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Gaiamara Yoga in Perth, Western Australia | Meditation centre

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Gaiamara Yoga

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 466 578 612

Address: 640 Beeliar Dr 6164 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hi wonderful yogis! I hope everyone is enjoying this fine Autumn weather. If you're looking for class updates head over to the Yoga at Success Chiropractic page. Classes are available at 6/640 Beeliar Drive, Success on Monday nights and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Keep the joints moving in this cold weather, build strength and flexibilty, and train your mind to relax with yoga! Hari om x

25.01.2022 Interesting article. I think there are too many pre-conceived notions of what yoga should be when we ought to be looking at what yoga really is.

24.01.2022 Good morning yoga folk! I just wanted to let you all know that as I haven't had any bookings I'm not intending to be in the studio this morning. If you're seriously hankering for yoga and just forgot to book feel free to send me a message! Have a lovely day everyone. Hari om tat sat x

24.01.2022 Happy Australia Day yogis! I hope you've had a lovely day. The studio will be closed tomorrow for the public holiday but classes will be running again as usual on Tuesday. If you missed your Monday evening class you might like to come along to the Wednesday 6pm class! Have a wonderful holiday folks ^_^ ... Hari om See more

24.01.2022 I trust everyone had a safe and happy Easter, and that you're all enjoying the sunshine on this ANZAC Day! My dear friend and renowned yoga teacher, Maryke Loren, is one of those people who constantly gives to the yoga community and has taken on many voluntary roles over the years to help disseminate yoga to the wider community. If you've ever attended Beacon Yoga Centre at the Sivananda Ashram she was a resident teacher for many years, voluntary treasurer and board member, ...among myriad other roles. She was also one of the teachers that lead the first ever Perth event for the worldwide Yoga Aid Challenge that raised money for various local charities. Sadly, she has been managing extreme pain for the past 12 months. Various injuries she's carried from her early teens have developed to advanced degenerative changes. This includes advanced-stage oesteo-arthritis in her right hip (which is now bone-on-bone) as well as several bulging discs in her spine. Amazingly, she is still teaching yoga (like a traditional yogi, by talking her students through their practice) even though her mobility is reduced to using walking sticks and is only able to take minimum steps without severe pain. If you can spare the time and would like to help a wonderful yogi continue teaching then please follow this link. Thank you all! Hari om tat sat xx

23.01.2022 For anyone who's worried they're too old for yoga...

23.01.2022 Hari om, yogis! Here is the new timetable for the Success Chiropractic yoga classes. If you'd like to book into a class then call 0488 400 175 or 9417 4004. You can also email [email protected] to make a booking or enquiry. For more info on classes and the price list go to Enjoy your long weekend! Hari om tat sat x

23.01.2022 Are you wanting to start a meditation practice? Here is a brilliant way to get started. All you need to find is 2 minutes a day, anywhere at all!

22.01.2022 Good afternoon lovely people! If anyone is planning on attending the 5pm class today I need to know asap please. Thanks very much :) Hari om

22.01.2022 For those who are carrying a few extra kilos, here's an article for you... yoga really is for EVERY body! Don't be put off by the images you see of very thin people doing yoga, it's a practice that benefits every human regardless of shape or ability.

22.01.2022 For anyone who hasn't yet seen the "Inappropriate Yoga Guy" here is one of his very first videos... they get even funnier as you go along :P

20.01.2022 Hey folks, if anyone is looking for a holiday class then there's a wonderful class at the Home of Yoga tomorrow!

20.01.2022 A very Happy New Year to all you wonderful yogis! I hope your first day of 2014 has been incredible. The studio will be open again tomorrow but I would be so grateful if you would message/email/text before attending a class so that I can be sure to be there. I know everyone is still in holiday mode so I expect it will be fairly quiet over the next few days :) Thanks a bunch!... Hari om See more

19.01.2022 Are you wanting to get back in touch with yourself this year? Reconnect to who you really are? In this technological age it's easy to get caught up in the goings on outside of ourselves and forget to look within; to listen to our inner voice. Yoga is more than a physical practice, it is a way of teaching ourselves to live more fully and honestly. To find that stillness within that we can carry through our daily lives. Maybe it's time to find YOU again... or for the first time ever.

