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NaMuzTe Yoga-Based Therapies in Balmain East | Alternative & holistic health service

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NaMuzTe Yoga-Based Therapies

Locality: Balmain East

Address: Balmain East 2041 Balmain East, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 I have been treating a client over the last 2 months for chronic back pain. She would spasm up so hardcore down one side of her spine that she'd be bed ridden in a lot of pain for 3-4 days every 2-3 months. This has been going on for ... wait for it ... 40 years. Yes, 40 years. And it was mainly happening in yoga class of all places! I knew I could help her but it was going to take her surrendering herself to me and allowing me into her system in varying ways. (therapist talk... ; )) ! In each session I would educate her on the why and how I can help her and that my approach is vastly different to any other therapy she had received in the past. It took her a few sessions to open to me but once she did, i could feel her opening and blossoming into the processes she was so very lacking in her tissues, and beyond that, her mind and patterns. THIS is what we needed to address, not just the tissue ... In fact, it is imperative. She called me Monday asking to see me because she was scared she could feel herself about to go into spasm again. She came straight over, we saved it, straightened her out and she went on her way. She was frightened but trusting. A typical response to such ingrained trauma. She emailed me yesterday in absolute delight saying that she slept perfectly and woke up pain free and standing tall. She couldn't believe it was even possible let alone a reality. This is the 1st time in 40 yrs she had been able to avoid going into spasm and stay calm, rested and trusting that she CAN CHANGE her patterns and move through this. Chronic pain and injury rehabilitation/management and guidance is my specialty. I am moving more and more into this field as i know 1st hand what it was like to live like that. No more though!! I healed myself from all my injuries and I can teach you how to aswell. Please contact me should you or know of anyone in need of great guidance, advice and therapy. NaMuzTe xx T h i s I s N a t u r e !! :-)

23.01.2022 I'm excited to be leading my 'Functional Movement in Yoga' workshop at the wonderful Qi Health and Yoga studio, Freshwater, in April. Healthy, functional movement is my specialty and an absolute passion of mine. It is fundamental to a safe and strengthening yoga practice, as well as in everyday life. This event is a must for all yoga teachers and anyone working with injury/specific limitations. A big shout out to all my Northern Beaches yogis, I'll get in contact with you all... via email. I will be leading this same workshop, among others, city-side and in Balmain in the coming months too so watch this space... Here are some links for more information. NaMuzTe :-)

22.01.2022 About 6 months ago, I had my liver, spleen, gall bladder, pancreas and kidneys ultrasounded with bloods done on all of them. The results came back and the Doc was overly impressed and said that everything was above normal for my age. Needless to say, I was rather chuffed. I've had 3hrs sleep since Sunday and this isn't the first time this little occurrence has taken place over the last few years.... Yet today, I feel calm, refreshed and ready to rumble. Sometimes I doubt myself, my ability to deal with 'life' itself. I believe we all do, and this is what often leads to these episodes of imbalance. My family have very strong genes so I am fortunate to have acquired these. Some don't. Yet you can build them up and strengthen them, your constitution and your will. We all can. It is possible. I've seen it a thousand times in students, clients and friends. Don't be afraid of stress and anxiety. I know I often get in that state, however I also have the firm belief that it is somewhat - in an unorthodox way - strengthening me. Healthy inner body, mind and strength of character - especially when under load - is the key. NaMuzTe <3

18.01.2022 Morning friends. We're looking for a solid, confident hatha vinyasa style yoga teacher @ Inflow Yoga in Lane Cove West. It's my good friend Danny Cheung's beautiful studio. First and foremost, to be a team player and committed to the studio in all of its aspects of function and growth is definitely required. So it's just a paid gig because you are keen to just start teaching anywhere. It is a studio that is up and coming, only 18 months old and needs nurturing from a solid of teachers At least 2-3 yrs experience will be given preference to. We're not looking a modern day 'funky, fast, flow, playlist' oriented teacher, rather someone who understands sequencing decently and has the ability to explain and break down asana, teach slowly with purpose with good yoga philosophy, and hold the space regardless of the student level. And most important, a little charisma and personality!! The demographic is different to that of the city or Bondi. There are more middle aged folk who practise more for quietness, to truly be taught and inner connection, not to be entertained! Just keep this is mind! Lane Cove West is only a 25 odd min drive from the city, just so to realise it's not as far as some think. AND there is plenty of parking AT the studio! Can you believe it?! If you are interested, please email me @ [email protected] with an outline of your training, experience, general philosophy etc. NaMuzTe :-) xx See more

14.01.2022 This morning on the bus home from teaching, a mentally and physically disabled elderly man attempted to engage in conversation with other commuters. Noone wanted a bar of him. He asked if he could sit next to me and I welcomed him, absolutely. He spoke well and had the biggest smile. We talked for 20 minutes until I arrived at my stop.... What a story he had to tell about his life - and I listened to every word. Completely fascinating, sad, beautiful, tragic, loving. All he wanted to do was to connect and everyone barred him. He even showed me his frozen lasagne he'd just purchased from ALDI !!! We had the biggest hug goodbye whilst most stared vacantly. Seriously people, open your minds and hearts and get involved, regardless of our so called 'differences'. Kevin. He was awesome and I hope to bump into him again <3 See more

