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Humble Habits


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22.01.2022 It’s always so exciting seeing a rainbow! Being able to stop and admire it for a while is a truly special moment. Rainbows and bees are bound to put a smile on everyone’s face. We’ve included the bee into this earring design to highlight the importance of Australian flowers and the health of our bee population. It’s important to keep them healthy because bees have a big role to play for many of the foods we put on our table.

19.01.2022 Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a virtual bunch of flowers from us to you grown organically in Toni’s garden!

19.01.2022 This is what happens to plastic when it’s left to deteriorate. It’s especially dangerous when these little bits end up in the ocean! Unfortunately I couldn’t find the other section of this bottle, only the very bottom. It’s so important to put your trash in the bin, no matter how inconvenient it is. Do you think a turtle finds it convenient to have its stomach filled with plastic bags or a straw stuck up its nose? It’s time we start thinking about the other creatures who also... call earth home, and stop thinking of ourselves as the best and most intelligent species. If we were truly intelligent, this whole plastic issue wouldn’t even be an issue. And sure, plastic has its purpose, especially in the medical profession. But we are abusing it and turning it into single use items and that’s where we’ve gone wrong. Now it’s time for us to put it right. See more

19.01.2022 There’s something we can do to help, and it’s something we can do right now! How often have you walked along a path and seen litter? If you picked that trash up, our oceans and land would be a bit cleaner. Imagine thousands of people picking up trash everyday when they see it. Every single piece that’s picked up is being saved from harming our precious wildlife. Here’s a list of how you can help reduce the amount of trash entering our oceans: Pick up any trash you see on y...our daily walk/weekend adventures (bring a bag with you in case there’s more than you can carry with your hands) Keep your car trash free (it’s easy for small items to fall out without realising!) Attend local clean up events such as the ones @seashepherd host Create your own clean up event and invite friends or promote it on local @facebook groups Reduce the amount of trash you bring into your life What have I missed here? Let me know in the comments below what you’re doing to try and reduce your impact on the environment. Always remember to stay humble my friends

18.01.2022 Look toward a brighter future, it’s coming! The devastating fires around Australia is a wake up call globally. We must start making changes in our everyday lives to reduce the impact we are having on the planet. There are other species that walk this earth, humans aren’t the only ones here that matter. Be kind and gentle on the earth if you want future generations to witness the diversity of our planet today. Some simple changes you can start making today include: Saying no... to plastic bags (bring your own shopping bags and produce bags) Walk or ride a bike if you’re going a short distance Rethink your bathroom products (@whogivesacraptp toilet paper, shampoo and conditioner bars, bamboo toothbrush etc) Bring reusables when you’re out and about (coffee cup, straw, cutlery etc) Get outside and clean up some trash, or get involved in a local clean up event Save water where you can (taking shorter showers etc) Spread the message to your friends These are just some of the habits you can start implementing today that will have a positive impact on the environment. Always remember to stay humble my friends

17.01.2022 I’ve always been fascinated by frogs. They’re beautiful creatures that deserve to be cared for. This is the green and golden bell frog which is currently endangered in NSW and vulnerable around the rest of Australia. Many times, the reason for extinction or endangerment is loss of habitat due to new areas being developed or clearing land for livestock. I was shocked to hear how much land and water is needed to put a piece of steak on a plate. It’s not just the water the drink, or the land the animals stand on. It’s the resources needed to grow the crops to feed them as well. Many people (including myself until recently) don’t realise that this isn’t a sustainable way of living. If we took away livestock and used the land that’s currently growing their feed to grow food for humans, the environment and our health would be much better off. We are jeopardising the safety and survival of our unique animal and plant species, all so that humans can have meat on their plates every night. And let’s not forget the cruel environment that most meat is produced in. It’s an all round unsustainable model if we keep going on the way we do. Even with plants, there’s the pesticides and chemicals which are also harming our health and environment. My challenge for everyone is to try more plant based recipes with seasonal organic or spray free produce and limit your meat intake. If you have space, try growing your own veggies that are chemical and spray free. They might get a bit eaten, but at least you’ll be promoting a healthy bug environment! Meat really should be a luxury. When we were living from the land, we wouldn’t have gone out hunting every night for meat to put on our plates. Be mindful of your meat consumption, there are plenty of plant based sources of protein out there. I love listening to the @plant_proof podcast because Simon has created a safe space for discussions about diet and healthy plant based eating. If you’re wondering how you can get protein on a plant based diet, I recommend giving some of the episodes a listen. It’s quite easy to get all the nutrients you need on a plant based diet. Episode 84 is a great recent one to check out.

