Flex-It-Training in Yarramundi | Coach
Locality: Yarramundi
Phone: +61 427 255 225
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25.01.2022 You won’t miss us now - check out our new banner! Make sure you look out for it over the next few weeks It’s got Stella’s tick of approval ... #newsignagealert #dogsofinstagram #flexittraining #yarramundi #hawkesbury #outdoorbanner #personaltrainer #businessname #fitspo #accountability #mobilept #sportspecifictraining #weddingshred #grouptraining #1on1training #vistaprintbanner #advertising #marketing
24.01.2022 New looks, bring new energy and exciting plans! After 2 years it was time for a facelift to brighten, sharpen and offer new opportunities! To say 2020 has been hard on businesses all over the world, would be an understatement ... it’s been a crazy- wild- ride but I have learnt a lot about where I want to take my business and it’s focus. Is Flex-It-Training the right FIT for YOU? ... My vision is to inspire, encourage and help others to live a healthy lifestyle that’s FIT for them. To build habits that will last a lifetime, bulletproof the joints and maintain muscle strength by incorporating functional methods and movements. I’ve got some exciting new plans for 2021, so a revamp in the logo tops it off. Thankyou so much to small local business @jojosgraphicdesign I hope you all like the new look as much as I do
24.01.2022 Control your thoughts - Focus on the movement - Take action - Achieve your goals You don’t always have to be the fittest nor the fastest, you just have learn to be consistent and trust the process #barbellsquats #barbelldeadlift #barbellbentoverrow #barbellcomplex #yarramundi #personaltrainer #movementismedicine #fitspo #hawkesbury #motivation #practicemakesprogress #progressnotperfection #achieveyourgoals
23.01.2022 Bringing in the new year the best way I know how - with discomfort, sweat and some kicksits With the new year is in full swing, just like that we’ve said goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021 If there is one piece of advice I’d like to share with you, it’s to start and end this year with gratitude! No matter what challenges arise, no matter what your situation may be- there is always a positive lesson, mistake or change happening in everyone’s lives... stop sitting around,... waiting or pondering on the past, present and future. Just get out there and work on yourself, your goals and your purpose. Time won’t stop nor will it wait for you! Live each day, take that risk, fight the noises in your head, constantly grow and believe in yourself 2021 is another year to experience life, enjoy the journey and keep moving forward. For anyone interested group training or 1 on 1, please get in touch now as we are resuming from Monday the 11th of January. I’m looking forward to a year filled with goals and intentions
23.01.2022 EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT We’ve got big plans for 2021, we are adding a new location for mobile group training! WE ARE COMING TO CADDENS! The flyers have been dropped off, ... Tag your friends in this post, bring your mum, your partner, your workout bestie and let’s smash some goals this year! Our first 12 week block starts on Monday the 11th of January! For more information on days, times and prices please contact - 0427255225 or [email protected] BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL
23.01.2022 Technique Tuesday The Half Hindu Push Up 1- Begin in the push up position with feet shoulder width apart 2- Brace through the core and glutes ... 3- Push your torso back towards the hips into a downward dog position 4- Bend at the elbows, head drops in between arms, pull shoulder blades away from ears and think nose - chest- hips along past the ground 5- Extend through the shoulders in the top position, squeezing through the glutes to stabilise the body 6- Push the hips up towards the ceiling, bracing through the core and upper body What are the benefits of this exercise? 1: It’s a great compound movement working both the upper and lower body along with the frontal and posterior chain 2: Flexibility and power will be increased through this exercise, the way in which you perform this movement ensures the muscles are contracting and lengthening 3: Increased muscular endurance 4: Strengthens through the spine and hips 5: It’s a very versatile movement that can be performed anywhere and uses multiple muscles groups Save and share this exercise, so you can give it a go with your gym buddies in your next training session - Start with 10 reps of 3 sets or 5 reps of 6 sets
22.01.2022 Sweat therapy Some days you just have to throw and push things around! It’s not always about the workout, how fast you can go or how far away you are from your goals- it’s about digging deep, pushing those mental and physical barriers to continue moving forward! ... Prove to the voices inside your head that you are worthy, you can learn to be uncomfortable, you can finish that last rep, you will work through to till the last buzzer. It’s YOU against YOU- never forget that Add these exercises into your next session 5 rounds of; 20x Heavy Slam balls 6 x Laps of a bear crawl push Can you tell this was my last round
21.01.2022 Grab your ybells, dumbbells or kettlebells and give this complex a go Perform 1 to 10 reps of each exercise - one after the other. Eg- 1 Gorilla row per side 1 Dual squat to clean 1 Dual swing ... Then continue 2,3,4,5 up to 10 reps with little to no rest in between. See how quickly you can perform this sequence, it’s a great one to focus on technique, endurance and to test overall fitness, Let me know if you try it
20.01.2022 Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from consistency, hard work and dedication HAPPY MONDAY!
