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25.01.2022 I'm so excited to reveal the three gorgeous couples who will be undertaking eight weeks of health transformation - yay!! I'll be working away their waistlines, fixing up their fitness and magnifying their muscles over the next eight weeks ... I can't wait to show you their big reveal! In the meantime, follow along here or in my Instagram stories, I'll be taking you on the journey of what we'll be doing in the background (without revealing any secrets, of course!) Congratulations Alison & Don, Angela & Ben and Rebecca & Adam ... you're in for the ride of your lives!!!

25.01.2022 It’s a big Saturday night in at our house - I have two slow cookers working overnight to make us some delicious bone broth, mmmMMMMmmmm!!! I have 4kg of marrow bones which I split and roasted, carrots, onions, turmeric, garlic, parsley, pepper, salt, a splash of honey, water and ginger - and a little bit of vinegar to help release the calcium out of those bones. It’s all cooking low and slow for 12 hours while we sleep. So why bone broth? Well, for me the biggest reason is ...the collagen content - I have an injured shoulder and will do everything I possibly can to assist in repairing the connective tissues, so I slurp a cup of tasty collagen (bone broth) every day and take vitamin C. But then there’s the other nutrients in there as well - magnesium, phosphorous, iron, vitamin A, zinc, manganese, amino acids, and calcium ... plus the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, garlic and ginger. If you’re looking for a delicious pre-bedtime treat that your body will love you for give some home made bone broth a try!

25.01.2022 If you know me, you'll know that I'm rarely lost for words ... but this beautiful lady has gone and left me totally speechless. I'm going to copy and paste the text directly from her instagram post, because we all tell our own story best don't we? All I can say is how deeply proud I am of Anne - I'm not sure I've come across anyone with her strength, courage and determination ... and love of breakfast cereal! Haha! If you don't read the post, then at least peep at her photo...s and check out the pure, beautiful joy on her face This is her story : Its OFFICIAL I've reached my 100lb weightloss goal . 4 years ago, death knocked on my door..well..batter rammed it down actually, but we let the insurance companies deal with that. I have always struggled with weight control and I had let myself get to 305lbs and 5 medications and he was here with a warning, "get your health together or the next time we meet, you'll be coming with me!" On that faithful day, I made a life changing decision. No more fad diets, no more quick solutions and NO MORE EXCUSES!! It took years to put the weight on, so it would take years to get it off. Today my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are normal and I'm off all medications.There's a few people I'd like to thank for helping me reach my goal. First up: we set out to tighten and tone, build up some muscle. With your personal workout routine, a tweak to my nutritional plan, I have exceeded my wildest expectations! I have biceps, triceps, pecs, 2 cans shy of six pack abs and leg days were not missed. I'm a loyal Canucks fan, but now have a place in my heart for the Maple Leafs. Next up: to my southern charmer @kennywayneshepherd you get full credit for bringing Coach Sam into my life. With a single post to your page, you handed me the tool I needed to drive my goals across the finish line. I admire you for staying true, inspired by the love you share and trust your opinion on all things @dodge and @mopar! Thank you for being my star from afar shining a positive light in my life. Most importantly, to my husband Mark! For over 25 years your unconditional love and support has helped me kick chemical dependency (17yrs clean), tobacco (10yrs free) and now Obesity. It's your hand I find that helps lift me out of my darkest days and your arms that embrace me on my brightest. I've known from the moment I saw you, you were the one I wanted to travel through life with. I love you then, now and always. I usually don't get this personal in my posts, but if this single post to my page helps but 1 person to put health first, it's worth it. Thanks to everyone who helped me be a conqueror, instead of a quitter!

18.01.2022 Righty-ho gang!!! The Easter break is over, choccy has been scoffed and it’s time to get back to work! Woohooooo!! So grab your drink and a towel and join me for six minutes of ABS BLASTING!! If you’re not yet fit go round once. If you’re fit go three times and if you have abs of steel knock out five rounds!! ... Remember - warm up first and go at your own pace and within your own restrictions. Do these every day and you’ll be grating cheese on your abs in no time!!

18.01.2022 I am SO proud of my Sunrise Challenge contestants, I can't reveal any numbers at this stage (although I'd love to shout them from the rooftops!!) so you'll have to keep your eye out for the reveal in four weeks time! Check out some highlights from their transformations so far ...

18.01.2022 IT'S INTERNATIONAL NO DIET DAY!! Yes, I did shout that! I absolutely LOVE this day, because I take a bit of cheeky license to get people off the dieting bandwagon and provide some education around nourishing your body instead - and I'm forever thankful to be supported by national media platforms like the awesome team at The Daily Edition Your body needs nutrients, not restrictions and diets make you hungry, invoke cravings (hello snaccidents!) and mess with your metabolic rat...e. They're just bad news all round! At the end of the day, eat the best quality you can afford, make sure it's a variety of protein, carbs and unsaturated fat and don't overdo it on anything. Remember - diet is simply DIE with a T on the end!

