Our Chiro Chiropractor Brisbane in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Massage service
Our Chiro Chiropractor Brisbane
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3257 0399
Address: 1/915 Ann Street 4006 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: https://www.ourchiro.com.au
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25.01.2022 Archies Thongs incorporate the same amount of support that you would find from an off the shelf orthotic, however with the patented design, they look just like normal thongs. The support found within Archies Footwear may help to support the foot in a more biomechanically appropriate position thereby easing the stresses and strains that would otherwise be transferred to the musculoskeletal system. Now available at the clinic #ourchirobrisbane #archies #chiropractor #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #archiesfootwear
25.01.2022 At Our Chiro in Valley migraine treatment is a specialised service we offer. All our chiropractors are fully qualified, with experience in the many aspects of chiropractic. Whilst it is not often the first course of action for many people, booking an assessment with a chiropractor can be the first step towards pain relief. At Our Chiro in Valley migraine treatment has seen incredibly successful results. https://www.ourchiro.com.au/valley-migraine-treatment-chiro/
25.01.2022 Olecranon Bursitis (aka students elbow) is inflammation of a fluid filled sac (called a bursa) located under the skin and above the bone at the tip of your elbow. Anyone who spends extended periods of time on their elbows is susceptible to developing this problem. It is commonly seen in students, desk-workers and plumbers. You can usually recognise it by the presence of a painful swelling on the tip of the elbow so watch those elbows, especially now since many people are working from home, without proper desk set-up. Contact us if you need some home office set up tips or suffer from elbow pain. #homeoffice #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #elbowpain
24.01.2022 Our Chiro is a chiropractic practice located in Fortitude Valley (not far from Brunswick Street). We provide natural treatments that are reliable and effective. Our skilled chiropractors are dedicated to providing a professional level of effective care for chronic pain, migraines, and other physical ailments. Why opt for chiropractic? Chiropractic care is an effective, natural form of treatment. Many people are now recognising the advantages of opting for natural treatments rather than traditional allopathic Western medicine. [ 232 more words ] https://www.ourchiro.com.au/brunswick-street-chiropractic/
23.01.2022 Leg length discrepancies are a very common finding in both child and adult populations. In the majority of cases the difference in lengths is minimal and the body compensates well to allow for this. More severe differences (i.e. differences of 1.1cm or more) can be the cause of significant postural strain and may result in pain and dysfunction in the entire spine, hips and other joints in the lower limb.We are trained to recognise these issues and put them right for you. Chiro to the rescue! #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #legs #ourchiro #newstead #fortitudevalley #jamesst #new farm #brisbane #teneriffe
22.01.2022 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is caused when the nerve that passes through a small tunnel in your wrist becomes compressed. The nerve shares the tunnel with tendons from muscles in the forearm, and if the tissues around the tendons become inflamed, they can swell causing the space to become smaller,compressing the nerve. If you experience numbness, tingling, burning or pain in the hand or fingers, book an appointment today! Book online at ourchiro.com.au or by giving us a call on 07 32570399. How handy is that!? (See what we did there) #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #carpaltunnel #chiropractor
22.01.2022 Yes, its true! At Our Chiro in Fortitude Valley migraine treatment comes without side-effects. How? Well, chiropractic is a natural treatment modality that is non-invasive. Importantly, when administered correctly, chiropractic can help prevent the recurrence of chronic migraines. https://www.ourchiro.com.au/fortitude-valley-migraine-trea/
20.01.2022 The group of muscles that allow you to lift your knee to your chest and bend at the waist are collectively known as your hip flexors. These muscles can be affected by overuse, such as squatting with heavy weights, and also underuse, such as sitting for long periods of time. If you have pain in your back and hips, and spasms in your hip or thigh, as well as difficulty bending to touch your toes, you may be experiencing hip flexor spasms!... Get in touch and find out what we can do about it! 07 32570399 www.ourchiro.com.au #newstead #newfarm #jamesstreet #teneriffe #fortitudevalley #ourchirobrisbane #hip #hippain #brisbane #chiro
