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Koobara Kindy in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Public & government service

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Koobara Kindy

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 3265 7171

Address: 421 Beams Road 4018 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Deadly Kindies Activities.

25.01.2022 One of our very cute cute competition winners Check out our new competition tomorrow morning!

24.01.2022 Easter Raffle will be drawn today at 1pm due to Lockdown. We would like these goodies to be enjoyed over Easter! Good LuckEaster Raffle will be drawn today at 1pm due to Lockdown. We would like these goodies to be enjoyed over Easter! Good Luck

24.01.2022 #invasionday2021

24.01.2022 Cool Fun with Bubbles. Make Bubble Snakes

23.01.2022 Today we celebrate and acknowledge National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day. This day is a time of celebration for the children and this years theme is We are the Elders of tomorrow, hear our voice. Last week Assistant Commissioner John Hammond, Indigenous Cadet Nikea Hall, Patient Transport Officer Tamieka Creed and Indigenous Paramedic Program Coordinator Trish Murray attended Koobara Kindy to donate bags and footballs painted in Indigenous designs help us celebrate this special day. The bags contained native seeds, activity cards, crayons, and a book, No Way Yirrikipayi containing stories co-written by children from Melville Island. A BIG THANK YOU QAS for celebrating this day with us! We loved our gifts.

21.01.2022 Get around it, Koobara fam

20.01.2022 Koobara fam! It's not too late to get your entries in: the task is for jarjums to make a deadly boat! Deadline is 9am tomorrow morning. Prizes to be won!

19.01.2022 Call for participants: Interviews (via Zoom) (Brisbane, Cairns Region, Mt Isa) PAID MARKET RESEARCH: click the following link if you are interested.

19.01.2022 School holiday fun with PCYC running both weeks of the holidays. Contact Rylee Krause: 0409 335 093

18.01.2022 Koobara Playgroup is cancelled today due to the weather. See you next Monday 10am-12pm.Koobara Playgroup is cancelled today due to the weather. See you next Monday 10am-12pm.

18.01.2022 Teralba Park Stolen Generations Support Group - Sorry Day 2020 Ceremony.

18.01.2022 Koobara would like to welcome and introduce our newest members of our Koobara Team: Courtney Hala Community Development Worker and Shontaine Roma-Johnson Community Assistant Support Worker. These lovely ladies are here to support our Community, feel free to drop in/call/email for a yarn. PH: 3265 7171 EMAIL: [email protected] ... [email protected] See more

18.01.2022 IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Our kindy will be open for vulnerable children and children of essential workers only. Families that are staying home. Take care and have a safe Easter.

17.01.2022 On Wednesday 9th December, Koobara said goodbye to another bunch of staunch children. With their families, we celebrated, we laughed, we danced, we cried and we ate cake together! These babies are undoubtedly their ancestors' wildest dreams, and we here at Koobara were honoured to learn and play alongside them in 2020. ... You will be missed. THIS is Blak love. Living, breathing and healing in the community, together. #sovereigntyneverceded

16.01.2022 More stay at home ideas!

16.01.2022 An open letter to our followers... Here at Koobara we take our position as an educational and healing space very seriously. We consider teaching to be a deeply political act - undoubtedly influenced by the systems of power and knowledge production that exist in our modern colonised society. We attempt to decolonise our work frequently, and to centre our multiple ways of being SOVEREIGN Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, always. We know that our community supports u...s and our approach because they keep coming back - and have done so for 46 years. With that in mind, we need you, our broader online community, to know that Koobara ABSOLUTELY TAKES A STANCE in support of the global #BlackLivesMatter movement and the extremely critical calls for justice in response to the ongoing deaths of Blakfullas in police custody. #StopBlackDeathsInCustody Everyday, we SEE and LIVE the impact of the colonial state's repeated attempts to exert control over our Blak bodies. At Koobara, we intend to continue to do what we do best: listen, invest in, and EMPOWER the youngest members of our urban Blak community, along with their families. We will also continue to mobilise their often unheard voices and drive our agenda of BLAK LOVE! We hope to see you all at the MARCH on Saturday (or supporting in other important ways if you can't make it). If we don't fight for this now, what kind of future can the children of Koobara hope for? From your KOOBARA FAM

14.01.2022 Make sure you enter in this weeks competition! Share a pic in the comments of your 'Paper Boat' and go in the running to win some deadly prizes! #DeadlyKindies

14.01.2022 Koobara Kindy Commencement Dates! Start of Week Group: Monday 25th January. End of Week Group: Thursday 28th January. We look forward to seeing you all, and welcoming our new Families to our Centre.

13.01.2022 2 Ingredient Shaving Cream Paint. Fun for outdoor painting or bath time. All you need is a muffin tin or divided tray, shaving cream and food coloring. Instructions:... * Gather materials: Muffin tin or divided tray, shaving cream and food coloring * Fill each compartment with shaving cream * Add a drop of food coloring ( a little goes a long way) * Mix together with a toothpick or skewer Get your paint brush and your ready to go! See more

13.01.2022 Walk and Talk. Contact: Rylee Krause Indigenous Community Sport &Recreation Officer Ph: 0409 335 093

12.01.2022 Koobara Kindergarten/ Pre-Prep in collaboration with Jabiru Community College are asking our community to have a say in how we can bridge the gaps in education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Click on the link below to complete our survey. If you would like further information please contact: Sammy Leone Jabiru Community Development Cultural Worker PH: 3269 0044 Courtney Hala Koobara Community Development Shontaine Roma-Johnson Community Support PH: 3265 7171 or 0490 218 194

11.01.2022 Tea Party Minute to Win It Game There is a tea bag attached to either side of the bill of the cap. The contestants must move their head in such a way that the tea bags end up on the bill and stay there. They cannot use their hands and have to continue trying until both teabags are balanced on the cap.

