March 4 Earth | Community organisation
March 4 Earth
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24.01.2022 Dudes! It's World Environment Day! Learn more at the website:
22.01.2022 Cowabunga! It’s World Turtle Day, let’s all shellebrate! Forget Shredder, the Turtles are most at risk from plastic pollution that invades the ocean and waterways, and clogs beaches, often preventing them from safely reaching the sea once hatched. So, your challenge is to learn more about these amazing and wonderful animals (and not just Donnie, Mikey, Raph and Leoas awesome as they are. ) Look for organisations that are helping the turtles and lend a hand when it's safe. ...Now that's radical dude! To find out more, visit or Turtle power! #turtles #may23turtleday #worldturtleday #tortoise #March4Earth #cowabungadudes #teenagemutantninjaturtles #turtlepower #tmnt #donatello #michaelangelo #raphael #leonardo #protecttheplanet #nature #notoplastic #ecotips #easyecotips #lovenature #marinelife #saveourseas @austurtle @worldturtleday
22.01.2022 Today is Shark Awareness Day: did you know that sharks have been shaking those tail fins and playing a vital role in our ocean ecosystems since long before the invention of plastic... and they actually pre-date the dinosaurs? That's right, sharks have been around for at least 450 million years! But now, many are endangered. Sharks face several threats, including overfishing and pollution. We've got a long way to go until fishing is sustainable and organisations get that pla...stic thing under control, so let's give our finned friends a breather. Action for Earth: avoid imitation crab, lobster, and prawn meat, as it's often made of shark, and opt-out of having flake for dinner. Also, make sure your plastics never end up anywhere near the ocean. The first action is easy, but what about plastic? Choose to avoid it as much as possible, and otherwise always take care to recycle - a good resource is your city council's website for how to sort and dispose of your waste. If you're at the beach or on a boat, keep a tight leash on your trash and make sure you take it with you when you head home. About the picture: In this post, we've put our own spin on a famous quote from the movie Jaws (1975) "You're gonna need a bigger boat." Jaws, while a great film, contributed to a global fear of sharks that persists for many to this day. We hope one day shark populations will recover and we won’t need huge boats to remove plastic from their home with your help, it’s possible. Check out these links for more interesting shark facts: Or #SharkAwarenessDay #OceanEcosystems #Sharks #March4Earth #M4E #EasyEcoTips #SayNoToPlastic #PlasticFreeJuly #SaveOurSeas #JAWS #StopClimateChange #OurEcosystemsNeedSharks #PlasticPollution #OceanCleanup #CutPlastic #SustainableFishingNow #EndangeredSpecies
16.01.2022 NOW IN ECOTAINMENT! Are you trying to come up with ways to entertain the kids in iso AND be eco friendly? Hands up who could use something to distract the little ones for at least a few minutes right now? Try setting them up with a small bucket or bowl of water and some paintbrushes, and send them outdoors to 'paint' waterfalls on the fence! You can also use a spray bottle of water, or sponges. You get the idea!... It's just water, so your kids won't need no scrubs... (but you can always put them in their swimmers if they are going to drench themselves for fun!) Their art won't make your fence unpretty--because it will dry and never be seen again! Meanwhile, you've just distracted the kids long enough to make yourself a cuppa. Hopefully, you'll also have time to drink it! #TLC #EcoActivitiesForKids #SavePowerSaveThePlanet #TurnOffTheDevicesAndGetOutdoors #SimplePleasures #BackToBasics #PaintTheFenceWithWater #JustALickofH2O #DontGoChasingWaterfalls #JustGoPaintingWaterfalls #NoScrubs #M4E2020 #Ecotainment #EasyEcoTips
14.01.2022 It’s Plastic Free July, so here at March 4 Earth, we’re throwing it back to a classic... Are you thinking what we're thinking? For the month of July, join us as we take the challenge and say "no!" to single-use plastics, like those often found on fruit and veg. For more inspiration visit the official site: #PlasticFreeJuly #PlasticFreeEveryDay #BananasDontNeedPlasticPyjamas #BePartOfTheSolution #SayNoToPlastic #RefuseSingleUsePlastics #TakeTheChallenge #GoPlasticFree
11.01.2022 Take it from Russ, nature's pretty important. From the food we eat to the water we drink to the air we breathe, nothing happens without a strong ecosystem. Us humans are part of nature too, and World Nature Conservation Day is all about how we interact with the world around us. Mate, it's not rocket science. Nature can only give us so much, naturally! Your challenge is to go eco in your daily life! But this is so much bigger than one Aussie legend: it's on all of us to our bit. Google conservation + your state or territory and find out how you can urge companies and local organisations to work harder to protect and preserve our beautiful Australia. Go a step further and volunteer, put your stubby shorts into action. Give us a thumbs-up, and hit the road for World Nature Conservation Day, 28 July 2020. #WorldNatureConservationDay #Conservation #Nature #ProtectNature #March4Earth #M4E #RussellCoight #AllAussieAdventures #AussieLegend #GlennRobbins #WorkForChange #BePartOfTheChange #ProtectThePlanet #EcoTips #Tasmania #Australia #Environment #BeautifulPlanet