19.01.2022 Hit your funny bone recently? Not so funny is it?! Did you know that you are actually hitting a nerve when you hit your funny bone, which is why the pain can shoot straight down your forearm and into the hand. Ouch! Anatomy geek alert: Its called the ulnar nerve. When did you last hit your funny bone?... #chiro #chiropractic #funnybone #ulnarnervecompression #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane
17.01.2022 At Our Chiro in Fortitude Valley headache treatment is something we approach with long-term relief in mind. It might surprise you that a chiropractic practice treats migraines and other headaches. However, chiropractic frequently provides more long-term relief than other treatment modalities. https://www.ourchiro.com.au/fortitude-valley-headache-trea/
17.01.2022 Our shoulder blades (or scapulae) should sit relatively flat against our rib cage. A direct blow to the shoulder, or a funny twist of the shoulder or neck, can injure the nerve to the muscle that keeps the blades in that flat position. As a result, you can be left with a condition known as scapula winging. This can affect your shoulder function and posture as well as training. If you have noticed your scapulas sticking out, give us a call we can help. ... #health #ourchiro #ourchirobrisbane #fitness #education #chiropractic #spine #wellness #body #muscle #fortitudevalley #newstead #newfarm
16.01.2022 An easy exercise to do to strengthen your back muscles. It will also help increase the oxygen uptake by opening up your diaphragm Try it today while sitting at your desk! Just remember pin those shoulder blades back and down #health #strength #wellness #lifestyle #fitness #goals
16.01.2022 Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that mainly affects the cartilage in our joints. The WHO estimates that approximately 10% of men and nearly 20% of women in the world have symptomatic OA. That is A LOT of people. Who here has struggled or is struggling with stiff, sore joints? Give us a below! www.ourchiro.com.au ... #chiro #chiropractic #OA #osteoarthitis #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #ourchirobrisbane
16.01.2022 As always keeping up with the latest information and training @ourchiro #peaceofmind #businessasusual
16.01.2022 Hands up who has COVID fatigue? It’s draining staying vigilant all the time, constantly sanitizing everything and not seeing friends and family like we’re used to. But if we’re going to beat this, we have to all be in it together. So, keep washing your hands, maintain social distancing and carry on looking after one another. We have a range of safety measures in place when you come to visit us. Please make sure you bring your mask along. ... #ourchiro #fortitudevalley #newstead #jamesstreet #teneriffe #brisbane #chiropractic #health #wellness #chiro #newfarm #fitness #spine #spinalhealth
15.01.2022 The clinic will be closed for the Easter break from Friday the 2nd of April and re open Tuesday the 6th of April. Have a happy and safe Easter break For appointments call 07 32570399 or book online www.ourchiro.com.au #chiro #easter2021 #jamesst #fortitudevalley #newstead #teneriffe #newfarm #brisbane #chiropractic #ourchirobrisbane #spine #neckpain #backpain
15.01.2022 Ever wondered why we might want to see an x-ray on a part of your body? X-rays are great for showing us the condition of your bones and joint surfaces. At some point during the treatment process for your issue we may want to see whats going on with a particular joint, especially if you arent responding to a treatment plan as expected. We can gather some very important information from an x-ray, but rest assured, well only suggest it if we think it is absolutely necessary. #xray #chiropractic #ourchirobrisbane #chiropractor
14.01.2022 Our Chiro provides natural headache treatment Brisbane. This may surprise you, but chiropractic is a successful tool in treating migraines and other types of headaches. Unfortunately, many people don't think to seek out chiro. There is no need to continue suffering from severe headaches. If you suffer from headaches, contact us today to book an appointment. Here's how we start headache treatment Brisbane: [ 238 more words ] https://www.ourchiro.com.au/headache-treatment-brisbane/
12.01.2022 Our Chiro provides natural Valley headache treatment. This may surprise you, but chiropractic is a successful tool in treating migraines and other types of headaches. Unfortunately, many people don't think to seek out chiro. There is no need to continue suffering from severe headaches. If you suffer from headaches, contact us today to book an appointment. Here's how we start Valley headache treatment: [ 238 more words ] https://www.ourchiro.com.au/valley-headache-treatment/
