Gordo 4 Goulburn Mulwaree | Other
Gordo 4 Goulburn Mulwaree
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21.01.2022 Totally support the Councillors' decision to knock back the approval and demolish. The practice of building without approval seems to be becoming more commonplace.
21.01.2022 I think this makes sense... and as I've said a bunch of times, I think we have a pretty good Council at the moment. So this facebook page may stay fairly quiet for a bit longer now.
17.01.2022 There's a lot of people hating on Greta Thunberg... a lot of adults, using the term loosely. Surely if you believe, or disbelieve, in climate change... regardle...ss of whether you're left or right... that if your side of the debate is strong enough, you don't have to personally attack someone who disagrees. And PARTICULARLY don't have to crap on a kid. An idealistic kid. Many are distraught she got named Time Magazine's Person of the Year. To those bagging her out, try out this quick comparison... What did she do? She got people thinking, talking and engaging in climate change discussion. What did you do? You bagged out a 16 year old kid. Nice work. See more
16.01.2022 I think the Councillors got this decision very right. If a property owner or developer has been told several times to stop building because they didn't have permission, and they kept barrelling on against several warnings not to... then demolition seems a fair result. The alternative is DAs would become meaningless and a message would be sent that you can build whatever you want regardless of permission. Keen to hear what others think.
15.01.2022 Believe it or not, even I acknowledge that there is more to life than the proposed Performing Arts Centre. Lot's more. In fact I've got a lot of thoughts on many issues and policies for Goulburn. I'll start to run links to them on here once a week... this one on POPULATION AND JOBS has run before but I'll start again. There are a number of people who've said they'd like to help with my "campaign" (campaign seems too strong a word, especially this far out). If that's you... please leave comments underneath the POPULATION AND JOBS post on the website (NOT HERE on Facebook ... on the GORDO 4 GOULBURN MULWAREE website). I think it might help to get a bit of discussion going, and I'd like to hear what people think of what I've had to say. So if you want to help, that's one way. Thanks.
15.01.2022 So yep, it's still my intention to run for in the Goulburn Mulwaree Council elections. But in some ways, it will be the opposite of a campaign. Firstly, I think we have a really good council at the moment, one of the best we've had. So I'll praise them for all of the things I believe they are getting right and reserve criticism just for things I genuinely believe they are wrong about. I don't think I'm better than all of them, but I think I have some good ideas, a contributi...on to make and want to be willing to put my hand up. And secondly, I'm NOT going to begin showing up at events I don't normally go to, posting pics with visiting nabobs or trying to portray myself as Captain Goulburn or anything I'm not. Besides, there are already enough people doing that. If I don't get to flit around and be seen at more events, it's because of the community commitments I already have, and trying to get the family/life balance right. Which to be honest I'm a long way from having right. IF anyone is interested in throwing their vote my way, it will be for who I am, and who I've been for a long time... the things I've done over a long time... and because of my honesty, integrity and reliability. If you don't believe I possess those qualities, then, by all means, don't vote for me. But I don't owe any allegiances to any developers or businesses in town, I am free of party affiliations and am not part of a voting block. And while I can tell you where I stand on a range of things, I believe the thing you want in councillors (and politicians) is someone who you believe will land in the right place and try to do the right thing on all of the issues you CAN'T predict. IF you see merit in me being a councillor, start spreading the word... have chats with people... bring them to this room... see if we can get some momentum going. And if not, if I'm not elected, I reckon I'll still be busy but content that I had a crack. I'd like to hear your thoughts
15.01.2022 The Goulburn Mulwaree Mayoral election ... from 10:48
12.01.2022 I'm very disappointed on behalf of STFA. This certainly sounds like a worthwhile facility. While I have no personal links with soccer in Goulburn, I know a couple of the people who work tirelessly to run it, and many others who play the game in town. When it comes to grants and funding (with the exception of some recently documented rorting) I’m aware that governments have difficult decisions to make. When you approve one project, you decline another. It can be tough and it's hard to spread the money to all "deserving" projects. But from where I sit, admittedly as an outsider, this sounds like a very worthwhile project and I really hope it gets up. And congrats to GMC for their support of this application.
