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Mind my Body & Soul
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24.01.2022 We are all connected, we are all energy. I love what I do and helping people live their best lives. Book in to experience the magic of PSYCH-K
24.01.2022 "The subconscious mind is the powerful secondary system that runs everything in your life. Learning how to stimulate the communication between the conscious and the subconscious minds is a powerful tool on the way to success, happiness and riches". (source: thrive global) https://calendly.com/mindmybodyandsoul/mind-my-body-and-soul... #beliefsystem #limitingbeliefs #subconsciousmind #lawofattraction #happiness #vibration #createyourreality
24.01.2022 Highly recommend! Kids and teens.
23.01.2022 Only be on fb if you are feeling strong. When you are truly present in the moment nothing much is happening. I dont agree with the mute/block/unfollow.. we are being called to look at our triggers and be in a place of awareness and compassion. ... Do the internal work otherwise things will be very tough for you. Please book in for an inperson or online session if you are struggling.
23.01.2022 Pprreeaach. But you need to have a very different perspective to get this. Book your session now;... Mindmybodyandsoul.com.au #lawofattraction #reality #feel #be
23.01.2022 People often have physical complaints that are caused by mental and emotional imbalances. Experiences from the past can greatly impact the present in all aspects of the mind, body and soul and it is, therefore, vital to work on, nurture and love all aspects of the self. Suppressing emotions is both a learnt behaviour and a ‘survival’ instinct, however, all is energy and when we bring awareness to and learn ways in which to heal, all aspects of ourself (spiritual, physical, emotional and mental) can live in harmony. Book your free consultation now. Link in bio #integrate #balance #wholeness #be #loveyourself #subconscious #trauma #beliefsystem #psychk #perth #personaldevelopment #spirituality #vibration #oneness #wholeness #feelings
23.01.2022 There is only here, now. Fully appreciate the moment. Cultivate a nonjudgmental awareness. Mindfulness reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, boosts immune functioning and leads to happiness. Mindfulness and meditation help slow down negative chatter and release resistance, putting you into the state of gratitude and allowing. ... If you are struggling with anxiety or not coping please reach out. Link in bio #anxiety #mindfulness #hereandnow #presence #observe #illusion #hope #happiness #meditate #lifeskills #tools #joy #lawofattraction #nonduality #be #powerofnow #releaseresistance
22.01.2022 Please consider signing. Children’s well-being and Mental Health needs to take priority.... Well done Maggie Dent
21.01.2022 The Power Of Belief. Your beliefs shape your reality. They are not necessarily true but you will unconsciously look for evidence to proove you are right. They are the brains shortcut way of making sense of the world. When you believe something to be true, you will rarely question it. You form your beliefs from an early age. They are based on your environment and what you were told, on society, on tv etc We hang onto our beliefs, even if they dont serve us. Some examples... are: Ill be happy when money is the cause of all evil I dont deserve I am not pretty/smart/popular enough. These thoughts can oftentimes hold you back from living your true potemtial and experiencing joy. I help people see where these beliefs are holding them back and how then quickly change them. If you feel your beliefs might be holding you back, book in for a session and free your mind. #lawofattraction #manifestation #beliefs #subconsciousmind #limitingbeliefs #energyhealing #bestlife #drbrucelipton
20.01.2022 When I was on the Dr Joe Dispenza retreat I experienced a very high vibration and energy that lasted for around 4 months afterwards. I can see why people get addicted to wanting to attend his week longs, but recently as ‘life’- this 3D world starts to pull you back in, I’ve realised that you have to put the work in every single day to get back into that place. I fall off the wagon often, especially at the moment with world events, but I know how to get back in. My formula: B...reath work Meditation Psych-K balance Happy uplifting music When I miss my routine or become complacent it is reflected in my external. That’s how this works. No fail. To book in your consultation, link in my bio. #abehicks #askbelievereceive #journey #drjoedispenza #meditate #heal #attract #lawofattraction #create #abundance #flow #breathwork #yoga #spiritual #personaldevelopment #lifecoach #mentalhealth #wellbeing
19.01.2022 When the sharpest words wanna cut me down Im gonna send a flood, gonna drown em out I am brave, I am bruised I am who Im meant to be, this is me Look out cause here I come... And Im marching on to the beat I drum Im not scared to be seen I make no apologies, this is me See more