11.01.2022 Tight buttock muscles? Try this figure-four stretch: 1. Lie on your back with your knees bent 2. Place your right ankle over your left knee... 3. Grab behind your left thigh and pull it towards you 4. This will stretch your glutes on the right-side 5. Hold for 45-60 seconds, relax and repeat on the opposite side For extra intensity, try this stretch in a seated position (as pictured). #chiro #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #glutestretch #tightglutes #fortitudevalley #newstead
11.01.2022 This stretch is an important one to stretch the piriformis muscle. This muscle gets tight from many things including prolonged sitting so if you sit at a desk all day this one is for you. If this muscle gets tight it can lead to low back and hip pain, poor flexibility and weakness of the glutes...so get stretching!!! #chiropractic #stretch #fit #wellness #health #body #lifestyle #adjustment #massage #muscle #fitness #goals #daily #prevention
10.01.2022 A frozen shoulder (technical term Adhesive Capsulitis or 'Ad Cap') can give you pain and stiffness in your shoulder that lasts a long time.It's something we treat and see very commonly at the clinic. Certain exercises can help to manage this problem. For example, use your good arm to lift your affected arm at the elbow, and bring it up and across your body. Apply gentle pressure to stretch the shoulder. Hold the stretch for 15 to 20 seconds. If you’re struggling with shoulde...r pain get in contact and we can assess and treat your shoulder today! www.ourchiro.com.au #shoulder #chiro #chiropractor #newstead #newfarm #teneriffe #fortitudevalley #jamesstreet #ourchiro #shoulderpain
10.01.2022 It might come as a surprise to learn that the best Brisbane migraine treatment is chiropractic. Whilst often overlooked as treatment for migraines and other headaches, chiropractic is incredibly effective. Our Chiro offers Brisbane migraine treatment that provides effective long term relief. https://www.ourchiro.com.au/brisbane-migraine-treatment-us/
10.01.2022 Finding yourself sitting frequently? Between working at your desk and leisure time spent in front of the TV or games console, it’s easy to do. Try this hip opening exercise to combat tight hips: 1. Lie on your back with feet flat to the floor and knees hip-width apart 2. Flatten your back to the floor by rolling your pelvis backward (imprinted spine) 3. Hold that position whilst you lift your pelvis into the air, creating a straight line between your shoulders and knees, m...aking sure not to put excess pressure on the head and neck 4. Hold for 45-60 seconds, relax and repeat Say goodbye to tight hips! #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #chiropractor #tighthips #newstead #newfarm #jamesstreet #teneriffe #ourchiro
09.01.2022 A message from the practitioners @ourchiro
07.01.2022 Use your office chair as your accessory to stretch. This sequence of stretches will increase oxygen into your body and lengthen tight muscles that get shortened from a prolonged sitting position. Turns out your office chair doesnt more than you think!! ... #chiropractic #stretch #body #muscle #fitness #wellbeing #fit #lifestyle #health #adjustment #massage #exercise #move #office
07.01.2022 More and more people are turning to alternative treatments that provide natural relief. Chiropractic is one such treatment that is completely natural and non-invasive. Our Chiro offers migraine treatment in Valley that is incredibly effective. Our Chiros migraine treatment in Valley will give you a new lease on life! https://www.ourchiro.com.au/migraine-treatment-in-valley-t/
07.01.2022 Did you know that your nervous system is actually three systems? Central Nervous System - the brain and spinal cord take in and process information about the world in order to give instructions to the rest of the body. Peripheral Nervous System - nerves that branch out from the spinal cord and carry information to the brain to be interpreted, and also carry commands from the brain to the muscles all around the body.... Autonomic Nervous System - these nerves supply the internal organs and blood vessels, and carry instructions to control internal processes like breathing, heart rate and blood pressure, digestion, and body temperature. #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #didyouknow #chiro #chiropractic #brisbane #newstead #newfarm #jamesstreet #teneriffe #fortitudevalley #ourchiro #nerve
07.01.2022 Ever wondered what your ‘core muscles’ are exactly? Let us help you out. Your core muscles include a wide range of muscles in your mid-section or trunk, including: Transverse Abdominus (TA)... Diaphragm Pelvic floor Obliques Erector Spinae Multifidus Plus many more. There’s much more to your core than a six pack! Now we know why core exercises are so important! #chiro #chiropractic #core #corestability #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #newstead #newfarm #fortitudevalley