20.01.2022 Patience, Perseverance, Practice and Performance! These are a few of the perspectives need in order to achieve results, it’s all about working on your strengths and weaknesses! Joerg Ziegler is a long term client of mine, one of his main goals were to improve his shoulder strength, mobility and range after he had encountered an injury. When he started with me he couldn’t hang from the bar after months of hard work and consistency he can now perform the following- ... 3 sets of 10-12 reg raises and hold an L sit for 10 seconds. This is an amazing achievement - I’m so very proud of how far he has come with his training - Keep up the great work Joerg
20.01.2022 Emotions = Energy - SHOW UP - FIGHT FOR YOURSELF - USE THEM!! We all go through hardships in life, some are luckier then others. In the end we all go through weeks of overwhelm and uncertainty, we also go through weeks where everything is easy and our strength is at its peak physically and emotionally. Its important to reflect on both feelings good and bad, understand why you may be feeling that way, think about what you can do to overcome it, strive to be better, do bette...r and become better! Tough times are only temporary, don’t let your energy consume you, use it as fuel - get up and move your body in whatever way feels best! Exercise is the best form of medicine - take it daily
20.01.2022 Flex-It-Training supports a very special cause that effects, touches and gives hope to those who are going through a battle like no other! We are doing our bit by purchasing a pink seat for this years 2021 Pink test We can’t get to the cricket so this was the next best thing, it is a privilege to contribute our donation to a cause that stands along side so many in their brave journeys. I have lost many people close to me from this horrible disease and cancer in any form i...s never something anyone should have to endure. It’s unique in each case, diagnosis and form - it’s never easy, it’s always a long road, no one ever gives up and every single fighter of this disease is an inspiration to us all STRENGTH IN NUMBERS EMPOWERS A CONNECTION LIKE NO OTHER Please support the legacy of Jane McGrath and so many others and to all those beautiful survivors and their families you are amazing, strong and courageous
20.01.2022 Anzac Day! A day to remember A day to cherish A day we never forget ... The sacrifices our service men and women made in order for us to live the lives we do is something we should be forever grateful for! The blood - The sweat - The tears I can only imagine how tough the sleepless night were, the crippling cold, the trenches, the pain and heart ache felt by many, not only the fallen, the attacks, the battle scars and stories are what we know.. Today is a day to remember, to reflect, to be with your thoughts and connect with the world around you ‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them’ Lest we forget
20.01.2022 Training is a privilege! Yes- it is challenging, if it was easy everyone would be doing it Yes- it is something that you must commit to, even when it’s cold and raining Yes- it changes your mindset for the better Yes- there are physical benefits whether it be aesthetics, performance or general wellbeing... Yes - it’s an escape for those who need time for themselves Yes- you meet new friends, build relationships and make connections with likeminded people Training can provide so many positive benefits for you - so what are you waiting for drop the excuses and get moving
18.01.2022 Hold onto that vision Drop the excuses Remember your why Overcome the obstacles Trust the process ... Injuries are frustrating and something we never want to deal with but if left untreated, I wouldn’t have been able to perform any of the exercises above - it takes time, hard work and continued focus on the goal at hand! Fitness is a lifestyle - Not a fad, Not a diet, Not a chore... Enjoy the journey, learn from others, execute movement with correct technique, keep it fun and love what you do
18.01.2022 We thought it was time for a revamp I’m loving our new logo Thankyou to local business Jojo's Graphic Design
18.01.2022 11/11/20- Today we remembered those who fought for us, those who chose to put their lives on the line, both physically and mentally to fight for our country, many didn’t make it home and many are still living to tell the stories to this day... that is something that forever sticks out in my mind on remembrance day We all have choices in life, whether they are good or bad. It’s a privilege to have the freedom of choice and what we do with our days in up to us. You could ch...oose to make an excuse, to eat bad foods that won’t last long nor keep you full or to skip your steps for the day but what benefits do these choices bring you in the long run..? I guess the point I’m trying to make here is that you are in control of your life.. what you do with it and how you react to situations is on you, don’t go blaming others or feeling sorry for yourself when you don’t reach your goals ... at the end of the day you are a reflection of your choices. If you want different results- make a different choice Learn to be free, control your stresses, work on yourself every day, take that boxing class, join in group training class, learn about what eating the correct foods can do for your body and use the energy, use the vibes you get to make choices that will help you now and for the future! At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them .. Lest We Forget
18.01.2022 Bringing the content back Sorry I’ve been a little quiet on this page, a lot has changed over the past few months and I had to take a personal break .. Looking for a workout to start your week off with a bang? ... Give this full body DB only session a go 5 Rounds for time of 10-20 reps of each - depending on fitness ability 1- Push up into renegade row 2- Reverse lunge 3- Alternating snatches 4- Alternating bicep curls Enjoy!
