Focus & Flourish | Marketing agency
Focus & Flourish
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24.01.2022 Do you wake up some mornings feeling pumped, like you can achieve anything, then other days you’re thinking why am I doing this? Running a business is exhilarating and exhausting all in one. If only we could just do the bits we love (our passion) and leave the other ‘boring’ and confusing stuff to someone else. Tell us what’s stopping you from moving your business forward right now? Is it time, not knowing what to do next, unsure how to attract new clients, or maybe you’re stuck on what to write on social?
24.01.2022 Hands up if you feel uncomfortable or stuck in marketing your business? You’re not alone, many small business owners feel the same way. But we are here to tell you marketing CAN feel good and be easy. Really! As a business owner you need to stop seeing marketing as pushy or being salesy! ... Instead start BELIEVING that you are creating an ‘opportunity’ for your clients, you are helping them solve a problem or reach a desire they have. You owe it to your audience to let them know how their life could be better. Stop thinking that you’re bothering them, instead you’re helping them understand that you can help them in some way. It’s your job to tell more people about your valuable offering - so you can make a greater impact! How will your audience know if you don’t tell them? Marketing is simply about telling the relevant people that you have something available that they want. You’re not trying to trick them into anything. This is not the type of marketing we believe works, and certainly not what we teach. When you change your mindset about marketing you’ll start to ‘do’ marketing differently and feel good about it. When this happens just watch how your audience responds. If you want to attract more fabulous clients in an authentic way let us help you. Check out our upcoming online course - Attract dream clients. Save a spot on the waiting list, numbers are limited for this intimate online course. Visit to sign up!
23.01.2022 Do you feel overwhelmed by how and where to market? Uncomfortable with promoting yourself and your business? Stuck with how to use marketing to work with people you love? Imagine if you felt comfortable with promoting your business and your dream clients couldn't wait to work with you. This is possible!... In our upcoming online course. Attract Your Dream Clients, join an intimate group of women in business, as we guide you to know, attract and love marketing to your dream clients. Over 6-weeks (starting Oct 19) you will : Understand how to connect with your audience rather than sell to them Define your ideal clients so you know where to market and how to communicate to them Create your soul statement so people know very quickly what you do and who you help - this will become your introduction, your website copy and much more Confidently know what platforms to focus on so you’re attracting the right people in the right places And you will leave with an action list of what to do next which will keep you moving forward So what are you waiting for? Jump on the waiting list to save 10% on Attract Your Dream Clients! Registration opens next week, course starting October 19.
22.01.2022 Some gentle reminders for you today Love react if these resonate with you!
21.01.2022 If you’re keen to level up your social media this year, then this quick tip is for you! To get more engagement on your social posts, tell your audience what to do next and HOW to engage! This doesn’t mean selling, it doesn’t mean pushing. It means give them ‘next steps’ if they resonate with what you’ve shared. To get your mind ticking on ‘calls to action’ as us marketers call them, try these 3 non-sales CTA’s on for size: ... Give this a like if this is you too " Share with me your thoughts in the comments below Want to know more? DM me and let’s chat! Which of these CTA’s are you going to try?
21.01.2022 Today we celebrated the lovely Agnes from Blue Mountains Events & Conferences who has just had a few big milestones. We the community of businesses we get to work alongside (and with) at INDY MTNS! Share in the comments, how do you celebrate business (or personal) wins?
20.01.2022 Ever had those days when you’re feeling stuck. You’re working hard but you’re just not getting anywhere. You’re feeling out of flow and have nothing left to give. It’s okay, we’ve all been there. (we just don’t see this side of business on social media) In these moments there is something powerful you can do to change your state of mind.... Find gratitude When you focus on being grateful for the things you have not the things you’re lacking your mindset and focus immediately changes. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for today. Maybe your grateful for the sun shining, the ability to work from home, the bestie that you have in your life, that you had quality time with your kids today... Whatever it is for you, be specific and write it down. Pour your energy into gratitude and see how different you will feel, then see what happens around you, how things begin to flow again. We would love to hear what you’re grateful for today.
