Regional Chambers of Commerce & Industry of WA in East Perth, Western Australia | Non-profit organisation
Regional Chambers of Commerce & Industry of WA
Locality: East Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 438 913 303
Address: 180 Hay Street 6005 East Perth, WA, Australia
Likes: 504
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25.01.2022 This weeks newsletter shines a spotlight on East Kimberley CCIs Business Forum and Peel CCI's upcoming Business Expo. We love seeing our members get creative, especially in these current times, coming up with some fantastic new initiatives to help support their members any way they can.
25.01.2022 Regional Investment - a priority in our State's Recovery Plan. #regionalvoice #recoveryWA
25.01.2022 #regionalvoice #regionalmembersforum2020 #weloveourmembers
25.01.2022 Business Failure - not something any of us like to contemplate - but this workshop from the SBDC will be very valuable and full of first rate information for those looking to be aware of the warning signs. Please share with your networks. This is being held live this Thursday. #regionalvoice #sbdc #beprepared
24.01.2022 RCCIWA is proud to be delivering Working Together in six regions - connecting Aboriginal job seekers to work opportunities. Now in our 5th year of delivery, Working Together is a dedicated service with a focus to provide information, support and advice to business owners and operators in the Goldfields, South West, Midwest, West Kimberley, Pilbara and Great Southern regions to attract, recruit and retain young Aboriginal Employees. Working in collaboration with the local Job...s and Skills Centres, Working Together aims to expand work opportunities for young local Aboriginal people by talking with and educating local businesses. It is about delivering local jobs for local people. Funded and supported by the Department of Training and Workplace Development - we are seeing positive results, particularly in delivering cultural awareness to business owners and connecting potential applicants to the right job for them. Delivered locally by the six Chambers of Commerce in each region with RCCIWA the Program Manager, Working Together is a great example of utilizing the trust, engagement and network of local Chambers to deliver real outcomes and support to the business community Thank you to our terrific member and Working Together provider the Albany CCI for this great video with an important message. We love your work! #regionalvoice #workingtogether #albanycci #DTWD
23.01.2022 We are currently running a survey to find out what "Red Tape" is currently stopping your business succeeding in WA.
23.01.2022 All the latest news from us is in todays newsletter. We're on our way to planning an incredible Forum for November. Let us know who and what you'd like to see included.
22.01.2022 Our RED TAPE survey is currently open. We'd love you're feedback on what Red Tape inhibits your business on Local, State and Federal Government levels so we can report back to them. Please help us by sharing with your networks.
22.01.2022 Thanks for the great conversation around Training and Workforce Development Anne Driscoll representing Minister Ellery #regionalvoice #regionalmembersforum2020 #representingourmembers
21.01.2022 This is great news. #regionalvoice #wanderoutyonder
20.01.2022 Monitoring business confidence is important, it's a leading indicator of business conditions and overall economic health of the State. As the only WA-specific index in the country, the WA Super CCIWA Business Confidence Survey provides a snapshot of state-wide economic conditions and business expectations, including in regional WA. By completing this short five-minute survey, you are helping us determine how regional WA is tracking and the major issues preventing regional... businesses from growing. As we enter the recovery phase of the pandemic, there has never been a more important time to ensure your voice is heard. #regionalvoice #cciwa
19.01.2022 This is exciting news - one of our fab members - the Pilbara Inland CCI will be holding their inaugural Business Awards and nomination are now open. Congratulations to PICCI on putting together this fantastic and very important event - business awards are such an valuable way to recognise , reward and celebrate the achievements of local businesses. They instill confidence, acknowledge business successes and also give local businesses inspirational goals - which is all part of... building a sustainable local business community. We love your work PICCI! We cant wait to hear all about it! #regionalvoice #awards #picci
19.01.2022 It was terrific to be in Northam today to listen, learn and participate in the Community Resource Network Conference - Agents of Change. Thank you to the Hon Alannah MacTiernan for inviting us to participate in the panel discussion on Regional WA Over the Next Decade. It was a very valuable discussion as was the whole program for the day. Great to catch up with so many familiar regional faces as well. On the way home we also managed a lightning visit with the brilliant Esther... Bliss from the Northam CCI and Northam Women in Business in the welcoming and vibrant Main Street location. A fab spot! And as an extra added bonus caught up with Willy Regan from RSM Business Local Wheatbelt. What a fantastic day! #regionalvoice #northamcci #nwib #crcnetwork #dpird #rsmbusinesslocalwa
19.01.2022 It's your last day to complete our survey on Red Tape. What Red Tape inhibits your business? You feedback helps us communicate better with Government on issues directly affecting Regional WA businesses.
