.cu/en/australia
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24.01.2022 On the 22nd anniversary of the unjust imprisonment of the Cuban Five, the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society (ACFS) remembered the active campaign they deployed all over Australia to call for their release. Thanks for your solidarity and support!
24.01.2022 "Nos asiste el deber de fortalecer este mecanismo de concertación genuinamente latinoamericano y caribeño, verdaderamente independiente e inclusivo. Honremos su...s propósitos fundacionales por la unidad y el desarrollo de Nuestra América.. Vea la intervención del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de #Cuba Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla en la XX Reunión de cancilleres de la #CELAC http://www.minrex.gob.cu//honremos-los-propositos-fundacio
23.01.2022 Cuba resumes international postal services by air. HAVANA, Cuba, Nov 19 (ACN) The Cuban Postal Service Business Group informed on Wednesday that as of this Thursday, November 19, the international postal services, DHL and other express courier and package services by air, in and out of the country are reestablished, after the entry into operations of the José Martí International Airport in Havana. The clients of Correos de Cuba will be able to impose and receive such service...s in the more than 800 units that make up the national postal network, the Business Group announced in an official note sent to the Cuban News Agency. These services were interrupted due to the cancellation of air operations because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
23.01.2022 Statement by Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the General Debate of the Seventy Fifth Session of the United Nations General Assembly. http://www.minrex.gob.cu//let-us-strive-together-promote-p #UNGA
22.01.2022 Cuba continues analyzing over 7000 samples daily, reports 26 new cases in the last 24 hrs. http://www.cubanews.acn.cu//11288-cuba-continues-analyzing
22.01.2022 The United Nations General Assembly calls for more cooperation and solidarity in times of COVID-19 pandemic and the end of sanctions and blockades. The resolution Comprehensive and coordinated response to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic was approved by a large majority of 168 votes. Only 2 countries vote against: the US and Israel.
22.01.2022 Cuban President to address UN virtual meeting on Covid-19
21.01.2022 #UnblockCuba #NoMásBloqueo Solidarity caravans against the US blockade and for the Cuban family were held in more than 50 cities around the world, including several in the US. From the streets of Havana, the clamor against such an unfair policy was also heard!
20.01.2022 Statement by H.E. Mr. Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, at the High-Level Segment of the United Nations General Assembly marking the seventy fifth Anniversary of the United Nations. September 21th, 2020. Mr. President; Distinguished delegates:...Continue reading
20.01.2022 #NoTeDejesConfundir #SomosCuba Hay un grupo empeñado en lastimar a un país. Hay gente haciendo todo para que este año, marcado por las angustias de una pandemia mezclada con las mil vueltas de tuerca que ha experimentado el bloqueo, termine mal para Cuba. http://www.cubadebate.cu//politica-/2020/11/28/san-isidro/
20.01.2022 Hasta siempre, #Maradona! Las leyendas nunca mueren. D10S del fútbol mundial, genio y figura, zurda de pensamiento y golpeo del balón, sin dudas el más grande de todos los tiempos!
19.01.2022 Palabras del Ministro de Salud Pública José Angel Portal Miranda en respuesta a la Intervención realizada por el representante de #EstadosUnidos Garret Grigsby, en el 58 Consejo Directivo de la OPS http://bit.ly/2SdxZGB
19.01.2022 Hoy #Cuba y #China celebran 60 años de vínculos diplomáticos bilaterales. Con la presencia del consejero de Estado y canciller chino Wang Yi, ministros y vicemi...nistros de instituciones del país asiático celebramos en nuestra Embajada la actividad central en ocasión de tan significativa fecha que también marcó el inicio de las relaciones de #China con América Latina y el Caribe. #CubaChina60 Cancillería de Cuba Presidencia Cuba Today #Cuba and #China celebrate 60 years of bilateral diplomatic ties. With the presence of Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, ministers and vice ministers of institutions of the Asian country, we celebrated in our Embassy the central activity on the occasion of such a significant date that also marked the beginning of #China's relations with Latin America and the Caribbean
18.01.2022 Declaración del Director General de Asuntos Bilaterales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Cuba, Emilio Lozada García Cuba observa con ...preocupación los acontecimientos que en los últimos días han tenido lugar en el Sahara Occidental y reafirma su invariable posición de apoyo a la búsqueda de una solución a la cuestión del Sahara Occidental que garantice el ejercicio del legítimo derecho del pueblo saharaui a la libre determinación, de conformidad con los propósitos y principios de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, el Derecho Internacional y las resoluciones pertinentes de las Naciones Unidas, en particular la 1514 (XV) de la Asamblea General, Declaración sobre la Concesión de la Independencia a los Países y Pueblos Coloniales. La Habana, 21 de noviembre de 2020.