16.01.2022 Today was one of those days that made us go, wow, we love what we do. Connecting with women in business, helping them simplify and take control of their marketing and seeing them gain confidence to reach their goals - it makes every stressful deadline, sleepless night and ‘what are we even doing’ moment worth it. What makes the hard yards worth it in your business?
14.01.2022 Let's chat about ATTRACTION We don’t mean the kind you have for your partner (although that’s real nice), but the kind your CLIENTS feel for you. When you’re showing up in the right places with the right message for your audience, you’ll start to attract them. When they see your amazing work and personality shine - they’ll think I just have to save my money to work with them or I can’t wait I need to book with them right now.... The strategy and skills to PULL your audience towards you like this is what we teach in our upcoming online course, Attract Your Dream Clients! Join the waiting list ( before Monday to save 10% off when the cart opens Now, this can be really tough. When we start to market in a way that PULLS our audience towards us rather than pushing onto them it can feel less certain, but it actually works better. Trust in yourself and stick with it! Consistency and focus are what make marketing magic in your business Don’t forget - we’re here if you need help defining your ideal audience, getting your message right and getting confident in pulling your audience towards you (pst our upcoming course Attract Your Dream Clients is perfect for you so check it out).
13.01.2022 Marketing and exercise are kind of the same thing Bear with us here But when you have goals in the gym, you make a plan to strategically get to your goals, show up consistently and do the work. Sure - it doesn't sound so glamorous, but it's what works. ... It's the same with your marketing For so many of you, the goal isn't complex to figure out - you want to have a steady stream of amazing clients to work with. So how do you actually make it happen? It's about the right message in the right places, consistently. If you need help with attracting clients you LOVE, we're running an online 6-week course in October to teach you to do just that. Our waiting list is open and if you jump on it, you'll get 10% off when the course cart opens! What are you waiting for? Sign up for the list now -
12.01.2022 Have you met negative Nancy? Maybe you have experienced some of these thoughts playing out in your head - I’m no good at writing - I’m terrible at social media why do I even bother... - No-one really cares about what I have to say - Who do I think I am - no one will buy from me A good friend of ours from @findyourbling once shared how those negative thoughts and things we tell ourselves are not real and how they stop us from moving forward. She said we all have a Negative Nancy. I (Mel) have certainly experienced some of those thoughts throughout my business journey (and I still do). I would write loads of content in a notes document and not post them for days (or not at all) for the fear they were not good enough. I would have all these amazing ideas for my business but never took action because I questioned 'who was I' and didn’t think anyone would care to listen. Now I know these thoughts only became real when I let them. When these negative thoughts come into my day I acknowledge this is just Negative Nancy up to her old tricks, telling her stories again, and that it’s not real. I quickly (and quietly ) tell her to go away and tell myself I can totally do this! So next time your have those negative thoughts that stop you from moving forward in your business, tell your Negative Nancy to go away! How do you handle your negative Nancy?
