KAP Gold Coast | Health & wellness website
KAP Gold Coast
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25.01.2022 Daily meditation practice is the key that unlocks all the answers.. Sit in silence and ask the Universe to reveal to you what it wants you to look at. Once you've dealt with that one, then ask for the next, and the next, and the next... #souljourney #spiritualjourney #spirituality #shadowself #selfawareness #selfawakening #meditation #universalenergy
24.01.2022 Join us for a transmission of Kundalini Energy to gently clear the blocks, stale emotions, negative energies, past lives and trauma held in our physical, emotional, mental, etheric and auric bodies. Relax on your yoga mat, listen to music, surrender in a safe, sacred space and receive the transmission of Source energy through your chakras and meridians to leave you feeling peaceful, grounded and connected. Current students have described this transmission as:... "Reiki x 10" (from a Reiki Master) "Indescribable" "Deeply calming" "Life changing". Classes are held in person at 6.30pm to 9.00pm at Arundel, or online via Zoom. Private sessions are available via appointment. Tickets available through Eventbrite on the link below: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/weekly-kap-class-tickets-10 #kundalini #kundalinienergy #kundalinienergytransmission #KAP #KAPtransmission #sourceenergytransmission #spirituality #breathwork #bodywork
24.01.2022 29 Days with no alchohol, meat, virtually no sugar or dairy, no gluten or caffeine. I'm intending for this to become a lifestyle change and not just a diet or fad. However, a serious, 10-day detox does start on Monday...mmmmn. Importantly, I've noticed a significant shift in KAP over the month - as I purify my body the energy comes through much stronger and the messages, visions and intuitions are louder and clearer too. It's awesome and never fails to amaze me - I absolutel...y LOVE it! Venant (founder of KAP) is a great advocate for raw vegan (all in good time...!), emphasising the significant extent to which it increases the vibration and power of KAP. In a world where there's so much to lower our vibrations on a daily basis, being present to all the little ways of raising our own vibration individually has never been more important. Self-love and self nurturing are most important of all. What one thing are you doing today to look after yourself? See more
22.01.2022 So, this week, I've immersed myself in the energy of the Hummingbird, the third archetype of the Harmony Rite, relating to the Solar Plexus. This inspiring little bird represents courage and endurance, as it embarks upon its annual epic journey from Brazil to Canada in a feat of nature that baffles even scientists. It's significance amazes, me as many of us who took the rites together are undertaking profound journeys of our own - of changing relationships, jobs and homes. ...For me, it represents support and encouragement on my own journey as I finally take the leap of faith and sell my online business so I can focus on healing, writing and promoting an energy frequency device called the Healy. And so this shift, this week of the Hummingbird, is bringing up a lot for me. For to have courage you have to have faith and trust, and to trust you have to have a strong connection with Source. And for that, you have to have a strong connection with yourself - a strong love of self that's unwaivering and resolute. For Source is pure love and I can't connect with unconditional love unless I experience it first hand. So my journey with Hummingbird is about me; about being in alignment with my Soul self and checking in with myself throughout my day about my thoughts, words and actions and asking to what extent they're in alignment with my Soul self and my purpose/my joy. If they're not, then it's time to let whatever it is go and see what comes in for me instead. And that's scary. In return, I'm hoping to create space for the other things that Hummingbird represents, sipping on the nectar, the joy and beauty of life, like connecting more strongly with my children every day as we undertake this scary, but incredible, journey together. So, each day, I sit in silence with my candle and ask the energy of Hummingbird for the courage, guidance and support that we'll need to succeed. I love this little bird and I'm grateful for whatever it brings. #hummingbird #munayki #munaykitrites #shaman #spirituality #selflove #sourceenergy #sourcelove #love #thirdchakra #harmonyrite See more
22.01.2022 Monday night classes will now be held on Wednesdays at 7.00pm until 9.00pm in Arundel. Join us for a transmission of Kundalini Energy to raise your vibration by gently clearing your blocks, stale emotions, negative energies, past lives and trauma held in the physical, emotional, mental, etheric and auric bodies. Relax on your yoga mat, listen to music, surrender in a safe, sacred space and receive the transmission of Source energy through your chakras and meridians to leave y...ou feeling peaceful, grounded and connected. Current students have described this transmission as: "Reiki x 10" (from a Reiki Master) "Indescribable" "Deeply calming" "Life changing" "What WAS that?!" I wonder what you will say about it?! Tickets available through Eventbrite on the link below. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/103061469630