18.01.2022 Our newsletter is out today. Check out all the latest news at
18.01.2022 Great to be in Exmouth today and spend time with our terrific member the Exmouth CCI. So much activity in Exmouth with plenty of opportunities for business growth. #regionalvoice #exmouthcci
18.01.2022 Jobs, jobs and more jobs in Kalgoorlie-Boulder! Great work by our fab member the KBCCI in supporting their businesses looking for employees, attracting new people to town and contributing to the economic development of KB. We are hearing that in many regions, businesses are struggling to find workers...How is your region going? Is this an issue where you are?... #regionalvoice #regionasarewherethejobsare #kbcci
17.01.2022 mmm at RCCIWA we are partial to a country bakery! Nice work Grow Local and Pilbara Bakehouse! #regionalvoice #regionalbakeries #growlocal #kdcci #welovepies
17.01.2022 What a fantastic initiative from one of our members - Toodyay Chamber of Commerce encouraging people to take a drive out of the city to visit the beautiful town of Toodyay. Help them spread the message by sharing this clip with all your friends and family - you won't regret taking a #wanderoutyonder and experiencing all our beautiful state has to offer. #regionalvoice #MemberShowcase #Toodyay
17.01.2022 Introducing the 2020/21 RCCIWA Executive Committee We held our AGM last week and we are proud to introduce our RCCIWA Executive Committee . We are looking forward to working together to help shape and drive RCCIWA in 2021 and beyond. Thank you to our awesome Executive Committee members for your support.... From Left to Right: Andrew McKerrell (Peel) - Committee Member Elaine Jolliffe (Broome) - Committee Member Ron Mosby (Kalgoorlie-Boulder) - President Kitty Prodonovich - CEO David Lantzke (Jurien Bay) - Vice President Simone deBeen (Kalgoorlie-Boulder) - Secretary/Treasurer #regionalvoice #RCCIWA
17.01.2022 All the latest RCCIWA news can be found on our website or in our weekly newsletter:
16.01.2022 Great discussion was had with @minister.papalia this morning #regionalvoice #regionalmemberforum2020
16.01.2022 We were thrilled to be in Newman this weekend for the Newman CCIs 2020 Business Excellence Awards - and what a brilliant event it was! Congratulations to President Gerry Parsons and the committee of the Newman CCI, and the fabulous Tania and Tanisha for putting on a first class event that brought the business and broader community together, rewarded and recognised business successes and was a total celebration of local Newman businesses. Congratulations to all and thanks to... our fab member the Newman CCI for inviting and hosting us. #regionalvoice #newmancci #businessawards
15.01.2022 Great to see our valued Corporate Member - Arc Infrastructure continuing to strongly support Foodbank WA - an organisation that provides crucial support across WA. Thank you. We know so many of our members directly support Foodbank WA through partnerships, activities and other fundraising initiatives - another way the business and broader community are working together in Regional WA. #regionalvoice #2020MealMakers Arc Infrastructure
15.01.2022 This morning we met with the Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC to discuss regional issues #regionalvoice #regionalmembersforum2020 #representingourmembers #regionalchamberswa
13.01.2022 Representing our Members. Being a member of CCIWAs General Council is a valuable way to ensure the voice of WA regional businesses contributes to policy discussions. An important forum that we appreciate being a part of. It was also great to check out CCIWAs amazing new offices, catch up with their team, meet some of their members and sample delicious WA produce! ... #regionalvoice #cciwa #rokkombucha
12.01.2022 Welcome news - Great to see this incentive package announced by our Government today - which will make a difference in attracting much needed workers to regional WA. #regionalvoice #workandwander
11.01.2022 Looking for Workers? The State Governments major regional workers campaign Work and Wander out Yonder launches this Sunday. The State-wide advertising campaign will direct agricultural, tourism and hospitality jobseekers to a specific Work and Wander out Yonder section on jobs websites Seek and Studium. Please register with both platforms though Seek presents the best opportunity for tourism and hospitality businesses.... We encourage all interested agricultural, tourism and hospitality businesses to have available positions registered ASAP! Please check out the Fact Sheet in the link below to find out how. The mass media campaign will reach all major advertising platforms across the State including television, print, social media, radio, digital and out-of-home and presents a great opportunity for agricultural, tourism and hospitality businesses to find the workers they need. Please let your local businesses know that the earlier they register their jobs the better, so they can be a part of the campaign from the outset. All existing Seek advertisements are able to have the #workandwander hashtag retroactively entered into the job ad details section. If you have an existing ad on Seek, make sure you add the hashtag to be part of the campaign. Please share with your networks and members to help them find the workers they need. #regionalvoice #findworkers #workandwander
11.01.2022 Great to see - nice work! #regionalvoice
11.01.2022 Happy National Family Business Day to all of the amazing family businesses in Regional WA. #regionalvoice #familybusinessday #nfbd20