12.01.2022 You're taking the easy way out. If you think your audience is EVERYONE, you're taking the easy way out of doing the work and defining your ideal audience. If you know you need to do this audience work but have been resisting, our online course Attract Your Dream Clients is perfect for you! It's time to reframe your marketing mindset and VALUE YOURSELF more than the need to:... Avoid saying no Please everyone who approaches you Fit your business into a box that doesn't feel right Sign up to the course waiting list now and start valuing yourself and who you're meant to serve! Any questions about the course? Drop them in the comments
12.01.2022 Has anyone bought next years diary yet? If you’re still a paper planner lover like we are, then you’re probably hunting around looking for your next one before the year is event over! Since we too are on the hunt, we’d love to know your favourites. What diary are you using this year and LOVING? Or what diary have you ordered for next year and can’t wait till it comes? ... Tell us Ps. Pictured Ngaire's lovely linen Bespoke Letterpress planner for this year
10.01.2022 How do you respond when people ask what do you? Does it sound something like this We offer...... Virtual offices An online coaching course A range of organic Skincare It’s easy to tell people WHAT you do but really your customers are craving to know HOW you can improve their life and solve THEIR problem. So often they don’t even know the solution they need. Think about a business woman struggling to manage her finances, she is struggling with cashflow and wants to make more money in her business. Does she need a financial advisor, business coach, numbers course, mentor or even a marketer? How does she know who to choose? We can tell you she is going to connect with the person that says... ’Hi I’m Sam, a financial coach who helps women in business overcome their money blocks by simplifying their money matters and mindset’. Sam hasn’t even told us if she sells a course, a one on one session or a product yet, but already she’s got the attention of her audience. We call this your soul statement. and we develop this with you in our upcoming course -Attract Your Dream Audience. If you want this for your business so you can attract your dream audience then join our waiting list today and receive 10% off when the cart opens. Save your spot today as places are limited.
10.01.2022 Hearing from our students and members is what makes showing up to work allll worth it. Thanks to Miriam Rose Natural Health for your kind words "Before doing this course with Focus and Flourish, I was overwhelmed and confused by the world of marketing. Mel and Ngaire simplified marketing and made it seem easy! They helped me understand my niche, my personal values and goals for the business and how to make my marketing match this. They simplified the marketing jargon that was overwhelming and confusing, and helped me make sustainable marketing goals."
10.01.2022 Are you guiding your clients where to go? Any good marketing starts with knowing the end destination of your client. As business owners it’s our job to map out the path for our ideal clients so they know how to reach their destination.... If you get a ‘like’ on Facebook then what? What’s next? How can you help your ideal client get closer to where they want to be. It could be directing them to a landing page, a sales page, a sign up page, or messenger. Don’t assume they will go to your website, instead lead then where you want them to go. Map out the path and then make ONE clear call to action to move your ideal client onto the next part of the path. Want more simple marketing tips in your inbox? Sign up now
09.01.2022 Instagram Facebook Email marketing Content marketing Facebook ads... Networking Google Adwords Magazines And the list goes on. Where should I be promoting my business? This is a question we get all the time. And we always respond with the same answer Wherever your ideal clients are hanging out! Full stop, that's it. When you understand everything about your ideal clients then you will confidently know where to market your business and get results See marketing is simple If you want to simplify your marketing and attract more fabulous clients then pop your name on our waiting listing for our upcoming course - Attract Dream Clients. We would love for you to join us, places are limited so make sure you save your seat.
09.01.2022 Today is a great day to plan! We are together again (finally) after lots of phone chats replacing our in person meetings over the buddy festive season. Today has been locked in for vision and planning and we are so keen to get into it. To help us plan an amazing year of helping you with your marketing, tell us what you need!... Comment below or send us a DM What do you want to improve in your marketing this year? What do you need help to learn? What do you feel you just can’t seem to master? What are your marketing struggles? Can’t wait to help you grow your impact in 2021! Mel & Ngaire Ps. This is what happens when you try to take a selfie and the puppy isn’t included
09.01.2022 We’ve been busy refreshing our Attract Your Dream Clients course and it’s almost ready for you! This course is perfect if you: want to work with more clients you love want to get unstuck with the right marketing for you biz ... want to move your business forward in a sustainable way Interested in knowing when it’s available? Send us a message or join our newsletter list
08.01.2022 What’s the big deal with niching down? Have you heard these ones before? You need to niche down. You should have a clear target market. ... You need to know who your dream audience is. Hey - you’ve probably even just heard this from us But why is it important? When we talk niching down and knowing you’re dream audience, we’re really talking about focusing all your energy on attracting the right people (AND knowing how to clearly serve them). Marketing is putting yourself out there and showing how people can work with you, and the way you make it easy for them to say YES is by making it obvious what you do is help them! This is why you need to niche. If you try to serve everyone, no one will see you as the stand out, absolutely have to, can’t wait till I - work with them kind of business. Don’t be afraid - you might even find marketing fun! It’s time to FOCUS and FLOURISH. See what we did there?