18.01.2022 What a brilliant day it was yesterday, getting back into classes for 2021! We are running classes from both Yarramundi and Caddens this summer Group classes are a great option for those who wish to keep themselves accountable, meet new people, add variety into your training and have a whole lot of fun exercising. ... Why do it alone, when you’ve got the power of a group to move you, inspire you and entertain you
16.01.2022 Time under tension The purpose of this is to create tension in the muscles for a longer period of time which can help with muscle growth when performed in a timely matter. Stronger muscles enhance muscular control, improved range of motion, stability through the knees and ankles and bone density! Squats under constant tension are a burner - simple yet effective ... Give them a try for a 1 min on and 20 secs off for 3-5 rounds
15.01.2022 Challenge your core control and stability with these 5 exercises Perform 3-4 rounds of 40 seconds per exercise 1- Deadbugs 2- Dumbbell pull throughs ... 3- Leg lowers 4- Half kneeling woodchoppers 5- Hollow rocks Minimal equipment needed: 1 Dumbbell A strong core is so important, it will improve your technique for movement, strength and compliment everything you do
15.01.2022 Let’s talk non negotiables - these are the things that you write down, believe in and commit to each and everyday! Whether you do them at 5am in the morning or 8pm at night. They are apart of your routine and what sets up or ends your day on a high! This week my 4 non negotiables are: 1- Get into bed by 9:30/10pm at the latest ... 2- Train for at least 40 mins everyday 3- Stretch for 5-10mins when I wake up in the morning 4- Practice my double-unders What are your 4 non-negotiables this week? Comment them below, Let’s keep each other accountable
14.01.2022 Just like that.. we have wrapped up our last training session of 2020! What a year it has been .. I can’t pick just one word to describe this year so here’s a few - unpredictable, life changing, exhausting, emotionally draining and surreal! Each and every person has been affected and I take my hat off to those who have remained committed to themselves, showed up - even when they didn’t feel like it, pushed themselves outside their comfort zones, jumped on our zoom sessions ...when we had to adapt and those who proved to themselves that in order to achieve their goals you have to comprise, stay focused and enjoy the journey! Learning to adapt to this forever changing year has been difficult! I have appreciated each client that has trained with me throughout this crazy year, whether that be just for a session or long term. You are the ones that pushed me through my toughest year in business and without your support I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thankyou and I can’t wait to continue crushing goals with you all in 2021 Enjoy the break Merry Christmas Here’s a snippet of our 12 days of Christmas workout that some of our team completed today - 1 Run 2 In and out push ups 3 Ball over shoulder - per/side 4 Bicep curl into Arnold press 5 Ab roll outs or Leg lowers 6 Hollow hold to boat - weighted 7 Sprinter crunches - per/side 8 Single arm rows - per/side 9 Dual ybell swings 10 Close press into fly 11 Reverse flys 12 Deadlifts
13.01.2022 How many rounds can you do? Looking for a challenge This Ybell complex will challenge your entire body- engaging the core and burning the upper and lower body. Perform 10 reps per exercise as many times as you can for a 10-20 min cycle. ... 1- Dual ybell swings 2- Renegade rows 3- Deadlifts 4- Deficit push ups 5- Thrusters On a side note I think we should all have a hype up girl like Stella by our sides when doing this workout SAVE, SHARE AND TAG your training buddies, you won’t want to miss this one
12.01.2022 Group training What it’s all about? Team work Encouraging each other Having a laugh... Making new friends Committing to yourself and others It’s an affordable outcome to protect yourself against diseases especially the one that’s floating around at this point in time, take advantage of still having access to a coach that can help you become a stronger and more resilient person during this time! Fitness is about enjoying a healthy lifestyle and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone- It’s not a chore or a job, it’s something which you incorporate into your day, that inspires you to make healthier choices both physically and mentally Get in touch with me to join - call/text 0427 255 225 or send me a direct message
11.01.2022 A conversation could change a life Check on your family, check on your friends, check on a stranger.. it doesn’t matter who they are .. knowing that someone is there to listen ... to be a shoulder to cry on ... to stay connected with people .. R U OK shouldn’t be asked just today but in fact it should be something which is promoted everyday of the year! ... Just because someone looks ok on the outside doesn’t mean they are ok on the inside A message for everyone - If you ever need to chat or get something off your chest I’m always a message or phone call away
