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22.01.2022 Repeat this affirmation as often as possible throughout the "nows" of your day. Write it on a piece of paper and carry around to re-mind yourself I carefully ch...oose my thoughts to create the life I desire. Blessed Be. <3 <3 See more
22.01.2022 If you are going through a tough time, you can be grateful for the lessons you are learning, the strength you are gaining, and the compassion you will find for ...others going through a rough spell. Difficult times and difficult people can be our best teachers. When we are open, they teach us to find peace, and harmony within; they build our strength and compassion. (Kerry-Ann Cox) See more
20.01.2022 6 Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal Post In:Inspiration- Oct 4, 2020 There’s no class in high school on how to not be a shitty boyfri...end or girlfriend. Sure, they teach us the biology of sex, the legality of marriage, and maybe we read a few obscure love stories from the 19th century on how not to be. But when it comes down to actually handling the nitty-gritty of relationships, we’re given no pointers or worse, we’re given advice columns in women’s magazines. Yes, it’s trial-and-error from the get-go. And if you’re like most people, it’s been mostly error. But part of the problem is that many unhealthy relationship habits are baked into our culture. We worship romantic love you know, that dizzying and irrational romantic love that somehow finds breaking china plates on the wall in a fit of tears somewhat endearing and scoff at practicality or unconventional sexualities. Men and women are raised to objectify each other and to objectify their relationships. Thus, our partners are often seen as assets rather than someone to share mutual emotional support. A lot of the self-help literature out there isn’t helpful either (no, men and women are not from different planets, you over-generalizing prick). And for most of us, mom and dad surely weren’t the best examples either. Fortunately, there’s been a lot of psychological research into healthy and happy relationships the past few decades and there are some general principles that keep popping up consistently that most people are unaware of or don’t follow. In fact, some of these principles actually go against what is traditionally considered romantic or normal in a relationship. Below are six of the most common tendencies in relationships that many couples think are healthy and normal, but are actually toxic and destroying everything you hold dear. Get the tissues ready. 1. The Relationship Scorecard What It Is: The keeping score phenomenon is when someone you’re dating continues to blame you for past mistakes you made in the relationship. If both people in the relationship do this it devolves into what I call the relationship scorecard, where it becomes a battle to see who has screwed up the most over the months or years, and therefore who owes the other one more. You were an asshole at Cynthia’s 28th birthday party back in 2010 and it has proceeded to ruin your life ever since. Why? Because there’s not a week that goes by that you’re not reminded of it. But that’s OK, because that time you caught her sending flirtatious text messages to her co-worker immediately removes her right to get jealous, so it’s kind of even, right? Wrong. Why It’s Toxic: The relationship scorecard develops over time because one or both people in a relationship use past wrongdoings in order to try and justify current righteousness. This is a double-whammy of suckage. Not only are you deflecting the current issue itself, but you’re ginning up guilt and bitterness from the past to manipulate your partner into feeling wrong in the present. If this goes on long enough, both partners eventually spend most of their energy trying to prove that they’re less culpable than the other, rather than solving the current problem. People spend all of their time trying to be less wrong for each other instead of being more right for each other. What You Should Do Instead: Deal with issues individually unless they are legitimately connected. If someone habitually cheats, then that’s obviously a recurring problem. But the fact that she embarrassed you in 2010 and now she got sad and ignored you today in 2013 have nothing to do with each other, so don’t bring it up. You must recognize that by choosing to be with your significant other, you are choosing to be with all of their prior actions and behaviors. If you don’t accept those, then ultimately, you are not accepting them. If something bothered you that much a year ago, you should have dealt with it a year ago. 2. Dropping Hints and Other Passive-Aggression What It Is: Instead of stating a desire or thought overtly, your partner tries to nudge you in the right direction of figuring it out yourself. Instead of saying what’s actually upsetting you, you find small and petty ways to piss your partner off so you’ll then feel justified in complaining to them. Why It’s Toxic: Because it shows that you two are not comfortable communicating openly and clearly with one another. A person has no reason to be passive-aggressive if they feel safe expressing any anger or insecurity within the relationship. A person will never feel a need to drop hints if they feel like they won’t be judged or criticized for it. What You Should Do Instead: State your feelings and desires openly. And make it clear that the other person is not necessarily responsible or obligated to them but that you’d love to have their support. If they love you, they’ll almost always be