07.01.2022 "What areas of your business do you resist, accounting, marketing, technology or HR? We can’t love it all right! For us it’s accounting. It’s the bit we don’t love, understand or get excited about. We often tell ourselves I’m no good at numbers or I’m just not a numbers kinda of girl .... However, as business owners we know accounting is important to the success of our business. We have deliberately surrounded ourselves with great people who simplify accounting, teach us what we need to know and understand where we are at. Last week we attended a Profit workshop and this week we met with our fabulous accountant Gabby from @judgeaccountants So, we are throwing ourselves into the accounting pool so we can give our business the best shot at success! Even if it makes us feel awkward, lost and confused we are ready to conquer this head on. It got us thinking, is this how you feel about marketing? If so, lets us know, we have your back and are here to help. Comment below, how do you feel about marketing? DM us if you’re feeling stuck
05.01.2022 How are you feeling about next year? No matter your experience, 2020 has been a big year for everyone and a big year for small business So no wonder so many of us are feeling extra fatigued by the idea of planning for 2021! For those people who are struggling to think about how to market their business next year, we’re considering running another Plan Your Marketing Masterclass to take you step by step through getting your marketing plan sorted. Drop a in the comments if you’d be keen!
05.01.2022 Imagine if you felt comfortable with promoting yourself and your business and your dream clients were approaching you, eager and ready to work with you. Well you can feel this way! This is what we teach in our upcoming course, Attract Your Dream Clients. In the 6 week online course, (starts Oct 19) you will: ... Understand how to connect with your audience rather than sell to them Define your ideal clients so you know where to market and how to communicate to them Create your soul statement so people know very quickly what you do and who you help - this will become your introduction, your website copy and much more Confidently know what platforms to focus on so you’re attracting the right people in the right places And you will leave with an action list of what to do next which will keep you moving forward Good marketing is being in the right place, at the right time with the right message - our course will help you do this. If you want to attract more clients that you love working with and feel good about marketing then this course is for you! Doors will open in a few weeks but to save your spot and to receive 10% off join our waiting list. Numbers are limited as we deliver a personalised service for your business Join the list NOW
04.01.2022 What rituals did you discover in 2020 that you’re bringing into 2021? I (Ngaire) found myself walking more with friends, enjoying quiet coffees and reigniting a passion for reading before bed. You might be thinking, that’s nice, but what do personal rituals have to do with marketing my business? ... If you haven’t figured it out already - your personal and professional are inherently interconnected. If your cup isn’t filled personally, it spills into your business. If you’re burnt out in work and business, things in your personal life start to feel hard. A lot of us discovered global burnout in 2020 permeated every aspect of our lives. I personally lost the ability to binge business podcasts at any hour - my head was too full! So I took to reading fiction again and walking in the bush listening to the rustle of trees. Don’t ditch your personal moments of peace in a ‘new year new me’ productivity drive. It’s time to design LIFE in the way you want it, business, personal and all Share your personal rituals with us below
02.01.2022 Have you caught us on The Social Hub's podcast yet? We chat for your listening pleasure: The importance of authentic marketing What happens when you aren’t true to yourself in your marketing... The importance of niching How to niche when you are scared to How to put more authenticity into how you market & sell your products/services and more! Don't sleep on this chat, listen now
02.01.2022 What’s your favourite way to unwind? We both took the weekend off to spend some time with our respective husbands and celebrate our respective wedding anniversaries. There seems to be a lot of love in November with lots of weddings anniversaries being celebrated. ... It was lovely for us to focus on quality time with our loved one and put the business brain to rest (or at least try to ). How do you unwind and rest from your business? Share with us in the comments!
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