11.01.2022 We are so excited to be in Exmouth for a few days to spend some time with our amazing member, the Exmouth CCI....but first a bit of shop local and a visit to the amazing Ningaloo Bakehouse and Cafe.......delicious!! #regionalvoice #regionalbakeries #ningaloobakehouseandcafe #shoplocal #smallbizwa #weloveapie
10.01.2022 Last night we were very excited to take part in the launch of the Exmouth Business Accelerator Program, as a guest of our terrific member the Exmouth CCI. The Exmouth Business Accelerator Program is an initiative created to assist and develop Exmouth businesses and is already having a very positive impact. Funded through a partnership between the ECCI and Founding Partners Woodside and Mitsui E&P, the aim of the program is to support local businesses, improve economic viabili...ty and increase local employment options. A huge congratulations to both the ECCI and Woodside for this incredible partnership and Program. It was so great to be a part of this very important launch event. Check out their website to find out more about the Program. #regionalvoice #exmouthcci #woodside #businessacceleratorprogram #loveexmouth
10.01.2022 Thursday 10 September is R U OK?Day and a reminder that on every day of the year we should support people who may be struggling. But theres more to say after R U OK?... If someone says theyre not OK make time to listen, encourage action and check in. If you need immediate crisis or emotional support you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. R U OK? is a national charity dedicated to inspiring all of us to have regular, meaningful conversations to support anyone struggling with lifes ups and downs. And this year more than ever, we need to check in with people around us in a meaningful way. You can learn what to say after R U OK? at #theresmoretosay #regionalvoice
09.01.2022 Save the Date! There has never been a more important time to celebrate, recognise and support Western Australia's small businesses. How will you celebrate WA Small Business Day 2020?... #regionalvoice #wasmallbusinessday #smallbizwa #smallbusinessmatters
08.01.2022 We are so proud to be a part of the Grow Local Program which is genuinely making a positive impact in helping Pilbara businesses grow and develop. Great workshop this week! #growlocal #kdcci #regionalvoice #riotinto #woodside #chevron #toll #cityofkarratha
08.01.2022 ABC Focus Program - attracting regional workers We were thrilled to be given the opportunity to be a part of ABC Perth Radios Focus Program yesterday morning to talk about the workforce shortages challenging our regional businesses right now. Joined by the brilliant Amanda Walker from Yerecoin who is the Chair of our Fab member the Wheatbelt Business Network, it was an important and much needed opportunity to let people know about all of the amazing opportunities in Regional... WA. A big thanks to Jessica Strutt for putting together this interview. #regionalvoice #wheatbeltbusinessnetwork #abcperth #regionaljobs #workandwander
07.01.2022 A great message to remember in the lead up to WA Small Business Day - Saturday October 31st 2020. #smallbizwa #WAsmallbusinessday #regionalvoice
07.01.2022 Red Tape is constantly raised by businesses all over Regional WA as an inhibitor for business growth and something that is incredibly frustrating for business owners. We want to know what Red Tape means for you and how it is stopping you do business well in our survey which is now open -
07.01.2022 All the info businesses will need about the Mandatory Contact Register. #regionalvoice #SBDC
05.01.2022 PIVOT program for small business owners The Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) has launched the PIVOT program; an exciting new initiative to help small business owners develop an entrepreneurial mindset to successfully rebuild operations as we emerge from COVID-19. PIVOT will help you discover innovative ways of operating to meet the demands and opportunities presented by new and emerging markets. The six month online program offers a range of practical webinars, ...mentoring and support to give you the tools and confidence to take your business forward. Valued at $4,500 per participant, this inspiring program is available free of charge for a limited number of eligible small business owners, including sole traders, from across WA. Expressions of interest are open until 17 August. With demand likely to be high and late applications unable to be accepted, you are encouraged to apply immediately. Key dates 06 August 2020 Expressions of interest open. 17 August 2020 Expressions of interest close 4pm 25 August 2020 Successful applicants notified 31 August 2020 PIVOT program commences More information at
05.01.2022 RCCIWA Members Forum is on tomorrow - we are so looking forward to it! #regionalvoice #loveourmembers #rcciwaforum
05.01.2022 This will be a very interesting and valuable discussion. If you are in Perth on September 29th it would be worth attending. #regionalvoice #cciwa
03.01.2022 We love this idea. Have you made the #mysmallpledge yet? #regionalvoice
02.01.2022 This weeks newsletter is jam packed full of all the good stuff! Events are well and truly back in full swing with lots of Business Awards happening across the state celebrating the incredible local businesses that keep our regions going. Read up on it all here -
01.01.2022 A free online program delivered by our good friends (and awesome small business champions) the SBDC. Applications close on July 17th. Thank you SBDC. #regionalvoice #pivot #sbdc #applynow #smallbizwa
01.01.2022 We love this! Thanks Albany CCI! #workingtogether #albanycci #dtwd
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