Kieran Hoare | Public figure
Kieran Hoare
Phone: +61 7 3029 1600
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25.01.2022 In this episode of #Journey2020, I reflect that having the #techskills to roll out #digitalmarketing in house empowers us to get our message out there with nimbleness rather than being subject to someone else’s timetable and priorities. I also consider what other skills may be best to master in house?
25.01.2022 In this video i reflect that #socialisolation has caused me to reflect that there is so much to be #grateful for, and the new appreciation we’ll have for things we previously took for granted as we transition back to a more normal world. Would love you to add to the list...
24.01.2022 In this video I reflect that perhaps people have been taking the directive to get your sh## together in preparing for the Coronavirus too literally, and instead some focus should be directed to ensuring #lovedones are looked after, their #estateplanning is sorted, complements their children’s #assetprotection strategies and someone is in charge. It’s possible in this digital age that this whole process can be done remotely without the need for a face to face interview. #remotework #coronavirus #professionalservices
23.01.2022 In this video I ask people to consider if their estate plan is actually sorted, if an inheritance from their parents might ruin their carefully thought out #estateplan and #assetprotection. Merthyr Law encourages estate planning to be a generational thing, where the parents and the adult children all ensure their estate planning is sorted and works with the others. I’ll be talking more on this topic with Steven Grant and generally what’s important on getting your #estateplanning sorted in the time of #coronavirus in @merthyrlaw webinar on Friday 24 April 2020 if you or anyone you know may be interested (link to register in the comments).
20.01.2022 In this video, I reflect that I’m often convincing people not to use my services, when I don’t think it will offer them good #value or #return. This may seem counterintuitive, but I think this #honesty is the foundation of any lasting relationship. What do you think?
18.01.2022 I'm excited to be invited to share my experiences as a business owner, estate planner, employer and dad at AFAN - Australian Financial Advisory Network's inaugral webinar with Craig Ball, Lachlan MacDonald and Dave Morrison who'll be sharing their experience and tips and ensuring that #financialadvisors don't feel alone in these crazy times. Would love you to join the conversation.
17.01.2022 In this video, I address how Merthyr Law uses Zoom Video Communications so we will still be able to do client conferences, and keep Australian business going even if we’re all quarantined at home.
16.01.2022 In this video (re-recorded after a speaking with Netwealth’s Legal) I set out my recent experience with netwealth Investment & Superannuation with respect to their #superannuation death benefit planning. In short, they won’t allow members to utlise an option in their Trust Deed for the trustee to exercise discretion because they are promote themselves as a member directed fund. Therefore, #advisors better take care if their clients are in these funds, as there are no second chances once a member’s no longer here.
16.01.2022 Here is my latest video on a "Common Calamity Conundrum"...
15.01.2022 I’m privileged to be invited to speak at @AustralianFinancialadvisorynetwork inaugural event next week. AFAN was founded by @craigball and @ianmacpherson and @paulgeisel to allow risk advisors overwhelmed by the compliance burden to give their clients access to the best advice and support and continue to be remunerated. At the seminar in Toowong on Tuesday 17th aimed at those people whose parents are likely to need aged care in the coming years @paulgeisel will be exa...mining the ins and outs of putting parents in aged care, including the fees and charges, choosing the right place, what to do with the family home, Centrelink access. I’ll be telling tales on all things estate planning demonstrating: The huge benefits that can come by convincing parents to tweak their wills to suit your asset protection and taxation needs Dealing with the family home What’s needed in an enduring power of attorney How you can design your estate plan for the best outcomes. Link to the seminar registration page in the comments feel free to share with those that you think may benefit. I touch on one of these topics in the video below.
14.01.2022 In Episode 22 of #Journey2020 I reflect on how the destination has arrived with the massive pattern interrupt that is #covid19 foisting change upon businesses and how they fit in and react to the #newworldorder and on the micro level as us as individuals have cause to reflect on what’s really important. Please continue the conversation.
14.01.2022 In this Episode of #Journey2020, I share my recent experience of a recent family motorhome #holiday in #FNQ and reflect that #technology may help us get closer to #nature and #family.