19.01.2022 The week of the snake - of death and rebirth. Step into the unknown and shed what no longer serves you.
18.01.2022 I recently had the honour of receiving the Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki of the Shamanic Q'ero Nation of South America. They are Nine Rites of initiation, or energy transmissions, over five days, with the intention of raising the vibration, wisdom and power of the initiate. The undertaking is one of stewardship of the Earth and of all Creation to promote oneness of consciousness for the benefit of all. Meaning, "I love you" or "Be as thou art", the Rites can be transmitted from ...person to person. Thank you Sally Love for bestowing the honour of the Rites upon me. I am truly grateful for your strength and support and for holding such sacred space. I look forward to the next eight weeks of study and integration of the Rites with you. #munaykirites #munayki #shamanichealing #shamanism #Shaman #unityconsciousness
17.01.2022 The Meaning of the White Rose I was giving a private KAP session to my friend the other day - my friend is a speaker, healer and author who works with the divine energy of Isis to access the power of the union between the divine feminine and divine masculine. And I have to say that working with her is bloody awesome! Anyway, I often get visual messages when I'm working on someone, and that day I saw a trellis covered with rambling white roses. I also saw a red rose in each of... her ovaries. I told her that I don't know the meaning of the white rose but that she should look it up. This is what she found: The most common belief is that a white rose represents purity, innocence and youthfulness. In alchemy and mysticism, a white rose represents a partner in a sacred union of duality that creates our physical reality; it represents the feminine energy in our feminine/masculine dualistically charged world. In alchemy, the white rose represents the dualistic nature of our reality. It appears often in conjunction with a red rose, representing the masculine and feminine energies that are necessary to create our world. White roses represented the lunar, feminine, intuitive energy and was often associated with the metal silver. How perfect is that? I just love working with KAP energy - it never ceases to amaze and inspire me... #whiterose #redrose #kundalini #kundalinienergy #kundalinisnake #KAP #Kundaliniactivationprocess #getyourkundalinion See more
16.01.2022 Some Psychological "facts" And theories! Check out their page ThePsychMind
15.01.2022 A friendly reminder 2 ... , , , . Sydney’s first of 2020 brings together 6 ( ) for a transformational weekend combining with integrative techniques and exercises, taking you much deeper into your experience and unfolding. : July 25-26 (Sat & Sun) : The Plant Room, Brookvale See event for full details. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/111129659804/ Places are strictly limited. Book online to reserve your spot. .
14.01.2022 So excited to receive my Certificate I & II in this beautiful modality, Pellowah. Pellowah means Radical Shift in Consciousness and receiving this transmission of source energy activates your 12 strands of DNA. It brings lightness, clarity and connection to your divine purpose. Both KAP and Pellowah are different experiences but ultimately have the same aim - to enable you to embody your soul self on earth and connect with the Divine. They couldn't be more different in ter...ms of how they're delivered -and I love that about them! KAP can be energetic and is focused on releasing. Pellowah is silent and still, and focuses on receiving. It is gentle and uplifting. KAP can be received in both private sessions and classes, whereas Pellowah is only transmitted one-on-one. Both get to the heart of issue and get you back on your path. I now offer both. Which one do you feel most drawn to?! #Pellowah #pellowahhealing #pellowatransmission #pellowahenergyhealing #KAP #kundalinitransmission #KundaliniActivationProcess #kundalini #kundaliniactivation #kundalinienergy
14.01.2022 In the silence we understand our true nature. Through silence we experience the one that is all things; we leave ourselves behind. #transendence #meditation #oneness #spirituality #kundalini #lifeforce #KAP #silence #nonduality
