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Myles Pollard : Fansite


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24.01.2022 SYDNEY II: LOST AND FOUND Tickets are now on sale for the following locations: Ace Cinema Rockingham: 18-22 August... Orana Cinema Albany: 26 Aug -1 Sept Orana Cinema Busselton: 3-10 Sept Orana Cinema Sth Kalgoorlie: 15-19 Sept Grand Cinema Warwick: 6-10 Nov Orana Cinema Geraldton: 13-21 Nov Book tickets: Ace Cinema Midland on sale soon! From the team that brought you the ever popular AB Facey's - A Fortunate Life, comes SYDNEY II: LOST AND FOUND. In commemoration of its 80th anniversary comes the true story of the dramatic loss of the pride of the Royal Australian Navy, off the coast of Geraldton. This epic story of love and loss, fear and courage and the resolution of a mystery for those who persisted, will be brought to life using the immediacy of theatre with the visual impact of cinema. Acclaimed actor Myles Pollard (McLeod’s Daughters, Home and Away, Sea Patrol) leads a West Australian cast including Morgan Dukes and Nicholas Perry, across oceans and eras as we chart the loss and discovery of Australia’s famous warship and her valiant crew.

24.01.2022 Still a couple of days until Christmas but I feel Santa came early this year. It was an absolute privilege and a joy to speak to global fans online for ‘A Walk In The Park’ alongside @bridiecarter1 . People tuned in from Sweden, Holland, Croatia, Germany, France, USA and many other countries too numerous to mention. I finished the session inspired to know that despite a challenging lockdown we all still found a beautiful way to connect. Merry Christmas....and Buck says Ho, Ho, Ho! MP

23.01.2022 Hi everyone! I’m so excited to announce and invite you to TAKE A WALK IN THE PARK WITH BRIDIE CARTER AND MYLES POLLARD our GLOBAL, live-streamed webinar EVENT on December 19 2020 (Northern Hemisphere) and ... December 20th 2020 (Southern Hemisphere). We can’t wait to meet with you all and tell you about our new production company HOMELAND ENTERTAINMENT, our new film project A WALK IN THE PARK by Robert Lewis Vaughan, and our journeys to this point and everything else in between! TICKETS ON SALE NOW at Can’t wait to see you there. MP

23.01.2022 This happened 14 years ago today. Loving life with my beautiful wife. MP #gratitude #marriage #anniversary

23.01.2022 Thanks @tvweekmag for the recent cover and stories. @bridiecarter1 and I are both looking forward to chatting with fans this weekend for the global online fan event - A Walk In The Park with Bridie Carter and Myles Pollard. Tickets selling fast on Eventbright - MP #mcleodsdaughters #fanevent #stan #tvweekmag #australiantv

22.01.2022 Little ad I voiced for the mighty True North. Timing is everything especially now with reduced rates. MP

19.01.2022 School Holiday Classes open now with LIMITED PLACES. Don't miss out! MP

18.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day dad! Any way you slice it, you are the best dad. MP #fathersday #gratitude

17.01.2022 European fans, Danger Close is now on NetflixUK. So proud to have played a part in this important film. MP

17.01.2022 To all my acting, writing, directing and producing friends, to musicians, dancers, choreographers and artists alike, to my colleagues and more importantly to al...l my many inspiring students who have just begun their journeys to tell stories that matter, that make a difference and just may touch a heart or invigorate a mind Believe you can and you’re halfway there - Theodore Roosevelt. I hope you like my Directing Reel. MP

16.01.2022 You are my sunshine MP #dogslife #nearlyspring #puppylove #otiseyewear

16.01.2022 Look what arrived today This is going to be a very special production! #cinemastage #hmassydneymemorial #hmassydneyii #theatre #mylespollard #navy

16.01.2022 Gnaraloo delivered again. Awesome trip! #simple things #surftrip #wacoast #gascoyne

16.01.2022 So excited to be back treading the boards next year for Western Australian theatre company THEATRE 180’s production of THE SYDNEY: LOST AND FOUND. Written by Jenny Davis and Directed by Stuart Halusz, the play will tell the true World War II story about the dramatic loss of the ship, The Sydney, following a sea battle with the German raider, HSK Kormoran off the Western Australian coastline. This epic story of love and loss, fear and courage will be brought to life using the immediacy of theatre and the visual impact of cinema. I can't wait to get stuck in to this project. Thank you Theatre 180 for this opportunity. MP

16.01.2022 Contact me @cameo. LINK IN MY BIO - @bridiecarter1 and I are both looking forward to recording you personalised shout-outs for special events and occasions. Whether you’re on a farm, in the city or at the beach, you can hear from me @cameo #shoutout #mcleodsdaughters #cameo #personalised .

