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Engadine Medical Practice | Medical service

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Engadine Medical Practice

Phone: +61 2 9520 2382

Address: 1105 Old Princes Hwy 2233


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25.01.2022 We are a mixed billing practice but we understand that many people are experiencing financial difficulties at this time. Please discuss bulk billing with your doctor if your circumstances have changed. We do not want cost to be a barrier to healthcare - our aim is to support our patients and the community through this crisis. Telehealth consultations via phone and video are currently bulked billed.

24.01.2022 To speed up how we notify you if youve possibly been exposed to COVID19, weve released the new COVIDSafe app. It will help health officials let you know if someone youve had contact with has tested positive for Coronavirus. The more people who download it the better it works. Find out more about how the COVIDSafe app works and how to download here : #COVIDSafe #COVID19 #coronavirusaustralia

24.01.2022 There is a push for greater COVID-19 testing in the Sutherland Shire area. Sutherland Hospital is the closest public testing clinic to our practice. Reviews from our staff and patients is that it is quite an efficient process, with short waiting times and results within 24 hours. We encourage anyone with even mild symptoms (sore throat, fever/chills, cough etc) to get tested. You do not need a referral. The details for the Sutherland Hospital clinic are: Sutherland Hospital ... Ground Floor, old Emergency Department, Kareena Road entrance, then follow signs from ED 8.00 am - 8.00 pm daily See more

23.01.2022 Have you used our online booking system before? Currently it is for telehealth (phone or video) consultations only. The tab can be hard to see, so heres some help. Go to to make your booking.

23.01.2022 We are receiving many enquiries about flu vaccinations. Free flu shots will be available for those aged 65 and above, aged 6 months to 5 years, Aboriginal people, pregnant women and medically at risk groups (eg. heart disease, immuno-compromised). We have been notified by CESPHN, the organisation that organises distrubtion, that the first deliveries will be from March 30th, with deliveries taking up to 4 weeks. Private 4-strain flu shots will be available at community pharmacies from around the end of March as well. This would be a reasonable option for those who fall outside the criteria. We will provide you with updates here as soon as we know more. We are also planning to have older persons flu clinics separately, to protect them from exposure to the general patient population.

23.01.2022 With school returning and restrictions being loosened, it is more important than ever to be tested for COVID-19 even with minimal symptoms. It can look just like a cold with mild sore throat, cough, fatigue, etc. Currently there are only low levels of the virus in our community, but we can only know if that changes by testing widely. If in doubt, get tested.

23.01.2022 Testing criteria for COVID-19 have been expanded so that anyone with even mild flu-like symptoms may be tested. If in doubt, book in a telehealth phone or video consultation with your doctor to chat about whether and where you should be tested.

23.01.2022 As flagged last week, telehealth has today been greatly expanded. Now all Australians are eligible for telehealth consultations - phone or video consultations. This is for general consultations, mental health care plans, chronic disease management plans, and antenatal care. The process to book will be as it always has been, via our website or by phoning our reception and booking an appointment time. However, apart from procedures, patients will be offered a telehealth consult...ation as first line. Your doctor will call you at the appointment time and discuss your problems. Many issues can be dealt with this way, however if necessary, face-to-face consultations will still be available. Engadine Medical Practice remains committed to maintaining a high standard of care through these difficult times. Things you can do to prepare for telehealth include: - Find a private, well-lit space - Have a fully charged mobile phone and good connection, otherwise a land line - Download WhatsApp or Zoom for video options - Have relevant measurements eg. recent weight, temperature, and blood pressure. We highly recommend anyone on blood pressure medication to buy their own home monitor - Have the name and fax number of your pharmacy ready

22.01.2022 No need to be alarmed, our chairs arent fragile - just bringing in social distancing in the waiting room. Our reception staff are vigilant in cleaning them regularly. Toys and kids tables have also been removed to reduce the likelihood of infection.

21.01.2022 We are receiving many enquiries about COVID-19 testing. As the guidelines are evolving daily, this advice may change, but as of today, the following criteria apply: 1) fever OR acute respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, with or without fever) AND... 2) international travel in the 14 days before the onset of illness OR 3) close contact in the 14 days before illness onset with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Additionally, if any healthcare worker has fever AND an acute respiratory infection, they are also eligible for testing. We are aware that many employers are requesting testing for clearance. Unfortunately, testing is a limited resource with testing kits, protective equipment and chemicals in short supply across the nation. Therefore we are adhering to guidelines and prioritising those at highest risk. Testing can currently only be performed at two locations in the Shire, Douglas Hanley Moir in Oatley and The Sutherland Hospital.