14.01.2022 And so it is...
14.01.2022 OK, I really hate being sold to - I find it patronising - and so I hate selling also. In fact I'm really bad at it. However, if I believe in something strongly, then I'll go as far as telling people about it and then I let them make up their own minds. So, introducing the Healy - a device which raises your vibration offering 144,000 different frequencies to choose from. I KNOW!!! If there's ever been a way of raising human consciousness quickly and collectively, this must cer...tainly be it. It can give you a personal reading; can let you know which three of your chakras need addressing the most and why; and can send you personalised frequencies to raise your vibration, recalibrating every ten seconds. I'm mentioning the Healy now because there's a sale on and if you're anything like me you'll love a bargain! It runs until September 6th and the savings are up to $1,500 - so definitely not to be missed. If you use KAP, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Breathwork, Aura Soma, Kundalini Yoga, then the Healy is the newest way of clearing unwanted debris and raising your vibration. Watch the video. PM me with any questions and if you want to come and test it out then let me know. #healy #thehealy #raiseyourvibration #vibration #highvibes #raisinghumanconsciousness #spirituality #spiritualawakening #healyhealing #healyourself https://vimeo.com/330825979
14.01.2022 Offering your worship and devotion to a man based on what he does for you and provides for you is a slippery kind of violence. Yes there is a feminine shadow o...f criticism and nagging. Yes relationships require appreciation. And- the primary wound of man is that he is valued based on what he does rather than who he is. That’s patriarchy. Men are worth how much money they make and how well they can provide. What kind of status they hold in the consumeristic hierarchy. In this system man is a work horse of labor. Valued for what he can give alone. Stroking this egoic wound is not a service to man. And offering your love and devotion as a transaction for it is not an act of reverence. It’s feeding a toxic system where man is a disposable object based on his Do-ing. An objectification equivalent to a woman being valued solely based on being a young sexy piece. Ego strokes are like drugs. The high feels good yet there’s something yucky about it and the soul weeps. I recognize that it is becoming a popular thought form that men enjoy being appreciated for what they do. And that this secret ingredient is the key to a magical spiritual relationship. Nothing wrong with appreciation for service. Service is a wonderful thing to give and receive. But when that becomes your temple of devotion you are worshipping false idols. And deepening a massive wound in the male psyche who hopes that he will be loved if he can only finally perform and do enough for you. It’s the flip side of nagging and criticism. Same game different drag. Lets not pretend that praising and adoring the alpha man for how Alpha he is is some spiritual pinnacle for honoring the masculine. If you want to radically serve and honor a man- reflect his soul and worthiness as a Be-ing. Reflect the beauty and power of his existence when he is empty handed.
13.01.2022 Discover more about the life and teachings of Avatar, Adi Da. Venant Wong, founder of KAP, dedicated his life to spiritual teacher, Adi Da. Find out more about his teachings and message in these free, online events, through video screenings, webinars and Q&As. Register your details via the link below... https://events.adidam.org/online-event-registration/
12.01.2022 Join me for a live transmission of Kundalini energy on Monday 20th @ 6.30pm in Arundel. Release past life trauma, stale energy, attachments, blocks, behaviour programs and patterns. Feel the transmission of Source energy as it passes through you, leaving you feeling grounded, calm, connected and peaceful.... You will be lost for words... Limited tickets available through Eventbrite on the link below: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/103061469630
12.01.2022 Great video of a social experiment to determine to what extent society has a sheep mentality. Watch this video and then tell me - Who out of you would like an untested vaccination, a microchip or a tracker???! I think I'll stay sitting down thanks...... https://www.facebook.com/mark.marcy.3TheOracle/videos/3133221930090002
12.01.2022 This week I'm working with the Panther or Jaguar, healing energy of the West, representing the mind, of creative thoughts and ideas. There's no hiding for those who call on her for her role is to hunt and reveal what's lurking in the shadows of ourselves. She represents sudden transformation, a burial of the old self and of giving life to the new, allowing old parts that need to die to do so - bringing new hope and balance from chaos. The Panther allows us to break free from ...old patterns, programming and negative emotions that prevent us from moving forward. She brings with her a requirement for authenticity and integrity in harmonising thought, word and action. So ask Panther to shine light on any lurking 'golden shadows' where we make excuses for ourselves or sugar-coat certain behaviours to make them more palatable. For me, I found myself detaching from others and self, in order to become task-focussed and efficient - driven, as a single mum, by survival fear. I told myself that was OK because I had kids to look after - I sugar-coated it. I had to first face and release my fear in order to reconnect with myself, my kids and other people. So call on the Panther for support in realisations of the self, shadow work is the road towards love. Remember gentleness and self-forgiveness, and realise that it's the wounded child that pulls the puppet-strings of the disfunctional adult. Comfort the child and heal the adult. #Panther #jaguar #pantherhealing #jaguarhealing #shaman #shamanichealing #shamanism #shadowwork #vibration #highvibes See more