14.01.2022 Another extremely happy client. After he experienced years and years of pain, frustration and disappointment with so many physiotherapists and doctors, I got to weave my magic on this awesome human being. Notice the significant shift in shoulder height - and therefore neck and thoracic alignment. Below are 'before and after' shots from top to bottom. And all done in less than 2 hrs work. This may look minuscule to the untrained eye, however this can be the difference between ...pain and freedom. What would you give for that....?? I love educating, treating people and assisting with their recovery from pain and injury. It's what I'm best at. After my own fracturing of 18 bones and too many soft tissue injuries to mention, this is what drives me to properly inform people about themselves. In turn, I get further educated. And, I move completely pain free .... If I can be of service to anyone, drop me a line. Education and experiencing one's self is everything, especially when it comes to healing. NaMuzTe :-) <3 xx See more

13.01.2022 Have a great peaceful day, friends. Understand that we are all different and require different approaches. How you deal with one person may not be how you deal with another. We all have uniqueness and many facets to us, thus needing you, as any friend or colleague that you are to many, to deal in various different ways to everyone. I have heard so many times from people ...'Treat everyone the same'. Yes I agree, as in, 'don't judge' .... however, your approach is what really ...matters the most. We need to be chameleons in life. Not one way focused. In yoga, we bent and stretch our bodies. The point of yoga is really that we need also to bend and stretch our minds. Learn the art. It's necessary. For our focus/opinions and judgements are generally only ever based on our past. Everyone is different and has experienced much beyond our own personal reality... Stop, smile and talk to a 'stranger' today. Ask them something, let them in...a great practice... My daily routine :-) INjoy. xx NaMuzTe :-) See more

09.01.2022 Hey friends, Just a reminder that I am teaching 8am Saturday mornings @ my good friend Danny Cheung's studio 'Inflow Yoga' starting tomorrow. It will be an open level Hatha Vinyasa class in typical Muz style - slow, purposeful, steady and strong. There will be, naturally, a touch of irreverence, a few cheeky one liners, a sprinkle of dad jokes, some deep wisdom and over all, lightness and ease. A good balance, as it should be. For years my philosophy has been 'Sincerity Witho...ut Seriousness' I think I'm gonna stick with that. After all, I can't really change it! Hope to see you there at some stage! For those who are a member with Mindbodyonline, here's a link in which you can sign in online. NaMuzTe :-) xx See more

09.01.2022 My thought for the day... 'You cannot force inspiration' Over the years, I cannot even begin to recall how many times I had felt that, at certain stages, I had not a lot to give that was 'new' and 'shiny'. Most likely it wouldn't hang around very long and sometimes it will cloud me for weeks at a time, sometimes months.... People, students, friends would say things like 'Muz, you're such a great teacher, what's next for you as far as opening your own studio?' 'When are you going to run your own teacher training?' 'Can you teach me what you do?' 'When are we going on retreat again?!' And so on and so forth ... Don't let these thoughts and feelings of others pressure you. It's lovely to be in the presence of this and they often mean well. But, allow yourself the space to sit back, reflect, smile at how far you've come, even if your ego tells you that you haven't come far... That's bs and you know it. Allow time, openness and your own company for the most part, to gently shine through. Acknowledge the apparent errors and see them as teachers and peace offerings, not burdens and handbrakes on your future. Inspiration will often come from silence, retreat and stillness, not from anticipation, constant pushing and wanting, intense focus and needing to keep up with. You want stress? Keep doing these things! "Inaction breeds self-doubt" ~ I love this statement and for me, it's very true. However I am not talking about this. We must allow some time off to just sit, be with and trust that all is unfolding exactly as it's meant to. Self love and absolute belief in oneself is the key. T h i s I s N a t u r e !! NaMuzTe <3

08.01.2022 Forgiveness. It's an energy that is often challenging to comprehend, let alone practise. Yet, I believe it remains at the forefront of all human progression and evolution. I admit, I have grasped onto certain beliefs and past experiences, ones that have only taken me down, restrained my own growth and thus held me in a maelstrom for months, even years. Why? Self-importance and righteousness. Simple. There's no other reason for it, ever. This week I have made a conscious effor...t. I have met with certain folk and made peace. I have agreed with myself to no longer harbour resentment, anger, frustration. We know that to be the teacher and the healer, one needs to teach an heal thyself. As cliche as this sounds, it is the truth. I am learning. Always will be. Always open. NaMuzTe <3 xx See more

02.01.2022 Hey friends. I will be leading my Functional Movement workshop on December 10th @ my beautiful friend Vivienne Dias' studio 'Yogavibe' in Wetherill Park. It's a must for the local teachers and students, especially if you are experiencing injury, obvious limitation or pain, not just on the mat, but off it too, where we spend most our lives. Plus, as teachers, we need to learn more so we can truly lead our students on a correct path, physically and mentally. It will a very inte...ractive event with lots on time to discover all about what healthy movement truly is and why we need to learn it well. It is yoga based, so we will look at movement patterns based around commonly taught yoga practises, sequences and then bridge that into how we can move and experience ourselves on a more effortless and free level in every day life. Such a small investment for a w'shop that can very well change ones life. I have spent 25 yrs deep in study of human movement and I wish to share my knowledge with you all, especially as the yoga world is expanding so fast and what's being commonly taught is becoming so diluted and misunderstood. 'Functional Movement' is the backbone to a healthy nervous system, period. And it differs for everyone! There is so much more coming from me in 2017 and this will be my last w'shop for 2016. You don't need any experience in yoga to attend this event so if you have a friend or family member who is experiencing discomfort and injury, please bring them along and/or feel free to contact me. You can book here... NaMuzTe :-) xx See more

02.01.2022 We officially open tomorrow!! I teach 6am and 7.10am and then we have our afternoon/evening classes @ 5.10pm and 6.30pm with the beautiful Samantha Hickey !! Check the site for full details :-) Welcome to a brand new a m a z i n g space to call home ...... x NaMuzTe <3 xxx #bravewellness

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