Project You Can | Businesses
Project You Can
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25.01.2022 ______________________________________ We are forever proud and in awe of our kids from the moment they wake up and to the moment they go to sleep of a night. But today as a parent I may be just a little bit more prouder than usual. For good reason too. Being a father and being someone who I guess never grew up (Modern day Peter Pan if you must call it) I have always taught my kids that the imagination is possibly one of the greatest powers and tools a child can have.... And in doing so my daughter Sierra (aged 8) 2 years ago found a passion for writing. Writing stories about animals and creatures. Creatures that I would have never thought of to create. But the thing that gets me every time is the happiness it brings her when she has finished writing a story. The excitement, The smiles... It absolutely melts my heart. Will Sierra continue to write stories when she is older? Who knows, but at the moment her dream is to be a children's author and today it put her one step closer to that dream with this cool trophy from her school teacher. - Kieron ______________________________________ See more
25.01.2022 We had such an amazing day helping film @juicedtv Christmas special at the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital today. We not only met Santa but we had the pleasure of meeting the beautiful Venessa who is totally #KickingCancerInTheButt :) .A massive thank you to @pip_russell for the incredible work you do with Juiced TV and for having us be a part of such a special day. #juicedtv - Juiced TV
24.01.2022 A big shout out to our little buddy Lachie who yesterday celebrated his end of chemo This kid is so cheeky and is just one of the most remarkable and inspiring kids beyond all words. He has seriously never stopped smiling. Congrats Lach Proud of you buddy.
24.01.2022 Our very good friend @samweir_ultra is currently racing in one of the worlds toughest foot races known to man... @badwaterhq in Deathvalley. Running 217km in temperatures of 35degrees. This has been a massive dream of Sam's for as long as we have known him. For those wanting to follow Sam on his quest, head to the link in his bio section.. @chasingvert @jleigh79 Sam Weir
24.01.2022 A big congratulations to @samweir_ultra for achieving his dream, conquering one of the worlds toughest foot races... @badwaterhq in Deathvalley. Amazing Sam. We are extremely proud of you.- Sam Weir Chasing Vert
24.01.2022 Meet Cody 8 year old Cody was born with a special leg condition leaving him with short calf muscles (much shorter than the average child) forcing him to only walk on his tippy toes. This has been away of life for Cody since the moment he could walk. Cody, being thankful he can walk... and although having to wear leg braces everyday, he tackles everything head on including running in this weeks school cross country. More amazingly Cody has a great passion for BMX and c...ompetes in tournaments every weekend. Now this is a pretty special post because Cody is actually my nephew so I think it is safe to say that I am ridiculously proud of him. Good work Cody. - Kieron
24.01.2022 #Repost I am forever telling people to go out and chase their goals and in the process of doing so I put some of my own goals on hold which is cool because there are so many people out there that need the motivation more than i. But over the last few weeks I have made the time to tackle one of my own personal goals and one of my biggest fears... Heights! And no better way to conquer it than to head into the hinterlands off course with the one and only Sam Weir scaling acros...s mountains and steep rock faces simply relying on tree vines and palm fonds to stop you from falling off the edge. Crazy I know but it's all about the challenge. And the thing with conquering goals is to not think about it to much. Set the goal, embrace the challenge and simply 'Do It'. The rewards are endless. I not only overcame my fear of heights but I was rewarded with one of the greatest adventures and sunrises I have seen in a long time. All whilst standing on top of the world. - Kieron @project_you_can
23.01.2022 #Repost @kieron_douglass __________________________________ It was an absolute honour to have been asked to come and hang out with a few of the juniors from the Redlands Footy Club last night. It felt really good to give back to the club I spent so many years playing at as a junior myself. I also teamed up with Leon from @thebluethumbfarm who recently helped crew for me during the Ch9 telethon 100km run. Leon heard I was helping a few kids and he couldn't jump in his car quick enough. @project_you_can #YouCan
23.01.2022 Healthy Food = Healthy Minds. 'Perfect' For Kids Chasing Their Goals. _______________________________________________ #Repost @kieron_douglass I remember as a kid going on a school excursion to the Sunshine Coasts 'Super Bee' and tasting fresh honey straight from the bee hive it was out of this world. And today, it was as if I was a kid again tasting honey for the very first time but this time it was from our very own local @thebluethumbfarm and one spoon and a half ...of jar later it's nearly gone haha but the 3 things I love about this place is the passion and drive these guys have to produce the most rawest organic ingredients from honey to sweet potatoes so that their customers can have access to the freshest of food which they can pull straight from the ground and use to create fresh 'full' flavour meals. Not to mention their goal of not just teaching young kids about fresh food but inspiring and encouraging them to incorporate it into their everyday diet. It's so refreshing to see. A big thank you to Leon and Karina for the honey. See more
23.01.2022 A great message to all the kids out there from Ironwoman Champ @harrietbrown 'Keep following your dreams, work hard to achieve them but most of all keep having fun.' - Harriet Brown Thank you so much for the support Harriet We wish you all the best for the up and coming series. We are behind you all the way.