18.01.2022 Comparecerá hoy director de Estados Unidos de la Cancillería en el noticiero estelar. http://www.acn.cu//73420-comparecera-hoy-director-de-estad
17.01.2022 http://www.radiohc.cu//241107-car-and-bike-caravan-demands
15.01.2022 Los resultados en el escenario electoral de las acciones agresivas del presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, contra #Cuba, aún están por verse, aseguró h...oy el director general para Estados Unidos de la cancillería cubana, Carlos Fernández de Cossío en declaraciones exclusivas a la Agencia Prensa Latina. https://www.prensa-latina.cu/index.php
15.01.2022 Cuba does not allow the United States to interfere in its internal affairs. Press release from the Cuban Foreign Ministry On the late night of Saturday, November 28, 2020, the General Director in charge of the United States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Fernández de Cossío, summoned the United States Chargé d'Affaires Timothy Zúñiga-Brown, to whom he conveyed that Cuba does not allow the United States or any state to interfere in the internal affairs of the coun...try . He also asked him to reiterate that statement to the State Department. Fernández de Cossío pointed out to the diplomat that he had come to San Isidro on several occasions, where his Embassy knew that an event of political and social provocation was taking place, and that he would personally transport and support those who were violating the health protection regulations against the pandemic of COVID-19 which constitutes serious violations of his functions as a diplomat and as head of mission, a flagrant and defiant interference in the internal political affairs of Cuba and indisputable violations of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. He emphasized that Cuba does not accept such behavior, and that it will not tolerate him and his Embassy that they conduct themselves in Cuba in contempt of the law and norms, in violation of their obligations as a diplomat. The Director General clarified that the government of Cuba is fully aware of the involvement of the government of the United States in the financing, orientation and incitement of groups and individuals in Cuba to challenge the government's authority, both through peaceful means and through violent ways , which knows the insistent but unsuccessful effort in trying to add to those purposes the most representative sectors of art, culture and the intelligentsia in the country . He emphasized that Cuba is also aware of the powerful machinery that from the United States manages, manipulates and harasses on social networks, with unmatched technological and financial support, in order to spread false information, incite hatred, divide the population, promote resentment and call illegality. He clarified that, as in the rest of the world, Cuba has full knowledge of the trajectory of the United States government in the overthrow of legitimate governments, in the execution or promotion of coups, in the promotion of social instability at the cost of deaths and suffering . Fernández de Cossio was emphatic in stating that he is not going to be allowed in doing so in Cuba. (CubaMINREX)
15.01.2022 Denuncia Canciller Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla la agresividad de Estados Unidos contra #Cuba. El gobierno estadounidense, con pretensiones de reimponer la Doctrina... Monroe, quebranta la Proclama de América Latina y el Caribe como Zona de Paz y obstaculiza el desarrollo sostenible en la región, al mantener una política hostil contra Cuba y amenazar, agredir y aplicar medidas coercitivas unilaterales contra otros países. La agresividad de Estados Unidos contra Cuba, intensificada en los últimos años con la guerra económica despiadada del bloqueo, se vuelca ahora a intentos groseros y peligrosos de promover la inestabilidad social y política. Denuncio que el gobierno del presidente Donald Trump está involucrado directamente en el financiamiento y orientación para que en Cuba se cometan acciones de desobediencia civil y actos ilegales contra el orden público. Grupos e individuos radicados en el territorio de ese país, algunos con vínculo con actividades terroristas, promueven abiertamente que se cometan en Cuba actos de sabotaje, violencia y desacato a la ley. El Encargado de Negocios de los Estados Unidos en Cuba se ha involucrado personalmente en la promoción de una supuesta huelga de hambre que no existió, en la violación de las normas de cuarentena sanitaria establecidas con motivo de la pandemia de la Covid-19 y en la transportación y el respaldo a los participantes de esta provocación. Se trata de una interferencia flagrante e inaceptable en los asuntos internos de nuestro país, que el gobierno cubano no tolera a Estados Unidos, ni a nadie. Vía CubaMINREX https://www.minrex.gob.cu//intervencion-del-ministro-de-re
14.01.2022 Cuban vaccine candidate vs Covid-19 Abdala receives approval to begin Phase III of clinical trials. #CubaPorLaSalud #CubaEsCiencia @BioCubaFarma
14.01.2022 Statement by Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, at the Virtual Extraordinary Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Ibero-american Conference http://www.minrex.gob.cu//statement-bruno-rodriguez-parril
13.01.2022 Durante la Pandemia de la Covid-19 la #BrigadaHenryReeve ha salvado más de 12 488 vidas en 39 naciones. #CubaSalvaVidas
