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Renee Zaia
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22.01.2022 Under the umbrella of the painful emotion of hurt, there are other feelings of disappointment, feeling let down, betrayal, rejection and abandonment. Sometimes these feelings can be triggered from events like someone cutting you off in a meeting, being criticised, being lied to, infidelity or someone forgetting your birthday. Everyone experiences these events differently so it is up to you to honour what feels right for you. The hurt can feel devastating; the ache in the ...chest, a lack of air in the lungs, feeling deflated and that longing for relief. It IS possible to heal from heartbreak though, no matter what experience you've had. If you're ready to heal from heartbreak, email me on [email protected] to find out how coaching can help. Also, there is a way to sit with the painful emotion of hurt in a way that is compassionate. The next Master Your Emotions on-line workshop is on Sunday 18 October 2020, 10am-1pm on Zoom. Tickets are $49 and are available on Eventbrite. Sending big love, Renee Relationship Coach #masteryouremotions #masteryouremotionsmasteryourlife #internalpower #heartset #healfromheartbreak
22.01.2022 People don’t always know that they have the power to change their lives. Would you rather live at cause or effect? If you want to harness your internal power and create a better life start with these tips 1. Forgive the past. 2. Take responsibility for your choices. 3. Learn how to master your emotions. 4. Get clear on your goals. 5. Take action. 6. De-clutter all that no longer serves you; your home, your career, your relationships and your internal world. 7. Write a list of everything in your life right now that you appreciate. 8. Make amends to others you may have hurt in the past. 9. Get clear on what is fun for you. 10. Go play! Sending big love, Renee #internalpower #masteryouremotions
21.01.2022 Using veil in belly dance helps students to gain more courage as they are more visible with the veil so they learn how to own their presence in a big way. Dancing with the veil also helps with more confidence as you're not only belly dancing but also moving with 2.5m of fabric with grace and ease! It also helps with charisma: holding the veil correctly requires almost full extension of the arms which requires the opening of the heart. When we open our hearts, we are naturally... more charismatic. Using the veil can also indicate how comfortable we are at taking up space and also how we walk into a room. Arms up and out with full veil flowing is truly confident. Arms closed and veil being droopy suggests a presence of fear or not wanting to be seen. For those interested in the energetic connection, use of the veil also symbolises our auras, the energetic field around our bodies. In the workshop I encourage students to get lots of air under the veil to make it fly. When the veil is expansive, usually our auras are too. I love dancing with veil - the colours, the lighness the air and the self expression. These veils here on the washing line will be dry in no time and then individually bagged to be COVID safe ready for the workshop. Belly dance teaches transferrable courage, confidence and charima both on and off the dance floor. There are a few spots left for the workshop tomorrow (27 September). Are you ready to make the move?
19.01.2022 Another fabulous dance workshop - students are so inspiring!
15.01.2022 Why the dance students I teach inspire me
14.01.2022 When painful emotions get triggered it often feels like an emergency. Fear and anxiety may set off the panic alarms. Shame or guilt makes us want to run and hide. Anger is often an alarm of feeling out of control. Sadness and hurt sometimes make us feel like we want the world to swallow us up. All of it can feel like an emergency. Sound the sirens! Ever noticed how paramedics respond to someone who needs help? They are trained professionals who remain calm, are compassion...ate and apply first aid promptly. Becoming a first responder to your emotions is one of the best techniques you can learn to respond to emotional pain. It doesn’t negate the need for coaches, counsellors, energy healers, therapists - they do the deep work. Being a first responder is one of the best strategies to respond to emotional pain in REAL TIME. You do not have to wait! It is also an important technique to have healthier relationships, better communication, more love, more fun and more abundance in your life. Not sure how to become a first responder to your emotions? Join me for the next Master Your Emotions on-line workshop on Sunday 18 October 10am-1pm on Zoom. Tickets are available on Eventbrite for $49. Are you ready to make the move to true freedom? Sending big love Renee #masteryouremotions #internalpower #emotions #SelfMasteryCoach
14.01.2022 New growth, new beginnings. Relationships are like plants. They thrive with sunshine, nourishment and tenderness. Neglected they can become overrun with weeds, dry out or even die. How do you nourish your relationships including the relationship with yourself? ... See more
