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Mish Koh Photography in Randwick, New South Wales, Australia | Photographer

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Mish Koh Photography

Locality: Randwick, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 416 150 152

Address: Wonga Road 2090 Randwick, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 its crazy, this place is only a few kilometers from my current home, and after all the years i’ve lived in sydney, i’m still finding new places to explore... i feel truly blessed to call australia home... and to be surrounded by amazing creation - both natural and made by people... today, as i exited this quiet neighborhood with a friend, i was almost shocked to find the busyness and noise of the traffic.. it was almost as if we had entered a peaceful haven for an hour - out of this world. i desire to find time each day to enter into peace and find stillness with my maker, and to find rest as i commune with him and listen attentively to his words... if only for a brief moment.

14.01.2022 this photo represents the impromptu-ness and free exploration that i’ve intentionally wanted to achieve on this holiday. best thing i did was to deliberately delete whatsapp from my phone, and the reward has been priceless. no constant interruptions with the blur between social and work messages... and the mental and emotional space i have experienced is something i desire to keep maintaining. i first saw this image a few days ago when it was pelting rain, whizzing past ...the highway at 100km/hr. determined not to simply let this image remain as a figment of my imagination, i went past this road as slowly as i safely could today and was excited to find a tiny driveway a few metres away where i could park the car. it’s been *ages* since i’ve taken my camera anywhere. u could say that the joy of crafting something beautiful became few and far between when i started a boutique photography business... not helped by the constant requests to take event photography, something i have never loved due to lack of creativity and avoided even when i got paid. #iphoneonly

14.01.2022 be still. sometimes when the rest of the world (& your emotions) are racing by, the best thing u can do is to slow down. to be still. breathe. to get a different perspective. to realise what’s going on in the bigger picture. ~ selah

11.01.2022 it’s been a while since i’ve explored a new place, and today it was great to walk and chat and share with @nico.farnham {delight} is the word that i’ve been contemplating on over the last few days... do i truly delight in Him, and enjoy the fullness of his goodness? ... take delight in the Lord, and he will give you desires of your heart ~ psalms 37:4

11.01.2022 come away with me... i went for a very quick surf a few days ago and that quick reset cleared my mind and thoughts! right after i got out from the water, still wet and salty, i wrote this poem. ... now to set the context, i don’t consider myself a poet.. and this is probably the second ever poem i’ve written. ~~~ come away with me let me caress you shower my love on you my thoughts are with you i long to be with you come away with me let me refresh you soak in my presence let me wash away your worries show you the things that truly matter come away with me let go and fall in the safety of my arms let me embrace you and hold you tight i understand all you are going through come away with me lean on me i will hold you steady there is nothing to fear i am always by your side come away with me find peace in me let me comfort you for i know you intimately i will never leave nor forsake you come away with me rest and know that with every breath you take the depth and width of my love for you grows come away with me there is no time wasted spent in my presence my dear child there is nothing i won’t do for you ~~~ thanks for reading it till the end!! if u want to read more... head over to #surf #blackandwhite #poem

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