15.01.2022 Had this swag for 20 years and laid it to rest on the first hole of the Northampton Golf course. Strangely sentimental! So many cold nights together in the bush...great memories. MP

14.01.2022 A short film I wrote and directed for the TRUE NORTH came second in the 2020 Traveller Made Brand Storytelling competition. It's a Global competition so very proud. I also played a small part in the film which was fun but not as enjoyable as watching the star of the film, Jensen Muir play the boy. Well done Lou Bodle and Lee-ann Moroney for casting him. Sailing on the mighty True North was the best luxury adventure I've ever had. The Western Australian coastline is profound! MP .

14.01.2022 September/October acting workshops now open for enrolments. IN PERSON and ONLINE. MP #actingworkshop #actingforcamera #dramaclass #onlineworkshop

13.01.2022 Thanks for the chat Joshua. Love your work. MP

13.01.2022 Was honoured to have been invited to the opening of the Canberra PCYC new offices and training rooms at Fairbairn Canberra. Fantastic support by His Excellency General Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (RETD) and Mrs Linda Hurley and fellow PCYC ambassador @paulcostamusic The highlight for me was listening to ... 4 young people speak so honestly about their journey and how their lives have been enriched by the incredible team at Canberra PCYC. Loved playing pool and table tennis with all the legendary kids I was introduced to. Must have got something in my eye...or just a bit emotional. MP #canberrapcyc #protectourkids #walktall #nooneleftbehind #kidsfirst

12.01.2022 Before and after. No I didn’t catch it. The credit goes to spear-fisherman @tobybarnett #hunting #spearfishing #simplethings

12.01.2022 Connection, conversations and hope go to the heart of the blue tree project. Help destigmatise mental health and snap up some tickets in the Blue Tree Project raffle via and by participating in the community painting day on Saturday 25th July. MP

10.01.2022 Loved recording this audio book. Congratulations Brett.

08.01.2022 Just walked a 20km leg of south west WA’s ‘Cape To Cape’ walk. What a trek. So nice exploring this stunning country with my incredible fire officer sister. Best of luck to her fire fighting team who are determined to finish the 123km mission. Go lads don’t give up. MP #capetocapetrack #capetocape #wasouthwest #wadandi #noongar #otiseyewear

07.01.2022 Thoroughly enjoyed facilitating a communications workshop for a bunch of lovely humans at @canberrapcyc The work you do for children and families is incredible and your authenticity, commitment and selflessness was inspiring. MP #communication #corporatetraining #authenticty #presenting #confidence

05.01.2022 Day two back in the studio working on the audiobook ‘The (un)Lucky Sperm’ and having a blast! By the way, for those who are interested, the e-book of ‘The (un)Lucky Sperm’ is on Amazon. If you enjoy the story, please consider leaving an honest review for the author @preissbrett You can get it on Amazon ... or Brett’s website (link in his bio). The print book and audiobook of ‘The (un)Lucky Sperm will follow soon! MP

04.01.2022 It was heartwarming to be a part of a standing ovation for A FORTUNATE LIFE at ACE Cinema Rockingham. Stuart Halusz production is a testament to the character traits of Bert Facey - Hope, Fortitude, Ingenuity, Courage, Persistence, Resilience and Modesty, just so relevant right now. Don’t miss it. Open until September 13

04.01.2022 Hi everyone. Apparently there is a fake Myles Pollard account sending out friend requests. Just thought I'd give you all a heads up so you don't get hacked. Hope you're all smiling today. MP x

01.01.2022 Thank you @bunburygeographe and @don.punch for giving me the opportunity to share some of my performance/communication experience with successful Bunbury business owners and employees to help them present with confidence. It was a truly inspiring day. Loved your positivity, bravery and eagerness to learn new techniques. #bunbury #communicationtraining #corporatetraining #publicspeaking

01.01.2022 Thank you @tvweekmag for the feature article in your latest edition. Plenty of inside information about the new McLeods Daughters film. MP

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