13.01.2022 Cuban Ambassador to Australia meets director of Center for Latin American Studies of the Australian National University (ANU) HAVANA, Cuba, Nov 23 (ACN) Ariel Lorenzo Rodriguez, Cuban ambassador to Australia, held a working meeting with Noel Campbell, Associate Director of the Australian National Center for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS) of the National University of that oceanic country. During the meeting, both discussed the possibilities of establishing bilateral cooperat...ion links in the academic and research fields on issues of mutual interest, the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs published today on its official website, Cubaminrex. According to the text, the diplomat of the Caribbean nation highlighted the potentialities that exist for exchanges with the Cuban diplomatic academy represented in the Higher Institute of International Relations "Raúl Roa García", as well as with the Cuban Center for International Policy Studies (CIPI). Rodriguez suggested holding seminars, either virtual or in person, on the experiences of the literacy program with the Cuban method "Yo, Sí Puedo" (Yes, I can) which since 2012 has been implemented in aboriginal communities in Australia. He also referred to the opportunities that exist to advance triangular cooperation projects in the South Pacific region between Australia and Cuba. Meanwhile, Mr. Campbell said that, despite their geographical distance, Latin America and the Caribbean offer various opportunities for Australia in the economic and social sphere, so that both parties should complement their efforts in order to achieve common objectives. Created in 2008, ANCLAS promotes the research and teaching of Latin American studies in Australia, particularly in the fields of social sciences, humanities and economics, Cubaminrex notes.
11.01.2022 Celebrating 60 years of ICAP with a collection of photos from past Southern Cross brigades. Fantastic memories. Viva Cuba!! #EmbracingFriendship #60YearsofFrien...dship #60YearsVsBlockade #60YearsWithCuba #ICAP60Years See more
11.01.2022 Haiti`s Minister for Health bade farewell to the Cuban medical brigade Henry Reeve that helped to contain COVID-19 in that Caribbean nation.
11.01.2022 Celebran China y Cuba 60 años de relaciones diplomáticas Los principales dirigentes de los partidos comunistas, estados y gobiernos de la República Popular Chi...na y de la República de Cuba intercambiaron mensajes de felicitación con motivo del 60 aniversario del establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas entre ambos países. En la misiva dirigida al compañero Xi Jinping, secretario general del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China, el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba señaló que nuestro país se honra de ser el primero de América Latina y el Caribe que estableció nexos diplomáticos con la Nueva China, al tiempo que reafirmó que nos asiste la más profunda convicción de que las nuevas generaciones darán continuidad al legado imperecedero de estas seis décadas que estamos conmemorando. El Primer Secretario agradeció, además, la solidaridad china hacia una pequeña nación como Cuba, que ha resistido sin doblegarse. El presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez expresó al compañero Xi que la entrañable amistad que une a nuestras naciones ha superado la prueba del tiempo y hemos asumido como propios los logros de cada una en la construcción del socialismo. Díaz-Canel destacó la coincidencia entre ambos países en la necesidad de salvar vidas, aplicar la ciencia y cooperar internacionalmente en el enfrentamiento a la Covid-19. Por su parte el primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz, le ratificó a su homólogo Li Keqiang la voluntad de continuar fortaleciendo los vínculos económicos y elevándolos al nivel de las excelentes relaciones políticas que nos unen. Tanto el secretario general Xi Jinping, como el premier Li Keqiang, resaltaron en sus mensajes la sólida confianza política mutua, los fructíferos resultados del intercambio en las diversas áreas y el apoyo recíproco en los asuntos internacionales y regionales. Además, coincidieron en señalar que ambos países hemos luchado de manera conjunta contra la Covid-19, escribiendo un nuevo capítulo de la amistad entre nuestros pueblos. El compañero Xi Jinping subrayó que se abren promisorias oportunidades para la amistad cubano-china en el nuevo punto de partida histórico en que nos encontramos, ratificando la voluntad de trabajar de manera conjunta en la ampliación de la cooperación y en generar mayores beneficios a los dos países y pueblos. China y Cuba establecieron relaciones diplomáticas el 28 de septiembre de 1960, las que han devenido en un referente de la cooperación, sobre la base de la igualdad y el respeto mutuo, entre un país grande y uno pequeño, ambos socialistas y entre una nación latinoamericana y la única e indivisible China. (CubaMINREX)
11.01.2022 Administración Trump anuncia más sanciones contra Cuba http://www.cubadebate.cu//administracion-trump-anuncia-ma/
11.01.2022 También hoy, 11 de septiembre, se conmemora el 40 aniversario del asesinato en las calles de Nueva York del diplomático cubano Félix García Rodríguez a manos de la organización terrorista Omega 7. Desde nuestra Embajada nos sumamos al tributo, en el Día de los Mártires del Servicio Exterior de Cuba, a su legado y a quienes ofrendaron su vida en el cumplimiento de su deber.
