JV Wellbeing in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Product/service
JV Wellbeing
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 407 223 435
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25.01.2022 Day 3/30 30mins minimum exercise done and dusted. Gorgeous day to get out and enjoy some rays #30minutesdaily #30daychallenge #fitnessjourney #nevertoolatetogetfit #creatingnewhabits #JVwellbeing
25.01.2022 #totalmeditation #metahuman
24.01.2022 September is World Alzheimers month. Food is medicine, but what foods specifically are good for optimum mental health? Dr Uma Naidoo MD explains the important brain-gut-vagus nerve connection in this interview with John Assaraf.... #healthylife #foodismedicine #healthandwellbeing #drumanaidoo #johnassaraf
24.01.2022 Day 16/30 30mins minimum exercise done . Enjoyed a leisurely stroll around one of my favourite Melbourne suburbs today, making the most of having a legitimate reason to leave my suburb during isolation. #30minutesminimum #30daychallenge #healthandwellbeing #healthmatters #stoppingtosmelltheflowers #springtime @ Bentleigh, Victoria
24.01.2022 Positive Self talk is imperative to succeeding. Here Marisa Peer talks about the most important collaboration one can focus on, our collaboration with our mind.
23.01.2022 Rather than assuming power or taking it, they recieved and reciprocated love by leaning in to and living their truth. Being their true essence from a place of heart-consciousness and respect and stepping into their most powerful form. The layers of armour were unwrapped in a continuing and immersive supportive experience with those who are also travelling the path. #leaningin #liveyourlegacy #liveyourdreams #livewithpassion #livewithpurpose #JVwellbeing #heartconsciousness
22.01.2022 Drum roll... I've achieved my first paying client and am now officially a paid Coach! Woop!Drum roll... I've achieved my first paying client and am now officially a paid Coach! Woop!
22.01.2022 Today is the last day of the major fundraising campaign for Liptember. Liptember do accept donations via the website all year round at www.liptember.com.au. Liptember is a diverse group of women and men committed to raising funds and awareness for women's mental health. Where previous research and methodology has been focused on men and applied to women, Liptember place a strong emphasis on gender. 'By placing a gender lens on mental health, research becomes more accurate a...nd support programs experience higher success rates'. Which makes absolute sense, given the different biology of the genders. Their priority to improve the mental health of Australian women has a subsequent effect on the entire community through the many roles they hold, as sisters, mothers, daughters, partners, grandmothers, employees, and volunteers. Liptember's fundraising efforts support the following community services: Centre of Women's Mental Health, Lifeline, Batyr, The Jean Hailes Foundation, The Pretty Foundation and The Magpie Nest Women's Program. #liptember #liptember2020 #healthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #womensmentalhealthawareness #magpienestcafe #melbourneproject614 #salvationarmy #supportingwomen #supportingwomenandchildren #magpienesthousing #L3_69bourkestreetmelbourne #collingwoodfc #liptembertogether #liptembercampaign #lifeline #centreforwomensmentalhealth #batyr #theprettyfoundation
20.01.2022 Today was different. This Liptember shot morphed into a recreation of a shot taken by Tony Ryan in 1999. #liptember #liptember10daychallenge #womensmentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthawareness #healthmatters #healthandwellbeing #mybodyismytemple #myfaceismycanvas #throwbacktuesday #throwback21years
19.01.2022 We.Hear.You Join us for the next W.H.Y. Campaign event Monday 22nd February at 7pm AEST. https://www.thewhycampaign.com/events ... #wehearyou #whycampaign #FebEvent
19.01.2022 For you I keep bleeding love. #healthmatters #respect #healthandwellbeing #support #authenticity #authenticfeedback #blooddiamond #youarenotalone #yourmusiclivesoninme #artistlife #imwithyoueverystepoftheway #imnotgoinganywhere #imhome #garyvee
19.01.2022 Forgiveness..."It is the merciful grace of compassion in action" ~ Matt Kahn #forgiveness #mattkahn #musings #highfrequencyvibes #highvibes #highfrequency #compassioninaction
19.01.2022 We all have fears to differing degrees, either at a conscious or subconscious level. One of my favourite presuppositions to change mindset, overcome hesitation, and help people, including myself, to get in the ring and swing is remembering 'there's no failure only feedback' and it's through consistent action and the resulting feedback we grow. At the time you need help the most, you might feel ashamed, embarrassed, or feel too betrayed to know who to trust. The most powerful... and empowering thing you can do is reach out and seek the help you need. www.liptember.com.au are affiliated with some amazing charities and organisations providing support for women and children. Please share and start a conversation. You never know how important that one conversation might be or where it might lead. It could save someone's life. Click the link to support me in raising $2,000 for the 2020 Liptember campaign. https://www.liptember.com.au/t/jvwellbeingteam #liptember #liptember2020 #mentalhealthawareness #womensmentalhealthawareness #healthmatters #nofailureonlyfeedback #presuppositions #presuppositionsofnlp #healthandwellbeing #empowermentcoaching #JVwellbeing #mindsetcoach #mindsetiseverything #supportingwomen #supportingwomenandchildren