11.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas, I hope you are able to spend time with loved ones, although if you unable to see or be with your loved ones this year, I’m sending my love and best wishes to you today!! You are stronger then you think and I hope you are surrounded by someone who cares and supports you! I just thought I’d jump on here this morning and share a few quick tips, regarding Christmas and enjoying yourself this year. Now bef...ore you go thinking today will ruin my progress if I over eat, I can’t eat this, I’ll only have one little bite or that’s just not healthy- this isn’t in the plan and is this going to push me further away from my goals... the answer to all of these assumptions and thoughts is - ENJOY YOURSELVES - it’s Christmas, you can get back on track tomorrow, one day will not ruin your years worth of hard work. Tip #1 Try all of the food and don’t limit yourself One thing you may not know about me is that I love to try new flavours, foods and drinks - you should try something today that you haven’t had before or have been wishing to try. Tip#2 Drink and be merry It’s important to do what feels right for you but don’t feel like you can’t have a few drinks if you feel like it, it’s important to let your body relax after the year that’s been. Tip #3 Move your body Whether that be going for a walk after Christmas lunch or dinner, swimming in the pool/ocean, stretching when you get up this morning or just have a giggle and a dance. Tip#4 Listen to your body Christmas is a time to relax, be with family & friends, enjoy the day as it can often be a very stressful one if you are travelling to and from lots of places or if you are the host and in charge of all the food. Just ensure you eat when your body needs it, keep hydrated and relax after lunch or dinner Tip #5 Be grateful for the time you have with friends and family - I know some people can’t do that this year - I’m thinking of you. Tip#6 Be present in the moment today after the year we’ve all had- switch your phone off over lunch or dinner, have those intimate conversations, enjoy each other’s company, play sport together!
11.01.2022 I would like to take a moment to talk about an experience I have had with an awesome soccer team! This year I had the opportunity to train a group of under 16 division 2 soccer players What a ripper of a season it has been for them! ... The season started in March soon to be stopped - when COVID hit, it then recommenced in July were 18 games were played. The team began the season with 14 players who worked hard every game putting their bodies on the line and giving it 100%, although they did incur some injuries, which meant they were sometimes left with 8-9 players on the field. The extra training, conditioning and preparation allowed the players to gain confidence, work on their strength, core control, endurance, power and speed. This created great body awareness and ensured they were fit enough to run the full 80 minute game with limited to no reserves. The team should be very proud of themselves for finishing 3rd overall. It’s been an honour to train such a great bunch of boys who have so much potential and respect for the game and each other. I loved every minute of working with this team and I hope to continue training them to become better, stronger and most importantly fitter! I have learnt so much through this experience, I hope that everyone involved gained as much out of it as I did If you feel that this would benefit or be of interest to your current sporting club or team Please don’t hesitate to contact me via direct message, email or phone. The team that puts in the extra metres are the ones that come out winners
10.01.2022 Ybell complexes 5 benefits of incorporating complexes into your training sessions! 1- Great for fat loss and low-impact (no jumping) ... 2- Improves overall strength and endurance 3- Effective and fast, therefore they are perfect for people who are time poor 4- You only need one piece equipment to perform the movements 5- It mixes up your training regime and shocks the body - keeps it guessing Set a timer for 10 minutes and give this complex a go - Perform each exercise in a pyramid format 4- 6-8-10-12 etc continue as high as possible for 10 minutes. I’d love to see you give it a go - be sure to tag me in your sessions Swipe to see each movement broken down 1- Dual snatches 2- Dual swings 3- Front rack squats 4- Thrusters
10.01.2022 Workout Wednesday LIKE, SAVE AND SHARE WITH YOUR WORKOUT BUDDY DUMBBELL ONLY - Full Body Session 32 minute EMOM- (Every minute on the minute)... Devils Press x8-10 Alternating reverse to forward lunge x8 per side 1 1/2 Goblet squats x10-15 Pulsing deadlifts x10-15 Underhand bent over row x15 Shoulder press x10-12 Close press x10-15 Alternating snatches x12-15 Perform each exercise for 1 minute on the minute Rest for 2-5mins after each round I have written a number of reps to aim for within each exercise Perform EMOM for 4 rounds
09.01.2022 NEW APPAREL ALERT I am super excited to share with you our new look shirts, jumpers and logo Thankyou to our local small business @queen_gees_creations for creating such a bright and vibrant logo, we love it ... All items are available to purchase on order with different colours and sizes! DM me to place an order