19.01.2022 Hari om wonderful yogis! There are some changes coming to Gaiamara Yoga from Monday the 25th of February 2014. The Success studio will be running through Success Chiropractic so all bookings will need to be made on 0488 400 175, 9417 4004, or via [email protected] if you prefer to email. There will also be some changes to the timetable and a new yoga teacher to take some of the classes! ... The classes that will be running from the 25/02/2014 are as follows: Mondays - Beginners 6.00pm-7.30pm Tuesdays - Beginners 9.30-11.00am Wednesdays - Beginners/General 6.00pm-7.30pm Thursdays - Beginners 9.30-11.00am and Kids Yoga 4-5pm Saturdays - General 10.00-11.30am Keep an eye on the page as there will be new classes starting soon in Baldivis and Rockingham! Feel free to register your interest via PM. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch. Thanks folks! Hari om tat sat x

19.01.2022 For sciatica sufferers...

19.01.2022 Some surprising health issues with this one!

18.01.2022 Hey fantastic yoga peeps! So I'm teaching at Success Chiropractic Clinic on Monday nights (6-7.30pm) for a while so if you're looking to get some yoga into your evenings then make a booking! The number is 0488 400 175 (you can just text your name, number and class you're booking in for) or email is [email protected] I'm still teaching Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.30-11am and Saturdays 10-11.30am so feel free to book in and join me :D... Hari om x Yoga and Pilates at Success Chiropractic

17.01.2022 With this truth in mind, I will be running a meditation class on Wednesday nights from the 2nd of May. Time yet to be decided but if you're keen then let me know whether you'd prefer a 7pm or a 6.30pm start in the comments below this post!

16.01.2022 New blog post... finally!

15.01.2022 I never thought of it like this! What a beautiful concept. May your hearts be close to those of your loved ones for 2014! Hari om tat sat x

13.01.2022 Have you ever wondered why yoga teachers go on about breathing so much? Have a read of this article to find out! By the way, if you're a regular to my classes this is the same as the "Yogic Breath" that we practice :)

11.01.2022 Hi wonderful people! If you've been wanting to learn to meditate this year then here's your chance!! I'm running an 8-week meditation course at Success Chiropractic which starts next Wednesday. If you're keen, then get in touch with either myself or Success Chiro. I'd love to see you there! Om Shanti x

10.01.2022 Good mornings yogis! I have no bookings for the 9.30am class today so I won't be in until the 11.30am Mother and Baby class. Just letting you all know in case you were thinking of dropping in :) The 6pm class will be running as usual. Have a great day! ... Hari om, Teneal

09.01.2022 Everybody ought to read this one. Seriously.

08.01.2022 All the sufferers of carpal tunnel or weak wrists and shoulders this one is for you!

08.01.2022 Anyone who has tried Bikram or Hot Yoga will find something to relate to in this one. Oh, and it's hella funny!

08.01.2022 Anyone suffering foot problems? This might be some help (even though they are specific to bunions the poses can benefit the whole foot).

08.01.2022 Good morning, yogi's! I'm just letting you know that as there have been no bookings for this morning's class I won't be in the studio. If you were planning on dropping by send me a message and I can come in. Thanks and have a beautiful day! ... Hari om x See more

07.01.2022 When the world is getting a little too much to bear then let your mind be soothed by wise words.

06.01.2022 It's a truth we often forget...

06.01.2022 Hi lovely yoga folks! Apologies for the late notice, but for anyone who was planning to attend tomorrow morning's class I'm sorry to say that it won't be running. There is a First Aid course using the space this weekend. The 10am class will be running next Saturday though! I hope to see you then :) Hari om, Teneal x

06.01.2022 Last yoga class of the year on at Success Chiropractic this morning! If you're keen to finish the year with yoga then join us at 10am. Happy 2017!!!

05.01.2022 Hari om, yogis! I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend and you're feeling relaxed and recharged for the week ahead! If the start of the year has been a bit taxing on you thus far you might like to read this article... sometimes a few lifestyle changes can make all the difference.

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