17.01.2022 Be the change you want to see in the world. #bethechange #bethechangeyouwanttosee #leadbyexample #leaderscreateleaders #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #everydayleaders #everydayheroes #jvwellbeing
17.01.2022 Did you know? This Saturday night, September 26th, the Women's Health Week Comedy Gala postponed due to covid-19 is back, baby! The one-night event presented by Jean Hailes For Women's Health is hosted by Claire Hooper and has a line-up of amazing Australian talent, such as Celia Pacquola, Cal Wilson, Zoe Coombs Marr, Jude Perl, and Nikki Britten. These talented Aussie ladies will be joined by international guest performers, Aditi Mittal and Joanne Kam via Zoom. If you're wa...nting to know more follow these links: https://www.womenshealthweek.com.au/get-involv/comedy-gala/ https://www.jeanhailes.org.au It's not too late to contribute to the Liptember 2020 campaign. You've just over a week to make a donation via team JV Wellbeing here: https://www.liptember.com.au/t/jvwellbeingteam #liptember #liptember2020 #womensmentalhealthawareness #womenempowerment #healthmatters #womenshealthweekgala #comedygala #womenshealthweek2020 #womenshealthweekcomedygala #jeanhailesforwomenshealth #jeanhailes #celiapacquola #calwilson #zoecoombesmarr #judeperl #nikkibritten #joannekam #aditimittal #comedy #laughterisgoodforthesoul #comedians #femalecomedictalent
17.01.2022 It's incredible how high the expectation is that we can put on ourselves. If we wait to be perfect or to meet our perception of what someone else wants us to be, we can miss out on so many experiences that life has to offer. What limitations do you have? What rules do you have in your 'trunk of rules' that are sabotaging the lifestyle you dream of living? If you want to become clear of what your personal beliefs are, or what are the rules you consciously or unconsciously choose to live by, personal coaching can make a big difference. #mindsetmatters #empowermentcoach #mindsetcoaching #breakinglimitations #neuroscience #positivepsychology #personalcoaching #coaching #timelinetherapy #nlp #nlppractitioner #streetphotography
13.01.2022 Day 5/30 done . Freestyle dancing and stretching. Music inspiration: Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, and Bruno Mars #30minutesdaily #30daychallenge #fitness #motivation #healthandwellbeing #healthmatters #takingconsistentaction
12.01.2022 The 2020 'must have' accessory . The shield is so much better than breathing in tiny fibres from the cheap disposables, less irritating on the skin, and better for the environment. A big shout out to all the medical, health and carer staff dedicating so much of their time to helping others. Thank you for your hard work. ... #liptember #liptember2020 #faceshield #womensmentalhealthawareness #healthmatters #healthandwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness
12.01.2022 Day 6/30 days consecutive exercise. Ramping it up to incorporate exercises specific to correcting posture and decreasing pain: Pelvic tilts, glut bridges, heel slides and chin tucks. Courtesy of my exercise physiologist. #30daychallenge #30minutesdaily #fitness #healthmatters #healthandwellbeing #JVwellbeing
11.01.2022 It's been a full day of marketing training that has me contemplating my plan for the next 90 days. The coming 13 weeks will bring us to the week before Christmas. It's scary how fast time can fly past, whether you're in isolation at home or in a Monday to Friday 40 hour per week role. Having well thought out goals and an accountability buddy or a team to discuss thoughts and progress can increase the likelihood of you achieving your plan. This skill doesn't come naturally, bu...t is such a valuable tool to have in the tool kit and impacts positively on mental health, giving a sense of achievement and peace of mind. If goal setting is something your interested in learning more about and implementing, and if there are things you would like to achieve by Christmas this year, drop me a comment below. What is it you find most challenging? What is it you are wanting to achieve? Donate to JV Wellbeing team on the Liptember site via this link: https://www.liptember.com.au/t/jvwellbeingteam #liptember #womensmentalhealthawareness #healthmatters #healthandwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #empowermentcoaching #goalsetting #settinggoals #14weeksuntilchristmas
10.01.2022 Me too. #liptember #liptember10daychallenge #womensmentalhealthawareness #healthmatters #healthandwellbeing #metoo
10.01.2022 For a limited time I'm giving away a free coaching session, normally valued at $297. If you're interested PM me or comment below.