23.01.2022 Get on board and let's help Sam achieve his dream challenging himself in one of the toughest foot races in the world. You can do so by attending this special trivia night. Only 2 more days left to lock in a ticket(s). It's going to be a great night with lots of prizes given out throughout the night... It's going to be a lot of fun Click the link below and show your support. Sam Weir
20.01.2022 This one is for all the loud, energetic, fun loving, excited, stoked and amazing kids Don't ever be afraid to be yourself. #repost @kieron_douglass . . . . _______________________________________________ I'm really not one for a rant on social media but this is disgusting. Being someone who is all about encouraging kids to chase their goals... This just makes me sick. How dare these people pick on a 12yr old girl for loving life with such an incredible enthusiastic attitude.... Here is a kid who has embraced the real spirit of what it truly means to be a kid and what it means to be Australian. Has anyone ever met a kid who's not loud and doesn't have energy?? I sure haven't. Id be disappointed if my kids weren't loud at times and bouncing off the walls. That's what being a kid is all about. Am I right? At only 12yrs old, Sabre has done some remarkable things in her short existence and has probably accomplished more things in those 12 years than anyone on that news feed will accomplish in their whole entire life time. She has done things people would only dream of. People like Michelle here must feel so tough and proud of themselves for picking on a little girl for simply being a fun, excited, loud, positive, energetic kid with such an extraordinary heart ... God forbid other children look up to her... What a terrible role model... How dare Sabre love life and dream big haha. It is people like this that make me feel embarrassed to be a human. Don't ever change Sabre. @sabrenorris #TeamSabre #Straya #SeeAustralia See more
20.01.2022 The ever so inspiring @rogersphoenix after absolutely smashing the Noosa Kids Triathlon on the weekend. Good work Phoenix!! - @mat_rogers6
19.01.2022 A big shout out to our good friend @richievas who comes up against Danny Martinez at UFC's 193 in Melbourne this weekend. Richie has been training the house down over the past few months and we are so excited to see him do what he does best when he steps into the octagon at Etihad Stadium. #TeamVas
16.01.2022 #Repost @kieron_douglass . . . . If this doesn't inspire you to run I don't know what will. ... Young Paige was a massive inspiration to myself whilst running last years Project Run from the Gold Coast to The Sunshine Coast after seeing a video that her mum had sent me with Paige running around in the backyard with her sister and now, here she is again running in her schools cross country yesterday. Absolutely amazing!. Well done Paige!! #YouCan
16.01.2022 This gives us goosebumps Josh Brass
15.01.2022 #Repost @project_you_can In partnership with @thebluethumbfarm over the next few months we have the absolute privilege to mentor and train a few of the kids from the Redlands Jnr Rugby League club in Brisbane's bayside. Teaching them skills that they can not only use in a game of football but in life also.... Last night was our second time visiting the club and already we have seen a great improvement in their attitudes towards tasks, they seem very focused and definitely motivated. One of the kids who last week was last coming in after every run we sent them on was the first one back every time last night. It's so amazing to see what a little encouragement does to someone's confidence. We are very excited to see what the new few months bring. -Team You Can #YouCan
14.01.2022 In 1973 the legendary Steve Rogers took to the field to play for the mighty Cronulla Sutherland Sharks. In 1995 his son Mat Rogers followed in his fathers footsteps joining in the clubs history. Now in 2015 @mat_rogers6 son and grandson to Steve, 'Jack Rogers' who also inherited the passion and desire for football walked into the same room his father and grandfather walked into many years ago and signed with the Cronulla Sharks. Thanks heaps for the support Jack and we wish you all the best for preseason and we look forward to seeing your future in the game unfold. @jackrogerss
14.01.2022 This is what we LOVE to see . Kids heading to school with goals in sight. And it is so important that as parents we encourage our kids to follow their little hearts and to let them know that there is no dream to big or too small that they can't achieve . _______________________________________________ Mia 6 | WHEN I GROW UP | A vet, A Life Saver, A Musician, A surf Coach, a Pilot and a Farmer.... Evie 7 | WHEN I GROW UP | Marine Biologist, Adventure Rescue and a Surfing Coach. Awesome work girls. A big thank you to the @hokinsfamily for letting us share this inspiring photo. _______________________________________________
12.01.2022 SEA OF SUNFLOWERS ______________________________________ Well, we are now at the end of which has been a fantastic year so we would like to dedicate our last 'You Can' of the month post to the ever so amazing 'Heidi Hodges' and her incredible Sunflowers. When asked why she chose the Sunflower Heidi's reply was that they are big and beautiful and that they make people smile.... With the help of her awesome father they begun seeding the ground and before they knew it Heidi had a sea of sunflowers. So many that she put some of them in bunches, made some cool signs and sold them at the markets for $3 a bunch making a profit of $40.80. What an awesome way to make some pocket money. Great initiative. Good work Heidi ______________________________________ #Repost @jasonhodgesbhg Sold out 2 days in a row... #heidihodges and #danniihodges should go into business together... How could you say no.... @bhgaus See more