10.01.2022 Cuba no le permite a Estados Unidos la injerencia en los asuntos internos Nota de prensa de la Cancillería cubana En la tarde noche del sábado 28 de noviembre de 2020, el Director General a cargo de Estados Unidos del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Carlos Fernández de Cossío, convocó al Encargado de Negocios de Estados Unidos Timothy Zúñiga-Brown, a quien trasladó que Cuba no permite a Estados Unidos, ni a estado alguno la injerencia en los asuntos internos del país. ...Le pidió, además, que reiterara esa afirmación al Departamento de Estado. Fernández de Cossío señaló al diplomático que haber acudido en varias oportunidades a San Isidro, donde su Embajada conocía que se desarrollaba un evento de provocación política y social, y prestarse a transportar personalmente y apoyar a quienes estaban violando las normas sanitarias de protección contra la pandemia de COVID-19 constituían graves violaciones de sus funciones como diplomático y como jefe de misión, una intromisión flagrante y desafiante en los asuntos políticos internos de Cuba y violaciones incontestables de la Convención de Viena sobre Relaciones Diplomáticas. Enfatizó que Cuba no acepta ese comportamiento, y que no le tolerará a él y su Embajada que se conduzcan en Cuba en desacato de la ley y las normas, en violación de sus obligaciones como diplomático. El Director General aclaró que el gobierno de Cuba tiene pleno conocimiento del involucramiento del gobierno de los Estados Unidos en el financiamiento, la orientación y la incitación a grupos e individuos en Cuba para que desafíen la autoridad del gobierno, tanto por vías pacíficas como por vías violentas, que conoce el esfuerzo insistente pero fracasado en tratar de sumar a esos propósitos a los sectores más representativos de arte la cultura y la intelectualidad en el país. Enfatizó que Cuba también tiene conocimiento de la poderosa maquinaria que desde Estados Unidos maneja, manipula y acosa en las redes sociales, con un soporte tecnológico y financiero inigualable, en aras de difundir información falsa, incitar al odio, dividir a la población, fomentar el resentimiento y llamar a la ilegalidad. Aclaró que, como en el resto del mundo, se tiene en Cuba cabal conocimiento de la trayectoria del gobierno de los Estados Unidos en el derrocamiento de gobiernos legítimos, en la ejecución o promoción de golpes de estado, en el fomento de la inestabilidad social al costo de muertes y sufrimiento. Fernández de Cossio fue enfático al afirmar que aquí no se le va a permitir. (CubaMINREX)
08.01.2022 En las laderas del Himalaya fue filmado en Pakistán tres meses después del terremoto más severo de los últimos tiempos, adonde acudió, inmediatamente después de... la tragedia, un contingente médico cubano integrado por más de 2 500 profesionales. El documental nos asoma a esta epopeya a favor de la vida protagonizada por hoombres y mujeres cubanos y nos muestra con fuerza, pasión y lirismo, momentos de esta misión eminentemente humana. Transmitimos este documental en ocasión del 15 aniversario de la Fundación del Contingente "Henry Reeve" por el Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro. See more
08.01.2022 Online event: SOLIDARITY BLOCKADE September 17, 9:00 AM (cuban time zone) #UnblockCuba
08.01.2022 !Los agradecidos te acompañan! Rendimos sentido homenaje al líder histórico de la Revolución Cubana, Fidel Castro Ruz, en el cuarto aniversario de su desaparición física. http://misiones.minrex.gob.cu//rinden-homenaje-en-australi
06.01.2022 Cuban dancer Carlos Acosta earns Dance Magazine award in United States HAVANA, Cuba, Sep 23 (ACN) US Dance Magazine recognized the solid international career of first Cuban dancer Carlos Acosta with its annual award to him and other black dancers. Dance Magazine has celebrated the living legends of that art since 1954, and its selection committee assures that it made the current decision in light of deep reflections on racial equity inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement.... The honorees for 2020 are Carlos Acosta, from Cuba; Americans Debbie Allen, Camille A. Brown and Alonzo King; and Laurieann Gibson, from Canada. In addition to founding and directing the Acosta Dance Company and an academy in his native Cuba, Acosta became in parallel director of the Birmingham Royal Ballet, one of the British most relevant classical ballet companies, in early 2020, Dance Magazine points out. The Cuban dancer also joined in 2020 the Board of Directors of the Royal Ballet School in the United Kingdom, a country where he has earned several awards such as the Critics' Circle award for Services to the Arts and the title for Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Acosta was for years a ballet dancer star of the London Royal Ballet and has danced as a guest in most of the world's great theaters and companies such as the Paris Opera ballet company, in France; the Bolshoi Ballet, in Russia; the American Ballet Theater and the Houston Ballet, in the United States, among others. With this new award, Acosta becomes the third Cuban dancer to receive such a precious prize. Alicia Alonso received it in 1958 and Jose Manuel Carreño in 2004.