able to give it. 3. Holding the Relationship Hostage What It Is: When one person has a simple criticism or complaint and blackmails the other person by threatening the commitment of the relationship as a whole. For instance, if someone feels like you’ve been cold to them, instead of saying, I feel like you’re being cold sometimes, they will say, I can’t date someone who is cold to me all of the time. Why It’s Toxic: It’s emotional blackmail and it creates tons of unnecessary drama. Every minor hiccup in the flow of the relationship results in a perceived commitment crisis. It’s crucial for both people in a relationship to know that negative thoughts and feelings can be communicated safely to one another without it threatening the relationship itself. Otherwise people will suppress their true thoughts and feelings which leads to an environment of distrust and manipulation. What You Should Do Instead: It’s fine to get upset at your partner or to not like something about them. That’s called being a normal human being. But understand that committing to a person and always liking a person are not the same thing. One can be committed to someone and not like everything about them. One can be eternally devoted to someone yet actually be annoyed or angered by their partner at times. On the contrary, two partners who are capable of communicating feedback and criticism towards one another, only without judgment or blackmail, will strengthen their commitment to one another in the long-run. 4. Blaming Your Partner For Your Own Emotions What It Is: Let’s say you’re having a crappy day and your partner isn’t exactly being super sympathetic or supportive at the moment. They’ve been on the phone all day with some people from work. They got distracted when you hugged them. You want to lay around at home together and just watch a movie tonight, but they have plans to go out and see their friends. So you lash out at them for being so insensitive and callous toward you. You’ve been having a shitty day and they have done nothing about it. Sure, you never asked, but they should just know to make you feel better. They should have gotten off the phone and ditched their plans based on your lousy emotional state. Why It’s Toxic: Blaming our partners for our emotions is a subtle form of selfishness, and a classic example of the poor maintenance of personal boundaries. When you set a precedent that your partner is responsible for how you feel at all times (and vice-versa), you will develop codependent tendencies. Suddenly, they’re not allowed to plan activities without checking with you first. All activities at home even the mundane ones like reading books or watching TV must be negotiated and compromised. When someone begins to get upset, all personal desires go out the window because it is now your responsibility to make one another feel better. The biggest problem of developing these codependent tendencies is that they breed resentment. Sure, if my girlfriend gets mad at me once because she’s had a shitty day and is frustrated and needs attention, that’s understandable. But if it becomes an expectation that my life revolves around her emotional well-being at all times, then I’m soon going to become very bitter and even manipulative towards her feelings and desires. What You Should Do Instead: Take responsibility for your own emotions and expect your partner to be responsible for theirs. There’s a subtle yet important difference between being supportive of your partner and being obligated to your partner. Any sacrifices should be made as an autonomous choice and not seen as an expectation. As soon as both people in a relationship become culpable for each other’s moods and downswings, it gives them both incentives to hide their true feelings and manipulate one another. 5. Displays of Loving Jealousy What It Is: Getting pissed off when your partner talks, touches, calls, texts, hangs out, or sneezes in the general vicinity of another person and then you proceed to take that anger out on your partner and attempt to control their behavior. This often leads to insano behaviors such as hacking into your partner’s email account, looking through their text messages while they’re in the shower or even following them around town and showing up unannounced when they’re not expecting you. Why It’s Toxic: It surprises me that some people describe this as some sort of display of affection. They figure that if their partner wasn’t jealous, then that would somehow mean that they weren’t loved by them. This is absolutely clownshit crazy to me. It’s controlling and manipulative. It creates unnecessary drama and fighting. It transmits a message of a lack of trust in the other person. And to be honest, it’s demeaning. If my girlfriend cannot trust me to be around other attractive women by myself, then it implies that she believes that I’m either a) a liar, or b) incapable of controlling my impulses. In either case, that’s a woman I do not want to be dating. What You Should Do Instead: Trust your partner. It’s a radical idea, I know. Some jealousy is natural. But excessive jealousy and controlling behaviors towards your partner are signs of your own feelings of unworthiness and you should learn to deal with them and not force them onto those close to you. Because otherwise you are only going to eventually push that person away. 6. Buying the Solutions to Relationship Problems What It Is: Any time a major conflict or issue comes up in the relationship, instead of solving it, one covers it up with the excitement and good feelings that come with buying something nice