17.01.2022 Happy Rainbow Bees These cuties always bring a smile to my face. They’re hand painted using chalk paint that’s vegan and also emits zero VOCs (which is important for our environment).

16.01.2022 Be part of the solution, not the pollution We’re all in this together, climate change may be upon us, but there are things we can do to limit our impact on our beautiful earth. There will always be more that we can do, but as long as right now you’re making changes, that’s incredibly important and admirable. Big changes can’t happen overnight, but the more of us who are making little changes, the more our earth will thank us. The little things I’ll be doing include: Atte...nding local clean up events Picking up trash when I see it Not driving to places I can walk Becoming vegan Planting trees Shopping at bulk food stores and markets to reduce plastic packaging Making greener choices in the bathroom These are a few of the ways I’ve been reducing my impact on the planet. However I’m sure this year I’ll end up adding more and more as I learn. Stay humble my friends.

15.01.2022 It’s easier than you think to buy plastic free produce! Just choose nude foods! This was my healthy haul from the @kawanawatersfarmersmarkets last weekend, completely plastic free. All you need are some produce bags and you’re good to go. And don’t forget those reusable bags for if you’re shopping at the supermarket. Some items are difficult to buy plastic free from the supermarket. Berries and cherry tomatoes come in plastic boxes which aren’t great for the environment. I ha...ven’t yet found an alternative for berries unfortunately, but they do sell loose cherry tomatoes at the market! It’s worth checking out your local market to see what fresh produce you can get plastic free! We can help our environment bit by bit and piece by piece. The less plastic we consume, the happier and cleaner our planet will be. There’s no point in convenience and one use items when all it’s doing is harming us and the beautiful environment we live in. Start making a difference by reducing your carbon footprint today. Even small changes will contribute to big environmental change. The time to start acting is now. Stay humble my friends

13.01.2022 Our Story Hello! If you don’t know me already, my name is Erin! My beautiful mum (Toni) and I started Humble Habits as a way for us to connect with our love of nature and creative sides. We currently have a small range of hand painted wood earring designs in our store focusing on the beautiful bee and daisy, both of which have native versions here in Australia We are currently working on a range of native Australian animals, both endangered and iconic. Both Toni and I... have been learning how to live a minimal waste lifestyle which has been both challenging and rewarding That’s why we’re committed to reducing any plastic packaging we send with our orders. We hope that once we get our feet off the ground we will find packaging alternatives that are fully compostable or recyclable for those who don’t have a home/community compost. We are also planting one tree in Australia for every 5 pairs of earrings sold which helps offset carbon emissions! That’s $1 from every purchase which goes to planting Australian trees Let us know what Australian animal you would love to see in our collection

12.01.2022 Mini trash haul from Mudjimba beach the other day whilst on a little skate. The pathway was pretty clean, but I didn’t head down to the beach because it was a very hot day. Think before you litter, and be aware of trash that might fall out of your car. It doesn’t belong in the ocean, waterways or on the forest floor. It provides no nutrients for the soil and only wreaks havoc for our marine and land animal life. It’s time we become more aware and pick up after ourselves. The environment deserves better.

10.01.2022 Can you tell what my favourite colour is? I’m so glad I invested in a @pelacase because it’s the only one I’ve found that’s compostable and has adorable designs on the back. I chose this sea scene because I felt it reflects my goal for this year; clean up the ocean and land from trash! I’m trying to be very thoughtful about every purchase I make. If I can’t find something secondhand, then I’ll research to find the best alternative. Here’s to a cleaner planet and adorable @pelacase phone cases! Always remember to stay humble my friends

10.01.2022 I’m certainly not celebrating the amount of trash I found on my skate today. I stopped in one area briefly and found so much. There are bins close by as well. Be mindful of our oceans and make sure you either take your trash with you or dispose of it properly.