11.01.2022 What a truly amazing world we live in! Don’t give up on it...
11.01.2022 6 Day Countdown to Sydney's first KAP Weekend Immersion We are beyond excited to dive deep with you all. We have 6 of 36 spots remaining for those still in...terested in going deeper during this time of mass energetic transformation and evolution. Start the second half of 2020 reset through a powerful intensive energetic attunement. T o g e t h e r w e r i s e See more
10.01.2022 I often get asked rather nervous questions about the video at the top of the page, so I thought I’d jump on and explain a bit more about the movement, what the KAP experience is and what the benefits are. Hope it’s helpful. Please feel free to message me if you have any questions. #kap #kundalini #KundaliniActivationProcess #kundalinitransmission #kundaliniactivation
10.01.2022 Look what arrived in the post today!!!! It’s my new Healy device which is going to raise my vibration and consciousness leaving me grounded, connected and whole - that’a the level of my expectation anyway... We shall see... Watch this space for more information on how I go. I’ll be offering healing sessions to also once I’m convinced of the benefits. Another contribution to raising global consciousness? Hopefully #healy #healyourself #raiseyourvibration #vibration #highvibes #highvibetribe #unityconsciousness #WeAreOne #globalconsciousness
08.01.2022 Sunrise sound healing at Tugun beach this morning, courtesy of Earth Energy Medicine. Watched whales breaching offshore. Magical. What a wonderful way to start the weekend - followed by breakfast of course! #earthenergymedicine #soundhealing #healing #healingvibration #raiseyourvibration #earthvibration
08.01.2022 Unleashing our inner Devine Feminine at the Munay Ki Rites Unity Well-being Retreat in the capable hands of Sally Love. Photography by Blake Lewis. #munaykirites #munayki #divinefeminine #unitywellbeing #earthhealing #shamanichealing #shamanism
07.01.2022 Join us for a Sydney KAP immersion weekend with 10+ facilitators for 6 KAP sessions over two days. Early bird tickets available until July 12th. See you there!
06.01.2022 It's lovely to be able to tell you that live KAP classes are back in action. Feel Kundalini life force travel through you as you experience this live transmission of Source energy. Unfortunately, class sizes are strictly limited and tickets are only available through Eventbrite via the link below. If you're in NSW then you're welcome to join the class via Zoom - virtual tickets are also available. Classes are held Mondays at 6.30pm in Arundel, North Gold Coast. Please message... me for the address. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/weekly-kap-class-tickets-10
05.01.2022 Congrats to the Sydney KAP girls on their amazing first KAP Immersion weekend!!! It was HUGE! And their beautiful smiling faces say it all... Next one - Gold Coast!!!
04.01.2022 KAP is back next Monday! I've taken a little break to honour my own process. I realised that I'd been so focused on helping others benefit from KAP, particularly throughout lockdown, that I'd neglected my own journey. After enjoying the Shamanic retreat at the weekend (see previous post) and a number of other modalities from powerful and inspiring women, I'm back with a bounce and a little extra ZAP to my KAP (sorry, couldn't resist...!).... With Lionsgate just passed and the fact that I'm also on a detox, the difference in energy is palpable. You're welcome to come try it yourself. Tickets available on Eventbrite, link below, PM me for the address. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/103061469630
04.01.2022 It's time... ...Time to raise your vibration by removing blocks, clearing your chakras, erasing past life trauma and letting go of negative energy and unwanted patterns and emotions. The Kundalini Activation Process can help you with all of that.... Relax, release and receive simply by lying on a yoga mat, clearing your mind and surrendering to the wisdom of Source energy. In these challenging times, it's more important than ever to plough forward and ascend. Let the past fall away and embrace a new way of being. Described by a Reiki Master as "Reiki times ten", you will not have experienced an energy transmission like this before! Zoom participants welcome. Tickets available from Eventbrite on the link below: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/weekly-kap-class-tickets-10
02.01.2022 It’s going to be a high energy class!
02.01.2022 Tired of the same old s@#!? Enjoy the power of a Full Moon Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) Wednesday September 2 @ 7.00pm. Leave the past behind and shift into a new paradigm.... Let the gentle intelligence of KAP clear stale energies and past traumas to free you of what's holding you back and what no longer serves you. Relax, Release and Receive a transmission of Source energy to step across a timeline and create a new you. Trust and surrender in a sacred space of connection, support and unity. Beginners are welcome. Numbers are strictly limited. Tickets available through Eventbrite on the link below: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/weekly-kundalini-transmissi
01.01.2022 "If you want to change the world love a woman, just one woman . Love and protect her as if she is the last holy vessel. Love her through her fear of abandonmen...t which she has been holding for all of humanity. No, the wound is not hers to heal alone. No, she is not weak in her codependence. If you want to change the world love a woman all the way through until she believes you, until her instincts, her visions, her voice, her art, her passion, her wildness have returned to her- until she is a force of love more powerful than all the political media demons who seek to devalue and destroy her. If you want to change the world, lay down your causes, your guns and protest signs. Lay down your inner war, your righteous anger and love a woman beyond all of your striving for greatness, beyond your tenacious quest for enlightenment. The holy grail stands before you if you would only take her in your arms and let go of searching for something beyond this intimacy. If you want to change the worldlove a woman to the depths of your shadow, to the highest reaches of your Being, back to the Garden where you first met her, to the gateway of the rainbow realm where you walk through together as Light as One, to the point of no return, to the ends and the beginning of a new Earth. <3 Lisa Citore
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