11.01.2022 NAIDOC Week 2020 is held from Sunday 5 July to Sunday 12 July and is an opportunity for all Australians to come together to celebrate the rich history, diverse cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. Due to COVID-19 NAIDOC celebrations have been postponed to 8-15 November 2020. Theme for NAIDOC 2020 is Always Was, Always Will Be. Brisbane Royal Woman's Hospital held their NAIDOC 5-12 July. Koobara Kindergarten feels honored to display the children's artworks the last couple of years at the local Hospitals.

09.01.2022 Thank you Queensland Ambulance Service for celebrating National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Children's Day. We all enjoyed your visit and loved our goody bags.

09.01.2022 Starting off NAIDOC Week 2020 by proudly flying our flags!

08.01.2022 Koobara Kindergarten is seeking a Community Support Worker to support our Families and Community. All Resumes and selection criteria must be submitted by close of business on Friday 10th July 2020. For selection criteria, email: [email protected] ... PH: 3265 7171. See more

08.01.2022 Check the link below for updates on the postponement of NAIDOC Week this year.

08.01.2022 Reflecting on how grateful we are to be teaching and learning alongside the littlest leaders in our community.

08.01.2022 Just a friendly reminder school holidays start this Saturday 27 June 2020.

07.01.2022 Get your Deadly dance moves ready for Five Kangaroos, Jessica Mauboy style!

07.01.2022 Diy Puzzles. Don't throw away your empty boxes. Recycle them into kiddie puzzles. You make a few of these and create a game of challenge. Kids and family members competing against one another to completed it the fastest.

07.01.2022 Look at this pic of the Koobara babies from last year with Will and his deadly van! We'll be thinking of all the jarjums from 2020 who are starting prep next week. Sending you and your families all the love and strength. We're sure you'll make your ancestors proud.

07.01.2022 MINUTE TO WIN IT! Quick and easy game for the kids and family to play. * upgrade your skills, take turns timing one another collecting M&M's or Skittles from one bowl to the other with a straw. Person to collect the most in a minute wins.

06.01.2022 Koobara Playgroup is starting back up from Monday 1st February! Bring your Jarjum's 0-3 year olds down every Monday 10am-12pm. For further information or transport enquiries call office/Shontaine Ph: 3265 7171 Mobile: 0490 218 194 * Transport available within our Catchment

06.01.2022 Hey 2020 kindy families! We have created a private group for you mob, so we can stay connected during this time! Please look the group up Koobara Kindy @ Home Learning. Youll be asked two security questions that youll need to answer in order to join this group. We look forward to having this space for our kindy kids to share and stay connected. From Chels and Bec

05.01.2022 With the cotton ball from the Cotton Ball Challenge try this Minute to win it game! Snow Shovel.

05.01.2022 Tune into our Deadly Kindies LIVE Playgroup this morning at 9:30am! Lets get the jarjums singing up and learning through fun activities with special guest Janice!

05.01.2022 Deadly Kindies will stream a LIVE playgroup tomorrow morning at 9.30 with special guest Petero Civoniceva! TAIHS TAIHS Yamani Meta

05.01.2022 Tomorrow is National Sorry Day. Usually Koobara Kindy would attend the Teralba Park commemorative event, to honour the legacy of the Stolen Generations. This year, however, the event has moved online. Please show your support and tune in live at 7am.

03.01.2022 The Noonga Reconciliation Group 2020 Virtual Ceremony.

03.01.2022 Koobara Kindy 2021 year is fast approaching. We have limited spots available for Pre - Prep Children! Hurry to secure a placement! Please contact the office on PH: 3265 7171. If you have younger children, we are also taking details for our waiting list. Please either call, email: [email protected] or private message the following details: child's name, parents name, D.O.B, address, contact number, cultural background and if bus is required. * Please note that the Bus is to assist our families who don't have transport to access our service.

03.01.2022 Hey all you mob out there with little jarjums.. Deadly kindies are doing a live online playgroup.

03.01.2022 Minute to win it! Face the Cookie challenge.

03.01.2022 This year, Koobara will not be hosting a local march and rally in Zillmere for #invasionday #survivalday. We encourage all mob and community to attend the march in Meeanjin city. Be safe, raise your voices, and look after your Blak fam. Big Blak radical love from Koobara.

03.01.2022 We are the Elders of tomorrow, hear our voice National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day 2020 theme: 'We are the Elders of tomorrow, hear our voice' honours our Elders custodians of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditional knowledge, passed down to our children through stories and cultural practice. Hearing childrens voices today plays a crucial role in them becoming influential Elders and leaders of the future....

03.01.2022 Here's some more great stuff to occupy the kids.

02.01.2022 Hey Teachers and Families, I will be doing some Live Storytelling of My Culture and Me with The State Library of Queensland tomorrow at 10 am. Search State Libr...ary of Queensland Kuril Dhagun Facebook for the Live event. It will be Live, so wish me luck. Seriously though, in the lead up to the holidays and NAIDOC time, tune in for some fun :) See more

01.01.2022 Butchulla mob representing today at Koobara! Strong and proud Thank you to Narlu's family for visiting today!

01.01.2022 Koobara will be closed today from close of business until further notice. Due to the Greater Brisbane Lockdown. We wish you all a Happy Easter, stay safe and we will keep you updated.

01.01.2022 Here is Tooty Ta dance song that kids will love to listen and dance to. Koobara Kindy Kids love this one!

01.01.2022 Cotton Ball Challenge.

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