Lions Club of Balaklava & Districts in Balaklava, South Australia | Community group
Lions Club of Balaklava & Districts
Locality: Balaklava, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 8862 2067
Address: 23 Scotland st 5461 Balaklava, SA, Australia
Likes: 130
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23.01.2022 Local kids loving those yummy doughnuts at friday Basketball.
23.01.2022 Exciting news! The Balaklava Christmas Pageant will be going ahead this year on Friday, December 18, to be held at the new location of Ralli Park from 5:30pm. ...The parade will circle the inside boundary of the oval. This will allow for appropriate social distancing measures and also accomodate a later afternoon event with lighting if the weather is too hot. If your group or business intends on having a float in this year’s pageant, please message this page to register your float and start gathering participant details, which will be required by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11. Despite the raft of current restrictions and requirements, the committee, associated clubs and volunteers are putting in a lot of work behind the scenes to put something on for the wider community so we ask understanding and patience as we navigate the next few weeks. Final details about entertainment on the evening are being organised and will be announced when confirmed. We are also on the hunt for potential entertainment/sideshow/catering options so feel free to also message this page if you’re interested in setting something up at our event. Thanks, Balaklava Christmas Pageant Committee.
22.01.2022 Total Fire Bans have been declared for Tuesday 10 November 2020 in the following Fire Ban Districts: Northwest Pastoral - Severe West Coast - Severe Eastern Eyr...e Peninsula - Severe Lower Eyre Peninsula - Severe Yorke Peninsula - Extreme Where Total Fire Bans have been declared, very hazardous fire weather conditions are predicted. The Total Fire Ban will apply for 24 hours from midnight tonight to midnight tomorrow. The CFS recommends that you implement your Bushfire Survival Plan. FIRE DANGER RATING Where fire ban districts have a forecast fire danger rating of Extreme, only well prepared, well constructed and actively defended houses are likely to offer safety during a fire. Where fire ban districts have a forecast fire danger rating of Severe, well prepared and actively defended houses can offer safety during a fire. If you don't have a plan to ensure your survival, leaving early before a fire starts is your safest option. In making your plan, you should be aware that in high fire danger conditions, essential services including mains-fed electricity and water supply may not be available due to the prevailing weather conditions. Landowners are asked to adhere to local harvest codes of practice which are available from your local council. Landowners are also asked to ensure that any burn-off activities conducted today are fully extinguished before midnight tonight. Agencies are advised to activate their Total Fire Ban procedures in preparation for these predicted fire weather conditions. For further information contact the Bushfire Information Hotline on 1800 362 361 or visit
20.01.2022 Bake Less Cake Stall because Covid 19 we taking donation this year back to normal 2021
20.01.2022 Donuts on again Friday night 6.00pm 9.00pm Basketball Balaklava
19.01.2022 Lions Youth Year has been cancelled for year 2020
18.01.2022 Balaklava Lions members return visit Tumby Bay Lions Club catch up friendships worked together Pinery fire clean up We make friendships for life great fellowship
17.01.2022 Lions cakes puddings are for sale Balaklava Pt Wakefield Owen Post Offices Thrifty Link Pharmacy Popes Cafe
17.01.2022 Lions Donuts Basketball tonight
17.01.2022 Lions Christmas Raffle 1st Prize Food Hamper 2nd Wheel Barrow 3rd Ham 4th Lions Cake 5th Lions Pudding $1.00 ticket in many bussiness draw Xmas Eve
15.01.2022 Balaklava Lions Club working together opening day new camping grounds Mallala Oval
15.01.2022 COVID-19 Health Alert 17 November 2020 (11.57pm) Anyone who visited or got takeaway (including delivery) from the Woodville Pizza Bar, 58 Woodville Road, Wo...odville on 6 16 November must immediately self-quarantine for 14 days. This includes people who live with you. People who visited across this period should seek testing as soon as possible. They must go directly to the testing location, wear a mask and alert the staff that they have visited the pizza bar. This is a high risk location due to a link with positive cases. Visit for the full list of affected locations. To find a location to get a COVID-19 test visit
