Justine Reilly Feldenkrais Studio | Other
Justine Reilly Feldenkrais Studio
Phone: +61 410 759 984
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25.01.2022 In pandemic conditions, people are feeling overwhelmed, yet those who need a session the most cant afford it. The Federal Government has banned $ rebates on many effective natural therapies, among them the Feldenkrais Method. So, I am very open to you discussing your financial capacity and your options. ... Your Options include: Private lessons via Zoom Private lessons in person Small private group lessons - via Zoom - in your home - in my studio - in a backyard / park A combination of the above options Private lessons are usually $100 / $80 conc Group lessons are usually $20 pp However, these times are unusual ... So, please feel free to message and/or call to discuss your situation, flexible options and sliding scale. Particularly shouting out to LGBTIQ+ and other traumatised communities. This is a safe, non-judgemental space, and I am open to your honest feedback. Our lessons are somatic conversations ... a little too advanced for the current government administration
25.01.2022 So glad this morning to run into a hero of mine: one of the founders of Your Health Your Choice. Your Health Your Choice is an alliance of health practitioners. They forced a review of Australias bans on private health rebates for many modalities, including Feldenkrais, last year ... managing to flood the Federal Health Minister with 15,000 complaints about the initial review. ... Why? People want to make their own choices about their health! Feldenkrais was one of the many effective modalities banned from health insurance rebate, due to a perceived lack of research in Australia. However, there is a steady stream of research worldwide. Here is new, watertight research out of Iran: "Results: There were statistically significant differences between groups for quality of life (P = 0.006, from 45.51 to 60.49), interoceptive awareness (P > 0.001, from 2.74 to 4.06) and disability (P = 0.021, from 27.17 to 14.5) in favour of the Feldenkrais method. McGill pain score significantly decreased in both the Feldenkrais (from 15.33 to 3.63) and control groups (from 13.17 to 4.17), but there were no between-groups differences (P = 0.16)." Thanks to Feldenkrais Guild of Australia for sharing this new research.
25.01.2022 Today I exercised self / community-care, rather than tipping into the pattern of burnout. After days / weeks / years processing familial / universal intergenerational trauma going on within and around me. I was meant to go to first aid training today. But I've been getting rundown from not really stopping. Part of my inheritance is workaholism, giving too much, burnout.... So today I postponed training and stopped, caught up with quality company, ate amazing Sri Lankan cuisine at a wonderful community social space, and bought this fan at the opp shop. Now listening to piano by Liszt, from the tip. Someone's classical CD collection inherited. Something I love about my work is that we do the Feldenkrais lessons, the awareness through movement, learning by your own volition. And the homework is just growing that awareness in your everyday life. You don't need a piano or a tennis racket to practise everyday life, though they may come into it #practisewhatyoupreach
24.01.2022 Screenshots of moments in time, captured from video, of conversations with colleagues and mentors that are enriching, expansive, respectful, supportive and encouraging. Grateful for everyone with whom I learn, teach and grow. I'm a sole trader but I don't work in a vacuum. Collabz are creative for me.... 1. With Linda Pontecorvo for the @feldenkrais_australia summit 2021 ( Dale Simone Roberts); 2. learning meridian theory with Kohki practitioner Ko Akada; 3. my pod of Feldenkrais practitioners from up and down the eastern seaboard
24.01.2022 Today, on a home visit, I was fortunate to have a very beautiful assistant. I love how dogs are so cool with the Feldenkrais Method. Well, we all have nervous systems, so I guess it makes sense #dogs #supercute #nervoussystem #somatics #Feldenkrais #homevisit #brisbane
23.01.2022 A different approach to learning
23.01.2022 I am soooo looking forward to going to a one-on-one Feldenkrais session with a dear colleague and friend today. The learning never stops. The enormous benefits of returning, again and again to embodied learning, never stops.