10.01.2022 Make it a priority to pick up trash when you see it, no matter what activity you enjoy! The other day I brought a bag along with me on my skate and probably needed more bigger bags to be able to pick everything I saw up. Whether you walk, run, skate, climb mountains, swim in the ocean; take time to pick up any rubbish you come across. Our wildlife and oceans will thank you for it. Always remember to stay humble my friends

09.01.2022 Nature can be messy, which sometimes makes it difficult to identify trash within the mix of colours and textures. Seaweed can often be mistaken for styrofoam or plastic, but if you see anything that might be trash, check! It’s always better to check rather than walk by and ignore it. It’s scary the amount of litter that could be hiding underneath all the leaves. This trash ends up in our ocean and in turn harms marine sea life and pollutes our water. We’ve got to be mindful of where our trash is going and reduce the amount of plastic that we reply on and dispose of.

08.01.2022 I’ve decided that this year I’ll see if I can get back into sketching. This is a really rough one, but I sort of like the imperfections and rustic nature of it. I can sometimes be a bit of a perfectionist and have wanted my Instagram feed to look aesthetically pleasing in the past. But I’m not going to worry about that too much as I want to tell my stories rather than share the prettiest pictures. After all, we are human and the more real our feeds are, the more at home and honest we are with ourselves and others. Here’s to mindfulness, the environment and imperfect photos and sketches. Keep it real and keep it humble my friends

08.01.2022 Loving the cooler Spring weather

07.01.2022 On my small walk along Woodgate beach I was surprised to find these pieces of trash among the natural environment acting as if they belonged. It’s easy to walk by and not notice a thing out of place. I had to look really hard to spot the plastic. Next time you’re going for a walk along the beach, see how much you can find and dispose of thoughtfully. Every little bit that gets saved from entering our oceans is a big win! #everylittlebithelps Stay humble my friends.

07.01.2022 There’s a butterfly I’ve had a fascination with for a long time. When I was at university, I designed a font that reflected the vine that this butterfly depends on for survival. The Birdwing butterfly vine (Pararistolochia praevenosa). Unfortunately this is the only vine that the caterpillar can eat before becoming a full butterfly. And because of deforestation, a lot of their only food source has been wiped out. There’s also an introduced vine which smells the same to the... butterfly, but will actually kill the caterpillar when eaten. It’s time we start thinking beyond ourselves and begin to research the struggling species of our country. Deforestation is eliminating important species from our ecosystems, plant and animal alike. We’ve got the knowledge and the science to fix this, we’ve got to start making changes at local and community levels to see big change happen. Avoid plastic packaging (even just halve it). Take shorter showers. Eat less meat and dairy (or even better to eliminate completely). Plant trees. Pick up plastic when you see it. Remain hopeful that your small changes will be repeated by many others, eventually driving change at a bigger level. Always remember to stay humble my friends

06.01.2022 Rainbow Daisy It’s always so exciting seeing a rainbow! Being able to stop and admire it for a while is a truly special moment. These earrings are bound to put a smile on everyone’s face. We hand paint each piece at our studio located in Ninderry on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. We use a chalk paint that’s vegan and also has zero VOCs (good for us and the planet). Each piece is topped with a clear coat to keep the colours vibrant and water resistant. Our jewellery is la...ser cut using hoop plywood that is both AFS and FSC certified. With every order, we put $1 towards planting trees in Australia to help offset carbon emissions.

05.01.2022 Bright, happy daisies We use @dixiebellepaint stocked at the lovely @rescuerecyclereuse in Eumundi to paint all our earrings. We love that it has zero VOCs and is vegan! That means it’s better for our health and the health of our planet

05.01.2022 There’s something beautiful to find in every neighbourhood which may be right in front of our eyes. Becoming more mindful about nature and the biodiversity of certain areas can help us to become more connected with our home and in turn, care for it better. Buderim holly (Graptophyllum reticulatum) is an endangered plant species. It’s a small shrub which only grows in two places on the Sunshine Coast. Plants such as these with a very small area in which they grow can easily be...come extinct due to population growth, housing and construction. The small changes that we make in our lives to become more minimal and waste free make a world of difference in the long term for plants such as these. Of course there are bigger changes to made. But if we come together as a community and stand for what we believe is a sustainable future, our leaders will notice that changes need to be made. See more