07.01.2022 Are you looking for migraine treatment in Fortitude Valley? The qualified team at Our Chiro offers natural, chiropractic treatment that is long-lasting. Contact us today to book an assessment with a member of our expert team. Our Chiro provides the best migraine treatment in Fortitude Valley. Without relying on painkillers. https://www.ourchiro.com.au/migraine-treatment-in-fortitud/
05.01.2022 Our Chiro is a North Brisbane chiropractic practice. We provide natural healing treatments that are reliable and effective. Our skilled chiropractors are dedicated to providing a professional level of effective care for chronic pain, migraines, and other physical ailments. Why opt for a North Brisbane chiropractic? Chiropractic care is an effective, natural form of treatment. Many people are now recognising the advantages of opting for natural treatments rather than traditional allopathic Western medicine. [ 237 more words ] https://www.ourchiro.com.au/north-brisbane-chiropractic/
05.01.2022 Daily Office Chair Stretch This is a great way to reduce postural stresses from sitting at a desk and helps to increase the oxygen into the body. Try this stretch daily or a few times a day. You will be less symptoms such as tightness, stiffness and tension. ... #chiropractic #stretch #office #exercise #breathe #wellness #health #goals #fitness #posture #lifestyle #instafit #highlights #muscle #body
05.01.2022 At Our Chiro Brisbane we offer both Chiropractic and Musculoskeletal evidence based therapy and treatment. We provide effective relief for those seeking sciatica treatment in Brisbane. The clinic offers a wide range of treatment options both gentle and effective. Our aim is to help you recover from injury and achieve peak health and performance. There are several options for sciatica treatment in Brisbane. [ 272 more words ] https://www.ourchiro.com.au/sciatica-treatment-in-brisbane/
04.01.2022 Ever wondered what your core muscles are exactly? Let us help you out. Your core muscles include a wide range of muscles in your mid-section or trunk, including: Transverse Abdominus (TA)... Diaphragm Pelvic floor Obliques Erector Spinae Multifidus Plus many more. Theres much more to your core than a six pack! Now we know why core exercises are so important! #chiro #chiropractic #core #corestability #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #newstead #newfarm #fortitudevalley
04.01.2022 Want to keep your posture in check? Try these 3 helpful tips: 1. Sit tall, stand tall. 2. Avoid sitting down for long periods of time.... 3. Ensure you include exercises that target your core/trunk muscles 3-4 times per week. Who needs help with their posture? After all that time in isolation, I think we ALL do! #ourchiro #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #chiropractor #fortitudevalley
04.01.2022 Lumbar spine extension is the backwards curving of the spine in the low back region which happens when we lean back. Because there is generally a lot of movement in this area, it is susceptible to overloading forces which can lead to unhappy joints in the spine and muscles that run down the back either side of it. People who have a naturally bigger lumbar curve (aka hyperlordosis) are more at risk of overloading injuries to the muscles and joints in this region of the spine. So, while youre at home, be careful with all that extra DIY, cleaning out the garage and rough and tumble with the kids! How is your lumbar spine feeling? #lumbarspine #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #backs #chiropractor
03.01.2022 Our Chiro provides natural headache treatment Fortitude Valley. This may surprise you, but chiropractic is a successful tool in treating migraines and other types of headaches. Unfortunately, many people don't think to seek out chiro. There is no need to continue suffering from severe headaches. If you suffer from headaches, contact us today to book an appointment. Here's how we start headache treatment Fortitude Valley: [ 238 more words ] https://www.ourchiro.com.au/headache-treatment-fortitude-v/
03.01.2022 Goodluck to Damian Brown for his UFC fight on Sunday 19th Nov at 10:30am. Tune in to watch him dominate AND his amazing new range of motion @beatdown155 #bringithomebrown #chiropractic #fitness #goals #ufc #athelete #kinesiotape #strong #body #health #wellbeing #winner
02.01.2022 Life with a newborn can be magical and it can also be quite literally a pain in the neck. Breastfeeding and holding your weighty bundle of joy in one position for long periods of time puts a strain on your neck, shoulder and back. Try to use pillows to support your arm, your back and the baby while you feed, do simple neck and back stretches after feeding, and get up and move around in between feeds.... If the pain won’t go away or becomes severe get in touch with us today instead of suffering in silence.07 32570399 or book online www.ourchiro.com.au #chiro #newstead #newfarm #jamesstreet #teneriffe #brisbane #babies #fortitudevalley #neckpain