or going on a trip somewhere. My parents were experts at this one. And it got them real far: a big fat divorce and 15 years of hardly speaking to each other since. They have both since independently told me that this was the primary problem in their marriage: continuously covering up their real issues with superficial pleasures. Why It’s Toxic: Not only does it brush the real problem under the rug (where it will always re-emerge and even worse the next time), but it sets an unhealthy precedent within the relationship. This is not a gender-specific problem, but I will use the traditional gendered situation as an example. Let’s imagine that whenever a woman gets angry at her boyfriend/husband, the man solves the issue by buying the woman something nice, or taking her to a nice restaurant or something. Not only does this give the woman unconscious incentive to find more reasons to be upset with the man, but it also gives the man absolutely no incentive to actually be accountable for the problems in the relationship. So what do you end up with? A checked-out husband who feels like an ATM, and an incessantly bitter woman who feels unheard. What You Should Do Instead: Actually, you know, deal with the problem. Trust was broken? Talk about what it will take to rebuild it. Someone feels ignored or unappreciated? Talk about ways to restore those feelings of appreciation. Communicate! There’s nothing wrong with doing nice things for a significant other after a fight to show solidarity and to reaffirm commitment. But one should never use gifts or fancy things to replace dealing with the underlying emotional issues. Gifts and trips are called luxuries for a reason, you only get to appreciate them when everything else is already good. If you use them to cover up your problems, then you will find yourself with a much bigger problem down the line. by Mark Manson Dylan Harper Dylan is a 32-year-old surfer from California. He traveled the world, rode the waves and learned the universal concept of oneness. He is a vegan for over a decade and, literally, wouldn't hurt a fly. He was reunited with his twin soul in Greece, where they got married and settled... for now. Dylan is a staff writer for and teaches surfing to children.
20.01.2022 Sharon Rose A Meditation to Create A Peaceful World Dear Ones,... As this sacred holiday season and another year draws to a close, my heart overflows with gratitude for the glorious bounty of blessings: I give thanks for each of you for contributing to my life in so many ways and blessing my life with your presence. I give thanks for all the books of transformation that have flowed through my computer in this last year and out into a waiting world. I give thanks for the beauty that is all around us and within us-not only the wondrous outer paradise of living on the beautiful island of Maui, but the inner paradise of living in ecstatic union with the Divine, that fills my cup to overflowing. I give thanks for the ability that is given to each of us to choose peace and joy in each moment, creating our life anew. For when we remember that we are each created in the image of our Creator and are a holy child of God, it is easy to choose joy. And when we pause to reflect that the peace of God is inside each of us, waiting to be felt, peace becomes a living presence and a way of life. At this sacred time of year when our hearts long for peace and goodwill, lets take time to stop and remember that peace begins with each of us. It does not depend on the government or the leaders in power or the next administration taking office, it depends on us. Peace is an inside job-a choice made daily in our own hearts and minds. No one can create peace for us, for we are the only ones that can still the conflict we feel inside. The choice to live in peace is an individual one starting with our own thoughts and words and actions. No matter what is going on around us, we have the power to focus our thoughts on peace and goodwill since no one has control over our thinking. Lets choose to place our thoughts on peace, speak words of peace and take action that creates peace in our lives. Each moment of every day, we can use our God-given power to create a world of peace and joy, starting with ourselves and our own lives. Daily we each have the power in the privacy of our own mind to choose peace and goodwill. We can visualize a world of peace where everyone feels loved and valued and nurtured that brings us joy. Each day we can choose to treat everyone in our world with goodwill and peace. When enough of us make this choice, it will be outpictured in the world around us, including our government. But it begins with us. As Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." As enough of us choose peace and goodwill in the way we treat ourselves, our families, our neighbors and everyone we meet, we will create a wave of peace and goodwill that will sweep across this country and around the world, healing and transforming everything in is path. Please join me in creating this vision of a glorious new world of peace and goodwill, bringing the glory of heaven to earth. For by choosing to create peace and goodwill, we step into our greatest joy. And as we consciously choose to live in joy, we will transform our lives into heaven on earth. Let's choose this holiday season to shift our perspective to the peace and compassion that is already deep within our hearts and live from that peace in every interaction, sending goodwill to all that we meet. Quantum physics has proven that whatever we focus upon with our thoughts and feelings