06.01.2022 Cuban foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla rejected Monday on Twitter the statements of Mike Pompeo, the U.S. secretary of state, on the imposition of new measures against Cuba. The new US measures tighten the economic, commercial and financial blockade in an attempt to manipulate the voters of Florida, said in his message the foreign minister of the Caribbean nation. Rodriguez Parrilla affirmed that it is a move to harm the Cuban people and the family ties in both count...ries. Pompeo, who in recent days has tried to justify Washington's sanctions against the Havana government, announced today they have imposed sanctions on American International Services (AIS), the company that processes the remittances sent from the United States to Cuba. The sanction to the AIS Company joins the restrictions announced last week by the US government, aimed at tightening the blockade against Cuba, despite the international rejection of it. On September 23, the Treasury Department banned US citizens from importing Cuban rum and tobacco, as well as from staying in hotels or properties owned by the Cuban government. The Treasury Department also eliminated a policy of general authorization for participation in or organization of conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and sporting events in Cuba. http://www.cubanews.acn.cu//11289-cuban-fm-rejects-stateme
06.01.2022 Cuba's experiences in confronting COVID-19 were presented in Australia. Canberra, 19 November 2020. - Cuba was present today at a webinar organized by the Australian National University (ANU) on the experiences of the Latin American and Caribbean region in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Other Australian institutions of higher education such as the University of Notre Dame, the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales co-sponsored the event, which was al...so co-hosted by the ANU Centre for Mental Health Research (CMHR) and the Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS), both of them attached to the ANU. Under the title "The impact of Covid-19 on public health in Central America and the Caribbean", prestigious academics from Mexico, Costa Rica and Cuba abounded on the responses and challenges of their respective countries in the face of the global health emergency. On behalf of Cuba, Dr Pedro Más Bermejo, Emeritus Scientific Researcher of the "Pedro Kourí" Institute of Tropical Medicine, Emeritus Member of the Cuban Academy of Sciences and Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health participated and explained the keys to the success of the Cuban experience confronting the pandemic. In his presentation, Dr Bermejo highlighted as decisive elements in the Cuban response, the prevention strategies inherent to the Cuban public health system and its strong primary care network along with the door-to-door mass screening actions and the identification of the most vulnerable segments of population to the disease. He also underlined the interdisciplinary integration of the national scientific community together with the government in the establishment and implementation of an integrated strategy that was further developed, based on scientific evidence and expert recommendations. Likewise, he made special mention of the development of new and innovative treatments by the Cuban bio-pharmaceutical industry and the current development of several vaccine candidates in the clinical trial phase, among which are the already known Sovereign 01 and Sovereign 02 vaccines, despite the intensification of the United States' blockade against Cuba. The virtual seminar sessions, which will continue until December 3, will also feature the participation of specialists from other Latin American countries such as Brazil, Uruguay and Chile. It aims to serve as a reference to the international scientific community on the lessons, challenges and consequences that the current COVID-19 pandemic is leaving in the world, not only in the health and mental health field but also in the economic and social field.
