Michael Blaxland for Gympie in Curra, Queensland | Political candidate
Michael Blaxland for Gympie
Locality: Curra, Queensland
Phone: +61 421 590 972
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24.01.2022 Another sign went up today. However, looking for more properties to put up signage.
24.01.2022 One Nation has a comprehensive 10 point Law and Order plan to make Gympie and Queensland a safer place to live, work, and raise a family. #MichaelBlaxland #Gympie #Curra #TinCanBay #RainbowBeach #Widgee #qldpol
23.01.2022 Another Great Day at the Farmers Market in Gympie today. Good response from the people. One Nation Listens, and has Got the Guts to say what the people are thinking.
23.01.2022 On this 76 Anniversary of the D Day Landings, and the start of Liberation of Europe. I would just like to thank all the men and women involved. Thank you for your Sacrifice and Lest We Forget.
22.01.2022 Called in to Tin Can Bay today, where I spoke to the locals and listened to their concerns. Again a positive reaction to One Nation and myself. Had a great lunch from the Snack Shack, and very affordable.
21.01.2022 Travelled out to the lovely town of Imbil this morning in the picturesque Mary Valley. Had a great time catching up with family friends, and buying some beautiful locally made great tasting chutney and Hot Chilli Peach Relish.
19.01.2022 Another Great Day in Gympie Road Siding. Check out One Nation State Policies on the One Nation webpage.
19.01.2022 A great day Road Siding in Gympie today. Very positive response from traffic and passers by. Thank you Gympie. VOTE 1 for Michael Blaxland, One Nation Candidate, Gympie.
19.01.2022 Another Great Day at the Museum Markets, fantastic response from the public. Thank you Gympie.
18.01.2022 Buy and support Australian made products. Lets get Queensland making again. For more information, go to www.australianmade.com.au... #AustralianMade #ProudlyAustralian #Gympie #MichaelBlaxland #Curra #RainbowBeach
18.01.2022 Come down today, Sunday 2 Aug at the Museum Markets and say hi.
17.01.2022 The COVID-19 has wiped 2900 jobs or nearly 10% of the Gympie economy. One Nation has a plan to bring shovel ready projects and a local plan for our region to stimulate the economy. If elected the local plan to deliver our roadmap to recovery for Gympie includes: * Promote local tourism industry especially in Tin Can Bay... * Flood mitigate of the Kidd and Bells Bridges in Gympie * Construction of water security projects to drought-proof the local region * Adopt a Buy Local Support Small Business strategy initiative for the electorate * Construction of an International standard shooting range complex at Curra #MichaelBlaxland #Gympie #TinCanBay #Curra #qldpol #onenation
16.01.2022 Put up some Signage today on the Bruce Highway. Near Gympie Woodwork Museum. A Big Thank you goes to Trent Smillie.
15.01.2022 I am having a Sausage Sizzle Meet and Greet this Sunday 20th Sept. Starting at 12:30pm in Nelson Reserve Gympie. Special Guest is One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts. All welcome. Social distancing and Covid Safe rules apply, cheers and all welcome.
15.01.2022 Another Great Day at the Museum Markets in Gympie.
15.01.2022 What a fantastic day for the people of Gympie, Senator Pauline Hanson, took time out of her busy schedule. In supporting my One Nation election campaign today. Talking to locals and listening to their concerns for the Cooloola Region. Thank you to all those that welcomed her and myself. One Nation cares and never to busy to listen to the everyday Australians.
15.01.2022 Another positive day at the Gympie Farmers Market. Spoke to a number of younger people concerned about Queensland and Australias future. Worried about lack of infrastructure and forward thinking by the two major parties. One Nation has a plan for a better Queensland and future generations.
15.01.2022 I am disgusted by the hypocrisy of Anastasia Palaszczuk and her inept government. How heartless is Anastasia, whilst denying parents from being with their sick children, and families from attending funerals. Yet, she sits and laughs in allowing over 400 AFL delegates into Queensland, and mainly from Victorian Co-vid hot spots. No isolation, No concern for the people of Queensland. People of Queensland, dont be fooled by this heartless uncaring politician. If you are rich enough, or famous enough, Palaszczuk will allow you to get away with murder.