02.01.2022 Think you might be hypermobile? Some of us have more movement in our joints than the average Joe. People with excessively mobile joints may have hypermobility syndrome. People with this condition may experience pain as their muscles try to compensate and stabilise very mobile joints. Speak to us today if you have any concerns #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #fortitudevalley #jamesstreet #newfarm #teneriffe #newstead #ourchiro
02.01.2022 May’s word of the month is Iliopsoas. The iliopsoas is the main hip flexor muscle, although it is actually made up of two muscles - the psoas, which starts at the lumbar spine, and the iliacus, which starts from the inside of the pelvis. The two meet at the pelvis and run along the front of the hip to join onto the femur. If you damage this muscle, you are likely to experience pain at the front of your hip, which may radiate down your thigh. You might also experience pain in ...your low back. Who has felt the pinch of hip flexor pain before? #hip #chiropractic #ourchirobrisbane #newstead #newfarm #teneriffe #jamesstreet #jamesst #fortitudevalley #spine
02.01.2022 Your sub-occipital muscles are a small group of four muscles found at the back of your head where the base of the skull meets the top of the spinal column. These muscles act together to help you look up and turn your head side to side. These muscles are commonly found to be sore and are a regular source of headaches. Posture, posture, posture! If you are experiencing headaches, come and see us, and we’ll help figure out the problem, and get you back to normal as soon as possi...ble. Because dealing with constant headaches is nothing but a gigantic you guessed it headache! #ourchirochiropractorbrisbane #fortitudevalley #newstead #newfarm #headache #jamesstreet #ourchiro #chiropractic #chiropractor
02.01.2022 At Our Chiro we offer people in Brisbane sciatica treatment that is non-invasive. Sciatica is a relatively common complaint that we treat using various chiropractic and musculoskeletal methods. Sciatica is nerve pain arising from the sciatic nerve and is a very common condition. It can have a few causes such as disc bulges, degeneration or even a tight muscle such as the Piriformis. It can be produced by pressure on the nerve, where it passes through the buttock. Therefore, ...it is important to accurately diagnose the cause of your sciatica. https://www.ourchiro.com.au/non-invasive-brisbane-sciatica/
01.01.2022 Our Chiro provides natural headache treatment Valley. This may surprise you, but chiropractic is a successful tool in treating migraines and other types of headaches. Unfortunately, many people don't think to seek out chiro. There is no need to continue suffering from severe headaches. If you suffer from headaches, contact us today to book an appointment. Here's how we start headache treatment Valley: [ 238 more words ] https://www.ourchiro.com.au/headache-treatment-valley/
01.01.2022 Our shoulder blades (or ‘scapulae’) should sit relatively flat against our rib cage. A direct blow to the shoulder, or a funny twist of the shoulder or neck, can injure the nerve to the muscle that keeps the blades in that flat position. As a result, you can be left with a condition known as ‘scapula winging’. This can affect your shoulder function and posture as well as training. If you have noticed your scapula’s sticking out, give us a call we can help. ... #health #ourchiro #ourchirobrisbane #fitness #education #chiropractic #spine #wellness #body #muscle #fortitudevalley #newstead #newfarm
01.01.2022 To all our amazing patients, The impacts of the COVID - 19 have been unprecedented and are changing daily. At Our Chiro we have implemented everything necessary to keep our patients healthy and safe, as we always have. ... At present, we are operating as usual and have extended our hours to facilitate the extraordinary changes in our daily routines. We are all feeling the effects of these uncertain times, so lets all take care of each other. Our thoughts are with those affected and we are here to support you and your family through this time.
01.01.2022 We all do it. You have a headache and you take a painkiller or two. In a relatively short space of time you experience pain relief. But what if the painkillers dont eradicate the pain? Or the headache returns time and time again? At Our Chiro in Brisbane headache treatment takes the form of a holistic approach that focuses on long term pain relief. Our teams are specialists when it comes to treating migraines and other kinds of headaches. https://www.ourchiro.com.au/brisbane-headache-treatment-us/
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