11.01.2022 This just goes to show that you are never to old to take on a challenge and accomplish new goals. A big thank you @holaboi for sharing. ___________________________________ 'Every time I go back up home dad & I have big long talks bout health & weight loss. Kaliyah is at her mums for the week so I offered him to come stay with me for the week. Told him Ill take him to gym, cook & take care of him. Show him some things so he can go home with some skills to apply when he's at ...home without me. I get a phone call at 445am"hey son where are you? I'm up by the beach!" So I finished my 4am workout at 5am n walked up to him. 9am I brought him to the gym with me. Not sure how long he'll last before he's bored n wants to go back to his old ways. But I'm trying to help. I'm glad he's here. If I can help dad lose weight I can help anyone lose weight!' See more
11.01.2022 This one's for all the people that have criticised you for doing something they can't . _______________________________________________ "Do we not encourage and teach our kids to step out of their comfort zone and to go out into the open world to chase their goals and dreams? Do we not strive as adults to do the same? Tell me, how many of you have dared to dream but have been to afraid to take that leap? ... Whilst you sit there thinking about that question and thinking ab...out your goals and your dreams, 'scared'... you quickly criticise and judge those who are daring enough to take that leap of faith... Guys like @jarrydhayne38 who have shown us that with hard work and heart 'anything is possible' regardless the outcome. You criticise the man for having dreams. Wether that be to play in the NFL or to play for Fiji. You criticise the people we need in a world full of chaos that bring hope to not only our kids but to ourselves in an bid that one day we to can hold our own dreams". See more
10.01.2022 We have had the absolute pleasure for quite a few years now watching @samweir_ultra challenge the boundaries of the human body and we have seen him go above and beyond all limits chasing his dreams and achieving his goals. Today Sam received some incredible news that one of his dreams was about to become a reality. Congratulations mate. Very proud of you. You deserve everything you get and more. __________________________________ #Repost @samweir_ultra with Hello ...Sam! Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to compete in the 2016 STYR Labs Badwater 135 Ultramarathon, presented by AdventureCORPS, Inc. You are part of a select group who will participate in what is recognized across the globe as the worlds toughest footrace. __________________________________ 'The life long dream and hard work has paid off!! This is an Honour to be accepted with the Worlds best endurance athletes in Death Valley! I cannot believe it! Thank you to everyone who has supported this dream since I took up my first pair of Runners 3 1/2 years ago.' - Sam
10.01.2022 Our next run is about to kick off. Getting excited.
09.01.2022 Look who we bumped into yesterday at the 2016 @bridge2brisbane... Josh Brass !!! Josh smashed out the 5km with his team @sportingwheelies. Great to see you Josh. Love your work
09.01.2022 So awesome Kev. There is no better person we could think of that would inspire those kids like you have just done. ______________________________________ #repost from @project_you_can ambassador @kevinnewman_ii "Had a chance to go and speak to a classroom full of young kids today at Lawerence middle school and give them a little motivation. They made my day and I was glad to make there's as well. Thank you Simone Davis for setting it up and giving me the opportunity looking forward to doing it again at other schools around Vegas. Especially in poverty stricken areas."
07.01.2022 Absolute legend Sam Weir. Congratulations mate.
06.01.2022 If there is anyone who knows what it's like to chase goals with pure heart and determination its ironman champ @matt.bevilacqua. Thanks for the support mate and all the best with the up and coming series.
03.01.2022 Here is living proof that 'age' is simply just a number. 70 year old Dennis Cherry recently became boxings QLD Masters Champ after fighting 3 tough rounds against a guy twice his size. We recently caught up with Dennis at his local boxing gym to give him a big high five and with a cheeky smile on his face he says 'Thank you'. He then continued to tell me that after the final bell went he walked over to his corner and his trainer asked him how he was feeling and his reply was ...'Can we do this again tomorrow'. We asked Dennis why boxing? Why do you fight? And his reply was 'because of the challenge and the adrenaline of it but more importantly 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and after a long battle I finally beat it and ever since then I vowed to always live life to its fullest'. He said 'Next week i turn 71, now I have to learn how to be a grown up'. With a 5th fight in the works we will forever be in awe of Dennis as he is a true inspiration. See more
03.01.2022 A BIG congratulations to @zaneassink who scored a wildcard entry into surfing's Australian Open next month Well done Zane. We are so stoked to see your hard work and dedication pay off. Very awesome.
02.01.2022 A big shoutout to @alyssalock for winning her first Aussie title yesterday. So amazing. _______________________________________________ #Repost - Still smiling after winning my first Australian Title yesterday and adding my name on to the list as the Australian Open Women's Champion for 2016!!
01.01.2022 Very interesting read into education. Would love to hear your thoughts.
01.01.2022 YOU CAN!!! - Tom Carroll
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