08.01.2022 Its all about keeping your squats low and your standards high The back squat is a primary compound movement and is often underrated due to the general population not understanding how to perform it correctly and efficiently! This compound movement recruits many muscle groups, including, the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, spinal erectors, latissimus dorsi and the trapezius. ... The benefits of a back squat include: Increased lower body strength in the quads, glutes and hamstrings Improved muscular development Improvement in movement fluidity It carry’s over to everyday movement patterns making it a great functional exercise used to help walking up stairs or picking thing up off the ground Enhances running, jumping and sports performance Spy Stella just living her best life in the background
08.01.2022 Don’t just count the reps- make every rep count More often then not, I see people pumping out exercises rep after rep without giving a real effort or thought as to why they are doing a particular exercise, the amount of reps needed to meet their goals and if the exercise is helping them progress further! It is important to ensure you are performing quality reps with correct form. Start light, understand the movement, think about the muscles being worked and increase th...e weight accordingly. Here’s a few things I want you to think about the next time you train 1- Why am I performing this exercise? 2- How does this exercise benefit me and my progress? 3- What rep- range am I aiming for and is this in accordance with my goals? 4- Am I performing the exercise with correct form and tempo? 5- Are the last few reps of each set difficult but still quality? You should be fatigued at the end of every set, you should feel like there’s nothing left in the tank and you should be making ugly faces like I am in this video Don’t take the easy way out - you will never change or progress in that way - you must push yourself outside of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals
05.01.2022 Movement empowers the body and mind, it’s a non negotiable which should be incorporated into your daily routine 5 benefits of movement include: 1- Improves cardiovascular health 2- Increases strength and flexibility ... 3- Relieves pain and controls weight 4- Improves mindset and enhances mood 5- Reduces stress Move the body to still the mind
01.01.2022 MOTIVATION MONDAY... I tried to find every excuse under the sun not to train today .. I hadn’t eaten enough I haven’t been sleeping I didn’t feel good ... I had too much other work to do I didn’t have the energy I have too many thoughts running through my head Yes I make excuses too.. yes I don’t always feel up to training ... yes I am human just like you! But it’s what I did with those excuses and how I changed my mindset to overcome these things that’s what makes all the difference .. Motivation doesn’t just come to you nor is it something we have. It’s built off taking action, making a move, forming habits and creating a routine that you can stick to! I had so many thoughts and head noises with me throughout this workout, it was a mental battle to say the least .. but I pushed through and felt amazing afterwards!! My point is don’t let the excuses your mind puts in your head get to you, don’t let them consume you, if you want it bad enough, you will work for it, nothing comes easily, it’s all about what you put in - is what you get out This goes for anything in life, not just training! It’s all about celebrating the small wins and that’s what I did today! Move today and your body will be forever thankful
01.01.2022 The long weekend is here! I thought it was time to share some facts you may not know about me 1- I’m left handed but can also kick a ball with either the left or right foot ... 2- If I’m not running a class or training myself, I’m eating - I love food 3-I love ice cream and chocolate, no matter how full i am there’s always room for these foods 4- I used to collect sand from different beaches that I visited - I used it as a memory 5- My favourite sport is tennis, I used to travel to out west to compete in tournaments 6- My star sign is Virgo, I’m a perfectionist and someone who just wants to create an impact in people’s lives 7- Yes, I’m a natural red head 8- When i was in school I played in the water polo team 9- Yes, I’m a personal trainer who doesn’t drink coffee, I’ve never liked the taste of it
01.01.2022 Sunday night thoughts - do you ever stand at the bottom of a hill and think about the unknown or what could happen if you just stay there or if you decide to run up it or do you just walk/run up it without any thoughts at all? Here’s something to think about Every morning you have 2 choices ... 1 Continue to sleep with your dreams Or 2Wake up and chase them You are the only one in control of your thoughts, your decisions and your actions it’s time to make that change, take that chance and continue learning and growing each and everyday
01.01.2022 SHORT ON TIME Can’t make it to a class or training session? That’s ok we’ve got you covered .. How would you like to train from the comfort of your own home? ... Did you know we can come to you? No more excuses as to why you can’t make it to training or fit it in with your busy schedule - Name a day and time and we will be there! We bring the equipment and train in your environment! If this is something that would suit your lifestyle message me today
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