04.01.2022 The Australian Lungfish may not be the prettiest fish in the water, but it’s an important one to learn about. These poor guys are listed as vulnerable which means that if more are killed, they will eventually become endangered and then extinct. It’s important for us to understand how humans (we) are impacting the land and water. The main threat for lungfish is dam walls. On the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment website, they point out ...two key threats. Two of the key problems affecting the lungfish are the flooding of suitable spawning sites and physical barriers that block the movement of adult lungfish to the remaining breeding sites. How can humans and animals live in harmony with one another? Humans are incredibly intelligent, yet we are making it so difficult for the animals living with us to survive. How can we go back to a simpler way of living when at this point in time, people seem to think we’ve got an abundance of everything (coal, water, land). It’s sometimes difficult to see a future where we will all live in harmony with the country, however I always have hope in human kind to rise up and think about those other than themselves. We all have the ability to spread the word, and with the internet these days it makes this much easier. Share with your friends the importance of understanding our vulnerable and endangered species. Encourage them to look at their life and how the way they live might be impacting the environment. There are things we can do, and while it might seem small for now, positive change will happen. And the little bits you do now will be making all the difference. Always remember to stay humble my friends See more

03.01.2022 Flowers, rainbows, bees and birds! We will be at the Yandina Twilight Market tonight from 5-8:30pm! We would love to see you there

03.01.2022 How do you buy food for dinner without plastic packaging from major supermarkets? Plan ahead and always bring your own bags with you. It’s easier than you think! You can also make a lot of items from scratch with items from the bulk food store. There are certain items that are difficult to make yourself with limited time, and that’s ok. For me, it’s about being aware of what you’re buying and whenever you throw something out, understanding how long that’s going to take to bre...ak down. I’m at the point where I don’t throw much into landfill, the majority is either composted or recycled. There’s the occasional item that will make it to the bin. But when I place the item in there, I’m fully aware of the impact it will have on the environment. And then I start thinking of ways I could avoid getting it in the first place. Recycling is wonderful, but it’s not a true solution. Being mindful is the best first step you can take! Have a look at your pantry currently and think about how you could reduce the plastic you see in there. You’ll be surprised by the amount you can do to reduce it! See more

03.01.2022 It’s worth fighting for threatened species, especially if their habitat is about to be destroyed due to mining for coal. Humans aren’t the only ones on this earth, we don’t have to destroy homes in order to live. There’s incredibly smart and innovative solutions popping up all around the world to reduce or even eliminate our reliance on coal. Governments need to step up NOW and start making the change to renewable energy before more unique animal and plant species become exti...nct. The science and evidence is clear, what are we waiting for? The change won’t happen overnight, but it’s important to get the ball rolling now before it’s too late. Do we really want to let Adani eliminate an endangered species habitat just so that India can get our coal and we will get some jobs out of it? Renewable energy will bring in jobs, we don’t need coal. Not to mention the amount of water needed, this is a precious resource that should be saved! Australia is in drought, we can’t go splashing around (in cash and water). We shouldn’t let something like this impact our beautiful and unique environment. And let’s not forget the traditional owners of this land, we must respect Indigenous rights and values. @adanionline @qldgov @stopadani_sunshinecoast See more

01.01.2022 Did you know that it takes styrofoam a whopping 500 years to break down (into microplastic!). We need to remember that ALL plastic doesn’t ever really break down, it always becomes microplastic which is toxic to humans and animals. There was a bit of this floating around near the water at #mooloolaba the other day. This trash haul was from a small walk along the seaside and unfortunately a lot of this could have ended up in the ocean if it wasn’t picked up. In the ocean, it float to other islands, get eaten by sea life or break down into microplastics and pollute our water. When you’re walking, no matter where it is, look out for rubbish and pick it up when you see it. Bring a little bag with you to put it into and dispose of it thoughtfully. We have got to become more mindful about our actions, and although it’s not your rubbish, pick it up anyway. There’s always going to be those lazy people who couldn’t be bothered walking to a bin, but we can’t let animals suffer because of their actions. If you’ve got a friend who throws rubbish out of their car or onto the ground, let them know the impact it will have on marine and human life. They might think twice before being lazy. See more

01.01.2022 Australian Native Billy Buttons! Toni and I are always inspired by nature, and we particularly love our Australian native species. These cuties have been designed and hand painted by us in our little studio in Ninderry on the Sunshine Coast.

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