05.01.2022 By August 2021, six million Cubans will be vaccinated against COVID-19 Havana, Mar 23 (ACN) By the end of August, Cuba expects that around six million people will have been vaccinated against COVID-19, based on an integral strategy that advances by strata following regulatory protocols and that contemplate vulnerability and risk until reaching a coverage that guarantees sufficient immunity of the population against the virus. This was stated by Dr. Ileana Morales Suarez, dire...ctor of Science and Technological Innovation of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP). She said that in order to reach this figure, it is planned to start an intervention study with 120 thousand health workers from Guantánamo, Granma and Santiago de Cuba, which will have similar characteristics to the one currently being developed in Havana, and will cover 150 thousand volunteers; for the first time Abdala and Soberana 02 will coincide at the same time, although not in the same territories. Also included in this moment of intervention are around 490,000 workers of the health system in the capital, Santiago de Cuba, Granma and Guantanamo, and of the Group of the Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Industries of Cuba (BioCubaFarma), he said. At the same time, said the MINSAP directive, they paid attention to the productive support with the necessary doses of the outlined strategy and every decision is based on the guarantee of the productive capacity. Morales Suárez detailed that the progress in the issue of vaccine candidates will be progressive, but with very solid steps, safe at every moment and with extreme respect for the Cuban people, aware of the challenge posed by this disease, only one year after its introduction in the country. The intervention study began in Havana because it is the center of transmission of the disease in the country and where it is expected to obtain the greatest amount of information from the results, the MINSAP directive stressed. She pointed out that for these investigations in the capital, all clinical sites, nursing personnel, medical equipment and documentation have been certified and work is being carried out to guarantee success in the rest of the provinces. The development of these studies requires logistic assurance, the necessary doses of the candidates, preparation of the personnel, cold chains and ethics committees, so it is a complex organization, although Cuba has the experience to do it successfully, stressed the director of Science and Technological Innovation. She pointed out that the current results are due to scientific research policies, Cuban research centers and the vision of the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro, on the importance of biotechnology and the symbiosis between the industry and MINSAP.
05.01.2022 #Cuba: San Isidro a story of mercenaries exposed #NoTeDejesConfundir
05.01.2022 Cuba will support fight against Covid-19 in Palestine Beirut, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuban ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Pellicer, assured today that his country will support Palestine in the fight against Covid-19 as it has always done with the least favored in the world. A delegation from the Democratic Front of Palestine, made up of the leaders Ali Faisal and Abraham Al Nimer, visited the diplomatic legation on occasion of the fourth anniversary of the physical disappea...rance of Fidel Castro. Faisal and Nimer confirmed their fidelity and loyalty to the leader of the Cuban Revolution, since they never forget their positions of defense to the cause of the Palestinian people. They also thanked President Miguel Díaz-Canel, who follows the principles defended by Fidel Castro of solidarity and fraternity with sister and friendly nations. In 2018, a program of 200 scholarships in four years was put into operation for Palestinians to study medicine in Cuba, added to a previous one of 10 places. The head of the official mission told Prensa Latina that during the dialogue with the visitors, the issue of the process of obtaining by Cuban scientists an anti-Covid-19 vaccine which would be available to the Palestinian people came up.
05.01.2022 ECLAC secretary recognizes Cuba's solidarity in the face of COVID-19 HAVANA, Cuba, Mar 18 (ACN) Alicia Bárcena, executive secretary of the United Nations Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), recognized Cuba for its solidarity in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, in the framework of the IV Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Sustainable Development, in online development from March 15 to 18. Déborah Rivas, deputy minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Inve...stment, thanked in a message on Twitter for Bárcena's pronouncement and reiterated that Cuba will continue to defend cooperation and multilateralism. In addition, Rivas described as accurate the intervention of Ileidis Valiente Díaz, member of the Cuban delegation at the forum, on the need for multilateralism, cooperation and differentiated responsibility to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Cuban representation at the IV Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Sustainable Development denounced the prevailing inequality in the region and its impact on the fulfillment of the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda promoted by the United Nations. The Cuban delegates also pointed out the effects of the pandemic on trade, tourism and investment, among other sources of financing, as well as the effects of climate change, especially in the Caribbean.
04.01.2022 Cuban Foreign Policy in 2020 - Main results
02.01.2022 Durante 3 meses en Togo realizamos más de 2 700 atenciones médicas y el personal de enfermería realizó más de 11 350 procederes. Nuestra disposición es regresar a cualquier país donde la Revolución nos necesite. #CubaSalvaVidas
02.01.2022 https://twitter.com/diazcanelb/status/1332805602603638788
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