14.01.2022 The South Australian Roadmap for easing COVID-19 restrictions has been updated. STEP 1: Indoor and outdoor dining will be allowed at cafes and restaurants (10... people indoors and 10 people outdoors) from this Friday 22 May. This includes serving of alcohol with food. STEP 2: Changes will come into effect earlier - from Friday 5 June. More information about the new indoor and outdoor dining changes, including frequently asked questions, will be available soon. To see the updated Roadmap visit:
13.01.2022 Australia Day Breakfast 8.00am Triangle 26th $5.00 Area Committee Local Hero Award to be Presented Joy Ryan Council Community Event Mid North Ladies Wellbeing Gala
13.01.2022 We catering our Donuts Fund raiser Sporting Fetes Shows Weddings 21st Birthday Events
13.01.2022 Lions Club walking trail
13.01.2022 Lions Christmas Cakes for Sale October Terry White Pharmacy Balaklava Pt Wakefield Post Office Balaklava Owen Pt Wakefield Caravan Park Popes Cafe Or Wakefield Balaklava Thrifty Link
13.01.2022 11:14 Oct 22 SA Flood Watch: Northern Agricultural Area and South of the Pastoral Districts Details: SA Flood Watch: Northern Agricultural Area and South of the... Pastoral Districts Issued at 11:11 am CDT on Thursday 22 October 2020 Flood Watch Number: 1 RAINFALL MAY LEAD TO FLOODING OF LOCAL CREEKS DURING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. A low pressure system is moving across South Australia during Thursday and Friday bringing showers and thunderstorms to parts of South Australia. Districts of higher rainfall include: the Eastern Eyre Peninsula, northern Yorke Peninsula, Flinders Ranges, Mid North, Riverland and southern parts of the North West and North East Pastorals. Rainfall totals of 20 to 60 mm are expected during Friday, with possible localised falls up to 100 mm. From Friday into Saturday areas of significant ponding of water and overland flow can be expected from rainfall leading to rapid rises in local creeks and flooding. Catchments likely to be affected include (see link below): Flinders Ranges Rivers and Creeks Broughton River Lake Frome Danggali Rivers and Creeks North West Lake Torrens River Murray Riverlands Eastern Eyre Peninsula Yorke Peninsula For the latest SA Warnings refer to For more information on the Flood Warning and Flood Watch Service: South Australia Flood Watch catchment map: For flood emergency assistance contact the State Emergency Service on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies call Triple Zero (000) immediately. Alert Source: Bureau of Meteorology Early Warning Network: Council Resident Options & EWN Support:
12.01.2022 Restrictions are easing further in South Australia. From today, most venues can have up to 75 people in a single room/area and 300 max per venue if the 1 person... per 4 square metre rule can be accommodated. Private gatherings, weddings and funerals can also increase to 75 people (1 person per 4 square metres). Other updates: [BORDER RESTRICTIONS] Travellers entering South Australia directly from Queensland (from 20 June), Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Tasmania are not required to quarantine. Travellers entering from other states and territories are still required to quarantine for 14 days. [AGED CARE FACILITIES] Residents will now be able to leave aged care facilities and return without restriction, meaning that families and friends can now take residents on outings in the community. Children of any age can now visit residential aged care facilities. If they are aged 6 months and over, they must have had their flu vaccine. Residents can have up to two family members, friends or volunteers visit each day, and facilities can approve additional visits where this is appropriate or necessary. No restrictions on visitor numbers for end-of-life support. For more information visit: As we ease restrictions, there’s no room for complacency. Remember: If you have COVID-19 symptoms (even if mild) get tested. Wash/sanitise your hands regularly. Keep 1.5 metres distance from others. Wipe down frequently touched surfaces. Download the COVIDSafe app.
11.01.2022 From Saturday 3 October, the following changes to restrictions come into effect: Outdoor licensed venues Standing hospitality of food and drink will be able resume outdoors at licensed venues. Private functions Private functions at licensed venues with a maximum of 150 guests, like weddings, will be able to have standing consumption and dancing indoors or outdoors. Contact tracing records must be kept of all guests and a COVID Marshal must be present. More information about these restrictions will be available shortly.