23.01.2022 Are you holding yourself upright or are you grounded? Are you charged up or earthed? When I do hands-on work, deep release happens within the body of the client. Deep connections begin to happen throughout the living body that my hands are connecting to. ... To the client, the connections often feel like they happen in the skeleton and musculature; they are also happening in the nervous system, brain, human circuitry. We begin with movement that is very, very easy, simple, pleasurable, because that is where the neural connections already exist. We expand the movement options from there; we keep growing the connections; until your whole self is in the picture. Something else happens, too. Muscular activity (electrical impulses) are able to settle, as we ground the activity, earth the circuitry. #electrical #nervoussystem #neuroplasticity #sensorymotorcortex #kinestheticlearning #grounded #earthed #circuit #backtoreality #backtolife #Feldenkrais #functionalintegration
22.01.2022 3 weeks till we have lift-off for the Australian Feldenkrais Online Summit 2020: Thinking Big Picture Register online for FREE! Registration link below
22.01.2022 Love how the little people notice
21.01.2022 The Australian Feldenkrais Online Summit starts next week, with FREE, daily 30-minute discussions on how the Feldenkrais Method works with: Chronic pain Voice and breath Resilience Recovery from stroke and brain injury... Sexual wellbeing And horseriding! Register FREE to receive 30-minute videos in your inbox from 1-8 September. You can view them at your leisure. Watch one or watch them all! Sign-up link in event
20.01.2022 Sign up NOW and join us for the Australian Feldenkrais Online Summit 2020. Registration is absolutely FREE! The Summit will offer daily emails straight to your inbox, delivering conversations with Certified Feldenkrais Practitioners from across the country.... The AFG Summit launches on 1 September, and continues to roll out a world of rich teachings for 7 days, with ongoing access to videos. Day 8 is bonus prize day. Find the LINK TO REGISTER in the event below Happy learning, from the Australian Feldenkrais Guild! https://www.facebook.com/events/1347597785618176/
20.01.2022 In chronic pain news ... The National Prescribing Service has recommended *Feldenkrais* as the only example of a modality that is not "completely passive", to manage chronic pain. Thats right: you can direct your healing journey ... we just help you find your way.... Thanks to my lovely brother and GP Sean Reilly for sharing this important advance in Western medicine! https://www.nps.org.au/consumers/chronic-pain-explained
20.01.2022 In my work, my practice, my inner life, the thing that I find everyone is needing to learn more of is self-compassion. Acknowledging and staying with ones self long enough, one may even find that they kind of like this self person
19.01.2022 Last year I collaborated with Ali Stone on a workshop combining art therapy and Feldenkrais processes. Ali is offering one-on-one art therapy sessions via Zoom. She is a gifted therapist, providing intuition, a sense of appropriate timing, and a safe space.
19.01.2022 The lowdown on chronic pain. It doesnt have to be all about opioids all of the time.
18.01.2022 Ever thought about this question? Hmmm. Snapped this at training today. Learning this weekend with Feldenkrais child specialists - Lauren D'Arise and Janet Auret - generous teachers sharing decades of experience working with children, many with cerebral palsy, dystonia, hemiplegia, multiple sclerosis, and other diagnoses. The simplicity of the method, working with the complex systems of the nervous system - whether within a "neurotypical" child or not - lends itself so easily... to play, exploration and powerful, self-directed learnings. I got to relearn where my heels are today - and how I counterbalance to stop myself falling over backwards! Things we take for granted every day, are the functions that we have learnt, and which we carry out. Can't wait to discuss this question tomorrow ... I believe the foot arches are very special to the anti-gravity system. Looking forward to discovering more of the *how* through #experientiallearning
18.01.2022 Embodied resilience ... is my favourite kind of resilience. When its best to rest, when its OK to keep going, these are ongoing learnings for me and so many people I encounter.
17.01.2022 The Vagus Nerve System, Feldenkrais, Anxiety, Resilience and Health, with Elinor Silverstein. Thanks to Move Create Practice for providing this conversation, which looks at our growing understanding of the vagus nerve system, and heart rate variability, and how this offers a concrete explanation of the Feldenkrais Method and its effect on the entire system of nerves, organs, anxiety and emotional regulation.
17.01.2022 Ive had several clients this week whose breathing totally changed during a session ... And it wasnt because I told them to take a deep breath.
