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Everything Equestrian in Riverstone, New South Wales, Australia | Photography and videography

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Everything Equestrian

Locality: Riverstone, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 413 434 465


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25.01.2022 Rainy days are tough.......

24.01.2022 The girls spent the storm in the barn. Midget did her best Arab impersonation leaving the barn after the storm. Arched neck and eyes popping out of her head. She did, however, lead perfectly down to the paddock, even if she was like, "Wow, it is soooooo wet out here" all the way. Kimmie, on the other hand, was just boring, normal Kimmie.

24.01.2022 The cutest thing I've seen for a while is Kimmie with my husband. My husband has not alot of experience with horses, but likes them and is willing to help. He volunteered to put Kimmie back in the paddock after I was done with her. I watched Kimmie walk patiently next to him as he lead her down the lane and into the paddock. He turned her around in the paddock, just inside the gate, closed the gate and then took the halter off to let her go. She stood there, flat footed, and patiently waited for him to leave the paddock, before whirling around and proceeding to buck and gallop across the paddock. :) She is such a nice mare, taking care of him like that. We are really blessed with our horsey family.

23.01.2022 Comparing the midget I bought with the Midget I have now. Wowsers! She was super this morning. Even at first when she was a little tense, she was breathtaking. Smart cookie already has flying changes. Every now and then she gets engaged and more balanced and shows just how much more cadence and movement she has hidden. Must try for video on Friday.

21.01.2022 JENT 101/102 in Sydney! Take one or two days training. Don't miss out!... Secure your position via payment through the link below or by bank transfer. See more

20.01.2022 What a day! Busy, but nice. Worked Midget this morning before going to my Advanced Aromatherapy tutorial. Then lunch, more study, horse gear cleaning and then out to the EC to work Kimmie. Got there to find her bouncing around her paddock like pepe le pew, as there was an Arab going off his tree in the show jump paddock across the lane. She however stood for me to catch her (even if she had grown to 18h), and worked quite nicely. Then feed, rug and poo pick. Time to feed the human I think.

19.01.2022 Ingrid Klimke was awsome! It was great to have everything I was taught early on to be reconfirmed. From the use of cavaletti to improve strength and movement, through the stretching of necks and topline and raising of the head so that the poll is the highest point and the nose in front of the vertical, without hollowing the back. The maintenance of rhythm without running and the going forward from power. The correction of rider basics underlined just how important they are to... the system of training used. And of the system of training - it was good to see the emphasis on horse welfare. Of the love of the horse, how they are your friend and how it is is a partnership. How we must work with the horse within his physical and mental capabilities and take his conformation into account. (Here I was hearing Anne Honner in the back of my head). Ingrid's system confirms and complements my existing methods and suits me. It is old school and cavalry method. It is one of patience (wait, wait - no matter), not of confrontation. It is one of a partnership, of teaching the horse to do the task and sitting still to let him do it with trust. Time now to go home. Time now to take stock of all that I have learned and relearned. Time now to put it all into practice. Time to revisit my teens and twenties. I read and re-read Reiner Klimke's book until it's dog eared pages fell apart and I had to buy another copy. I had a Dutch showjumping coach in my teens (whose name I cannot remember) who taught me the importance of the use of cavaletti and gridwork to not only teach the rider an independent seat, but to teach the horse how to jump, so that he was able to do the jumping himself and get you out of trouble if needed. As a rider, you just sit in balance and let the horse do the jumping. And then to Anne Honner who used the exact same starting method to produce Dressage Horses. It was from Anne that I first heard the concept of horses being made not born and the use of systematic training of body and mind to lessen the effect of physical shortfalls. Very Cavalry School, of which Ingrid still follows. Time now to go home and do it myself. Watch out Midget!! See more

19.01.2022 Kimmie has levelled up from OTT to novice riding mount. She has received the uncommon loot drop of a new rug.

19.01.2022 Midget was tried by a lady yesterday as a potential on property lease horse. She was flawless. She is fast going back to the reliable girl she was at 3. Puberty must be nearly over. Loves this pony.