08.01.2022 Emotional Intimacy Breakthrough training key learning: The value of effective listening skills, holding space and allowing someone to be safely understood. #sharonpearson #effectivelisteningskills #thecoachinginstitute #emotionalintimacy #JVwellbeing #emotionalintelligence #facilitatorextraordinaire #metadynamics
07.01.2022 It can be so easy to put our own health last on our to-do list. There are a million different reasons we can give ourselves as to why we shouldn't. It's a choice. Let me remind you...You are worthy. Your health is your wealth. The benefits aren't limited to physical health, exercise improves mental wellbeing, immune system function and reduces stress. Movement shifts emotion. Being outdoors lifts your energy. Get up, get out there and do it, feel yourself and the difference ...it makes. At the beginning of the month I committed to 30mins minimum exercise every day after sporadic attempts to combat chronic muscle tension and back pain over several years. Tonight I freakin jogged roughly 6km. I'm stoked. Every step counts, every day counts. Let's do this! Who's with me? Donate to the Liptember campaign via team JV Wellbeing with the following link and help to support women and children in need: https://www.liptember.com.au/t/jvwellbeingteam Thanks for your support. #liptember #Liptember2020 #mentalhealthawareness #womensmentalhealthawareness #supportingwomeninneed #jeanhailes #kissgoodnight #fitnessjourney #fitnessmatters #mindsetmatters #empowermentcoaching #mindsetcoach #empowermentcoach #NLP #healthandwellbeing #healthmatters #joggingagain #gettingfitagain #gettingitdone #stokedaf #yeahbaby
07.01.2022 Self-Care Saturday #selfcare #selfcaresaturday #watertemplefloatationtherapy #floatation #floattherapy #watertemple
05.01.2022 I have TWO TICKETS to the online Emotional Intimacy Breakthrough event presented through TCI by Sharon Pearson and Matt Lavars. If you and a loved one, buddy, friend, mate, spouse, family member or other would like to join in 10am to 6pm AEST over the next three days, PM me or comment 'Yeah Yeah' below.
05.01.2022 Day 4/30 consecutive 30mins minimum exercise done #30daychallenge #30minutesminimum #fitness #healthmatters #healthylifestyle
04.01.2022 Only 3 treatment spots left for Monday 15th: Remedial, Therapeutic, Deep Tissue or Relaxation Massage. Private health rebate available. Book now on 0397588166
04.01.2022 Free Virtual Global Community Screening Join me on Thursday in supporting Naomi Weiss' film Connecting the Dot and please share the post or link to raise mental health awareness. Connecting the Dots’ mission is to offer a platform to enlighten dialogue and provoke change about youth mental health.... Special Documentary Screening followed by a Youth-Led Roundtable November 19, 2020 3pm-5pm EST #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #youthmentalhealth #ConnectTheDots #naomiweiss #freescreening #globalmovement #globalwellbeing #jvwellbeing #custodian #raisingawarenes #wellnessmission #mentalwellness #globalcommunity #anxietyawareness #suicideawareness #depressionawareness
02.01.2022 World Kindness Day 2020, join me in being kind to ourself and others and share a positive thought or expression of gratitude. Tag one or more friends or loved ones whom you want to share some positivity with. Show me some of that gratitude attitude I know you all have within you . #worldkindnessday #worldkindnessday2020 #positivethoughts #positivepsychologycoaching #positivevibes #positivepsychology #coaching #mindsetstrong #mindsetcoaching #gratitudeattitude #gratitude
02.01.2022 Appointments available today and Monday 8th at Healthy Life Clinic Ferntree Gully. Relaxation, Deep Tissue and Remedial Treatments. FREE 45min Infrared sauna session with every treatment. Call 97588166 to book now or book online at www.healthylifeclinic.com.au.... https://youtu.be/svBtR5Tbu9I
01.01.2022 Day 2/30 30mins minimum exercise done and dusted. #30minutesdaily #30daychallenge #healthandwellbeing #fitnessjourney
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