15.01.2022 How amazing is the human pelvis?
13.01.2022 With the COVID-19 landscape constantly changing, Im currently taking bookings while remaining alert. This means: Disinfecting equipment between clients Thoroughly washing hands before any hands-on work... Social distancing where possible (when working with feet and lower legs, this is fairly easy!) Wearing a mask while doing hands-on work Offering online lesson options. And a reminder that a lesson doesnt have to be hands-on. I can bring equal awareness to your experience in a different mode, via vocal guidance. Your comfort and sense of safety is paramount. I am interested in every aspect of your health, including keeping you COVID-safe #health #awareness #feldenkrais #functionalintegration #mindfulmovement #chronicpain #rehab #calm #painfree #mentalhealth #mindbody #insomnia #anxiety #burnout #safe #safespace #covidsafe @covid19 #mitchelton #brisbane
13.01.2022 Gardening & Feldenkrais... 2 of my favourite things
13.01.2022 Rewrite your story
13.01.2022 Robyn Nevin speaks beautifully about the Feldenkrais Method.
13.01.2022 When taking client notes, I sometimes scribble things to explain a concept visually. Heres a scribble I stumbled upon in my notebook: theres talk therapy, theres bodywork, and theres something else in between ... thats what I do. Or, as another client says, 2 for 1
12.01.2022 In case of an emotional emergency, ask yourself these questions: Where are my feet? Where are my sit bones?... Or generally, what is contacting the ground? These can be valuable questions to pause upon, in the midst of a moment of panic, a freeze state, or anxiety. Recently I was feeling overwhelmed, as was seemingly everyone around me. And I had to find a way to keep going without such effort. During a break, I closed my eyes, asked the above questions , and noticed my breathing. This afforded me a few moments of curiosity, self-awareness, potential neuroplasticity. It was just enough time to offer an opportunity for changing emotional, mental, physical and sensory states. Even my posture changed, as did my breathing. Self-healing benefits from support, be it a psychologist, counsellor or psychiatrist. My work can be supportive of all such processes. It's about finding the ground, finding your skeleton, finding the foundation for motor-neural, physiological change. #neuroplasticity #selfhealers #overwhelm #mirrorneurons #motorneurons #vagustone #breathing #Feldenkrais #awarenessthroughmovement
11.01.2022 Thanks to We Al-li Programs for sharing this truth-telling, and for adding in crucial communities of care and support networks.
11.01.2022 Thanks to @traumaawarecare for acknowledging and educating on the bigger picture of complex trauma ... #Repost @traumaawarecare Chumash Wilderness... Complex trauma has systemic and societal causes. What would you add to this list? It makes sense that complex trauma is so common in a society that: solves issues created by trauma through punitive measures such as incarceration believes that policing and incarceration actually solve issues chooses to fund the military industrial complex and neglects health and education puts the economy before our well-being It makes sense that complex trauma is so common in a society that: acts as though Black lives dont matter doesnt protect marginalized folks doesnt value attachment is willing to build pipelines on indigenous land views the earth as a commodity and resource
10.01.2022 Not even running late for the final week in an intensive course for small businesses operating in Moreton Region at USC Caboolture campus. I do confess, the words "small business" historically sent me into a panic. That's where I was, heading into the first week of study. But as the weeks have progressed, the panic has subsided. The comfort zone of learning has stretched. If nothing else, I've come to realise that far from lacking in knowledge, every one of us in the course... brings rich lived experience, which informs our learning so much more vividly. Granted, I haven't started writing the final business pitch due in 2 weeks. BUT there is not a skerrick of panic going into the group learning today. Another learning: I'm not in business to be an entrepreneur. I'm in business so I can do this work! And the learning curve is endless Regional Development Australia - Moreton Bay
10.01.2022 I have been pushing for the Government to re-visit the list of natural therapies cut from private health insurance cover because all evidence since 2013 had bee...n ignored. The ban should be reversed while the review is undertaken. Patient choice has been eroded and the future of small businesses is at stake. From the story below: Just days after changes came into effect removing the rebate from almost 20 natural therapies, Health Minister Greg Hunt has promised a $2 million review of the changes. Im pleased that the government has seen the error of its ways, but I think the ban should be lifted right now my concern is the government knows this has been an unpopular move but they are kicking the problem off into the long grass. Dr Phelps said it was nonsensical to draft legislation based on findings that were five years old. They said there is no evidence with yoga, tai chi, western herbal medicine and naturopathy, but I have studied the evidence of these things myself, she said. The most recent evidence they looked at was from 2013, but there has been a lot that has happened since then. Dr Phelps said the move could actually increase premiums if young people who had been attracted to natural therapies drop out of private health insurance and stop subsidising older patients.