18.01.2022 Here is a little somethin somethin to make you giggle this Saturday morning! #funny #mindfulness #startyourdaywithasmile #headandheartmindfulness
17.01.2022 Gossip is black magic. We learnt it from our parents. We learn it as normal behaviour. We become close to each other when we talk about others as it makes us feel better. Literally, ‘misery likes company’. When you are suffering you don’t want to be alone. I used to engage considerably but since doing the inner work I find myself pulling away from these conversations. It’s not with any judgment but patterns need to be broken and that takes work. Whenever I catch myself thin...king or feeling bad about someone I start taking a hard look at myself and 9 times out of 10 there is a part of my ego that believes it has been hurt by the other. Trust me, this takes courage. It’s waaaay easier to look outside. I haven’t been hurt by anyone of course. The observer in the dream knows this but that is part of the game and the awakening for those that seek it. Our words are powerful and as we do unto others we do unto ourselves. I use daily meditating, awareness and PSYCH-K subconscious belief changes to do the inner work. It takes courage but the rewards are worth it. So what are we modelling to our children? link in bio. #awareness #gossip #mentalhealth #innerwork #spiritualawakening #personaldevelopment #beliefsystem #lovenotfear
15.01.2022 Yes, I personally have never taught this to my kids. Its great to learn empathy but theyll learn that from a loving environment where parents and caregivers naturally model it, no need to manipulate anything. Its all an inside job.
14.01.2022 Learn how.. [email protected]
13.01.2022 Childhood comes with so much innocence. Not sure my 10 year old would so lovingly sing this to her now 12.5yr old (more like.. youre getting on my neeerrrvvveess) but there is still so much sibling love. The illusion of separation and the egoic thinking mind is established by about 7 or 8. The teenage brain is something else entirely. They need the most amount of mindfulness, positive thinking and relaxation. Enjoy the moments!
13.01.2022 Little reminders for our teens as they navigate all the massive changes their bodies have to undergo. They need love, support and the right guidance. It doesnt mean always taking their side (parents watch for your own triggers- breathe). It means really mindfully listening and offering your best advice to help them thrive.
11.01.2022 If you have a partner that had a supportive and unconditional love from their parents in childhood they will find it easy to love. If they merely survived thei...r childhood you may end up finding that your needs in the relationship are never met, as theirs were never met in childhood.#counseling #counselingpsychology #quotes #quotestagram See more
11.01.2022 Oh so agree with this! Wish schools and humans in general would be more progressive.
11.01.2022 Once you begin to awaken you’ll start to really have a laugh at how ludicrous it all is..... There’s a reason why the Buddha is smiling. #presentmoment #insecurities #egomind #smallme #deprogramme #meditate #spiritualcoachperth #psychkperth #laughter #enlightenment #seeker #vibration
09.01.2022 Dear all, As FB for small business can be quite tricky, I have moved my posts over to my personal FB page. Julia Norris. Please fb friend request me and continue to follow me there. Am also very active over on Instagram -Mind My Body And Soul... This page will remain active. Much love Julia
08.01.2022 Love her teachings.
08.01.2022 Triggers only exist if you are still running programmes. Break free. Mind My Body And SoulTriggers only exist if you are still running programmes. Break free. Mind My Body And Soul
08.01.2022 The whole system is archaic. Its not designed for real thinking, just repetetive learning. What are your thoughts?
08.01.2022 https://www.mindmybodyandsoul.com.au//MINDFUL_BREATHING.ht The Breath is powerful. Here are some free tips if you or your tweens/teens are struggling with anxious thoughts.
07.01.2022 Life is supposed to flow, full of synchronicities and be working out for you not against you. The survival brain, living in a state of constant stress and convergent focus means you are unable to perceive this other part of reality. It is there and available for all. I’ll show you how to access it but you got to be willing and ready to let go of the old you. It’s freedom - get excited! DM me to book in a free 15 minute phone consult or book your 1hr face to face or onli...ne via my bio. Upfront payment required for full sessions. https://www.mindmybodyandsoul.com.au/price-list.html #change #oldhabits #vibration #lawofattractioncoach #insidejob #openup #openfocus #heal #psychk #newlife #liveyourbestlife #personaldevelopment #spirituality
07.01.2022 Online and inperson coaching. Break free from your mind made limitations. #lawofattractioncoach #psychk #coach #love #be #mindfulness #spiritualcoach #personaldevelopment