14.01.2022 Positive reaction from the Gympie Community
13.01.2022 Visited Rainbow Beach and Cooloola Cove today. I received a very positive response from talking to the locals. Some of the many concerns were the loss of interstate tourism dollars, and the cost of living and electricity prices. One Nation and I will stand up and fight for the people of Queensland and the electorate of Gympie. Vote 1 One Nation, Vote 1 for Michael Blaxland for Gympie.
12.01.2022 Yesterday in Gympie we saw what a real leader does. Gets out and chats and listens to the concerns of everyday Australians. One Nation the Party for all Australians.
12.01.2022 I will be a strong advocate and voice for the people of Gympie and Queensland. I will fight for a better deal and good governance, and hold those to account that have continually let us all down.
12.01.2022 Positive reaction from motorist this morning. The only to achieve change is to vote for it. Lets all tell the major parties, that we are sick and tired of the revolving door of their dulopoly.
09.01.2022 Just how far will the Palaszczuk Labor Government go in protecting there Labor colleagues and Candidates against allegations of corruption. Annastasia now has new legislation ready to be passed. That will stop the media from reporting on cases of alleged corruption of politicians and candidates, until after the State election. Are we now living in an Orwellian totalitarian state, and government controlled untruths and new speak. Where if you control the release of information and untruths, then you control the people.
07.01.2022 Good morning everyone, I will be at the Farmers Market tomorrow 12 July, located in the Gympie Show Ground. Please come along and have a chat and get to know me a little. Cheers and have a great day.
07.01.2022 Proud to be an Australian. Proud to be the One Nation Candidate for Gympie. One Team, One Voice, and One Nation for Gympie. Cheers.
07.01.2022 You just cannot Trust Labor with the Future of Queensland. They have form in selling us out, again and again.
06.01.2022 Beautiful Sunday Morning in Gympie at the Farmers Market, Gympie Show Ground.
06.01.2022 With the Queensland State Election just over 4 months away. I need your help, so help me help you in making the changes that Queensland needs. I am looking for volunteers to staff polling booths for myself and One Nation in the Gympie Electorate. Please contact me on 0421590972. Remember, only you can have the powet make a positive changes that we need. Vote1 Michael Blaxland, Vote 1 for One Nation. Cheers.
05.01.2022 A great and rewarding day at the farmers markets in Gympie. A Great team and fantastic response from the people. They are sick and tired of the neglect and disrespect shown by the major parties.
04.01.2022 Todays edition of the Gympie Times had Senator Hansons letter to the editor outlining why she loves Australia. One Nation and I will fight for everyday Gympie and surrounding residents to deliver the infrastructure and resources we desperately need. #MichaelBlaxland #Gympie #CooloolaCove #Curra #TinCanBay #qldpol
03.01.2022 Can Queenslanders really put their trust in the dysfunctional LNP. With all of its internal fighting and leadership problems. A common trait that seems to plague the LNP. And can Queensland survive four more years of Palaszczuk Labors incompetence and mismanagement. Now is the time to take back control of our Parliament. Vote 1 for Michael Blaxland, Gympie. Vote 1 for One Nation, for real positive change.
03.01.2022 Today was Vietnam Veterans Day. I attended a very emotional and moving ceremony at Standown Park, out near Tin Can Bay. The Vietnam era were turbulent times here in Australia and the world. But these young men and women were treated so badly by our government, and by our own people. Not only did they have to fight their own demons caused by this war. But also the hatred that was shown towards them once they returned home. This type of shameful treatment must never happen again. Thank you for your service and sacrifice, stand tall and be proud.
02.01.2022 Picked up some bread and pastries from MI Bakery at Gunalda. Great tasting selection of all your bakery needs. I Spoke to Lisa on the running costs of the business. One of their biggest outlays is for electricity, almost $1250, a month. One Nation and I stand for cheaper electricity for businesses and households. One Team, One Voice, One Nation for Queensland.
02.01.2022 Another positive day at the Gympie Farmers Market. Lots of interest and support from the public who are dissatisfied and sick and tied of being taken for granted by the major parties.
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