10.01.2022 Free and easy. Register to receive a free discussion each day.
10.01.2022 Less is more ... a powerful principle of my practice #Repost @sunyatamovementstudio Do you get caught in the belief that more is better? . If you do, youre not alone! . If exercises make my back sore, it must be too weak and I should do more.more stretching more exercises... . Athletes: If my training isnt making me progress the way I want, I have to train harder and do more. . Musicians: If my practicing isnt making me more skillful and helping me play better, I have to practice more. And so on for dancers and entrepreneurs and students and a pretty huge percentage of the population. . But heres the thing. Sometimes, you absolutely will do better, MUCH better, by doing LESS. . I love this quote by Rodolfo Llinas, Neuroscientis, Medical Doctor: . we are fundamentally moving animals that move intelligently. The more intelligent our movement, the more intelligent we are as animals. . To move more intelligently, we need to make finer discriminations about h.o.w we are moving. . And our brain is wired so that the larger the stimulus coming into our sense organs, the w.o.r.s.e our ability to make these discriminations. . So - when you want to learn to do something better (more skillfully, intelligently, efficiently, with more elegance, ease and comfort) - you want to make finer distinctions. To make finer distinctions - you have to do LESS - so you can sense MORE. . Read the blog post to learn more. Link is in my bio, where youll also find other goodies.
08.01.2022 MOSHE FELDENKRAIS ON WELL-BEING: "..thats why you have to complicate the movement; do it until we can, at least for a few seconds, be concerned with our entire well-being and nothing else in the world. And once, when we get that kind of feeling that we are actually the most important thing in our world, then we will go back and face that world in which we are nothing at all, but we will feel it. We will face it with our own power, with our own dignity, with our own belief that we are worth something that we are part of..." -Moshe Feldenkrais, Amherst, June 10, 1981
08.01.2022 I've started working with the third client to come to me for eye function issues this year (Clever clients, tracking down this modality for this purpose!) Did you know, you had to learn how to coordinate your eyes as a baby and beyond?... That means: you can relearn how to use your eyes! In fact, I no longer need glasses for distance, since my practitioner training The Feldenkrais Method is a potent modality for eyes, and I love applying the method to benefit this essential element of clients' lives. #eyes #focus #vision #opthamology #neuroplasticity #FeldenkraisMethod #awareness #balance #grounded
07.01.2022 Anyone else having trouble getting motivated to move, go for a walk? I was running into this barrier a lot. The thought of dragging my human tissue around the local suburb did not fill me with joy. Then I started reading this book by Jono Lineen, and there was the incentive ... By just moving, at some point in the day, I am carrying out my innate function. By doing this, I am enhancing the function of my brain, improving thinking and mental wellbeing. It doesn't have to be walking. It can be breathing, paying attention to your breathing, unwinding the noise of your thinking, until you can almost hear your heartbeat. #movement #incentivise #incentive #brain #neuroplasticity #walking #inspiration #perfectmotion #jonolineen First image: Cover of book with image of a yellow footprint on aqua background and the text: Jono Lineen Perfect Motion: How Walking Makes Us Wiser Second image: Book chapter title page with text "2 Neuroscience: the neuroscience of creative movement"
07.01.2022 Been planting things in the garden The sunny studio is open Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm, for in person Functional Integration lessons. Also taking bookings for home visits where I bring my practice to you.... Message to arrange a free 15-minute phone consultation. #Feldenkrais #movement #organiclearning #baseofsupport #feelbetter #sensorymotorlearning
07.01.2022 Dreaming up a series of Awareness Through Movement explorations, connecting us together for a Zoom class per week. What ideas, themes, feelings, functions or movements would you like to explore? Feel free to reply in comments, in one word or more ... or emoji, symbol or whatever your preferred communication ... And comment or DM me if you have time preferences for weekly group classes