09.01.2022 Balaklava Lions Club first Donuts Van
08.01.2022 Club members recent visit to the Aerotech air field and speaker about fires Kangaroo Island Cuddle Creak
07.01.2022 14:11 Oct 22 SA Severe Thunderstorm Warning: Damaging Winds. Marla, Coober Pedy, Oodnadatta, Tarcoola Details: SA Severe Thunderstorm Warning: Damaging Winds... For people in parts of North West Pastoral and North East Pastoral districts. Issued at 2:12 pm Thursday, 22 October 2020. A deep low in the northwest of South Australia is moving southeastwards. Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging wind gusts in excess of 90 km/h in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Marla, Coober Pedy, Oodnadatta and Tarcoola. The State Emergency Service advises that people should: * Secure or put away loose items around your property. * Move cars under cover or away from trees. * Keep clear of fallen power lines. * Stay indoors, away from windows, while storms are nearby. Alert Source: Bureau of Meteorology Early Warning Network: Council Resident Options & EWN Support:
06.01.2022 COVID-19 has a wide range of symptoms. Find out more here
06.01.2022 Working Bee's on turntable temporary on hold at present
06.01.2022 At this time in South Australia it is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended to wear a mask when out in public and you can’t physically distance (1.5m others). Please note: children under 12 years of age do not need to wear a mask, as they may not be able to handle it safely. The term ‘face mask or mask’ includes reusable cloth masks, and single-use face masks (commonly called surgical masks). At this time, ‘fitted’ face coverings, such as bandanas, scarves, or neck gaiters can be used if you are unable to find a cloth mask, or single-use surgical face mask. Face masks that have unfiltered one-way valves should not be used. Important things to remember about wearing masks: 1 Once your mask is on, it is important that you don’t touch or adjust the front of it while wearing it it’s the part that’s protecting you from COVID-19. If you do touch it by accident, wash or sanitise your hands right away. 2 Before putting your mask on and after taking it off, remember to thoroughly wash and dry (or sanitise) your hands. To learn more about face masks:
06.01.2022 Auction pictures for this Saturday 21st March 9.30am
05.01.2022 Biggest Morning Tea cancelled for 2020
05.01.2022 Recycling Glasses Hearing Aids Deliver Terry White Pharmacy Balaklava Pt Wakefield Owen Post Office
05.01.2022 COVID-19 Health Alert 17 November 2020 (10.49am) Anyone who visited the The Aquadome, 1 Crockerton Rd, Elizabeth on Saturday 14 November between 11.00 am 1....30 pm must self-quarantine immediately for 14 days and seek testing. SA Health is contacting people who attended the location who may have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case. You may receive an SMS from SA Health. It is important that you self-quarantine properly to protect the community. If your house is appropriately set up so you do not have contact with other people, others who live with you are not required to self-quarantine (unless requested by SA Health or SA Police). For information on how to self-quarantine, including information for people who live with you, visit To find a location to get a COVID-19 test visit
04.01.2022 Friday night's doughnut night at the baskball.
04.01.2022 Please note social distancing is still in place. The service will be played on the PA.
03.01.2022 50 years Balaklava Lions Club Charter members 2020
03.01.2022 It’s normal to feel stress and worry about COVID-19. Most people will manage with the support of family and friends, but others may need some extra help to kee...p things on track. Professional support is also available if you need it. For more information about COVID-19 visit:
03.01.2022 COVID-19 Health Alert 16 November 2020 (2.44pm) Please visit for the latest COVID-19 health alerts. Advice: Ne...w locations added If you visited any of the below locations duration the listed times, you do not need to self-quarantine but you should monitor for symptoms and get tested immediately if symptoms appear: Adelaide - It's Convenient, 63 Waymouth St (updated) Saturday 14 November 6.00pm 6.15pm Ingle Farm - Coles South, Ingle Farm Shopping Centre Thursday 12 November 11.00am 11.30am Mawson Lakes - Mint Leaf Lounge, 6/121-131 Mawson Lakes Blvd Thursday 12/11/20 5:30pm 6:30pm Pooraka - On The Run (OTR) Pooraka, 126 Bridge Rd Thursday 12 November 11.45am 12.00pm Salisbury Salisbury City Fruit Bowl, 50 John St Friday 13 November 10.00am 10.15am Salisbury Downs - Hollywood Plaza Surgery, Winzor Street Friday 13 November 7.15 am to 7.20am Saturday 14 November 10.00am to 11.00am Salisbury Downs - Star Discount Chemist, Hollywood Plaza Saturday 14 November 10.00am 11.00am Woodville South - Woodville Pizza Bar, 1/58 Woodville Rd Saturday 14 November 6.30pm 8.30pm Friday 13 November 6.30pm 8.30pm To find a location to get a COVID-19 test visit
03.01.2022 Furniture & Sundries Auction Where - On Property 5 Ralli St Balaklava SA When Commencing at 9:30am When Saturday 21st March 2020 Registration: Commencing 8:30am ... Number system to apply ID Required Payment: CASH on day of sale Conducted: Balaklava & Districts Lions Club Picuture of some items in comments See more
03.01.2022 Balaklava RSL Service and breakfast cancelled for 2020
02.01.2022 Lions Hearing dog 2021 Calendar available at Post Offices Balaklava Owen
02.01.2022 Looking for some exercise? Why not try the Lions Walking Trail.
01.01.2022 Balaklava Lions partnership with Balaklava Museum helped catering visiting Chrysler car club 40th Anniversary today wth horrible weather today 50 cars 150 visitors
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