06.01.2022 TURN off the News (am trying to practise what I preach too...).
05.01.2022 Your body becomes your subconscious mind. Its memory is far greater than the conscious mind. Think of the following examples, playing an instrument, driving a car, entering a pincode. When you first learn, you have to consciously remember but once learnt the body does it without conscious thought. In fact, you can easily drive without thinking about it at all. So now think about this. The body becomes the mind. The mind might fool you that it is in charge, but by 35 years o...ld, it isnt. Thats why habits are so hard to break or new ones hard to develop. You got to get into the operating system. Your subconscious only runs the programme. Just like a computer. We get addicted to survival emotions, like blame, judgment, guilt. We train our bodies chemically to feel these emotions (from our thoughts- signals via the brain), eventually we rely on these chemicals to feel alive, the threshold for this rush gets higher and higher. We become literally addicted. Trying to change these unconscious habits is like trying to break a drug habbit. In fact, there is no difference. At first, you need a little emotion but eventually you need more and more. Trying to change these patterns is like drug withdrawal. (Dr Joe Dispenza, Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself). So before you judge those addicted to drugs and alcohol, reflect on your negative thought addictions. When you live in these lower vibrational emotions of survival for a long time, guess what happens to the body? Disease. (Dis-ease). I help people get into the operating system and break these habits. Testimonials are on my facebook and instagram pages. [email protected] for further info. #subconsciousmind #subconsciousprogramming #breakingthehabitofbeingyourself #drjoedispenza #drbrucelipton #psychkfacilitator #coach #bestlife #changehabits
04.01.2022 Surround yourself with people who uplift you. Mind My Body And SoulSurround yourself with people who uplift you. Mind My Body And Soul
04.01.2022 I was speaking to a friend about gaslighting recently, it means to undermine a persons feelings, or deny someones reality. Saying things like youre too sensitive or that didnt happen is a form of manipulation, Ive certainly done it in the past, unintentionally but now I am very aware of it and see very clearly when others do it too. If someone comes to you with an issue or is upset over something, please dont gaslight, take time to mindfully listen and be present with what they are saying. This is the key to great and loving communication.
03.01.2022 Love to all the new mummies.
02.01.2022 When you react, you are not in flow. Learn to observe. This is the quickest way to move up the emotional scale towards joy, which is your natural state. Mind My Body And SoulWhen you react, you are not in flow. Learn to observe. This is the quickest way to move up the emotional scale towards joy, which is your natural state. Mind My Body And Soul
02.01.2022 All brains work differently.
02.01.2022 You can’t blame your genes for how you’ve ended up. They’re more like getting a deck of cards but how you play them, is up to you. We create our personalities ... they aren’t set in stone. If you repeat the same thoughts again and again they become habits, a repeated habit creates a fixed persona and a fixed persona becomes your destiny. Here’s the good news - we can change our destiny by breaking those habits before they embed just try a little mindfulness.
01.01.2022 Shared from a friend. VIBRATE HIGHER! The covid has a vibration of 5.5hz, dies above 25.5hz.... For humans with low vibration, the virus becomes dangerous. Pain 0.1 to 2hz. Fear 0.2 to 2.2hz. Irritation 0.9 to 6.8hz. Noise 0.6 to 2.2hz. Pride 0.8 hz. Abandon 1,5hz. Superiority 1.9 hz. Instead: Generosity 95hz True thanks 150 hz Compassion 150 hz or more. Love of neighbor and all living beings 150 Hz and more. Unconditional and universal love from 205hz So. Come on ... Vibrate Higher!!! What helps us vibrate high? Loving, Smiling, Blessing, Thanking, Playing, Painting, Singing, Dancing, Meditating, Yoga, Tai Chi, Walking in the Sun Exercising, Enjoying nature. Eating food that the Earth gives us: seeds-grains-cereals-legumes-fruits and vegetables- Drink good water. They help us vibrate high ..... !!! The vibration of prayer goes from 120 to 350hz So sing, laugh, love, meditate, play, give thanks and live ......... _ * Lets vibrate high .... !!! * _ The original source of this information is from the book Power Vs Force. Based on David R Hawkins Doctoral Thesis. Let us think and act positively from love.