05.01.2022 This was the comment made by my client after getting up from the table today. Yes, she is an amazing learner! #groundforce #gravity #grounded #calm #softness #feet #posture #learning #somaticlearning #feldenkrais #brisbane
05.01.2022 If 50% off DISCOUNT CODE on upcoming classes, *Moving from the Ground Up* If you'd like to complete my client survey by 9am, Monday 23 November 2021, you'll receive as a special thank you ... the 50% off DISCOUNT CODE ... for my upcoming series of introductory Feldenkrais lessons, Moving From the Ground Up. These 3 sessions are running via Zoom on three Tuesday evenings, 1-15 December, 6.45pm-8pm. More info and ticket link in event below. Discount codes to be sent on Monday, so get in quick (but keep breathing ) SURVEY LINK: https://us3.list-manage.com/survey
05.01.2022 Just popping in to say: What I do is not massage (though I have been known to release muscles, especially using gentle movement and #pandiculation ). What I do is not physiotherapy (though I do show people movements that will help them). ... What I do is not psychology (though sometimes well talk, and personal realisations and emotions often emerge on the table). What I do is: hold a very special place in which you learn what you need to learn, a place where you can sense yourself, trust yourself, and even enjoy yourself Offering one-on-one sessions at my studio in Mitchelton. Or via Zoom (all you need is space for a mat ... or you can be seated on a chair / lying on your bed if the floor is inaccessible). Home visits on request. Group Zoom classes to be announced very soon! #learning #holdingspace #sensing #possibility #Feldenkrais #kinaestheticlearning #mitchelton #brisbane #meanjin
05.01.2022 Sums up what I love about this practice ... being with others as they glimpse their own majesty
05.01.2022 MAJOR point of difference - giving power back to people in pain
03.01.2022 In an audio lesson I did this morning, in my personal practice, the Feldenkrais Practitioner recalled this Rumi quote. The lesson set the tone for 2 Functional Integration lessons with clients today. This quote brought me back to the basis of this learning method: equanimity in our attitudes to ourselves, and the freedom to explore the world within our skin, the good the bad, the ugly, without shame and judgement. Just observing ... distinctions, relationships, connections.
02.01.2022 A thank you for your thoughts If ever you've encountered my practice, below is a special something just for you! As a valued client, your input is so important, continually improving the service I provide.... If you could complete this simple survey by 9am Monday, 23 November, you will automatically receive YOUR GIFT OF CHOICE Your gift is either: 50% off the price of Tuesday night group lessons, online via Zoom for 3 weeks, 7pm Tuesdays, 1 Dec to 15 Dec 2020 or Purchase an initial individual session, get the second session at 50% off the usual price (valid until end of Jan 2021) Prices available on my website To take up the offer of one of these thank you gifts, simply answer the survey questions, and confirm your best email address in the final question. Don’t sweat it, and feel free to write the first things that come to mind. In fact, I encourage it! Sound easy? It is All you have to do is: CLICK ON THE SURVEY LINK https://us3.list-manage.com/survey *MORE DETAILS OF TUESDAY ZOOM CLASSES TO COME!*
01.01.2022 It's a wrap! Just finished recording my final interview for the Australian Feldenkrais Online Summit 2021. Only now has it dawned on me that this experience not only challenged me, it drew deeply on 3 of my big life skills so far ... interviewing people, practising embodied learning, and building community.... Now I'm tired, content, relieved, excited and hungry So my advice for today: if you know it's good for you, do something that scares you ... valuable learning is guaranteed tune into the Summit in August for discussions and teachings from brilliant practitioners across the continent. I'll keep you posted closer to the time. #Feldenkrais #summit #AFGsummit2021 #learning #challenge #growth #journalist #community #somatics
01.01.2022 Our radically different approach to posture and PAIN
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