12.01.2022 Hey peeps, If you want to improve your relationships; business, professional, personal, romantic and the relationship you have with yourself, then this is the number one personal trait you need to bring to those relationships. Sending big love, ... Renee Relationship Coach #relationshipcoaching #relationshipgoals #mindset #trust
09.01.2022 Hello fabulous ones, the next Master Your Emotions Online Workshop will be held Sunday 1 November 2020, 10am-1pm (Sydney time), on Zoom. Combing powerful techniques in life coaching, somatic psychology, mindfulness and self-compassion with a sprinkle of fun, this workshop is designed to help you make the move to become a first responder to your emotions and create a life you really thrive in. Tickets are $49 and are available on Eventbrite using this link: The workshop also includes a lucky door prize. Are you ready to make the move? Sending big love, Renee Relationship Coach #mindset #heartset #masteryouremotions
08.01.2022 Only a couple more sleeps to go until the next belly dance workshop: from Courage to Confidence to Charisma! Workshop will be held Sunday 27 September 11am-1pm. Spaces are strictly limited to a maximum of 10 to ensure safe physical distances during the class. To secure your place, please purchase your ticket using the Eventrbrite link Tickets are only $49 so invest in yourself today and make the move from Courage to Confidence to Charisma! ... Shimmies! Sending big love, Renee #bellydance #courage #confidence #charisma #divinefeminineenergy
08.01.2022 Celebrating the Fabulous You - September Reflections
07.01.2022 When some people step out on to the dance floor they are afraid of being judged, humiliated even. They sometimes ‘filter’ themselves, don’t dance their full feelings, show their true selves or put themselves in a corner where they can easily slip away from the dance floor should anything happen. Sometimes this is exactly how they show up in life. In the corporate world, this is the person who comes into a meeting room and sits in the corner, afraid to share their ideas. In t...he tech world, it could be the person who develops the app or the software but is too terrified to present their new awesome program to a Board of Directors or at the next tech conference. In relationships this is the person who filters themselves to try and be what they think the other person wants them to be. This is no way to live. The world needs the real you! A good dancer isn’t always the person who has the best technique but it is definitely having the best attitude. When good dancers step out on to the dance floor they are saying, I’m going to have a go even if I’m afraid of getting it wrong, even if I’m afraid someone will laugh at me. They try their best and bring their full selves to the dance floor. They are brave and this is how they show up in their life - with courage. The courage grows to confidence and then to charisma! Ladies, if you’re keen to learn how to move from courage to confidence to charisma, join me at the next belly dance workshop on Sunday 27 September from 11am-1pm. Tickets are only $49. Numbers are strictly limited due to COVID. To secure your place, please purchase your ticket using the Eventrbrite link It could be the best investment you make in yourself. And for the fellas, be brave and try a dance class. You never know which new part of you will show up. Sending big love Renee #bellydance #lovedancelovelife #confidence #charisma #mindset #dancetransforms
06.01.2022 Celebrating the Fabulous You - End of Month Reflections - October the Tornado
05.01.2022 Hello fabulous ones, Back in July 2020, I ran a FREE online webinar on how to get more fun in your life. If you missed it, there is good news as I have now converted it to a video. Having fun is such an important part of living a happy and fulfilling life, but many of us have forgotten how to have fun. In this video I cover:... 1. How to know if you're having fun 2. How having fun benefits your health 3. A seven-minute visualisation to help you uncover what is fun for you. It starts at 10:00 4. How to have more fun in your life with and without making changes to your schedule. 5. Your fun action plan. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and to make fun your number 1! Sending big love, Renee Relationship Coach Make the Move Coaching