11.01.2022 Bees get a bad rap in movies, and Bob's not too happy about it. The truth is, we need bees more than they need us. Bees are vital to protect biodiversity and pollinate our food crops, and countless other plants, vital for global ecosystems. So, your challenge is to BEE a friend to the bees: support organic and say no to products and companies that use chemical pesticides, and help create ‘bee havens’ in your gardens to combat habitat loss in big cities.... #NotTheBees #WorldBeeDayMay20 #MarchForEarth #EverydayIsBeeDay #BeAFriendToTheBees #Bee #BeeDay #SaveTheBees #BeesPlease #Biodiversity #ProtectBiodiversity #EasyEcoTips #EcoTips #niccage #nicholascage #nicholascagesfaceonthings #thewickerman #movies *Source:
10.01.2022 Jules and Vince aren't the only ones who like to relax with some pulp fiction. May we suggest a royale with...words? For this week's action, why not pick one of the lowest impact hobbies you can choose: reading. It doesn't have to be flashy. Hell no! It doesn't matter where you're from or where you're going, there's a whole world of adventure, intrigue, and fascinating characters living in those pages.... Now sit back and crack open a book or magazine and let yourself be transported - it's good for the planet AND the soul. Nothing can inspire, teach, engage the imagination, and entertain quite like a good book. For extra planet points, do a book swap with friends or buy a distance. #m4e #march4earth #PulpFiction #BooksDoYouReadThem? #JulesAndVince #movies #HitMen #LitMen #Literature #SavePower #GetBackToBasics #IsolationActivities #TravelWithTheMind #Books #Magazines #EcoTips #ExperienceEndlessAdventuresOnThePage #ReadingIsLife #LearnSomethingNew #ReadForPleasure #ReadForInterest #ReadForThePlanet #BooksTheCornerstoneOfANutritiousBreakfast #MovieQuotes
10.01.2022 Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! By our powers combined, we are March 4 Earth! And so are you! This month, you’ve worked to defeat Hoggish Greedly in his quest to destroy Gaia. You’ve taken up our daily challenges with so much heart, Ma-Ti would be proud. We’ve shown you that it’s easy to be a Planeteer by taking actions for earth to reduce your carbon footprint. Go planet!... It’s the last day of our first ever March 4 Earth challenge but not the last day of taking action - we’re still going to be here to give you top tips on how to live that eco life. We’ll also be adding resources to the website to help you along the way. This month’s final challenge is simply to give yourself a BIG HUG and remember, THE POWER IS YOURS! #captainplanet #90s #cartoons #StartNow #ActionsAppComingMarch2021 #March4EarthDotCom #M4E2020 #energy #transport #food #clothing #waste #environment #climatechange #climateaction #Australia #Tasmania #tassie #climatechangehealth #easyecotips #recycled #tips #ecofriendly #ecotips #greentips
09.01.2022 Today marks the end of Reconciliation Week, which is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians. Here at March 4 Earth, we understand that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been living in harmony with their environment for thousands of years and hold a deep appreciation of all living things. We hope that all Australians can learn from Aboriginal and To...rres Strait Islander culture, to protect and respect this special place we all call home, alongside our traditional custodians. Reconciliation is also about race relations - accepting the wrongs of the past and the impact of these wrongs, to ensure they are not repeated. You can learn more about these challenges and the Aboriginal Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter movements here - #NationalReconciliationWeek #NRW2020 #InThisTogether2020 #M4E #March4Earth2020 #SaveThePlanet #LivingInHarmonyWithThePlanet #climatejusticesocialjustice Source and photo credit:
08.01.2022 What does #earthday look like in the time of COVID-19? Head to to find out. Now is also a great time to do a personal audit on your household habits, and make some changes for good. We're all in this together. #M4E #M4E2020
06.01.2022 Even Joey gets it: while we can't cuddle up with our FRIENDS in person right now (*ahem* pandemic... stay safe everyone! ) we CAN put on all of our clothes to heat up ourselves instead of the planet... The climate IS warming, but that doesn't mean winter doesn't give us the chills. One way to lower carbon emissions is to turn down the heat! Set your heaters/thermostats to no higher than 18-20Ceach degree over 20C uses around 10% more energy and ramps up those emissions. are other ways to get cosy in a cold snap, like wearing the humble woollen jumper, thick socks, and slippers! Oh, and don't forget scarves, beanies, and gloves. Just put on all your clothes! So your challenge is to listen to your FRIENDS here at March4Earth... And when it's cold outside, layer-up. Could it BE any simpler? #March4Earth #FRIENDS #Winter #WinterWarmers #EasyEcoTips #ReduceYourCarbonFootprint #TurnDownTheHeat #IGetByWithALittleHelpFromMyFriends #JoeyTribbiani #ChandlerBing #PutOnAJumper #ClimateChange #Tasmania #Australia #PopCulture #Environment
03.01.2022 Wind drives us wild, it drives us CRAYZEEE! Global Wind Day (15 June) is all about the breeze, baby. Eco power. Wind energy isn't just about being a rockin' eco babe either, it's also big business. ... Find out more at #M4E #march4earth #globalwindday #windpower #ecopower #ecotips #renewableenergy #savetheplanet #KISS
01.01.2022 Are you cleaning up while in isolation? If you're in Tasmania, you can drop off your appliances etc to Recycal and yes, they're still open. Just make sure you wear a mask, practice social distancing and hand washing.
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