19.01.2022 New girl is here and settled in for the night. Straight off the truck in an almost fitting headcoller. Down the drive in the dark, past the duck pond of ex leaning willow and her new Dad being all goth in the dark and even past the Clydie stallion. Cool as a cucumber. No snorts, no worries. Straight onto the grass after I showed her the fenceline. God's I can do temperament!

18.01.2022 Today Kimmie started learning to lunge. Well, right after she learnt not to roll with my saddle on! She ended ok. Downward transitions will take a little longer, but she is getting the concept that the whip is mostly not scary. I am happy with the paces I see. Naturally she overtracks in both walk and trot.

18.01.2022 Doing it again!

17.01.2022 Do you love reading all things Ingrid Klimke? Grab a coffee, sit down and enjoy this great article from Dressage Today.

16.01.2022 Midget's forelock is starting to look like something out of anime. She really needs some TLC. Kimmie is getting a jent treatment tomorrow and normally they get a break after a treatment, so maybe Midget can be the center of focus for a few days.

15.01.2022 The day has arrived. Midget has been entered in two led classes next weekend we shall see how it goes.

15.01.2022 Bridle, shmidle. Who needs it. Midget had some body work done. I wanted to start walking over poles and forgot her bridle. Nevermind, when you have done groundwork and liberty with them, you don't need it. Besides, she does not volunteer any faster than a walk. We did manage a little jog, but obviously no bridle means no effort required.

14.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW? Your horse can make Biotin from a healthy gut microbiome environment. Biotin is a vitamin essential for hoof health and also for many other ...function including: protein and energy metabolism, fatty acid synthesis, and cell growth. CEN XtraBalance keeps the gut microbiome in check to ensure better absorption of nutrients, manufacture of vitamins including biotin, stronger immune system and removal of mycotoxins. CEN Oil helps the horse’s body absorb key Vitamins A,D,E and K due to their fat solubility. Provides non-heating calories. High in quality plant based Omega 3 it is the perfect addition to all hay based diets. More information through the CEN Store: You may have heard the phrase "NO HOOF, NO HORSE which highlights how crucial the health and the strength of the hoof is for horse soundness. That said for a horse, the hooves are low on their list of priorities. The nutrients provided in the diet are first used for survival. Supplying first the vital organs like the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs then if sufficient key nutrients remain, the hoof tissue is then supplied. Unhealthy hooves are a good indication of inadequate levels of nutrients supplied in the diet. They rely on a nutrient-rich blood supply to ensure proper growth and strength. Some of the key nutrients for hoof health include: Protein Over 90% of the hoof wall is protein. Keratin is an extremely strong protein and is the major component in skin, mane and tail, hooves, and teeth as is the case for us with our skin, hair and nails. Many of the amino acids that are needed for keratin are never deficient; horses can manufacture them from other amino acids. Two that are required from the diet is methionine and lysine as they cannot be manufactured from other amino acids. They are both of great importance in the strengthening of the hoof structure. Lysine deficiency is common in horses that are fed diets high in cereal grains, and can result in a restriction of growth. Methionine is often the second limiting amino acid, and is unique in that it is a sulfur-containing amino acid. Sulfur is critical to hoof quality because the main protein in hooves, keratin, is very high in sulfur. Omega 3 fatty acids Important for the shine and slick looking surface brought about from a network of fats and waxes. They are essential in in the diet to maintain the glue holding the hoof together. They keep the environmental moisture out but critical tissue moisture in. Calcium Supports the enzymatic reaction that produces the disulfide bonds which link the keratin proteins in the hoof. Zinc is necessary for healthy skin, hair, and hooves, while Copper increases hoof wall strength. Vitamin A assists in maintaining the integrity of epithelial cell walls, and is needed for healthy skin and keratin. It is synthesized in the horse’s intestine from beta-carotene, which is abundant in fresh forage. Freshly cut hay also contains some Vitamin A, but this level decreases after hay is baled. Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin, previously known as Vitamin H and works to improve tissue growth. It is needed for the production of keratin. Although Biotin can be produced by the bacteria in the horse’s hindgut, but may not be produced in sufficient amounts to correct poor hoof health and absorption can be variable. Other aspects that affect the quality and integrity of the hoof wall is genetics and hoof care/trimming. Healthy hooves are built from the inside out. Make the centre point of your horse's diet a grassy hay or fresh pasture (if available). Provide quality vitamins, minerals and Omega 3 supplementation which will fill in nutritional gaps and help to ensure overall health, while maintaining excellent hoof quality. Any questions? Please ask in the comments below Written by Bryan Meggitt (BMedSc. GCrtMedSc.) Manager and Co-founder of CEN - Complete Equine Nutrition Bryan is a scientist and equine nutrition educator through the nutrition principles of Dr Juliet Getty and Dr Eleanor Kellon. Bryan is passionate about improving equine health through proper natural nutrition according to nature and science. He believes a horse should be fed according to their natural physiology, to achieve optimum health and enhance performance. Article link: More articles at the CEN Website:

14.01.2022 Having fun penciling. Great day out.

14.01.2022 Midget had a Jent treatment and is on light work for a week. I had a sleep in, and as it is a bit warm today, I decided to start a little ground work with her. We worked on two things today. She already knows that whip up means stop, so we started on "wobbly whip means go the other way" and "Come up" verbal command means to step up to me. She is so sensible. At first I was waving the whip around like a lunatic and she was all like, "Mum, what are you doing that for?"

13.01.2022 Both girls have their stable ready in the big barn for tomorrow's scorcher.

12.01.2022 Bit of a tense day for Midget. She was not really in the mood. Still showed great moments though. She will get a break now until the heat wave has passed.

12.01.2022 Great products.

11.01.2022 Things are a little quiet right now, being between study terms and all, which means that Midget is back in work. She is rising 5, so we have started with more t...han just "go quietly". I'm asking her to think and to apply herself athletically. She has not grown in a while, so it is time to start asking for more physically. Hopefully so pics to follow. See more

11.01.2022 It appears that midget no longer fits into last winters rain rug.

09.01.2022 OMG Kimmie are my apple core. That's right. Kimmie .... ate .... apple.!?!?!

09.01.2022 The not-so-midget-anymore got a peddi yesterday. Shush, don't tell her that she is going back into work!

08.01.2022 Midget 3rd ride back from a spell. She just gets better and better.

08.01.2022 Where there is awill, there is a way. What's your excuse?

08.01.2022 And the rain has forced a day off for the girls. Oh well, Kimmie can get used to her new shoes and Midget can work on her waistline. Midget can get work over the weekend. Kimmie is getting her teeth done tomorrow, so no work for her now until Saturday.

07.01.2022 And as I drive in the main gate, I see Midget watching and waiting for me. Loves that pony.

05.01.2022 Everything fits! I had to let Roos bridle down 4 holes. She takes the longest girth I own and I'm sure she has never had boots on before, as she would not move. Once I had her kitted out, we took a walk around the property. She was so good. Met me at the gate to catch her, had a good look at everything, but no snorting or silliness.By the time that was done, it was time to take her to her paddock and for me to go to work.

04.01.2022 It would appear that midget has grown again. She is a thoroughbred, which are normally matured young, however she is a late bloomer and I don't expect her to mature before 7 or 8 like a horse normally would.

03.01.2022 Please welcome the latest member of our fur family Leica Stryka.

03.01.2022 Look out ponies.....Vet is booked for Friday...... Bwhahahaha

03.01.2022 A gallery of images you can use as examples of my photography work.

02.01.2022 Hello. Who you? The girls finally meet. It was sniff and go back to the food.

01.01.2022 Playing with Midget today.

01.01.2022 Something different today. A little fun!

01.01.2022 Midget got her first ever session on the fibre arena here at Phyllie's Lodge. She went perfectly. Perhaps it is just the break, but I'm sure that she is working even better than before. Her canter is so uphill and engaged. It is the canter of an expensive warmblood, not an OTT. Loves this pony, and yes, the paddocks really are huge!

01.01.2022 We are gathering our cameras and heading over to the RDA Nepean fun day. See you there!

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