and visualize in our mind's eye comes into manifestation. I invite you to gather your family and friends together once a month at the time of new beginnings, the new moon, to participate in a visualization to co-create a peaceful world. This monthly event was initiated 15 years ago, and now hundreds of thousands of people all over the world are joining together to create this new world. Enclosed is a suggested meditation. Please join us. With love and blessings for a New Year of peace and joy, Sharon Rose --- A Meditation to Create A Peaceful World Purpose: To join together in heart, mind & spirit to create a world of peace. How: By yourself or with a group of family and friends, offer a prayer or meditation for the creation of a more loving, peaceful, abundant world. The following is offered as a suggestion. Add your own vision of heaven on earth. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and breathe in the love deep at the center of your heart. Breathe love into every cell of your body. Send love out from your heart to everyone you know and to the places in the world that need healing, until your loves reaches around the world. Hold our precious Earth in your hands and send love and gratitude to this beloved planet that is our home. Create in your mind's eye the paradise this planet was always meant to be. Envision clean air and pure water, rivers, lakes and oceans...lush green forests and farmlands... people living in dignity and abundance in harmony with each other and the Earth. Hear the sounds of forgiveness as old enemies become friends...the sounds of joy and laughter as communities formerly divided by hate become whole again. Feel the warmth of acceptance and the safety of our homes and neighborhoods as our world becomes united with brotherly and sisterly love. Envision peace beginning in the heart of every individual and spreading heart to heart across the land, finally encircling the globe. See clearly this new world that honors everyone as well as the Earth, and feel how good it feels to live in this peaceful world. See it clearly and feel it intensely. Release it to the angels with joy and gratitude and begin today to live it. And so it is! Adapted from Passport to Paradise copyrighted by Sharon Rose
15.01.2022 I hope you enjoy Isis's latest message of today
13.01.2022 To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance. (Oscar Wilde,
09.01.2022 Whatever is within the flowers is within us. We are a part of this universe! Whether I’m looking at a human hand or looking at the galaxies of shooting stars or the flight of a birdsomething marvelous is going on and I’m part of it. We’re all part of it! Harold Feinstein
08.01.2022 Opposite Yet Equal Mary Mageau Endless discussions have been entered into and reams of paper have been filled trying to convince us that men and women are funda...mentally separate from each other and will always continue to be. To make a point that the sexes are irreconcilably different and may never completely understand each other, it has even been suggested that both come from totally different planets - 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.' But is this necessarily true or is it just another stereotype to which we are expected to conform? We can readily observe that we inhabit a universe expressing itself in polarities or opposites such as: cold - hot, good - evil, darkness - light, male - female etc. It seems that two opposing but complimentary forces are found within all things. Also any aspect of polarity can be further subdivided. For example temperature can be perceived as hot or cold. The state of being hot can be further divided into warm and burning, while cold can become cool and frigid. Within each spectrum there is always a smaller spectrum. The Chinese schools of philosophy and metaphysics have further enlightened us about these aspects of polarity consciousness. The forces of Yin and Yang which they have identified have become another parameter within which we can view this phenomenon. Yin in the Chinese language is translated as, a dark or shaded place. It represents the feminine element: sad, passive, downward looking, wet, nuturing, and corresponds to the moon and night. Yin is connected to the three lower chakras and the signs of earth and water. Yang, from the ancient Chinese means, a sunny or light filled space. It is the brighter masculine element and encompasses the following qualities: happy, active, energetic, dry, upward looking and corresponds to the day and the sun. It is connected to the three higher chakras and its signs are air and fire. The taijitu has become the traditionally recognized symbol for the forces representing Yin and Yang. Its elegantly simple design places Yang in the white area at the top and the dark aspect of Yin beneath. The two are perfectly opposed yet totally balanced as they appear contained within a circle. Since earliest times the delineated circle has been used as a sacred space for ceremonies and rituals. Circles seemingly move around continuously with no beginning or end on their circumference. This represents the idea of Yin and Yang flowing together in an endless spiral of existence. As an interesting aside, the taijitu has also been used as a symbol to depict earth's seasonal year. Visualizing the symbol as a clock face, at the top (12:00) the white of Yang represents the longest day of the summer solstice while directly below it at 6:00 Yin's darkest point marks the shortest day of the winter solstice. The space occupied by 3:00 identifies the autumn equinox and 9:00 the spring equinox. The