19.01.2022 As BreastScreen NSW services resume, we’re putting in place extra measures to limit the transmission of COVID-19 and keep everyone safe. For more information visit:

19.01.2022 Some new social distancing measures at reception, keeping patients and staff safe so we can continue to serve you as best we can in this crisis.

18.01.2022 After the new case of COVID-19 detected in Caringbah, NSW Health is particularly urging Sutherland Shire residents with even the mildest cold and flu symptoms (eg. runny nose, scratchy throat) to be tested. This includes children. Although your symptoms may be mild, there is the potential for spread to vulnerable members of the community. Please be mindful of continuing physical distancing and hygiene measures as well.

17.01.2022 We have now received a limited supply of government-sponsored free flu vaccinations. For over 65s: this supply is extremely limited. We are first prioritising the most vulnerable patients, but we expect a greater supply in the first week of May. You may call now to be put on a waiting list. For children 6 months to 5 years, pregnant women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and people with chronic diseases (eg. heart disease, severe asthma, immunocompromise, diab...etes): we have a good supply of this now. You may book in for this. Note that children under the age of 9, who have not had the flu shot before, will need a booster in 1 month. For those outside these categories, you can get a private prescription. To do this, book in a telehealth phone/video consultation with your doctor, who will go through some screening questions and then provide a script for you. Please be aware that stocks at private pharmacies are also in shortage, therefore you might need to ring around to secure the vaccine. After you get hold of some, you can book in with our doctors or nurses to get it administered. Note that telehealth bookings can be done online at See the tab on the left hand side of the page.

17.01.2022 There has been a significant change to NSW COVID-19 testing criteria. Previously testing was limited to returned travellers, close contacts, and other high risk groups. Now testing has been expanded to all patients in the community that a doctor suspects could have symptoms consistent with COVID-19. In practice this means that we request all patients with fever (including chills or night sweats) or acute respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, etc) boo...k in for telehealth appointments only. Your doctor will call you at the specified time. If you have access to equipment such as a thermometer or heart rate monitor, please have them at hand. For children, a recent weight would be helpful. Your doctor will take a history about your symptoms and decide the next step. This may be directing you to testing, coming in for examination, or further telehealth followup.

15.01.2022 What are your Easter plans? We encourage everyone to stay at home this long weekend. Travel for non-essential reasons is currently not allowed according to NSW law. Though there might be the temptation to go for a drive down the coast, this may put extra pressure on regional healthcare systems, with the possibility of spreading the virus, and there is always the ongoing risk of road accidents. Remember: you can save more lives than we can, just by staying at home. Have a lovely, safe Easter holidays.

15.01.2022 Welcome to Engadine Medical Practices new Facebook page. We are creating this to keep our patients informed about updates at the practice, especially in light of the coronavirus pandemic. At present, there are a few changes to our booking protocol. Firstly, every patient who calls for a booking will be asked whether they have respiratory symptoms and either a confirmed COVID-19 contact or international travel history. If there are concerns, the call will be forwarded to our ...nurse for a more detailed triage. Patients will also be asked similar questions on arrival at reception. We ask that patients with respiratory symptoms refrain from using our online booking system, and instead call us at (02) 9520 2382. Engadine Medical Practice is currently not performing COVID-19 testing on premises due to shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as environmental constraints. If testing is required, patients will be directed to one of a number of testing centres in the Shire. These measures are in place to protect the vulnerable patients, the community, and our staff. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

13.01.2022 We can all help stop the spread of disease by keeping a distance of 1.5 metres from others and not shaking hands or exchanging other physical greetings. Find out more at

13.01.2022 Are you on WhatsApp? Message +61 400 253 787 or go to in your web browser to get #coronavirus information you can trust from the official Au...stralian Government chatbot. Whatsapp is available from the Apple Store or Google Play. #StopTheSpread #StayHomeSaveLives #coronavirusaustralia #COVID19

10.01.2022 Weve had plenty of patients coming in wearing masks backwards or upside down. Please watch this video for the correct technique. In the practice there are instructions at the front desk. Note that masks are in nationwide shortage and we are having to ration them even among our doctors and nurses, therefore we cant give any away. The masks at reception are for patients with cold and flu symptoms. The current advice is that they are not necessary for well people.