05.01.2022 I’ve managed to cultivate a tribe, some of my biggest fans who encourage me to keep going and who genuinely celebrate my successes. They are my cheer squad. Sometimes their encouragement is words of love, other times it is a nudge and in some cases the loving wake the hell up and get on with your mission. Then there are the moments where they celebrate your success, jumping up and down with you with genuine excitement. This kind of tribal support continues to be so impo...rtant in my journey. It’s also my greatest joy to get out my pom poms and cheer on someone else. Whilst it is so important to be able to self encourage and self motivate, it’s also beneficial to have a cheer squad, a group of people who lovingly encourage you along and provide some help too. Chances are you probably already have some of your cheer squad, but maybe you haven’t noticed who they are. Have a look, they are closer than you think. Give them thanks. Let them know that you appreciate them. And if you feel like you don’t have a cheer squad, the fastest way to create one is to be the great encourager for someone else. As humans we are relational beings, designed to connect, mutually create and inspire. It’s amazing what can be achieved when people come together and when there is a little bit of that gold nugget encouragement. Sending big love, Renee
05.01.2022 Happy birthday to my beautiful sister Nicole who would have been 46 years old today. She transitioned to spirit 10 years ago this year. Death is a powerful teacher that every moment is precious and so are the people in our lives. It's part of the reason I became a Relationship Coach. I love helping people to create happy, healthy and thriving relationships. Human beings are relational beings and in the end we only have our memories and the people we shared our lives with. ...It's time to make the move now to heal your heart, to take a chance on love again, to say sorry to someone and to live your life whole heartedly. Sending big love, Renee
04.01.2022 Hello fabulous ones and welcome to the last video in the 8-part video series, Understanding Painful Emotions. In this video we do a re-cap of the six umbrellas of painful emotions; anger, fear, hurt, sadness, guilt and shame. We also bust some myths about managing emotions and discover the number 1 common impact of painful emotions if not managed responsibly. If you've been enjoying the video series and would like to work with me on a deeper level, there are some coaching pr...ogram offers at the end of this video. After all, we are here on the earth for a good time and not a long time. One of the best ways to make every moment count is to master your emotions. It provides more opportunities for love, joy, freedom, abundance and fun. You're worth it. Sending big love, Renee Relationship & Life Coach Make the Move Coaching
02.01.2022 Not long to go until we're back in the studio for the Courage to Confidence to Charisma belly dance workshops! Next workshops are on: Sunday 27 September (11am-1pm) Sunday 25 October (11am-1pm) ... Workshops are held at Dance Central which has a comprehensive COVID safety plan. Invest in yourself today, tickets are only $49.
01.01.2022 All relationships have their rhythms; the good times, the challenging times, the ok times etc. There is meant to be some sort of feeling of elation, happiness, love and connection. It might not be every day though. Some days there might be disagreements or feeling a bit disconnected, but on the whole, a relationship needs to add value to your life, not take away value. If you find yourself in a relationship where there is no elation, something needs to change but it might no...t be what you think. Some people expect the other person to change when their greater power in influencing another’s behaviour is to change their own. Perhaps changing a perspective can help you see your partner in a new light. Some relationships have just gone a bit stale and there needs to be some fire-spark re-ignition. Other relationships simply come to a natural close. And some relationships shouldn’t exist at all, the toxic ones which are damaging. No matter what type of relationship you find yourself in, if there is no elation it is possible to make changes. Relationship coaching can help bring clarity to your relationships. After all, humans are relational beings, and love & connection is one of the six human needs in life. Sending big love, Renee Relationship Coach #relationshipgoals #relationshipsmatter #connection #changeispossible
01.01.2022 When we feel painful emotions it is common to feel a mix of different ones at the same time. When people feel hurt by another there is often sadness as well as anger: sadness that someone did something to upset us, anger because a person did something to hurt us and in some cases because boundaries were overstepped. Mixed emotions are common. How you manage them is another matter altogether. Hurt can sometimes trigger a person to ‘hurt back’, usually fuelled by anger with an... undercurrent of fear; gotta that love that protective sub-conscious mind. By all means you can articulate your hurt, anger and sadness in healthy ways. The first step though is always to manage your internal world, mastering your emotions from a place of self compassion. It’s a bit like being a first responder to an emergency - calm and compassion always win. Not sure how to become a first responder to your emotions? Join me for the next Master Your Emotions on-line workshop on Sunday 18 October 10am-1pm on Zoom. Tickets are available on Eventbrite for $49. Are you ready to make the move to true freedom? Sending big love Renee #masteryouremotions #internalpower #emotions
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