smaller circles or dots serve to remind us that there are always traces of one found within the other. Light is always present within darkness, when for example the moon and stars illumine the dark curtain of night. Darkness is ever present within light too, as clouds can obscure sunlight and objects often create a field of shadow. Both states are necessary for the universe to fully blossom. Both states are required for the full union of the masculine and feminine to totally flourish. The exquisite balance that results when both the Yin and Yang qualities blend, are listed below. * Without Yang nothing would come into being - without Yin all that comes into being would die. * Yang is mental activity in its forceful aspect - Yin is the imaginative and poetic exalting the merely mental into the beautiful. * Yang moves ahead with things - Yin is. * Yang, in masculine givingness bestows the gifts - Yin, in feminine being receives, preserves, enhances and redistributes them. * Yang constructs - Yin instructs. * Yang implements - Yin compliments. * Yang is strength - Yin is endurance. * Yang is knowledge - Yin is the mystery that reveals itself and becomes knowledge. * Yang is the discoverer - Yin lures toward greater discovery. * Yang is the lover and therefore beloved - Yin is the beloved and therefore the source of love. Yin, the receptive, feminine, dark, passive force and Yang, the creative, masculine, bright, active force are descriptions of complimentary opposites. As this is never absolute but only relative, no one thing is exclusively Yin or Yang since each contains the seed of its opposite. Both states are interdependent as one cannot exist without the other. Yin and Yang are usually held in balance, for as one increases the other decreases. The imbalance however is also relative as the energetic excess of Yang, forces Yin to become more energetically concentrated. Thus Yin and Yang both consume and support one another. Within the context of our present male/female relationships how can the qualities of both Yin and Yang unfold in a way that leads to balance and wholeness? A model of cooperative partnership will serve as the way-shower in our movement into the coming new age. The purpose of partnership is to create something greater that what we can create alone. This needn't imply any deficiency or incompleteness within us. Since each of us is unique, with specific talents and abilities, in a true partnership we can create something meaningful together - something far greater than the sum of its parts. A partnership that offers an acceptance of who we are with an opportunity for personal transformation becomes the fertile ground for growing a lasting healthy union. When we find this kind of partnership we are more likely to want to keep it, to invest in it and to nurture it. By experiencing the joy of working, living and loving in a cooperative and supportive partnership we harness the strength and power of union. It seems today that our current gender systems emphasize our differences and suppress our similarities. We feel alienated rather than united as our dying system of patriarchy has left us with a model of masculine dominance and submission instead of one that features mutual interdependence. Because of our long inherited patterns of competition and power over others, many relationships today are like two halves that never feel quite whole. The whole will only emerge when we jettison the hierarchical black and white of duality consciousness. If we could embrace the model of cooperative partnership, within which both parties are freely allowed to be opposite but equal, we would then successfully rebalance Yin with Yang. ============ ========= ======== The Twin Flame Reunions ============ ========= ======== "Two bodies - One soul" Twin Flames originate from the same soul that was created by Father/Mother God from the great field of unconditional love and being. That one essence divided itself into two equal and opposite halves in order to experience form. In the beginning the Twin Flames remained totally united and existed as a trinitized expression of the Divine Source of all that is. But as the third dimensional experience unfolded they separated into a system of duality and became two distinct forms, one carrying the masculine (yang) attributes of the Creator, and the other the feminine (yin), both in the exact equal and opposite frequency intonation. Now through a gracious dispensation granted by the Creator, the Twin Flames from all frequencies are reuniting again in order to restore the Unity of all creations and to disintegrate the consciousness of duality. The Twin Flame combination transcends all definitions of male/female relationships on this planet. Third dimensional love has traditionally focused our attention and emotions on another person and originates on a sexual or personality level, often demanding continual compromise to make the partnership work. Don't romanticize or idealize the concept of a Twin Flame. There will be no intimate candlelight dinners, boxes of chocolates or bouquets of roses expressed. These things are not its purpose. It exists to reach completion in order to be of service: planetary, cosmic and universal. Absolute service to the Divine Plan becomes the only reality of the Twin Flame. The Twin Flame union becomes a continual unified field automatically accessing higher frequencies and since it acts as a bridge to the higher dimensional frequencies of oneness, it will function as a single consciousness. It will not be dependent on the talents or vocations of one