11.01.2022 I don't imagine any update is needed here, but here's a few sentences while I think of it. None of us know what we'll be doing in a month's time, much less a year's time, so I don't know what my plans are regarding GMC elections next year. I've said before we currently have the most proactive Council Goulburn has had, and I still think that. I don't disagree with much of what they're doing (except for the repeated ridiculous plans to block portions of the CBD... don't get me ...started) and I think they've made Goulburn much more livable and attractive. I also think Bob Kirk is the best Goulburn or Goulburn Mulwaree Mayor in my lifetime. My idea to stand was/is based around my love for the place, my belief that you should be willing to put your hand up for things that matter to you, and a belief that maybe I have a bit to offer. But who knows what 2021 will look like. So... this is really a non-update. The Council is going well... and there are no elections for a while... so I'll leave this page sitting here until I figure out what I'm doing or there's a compelling need to say something. See more
11.01.2022 There is still ongoing debate and discussion about the Goulburn Performing Arts Centre - should it go ahead, what should be included in the design... Hopefully the debate won't go on indefinitely and the PAC will be green-lit sometime soon. So, if it IS built, what do people think of the idea of a Performing Arts Walk of Fame (names with stars) in front of it in Auburn Street. It could bear the names of great contributors to the performing arts that are either from or based ...in Goulburn. George Lazenby and Kate Ritchie might get stars... also those that "dug the well"...John and Mary Spicer (Lieder Theatre), Mary Sheekey (Goulburn G&S) and Len Robinson and Paul Paviour (Argyle Society). Current leaders like Chrisjohn Hancock and Paul Scott-Williams. Also newcomers as they ply their skills on stages around the world, and the many names I don't know but should. Thoughts? And in the comments, who should get a star. See more
11.01.2022 Not a purely local story, but relevant to us locally.
10.01.2022 Very interesting meeting... and a bit of extra feeling in it from around the 28 minute mark to about 1:05. I agree with what Peter Walker had to say... that as this sale would actually dislodge so many community groups, it seems only fair to consult the community more than they would for a property not fulfilling community needs. I disagree with what Alfie Walker said about councillors having some special oversight and discernment that the general public lacks. Presumably all of the relevant information is available to the public, and if it isn't... well that would be a bigger problem. He is spot on that we elect Councillors to make a number of big calls, I just feel this is one with obvious community implications and therefore requiring obvious community input. http://webcast1.goulburn.nsw.gov.au/archive/video21-0302.php
07.01.2022 Save the date - Local Government elections will take place in Goulburn Mulwaree on Saturday 4th September. Nominations for prospective council candidates will open on 26th July. For more info, visit https://elections.nsw.gov.au/lge21
06.01.2022 MAYORAL ELECTIONS Goulburn Mulwaree Council has re-elected Councillor Bob Kirk as Mayor for the final year of this term of Council. He was elected by ordinary b...allot, in a 5 votes to 4 result; Cr Peter Walker also nominated for Mayor. Councillor Peter Walker has been elected Deputy Mayor. Cr Peter Walker was elected by ordinary ballot in a 5 votes to 4 result; Cr Leah Ferrara also nominated for Deputy Mayor. Cr Kirk was elected Mayor in 2016 unopposed, following eight years as a Councillor and as Deputy Mayor. Cr Walker was first elected to in 2016, and has served as Deputy Mayor for two years. The next local government elections for Goulburn Mulwaree will be held in September 2021.
05.01.2022 A recent facebook thread in which many people praised the Council decision to proceed with the PAC WITH the flytower got greeted by the usual narks, grinches and naysayers. Here's my response to someone who said they should just spend the money on roads and not this rubbish.
02.01.2022 A recent story from the Goulburn Post about next year's Council elections. I'm still intending to run. I've said before and happy to reiterate, I think the current Council (staff and Councillors) have been very effective and high achieving and have added lots of bits to Goulburn Mulwaree that had been missing. Having said that, I don't agree with all of their ideas (especially the ideas that involve buggering the streets in the CBD). My main reasons for running are that (a) I love this place and (b) I've flapped my gums a lot about a number of things and should be ready to put my hand up to have a crack.
02.01.2022 Here's a thought on how you could open the GPAC: - Invite the Governor or Governor General (or both) - which would allow you to call it a VICE REGAL COMMAND PER...FORMANCE. - Just like a Royal Command Performance, have performances from a wide range... choirs and orchestra's from the Con, short plays and skits from the Lieder, scenes from musicals and/or songs by RHMTC, dancing from the dance schools etc, performances by GCOPS and individual schools, stand up comedy bits by Maddy Weeks and possibly others etc - Also invite some non-performing-arts Goulburnian achievers from sports and other fields to offer their thoughts on the GPAC in 1-2 minute bits between segments or as a segment of their own. - Get a significant MC with a local link - maybe former Goulburnian Kate Ritchie, or occasional local Richard Glover. - And film it. See more
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