14.01.2022 In this video, I look at the next #superannuation case on from Re Narumon, Re SB: Ex Parte AC (link in comments), where it was ordered that an administrator was authorised to make a new Binding Death Benefit Nomination on Perpetual Super on behalf of an incapacitated member as part of a statutory will application. This is one step further than Re Narumon which only went so far as to allow an attorney to confirm an existing nomination. Whilst the decision is limited to the facts, it is how the law develops: one case at a time. #estateplanning
14.01.2022 Who Gets the Beloved Pet in Breakups? The furry friends have come to prominence in many recent zoom chats. But what happens to the beloved pet in the event of a relationship separation - Merthyr Law’s Peter Pavusa - Family Lawyer discusses pets as part of our recent webcast (link to full recording in the comments).
11.01.2022 In this episode of #Journey2020, I reflect on how #complacency has caused me to miss the last episode, stop recording videos and generally tread water. I compare how both #covid19 and #digitalchange attacks those who are complacent and consider the energy, discipline and drive we all need to get through the rest of 2020. Just the act of recording this has helped. I’d be interested to know your experience.
10.01.2022 In Episode 23 of #Journey 2020 I am pleased to announce that our beta run of our discretionary trust bot was a success and provide a quick demonstration. We plan to roll out bots of all our trust deeds and hit up our loyal accountants to use Merthyr Law's online deeds
08.01.2022 Whilst trying to record videos from my verandah at home, rather than my office at work, there was a constant attack at the door from my 1.5 year old Jack. I finally capitulated and unlocked the door #workingfromhomelife #coronavirus #merthyrlaw #lawyers #workingfromhome
08.01.2022 In a previous video, I outlined which retail #superannuation #funds do and don’t allow the trustee to have discretion in the payment of death benefits. In this video, I warn #advisors that if they are recommending clients into funds with no trustee discretion, they are potentially breaching their #bestinterest duty to their clients unless they revisit binding death benefit nominations annually to change the % mix between child pensions, spouse pensions and payment to the estate and testamentary trusts. Considering the insurance typically held in these funds, the consequences of ignoring this can be significant. #financialadvice #financialservices #negligence #estateplanning
07.01.2022 It was a pleasure chatting with Tim Wilshire for his for episode 102 of his From the Valley Podcast on Friday - chatting all things from origins to how I've ended up where I am today.
06.01.2022 Continuing on from a previous post, in this Video, I name some retail #superannuation #funds which do and don’t offer discretion if the member does not have a valid binding death benefit nomination #bdbn. In the next video in this series, I’ll explore why careful #estateplanning on this issue is so important for advisors recommending their clients into these funds.
04.01.2022 With Merthyr Law starting the transition from #wfh to working from the CBD, I reflect on the competing emotions and challenges that this transition back to the workplace evokes. #professionalservices
04.01.2022 Us #estateplanning lawyers ask our clients at the first meeting to share all of their intimate details as to assets, investments and private family dynamics. Understandably, some people may be reluctant to share such intimate details with a stranger. I explore this concept in this video and ask what more we might be able to do to ease clients’ #fears.
02.01.2022 Often death benefits in retail #superannuation #funds can run into $millions when #lifeinsurance is included. As the best #tax outcome is typically a combination (which changes yearly) of spouse #pension, child pension and payment to estate and testamentary trusts, my default preference for nuclear families is for no binding death benefit nomination, leaving it to the trustee’s discretion. In this video I share my experience that several retail #superannuation funds are to allow the trustee any discretion with respect to the payment of member’s death benefits (despite a mechanism for same being available under their deed) and are forcing benefits of those members who have not made a BDBN to be paid to the member’s estate, I suspect so the trustee’s exercise of discretion cannot be challenged. Therefore, these benefits where no BDBNs have been made are being forced to the estate notwithstanding that such payment may be to a disputed or bankrupted estate, to an ex-spouse not yet divorced or otherwise result in a sub-optimal taxation outcome. Should #Advisors recommending clients into these funds be looking at updating BDBNs annually or alternatively consider moving them to funds with better #estateplanning focus?
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