partner or the other. It is the unit that is commissioned for service, not the individual expressions of the unit. Before one can meet and unite with their Twin Flame however there is much conscious work of releasing, healing and becoming an integrated whole that must first be achieved within one's self. The heart must be made strong and resilient through suffering grief, pain and loss as well as by living through many close and loving soul mate relationships. This alone will allow one to face the intensity of being with the other half of their soul. The Twin Flame love relationship cannot exist in a codependent or ego-based relationship or from a perceived 'need' that the other person will make you whole and complete. Each half must initially balance both their inner male and female energies before they can unite. The Twin Flame spiritual connection becomes a trinity involving the Divine All That Is with two persons, connected by their one soul and connected to God. When one experiences the powerfully resonant magnetic energy field that attracts Twin Flames together, with its flow of total and unconditional love, one's life will never be the same again. Many ask, "How can I find my Twin Flame partner?" It is simply not required of us to look for our Twin Flame. Also it is not wise to hold any pre-conceived ideas about how Twin Flames should appear or present themselves. Dating agencies, internet sites and chat rooms will be of no help to you. When each twin has achieved the same level of balance and both resonate to the identical vibration of Christ consciousness, your Twin Flame will automatically appear. This will occur because your union with one another has been orchestrated by the Great Creator. It will happen because you and your Twin Flame have been sealed irrevocably together from the moment of your creation. Your union will result when the Divine time is right and you are both ready for this experience. Interesting synchronicities will often pave the way for this reunion. One of the most intriguing I've experienced has to do with the numbers 11:11, as I've found these numbers to be common in Twin Flame soul unions. I met my Twin Flame in my home on the 21st of August, 2003. In Australia we write the day first, then the month, followed by the year in 6 digits, 21/08/03. The numerology inherent in this day translates as 2+1+8=11 and 8+3=11. Eleven, a master number, is considered to be the number of the spiritual messenger. Two 'ones' are united to form pillars to the heavenly gate - the connection between yin and yang, female and male. The message of two into one is the perfect symbol for a Twin Flame. Also the following beautiful Twin Flame invocation can be used to draw you both together. In the name of the Christ I call to the blessed I AM Presence of our Twin Flames Toward the sealing of our hearts as one For the victory of our mission to humanity. I invoke the light of the Holy Spirit For the consuming of all negative energies Limiting the full expression of our Divine identity And the fulfillment of our Divine plan. If you and your Twin Flame meet while either of you are living in a loving relationship or a marriage, it is unwise to disrupt any present connections. These energies must first be dismantled and balanced before the Twin Flames can freely come together. All lessons chosen in one's current soul contract must be lived out fully with integrity and love. You and your Twin Flame will both honor each other's soul lessons by growing together through the test of unconditional love. However one should always continue to work with a Twin Flame at an energetic level, knowing that as the Earth moves ultimately into a fifth dimensional alignment, all Twin Flames will be reunited again in other dimensions. The meeting with your Twin Flame calls on you to grow spiritually, to heal emotionally, mentally and physically and to look beyond the ego and any physical limitations or age differences. You will both be driven to become the best and highest manifestation of your soul here on Earth. "It is believed by many that humanity is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness. Enlightened people are preparing for this in their own ways, realizing that it is time to awaken to our origins and our potential to take responsibility for ourselves and for the Earth. We believe that Twin Flames (Twin Souls) have a special contribution to make; their coming together in numbers at this time has a reason at both the individual and planetary level. When Twin Flames join, they generate a vortex of energy that may be see as a light in the darkness of society's consciousness. In completing each other, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts: the two create three and the third is a very potent force, a force of light and love at an extremely pure level. This kind of energy, which partakes of the energy of both Twins, is different from that of individuals or groups of people working together. It is the special offering that the Twins give to each other and expend in their service to humanity. The image we see is that of a dark auditorium lit by an increasing number of individual flames. Each flame represents a conscious and harmonious relationship between Twin Souls. Eventually as the Twins multiply there will be so many flames, so much light, and so much energy of that particular sort on the Planet, that this will act as a catalyst and will help to bring about the expected breakthrough in consciousness. " From "Twin Souls: Finding Your True Spiritual Partner," by Dr Maurie Pressman and Patricia Joudry.