10.01.2022 As BreastScreen NSW services resume, were putting in place extra measures to limit the transmission of COVID-19 and keep everyone safe. For more information visit:

06.01.2022 Drive-thru COVID-19 testing is now available in the Shire, which is excellent news! The details are: Sutherland Drive-Through COVID-19 Testing Centre Sutherland Multi-Purpose Community Centre... 123 Flora St, Sutherland (enter via Belmont Street) 9 am - 4 pm, Monday to Friday. Closed on public holidays. Alternatively, there is also a clinic at Sutherland Hospital Ground Floor, old Emergency Department, Kareena Road entrance, then follow signs from ED 8.00 am - 8.00 pm daily Call us at 9520 2382 if you have any questions.

05.01.2022 Please be advised that this page is for general information only and we cannot answer questions about specific cases. Ring (02) 9520 2382 to speak to us, and if need be you will be transferred to our registered nurses. Alternatively, the number for the coronavirus hotline is 1800 020 080.

04.01.2022 At Engadine Medical Practice, we are bringing in many measures to protect patients and staff from the risk of infection. Most importantly: if you have cold and flu symptoms, please call ahead. Those who meet COVID-19 testing criteria will be directed to the testing clinic. Those who do not, can still be seen at our practice. We ask that you arrive with a mask on, or request one immediately on arrival at reception, and then wait outside if possible. We are also implementing so...cial distancing, aiming to keep patients 1.5m away from one another and from staff. This means a change in the physical layout of the waiting room, as well as consultation rooms. Waiting room cleaning has increased in frequency. In case of longer waits, we may contact you by phone and ask you to wait in your car and then call you in when your appointment is due. We have also updated training for our entire staff in infection control. With telehealth coming into place, soon to be expanded to the whole population, we hope that many consultations can be done in this way to minimise risk of cross-infection. Face-to-face consultations are still available and we are open our usual hours. We encourage parents to still book in children for routine vaccination, as coverage for diseases like whooping cough and strep pneumonia is of utmost importance.

03.01.2022 Just a word about how we work on Facebook. We have both an account and a page; this is because having both increases our reach. This is the page, and there is also the account, where you have to request to be friends. We encourage you to befriend us at Engadine MedicalPractice, and then also follow our page at Engadine Medical Practice.

03.01.2022 Government-funded flu shots will be delivered in the next 2-3 weeks. Unfortunately we dont know exactly when we will get supply. Please friend the Engadine MedicalPractice account and follow Engadine Medical Practice page, where we will advise you as soon as we have stock. This supply is for those aged >65 years, children 6 months to 5 years, pregnant women, ATSI, and those with chronic diseases (eg. severe asthma, diabetes, cancer). For people who fall outside these categories, private flu shots are currently available. Please book in for a bulk-billed telehealth phone/video appointment for a prescription for a flu vaccine, which you can then purchase from a pharmacy and bring to our practice to get injected.

02.01.2022 This week, we are introducing telehealth at Engadine Medical Practice. Telehealth is video or phone consultations instead of face-to-face. The aim of telehealth is to protect vulnerable patients from being unnecessarily exposed to unwell people in our practice. It is also so that if any of our doctors are quarantined at home, they can still consult. Furthermore, patients in quarantine or self-isolation may also access medical care this way. The criteria for patients eligible... for telehealth are rapidly evolving, but for now they are as below. We anticipate these criteria will be expanded in coming weeks. For those who meet criteria, this is a bulk billed service. Firstly, anyone diagnosed with COVID-19, or who has been advised to quarantine or self-isolate (eg. returned travelers), is eligible for telehealth. Secondly, the broader category of patients who may access telehealth are those considered more at risk. This includes anyone aged over 70, ATSI over 50, pregnant, has a child under 12 months, or are under treatment for chronic health conditions or are immuno-compromised. To access telehealth, you can ring up to book as per usual, but our receptionists will ask you if you would prefer a phone consultation. We will soon be implementing video calls as well. This will likely be via WhatsApp video as it is cross-platform and widely used. Of course, there are limitations to telehealth, particularly with physical examination. Your doctor will determine if you need to be seen face-to-face and these consultations will still be available. Thank you for your patience as we roll out these new measures. UPDATE 29/3/20: telehealth is now available to all patients, not just the criteria named above.

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