08.01.2022 Scientists Found That The Soul Doesn’t Die It Goes Back To The Universe Post In:Spirituality- Oct 5, 2020 According to two leading scientists, the brain is in fact a ‘biological computer’ and the consciousness of humans is a program run by the quantum computer located inside the brain that even continues to exist after we die. As experts explain it; after people die, their soul comes back to the universe, and it does not die. The debate about the existence of the soul and whether it is immortal or dies with the person is an endless story that for centuries has occupied the time of the great thinkers of universal history. Its mysterious nature continues to fascinate different areas of science, but now a group of researchers has discovered a new truth about it: the soul does not die; it returns to the universe. Since 1996, Dr. Stuart Hameroff, an American Physicist and Emeritus in the Department of Anesthesiology and Psychology, and Sir Roger Penrose, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University, have worked in a Quantum Theory of Consciousness in which they state that the soul is maintained in micro-tubules of the brain cells. Their provocative theory states that the human soul is be contained by the brain cells in structures inside them called micro-tubules. The two researchers believe the human brain is in fact a biological computer and the consciousness of humans is a program run by the quantum computer located inside the brain that even continues to exist after we die. Furthermore, both scientists argue that what humans perceive as ‘consciousness’ is in fact the result of quantum gravity effects located within the so-called micro-tubules. This process is named by the two scientists Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR). The theory indicates that when people enter a phase known as ‘clinical death,’ the microtubules located in the brain lose their quantum state but maintain the information contained within them. In other words as experts explain it after people die, their soul returns to the universe, and it does not die’. Speaking to the Science Channel’s Through the Wormhole documentary, Dr. Hameroff said: Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing; the micro-tubules lose their quantum state. The quantum information within the micro-tubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, and it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large. If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the micro-tubules and the patient says ‘I had a near-death experience.’ If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul. According to this theory, the human souls are more than just ‘interactions’ of neurons in our brain and could have been present since the beginning of time. By Peace Quarters Dylan Harper Dylan is a 32-year-old surfer from California. He traveled the world, rode the waves and learned the universal concept of oneness. He is a vegan for over a decade and, literally, wouldn't hurt a fly. He was reunited with his twin soul in Greece, where they got married and settled... for now. Dylan is a staff writer for and teaches surfing to children.
05.01.2022 Holly Hill - Higher Self Message: "The Stream of Love" The Stream of Love. Most humans experience the feeling of Love only in small doses, small... glimpses of God-Light connection to the endless stream of Light from the Source. In that joyous moment when you first hold your new-born child, in that blissful moment of reunion with friends or family that you haven't seen for a long time, in that moment of awe when you look up into the endless night sky decorated so perfectly with brilliant stars... you may experience Divine Love. Feeling separate and alone is what the majority of life is all about for you, and in that is fear, or lack of Love. From this place stems greed, war, depression, racism...the not-knowngness of All being truly One. What if... you were connected to an endless stream of Joy, and there was more than enough to go around for everybody? What if, you could ride an endless stream of Love, in every moment of every day and night? It is not only possible, it is your DESTINY. And it only takes a few seconds to manifest! The key is to not look outside of yourself. This stream emanates from within your very heart. You only have to call it forth and ALLOW it to flow. With your very next breath, imagine within your chest a beautiful, warm glowing ball of Light softly glowing. Feel how sweet and fuzzy it is, as it tickles you from inside out. Sit with this amazing sensation and let it permeate every cell of your body, growing larger and warmer with each breath in. Ignite it even further with your amazement and joy at the miracle of this birthing. See with your mind's eye the "creation" of what has always been there within you and that you have just now discovered. As you breathe in and out gently, nurturing this golden warmth within you, see yourself on a small boat or raft, floating serenely along on a glimmering, iridescent white stream, with the gentle ripples rocking the boat like a cradle at each breath in and out. Feel the perfect Divine Guidance directing the current to exactly where you need to go in your life. Relax into the inner Knowing that All is Well and that you are loved beyond your wildest dreams, unconditionally, eternally. As you open your eyes, continue to revel in the bliss radiating from within the core of your being. With your very next breath out, SPEAK with this radiant Love and be prepared to hear the vibration of Angel energy in your ears! Imagine the golden stream flowing forth from your mouth with each word, and fall in Love with yourself! See the Love within each thought and wordform that you birth. Radiate this Love through your touch and through the language of your eyes, which Say to others, without words, "I love you". Become a Fountain of Light, issuing forth that Stream of Love, and see your world transform. Be the new Star of Light in the Universal Sky. KNOW that Eternal Love starts within YOU. Holly's Higher Sel
05.01.2022 We love your special sparkle . Did you know that when you are happy and we look into your eyes, we see this amazing radiant being who is like an Angel. The ligh...t within you is strong and it is an energy that is uniquely yours. Your inner sparkle is like no one else's, and can never be cloned or copied. So just rejoice in knowing this, and that you are indeed a real treasure a glimmering gem of existence. Sparkle on!
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