17.01.2022 Well, you asked for it!! Well actually no, you didn’t - but anyhoo ... ITS QUAD-ZILLA TIME!!!!! Okay folks, this is going to BUUURRRRNNNN!!! This six minutes of exercise is focusing on just one muscle group - ya quads. And if you don’t know where they are, you’re about to be aquatinted with them!... *Important!!* Make sure you’re warmed up, and make sure you gently stretch afterwards Keep moving for the rest of the day - sitting down is fine ... until you need to get up! Go at your own pace and in your own range of movement - being uncomfortable is okay, being in pain is not! Do the best you can, and enjoy! Happy quad-ing!!! SJ

15.01.2022 ITS WORKOUT WEDNESDAY!!! Join me in a fun, body weight workout that you can do in your lounge room - but remember ... Go at your own pace and be mindful of your injuries/limitations... Stay hydrated Have a bit of fun! Staying active is great for your mental and physical health, so get your funkiest sneakers on and get moving with me! If you’re not fit yet just go through once with me. If you’re quite fit do it twice and if you’re ultra fit do three or more rounds!! Just. Get. Moving.

14.01.2022 I cannot believe it’s been a year since the team at Sunrise and I revealed the three Ditch The Dad Bod finalists transformations ... and I can proudly shout from the rooftops that ALL THREE of the lads are still in marvellous shape, fighting fit and eating well! I teach people to change their lives, not go on a diet! As an added tear-jerking bonus, I’m also proud to announce that there’s a new addition to our Ditch The Dad Bod family, with the arrival of James & Kelly’s beautiful baby boy last month Thank you at everyone who pulled this spectacular event together, it took a support team of many hands both in front of, and behind the cameras to make everything run smoothly.

13.01.2022 I know I talk about 'snaccidents' a lot - for a couple of reasons. Firstly, everyone has them! (yep, even me!). Secondly, I just love the word 'snaccident'! It sums it up perfectly, doesn't it?? So what can you do to give yourself the best fighting chance against a snaccident? I wrote a little blog piece recently with some handy hints that might help - check it out ... Oh, and remember - we're all gloriously human and we eat for pleasure. A little chocolate or a few chip...s here and there isn't the enemy ... but a bar of chocolate every day isn't going to do you any good. Let's keep it real, folks!

13.01.2022 I know I talk about 'snaccidents' a lot - for a couple of reasons. Firstly, everyone has them! (yep, even me!). Secondly, I just love the word 'snaccident'! It sums it up perfectly, doesn't it?? So what can you do to give yourself the best fighting chance against a snaccident? I wrote a little blog piece recently with some handy hints that might help - check it out ... Oh, and remember - we're all gloriously human and we eat for pleasure. A little chocolate or a few chip...s here and there isn't the enemy ... but a bar of chocolate every day isn't going to do you any good. Let's keep it real, folks!

12.01.2022 At home exercise time!!!! Warm up and grab a drink, go at your own pace and in your own range of movement please ... and because today’s session is a fairly easy one I challenge you to do it five times through!! Time starts now ... GO!!

09.01.2022 I was listening to an interview where the person being interviewed spoke about longevity - and when the interviewer asked him how people can achieve longevity his first response was to eat only one meal a day and then drink multiple cups of tea during the day to keep the hunger at bay. When questioned on this, the interviewee said that he ate this way to keep his body in an agitated state to enable it to be 'switched on' constantly. Well you can probably imagine the look on face, it was one of horror. Genuine hunger is a signal from your body that it requires fuel - much like the little red light on your car dashboard when your petrol tank is nearly empty. When we deny our body the nutrients required for basic function and energy it can lead to all sorts of problems, not to mention the stress caused from being in a constant state of agitation. What this guy is missing is that a healthy human body feels AWESOME. Not depleted and hungry, not lethargic and certainly not running on stress hormones, no. A healthy human body is in homeostasis, has balanced blood sugar, effective hunger hormones and proper utilisation of energy and stress systems. Please nourish your body, fuel yourself appropriately and don't starve yourself. All the tea in the world wont help you when your body is crying out for nutrients.

09.01.2022 Forty winks Catch some zzz's Get on the snooze bus Hit the hay Nod off ... what ever phrase you use, make sure you prioritise your sleep!... There's so many reasons for getting an adequate amount of quality sleep, like reducing stress, fostering healing and repair, looking after your mental health - all the things you probably already know. But also, when you're fatigued you're more likely to have a snaccident. We all know that when we're tired we'll look for a quick fix pick-me-up to just get us through the day - chocolate, chips, salty crunchy savoury snacks - the cravings can be horrendous!! And because we're tired we justify it to ourselves as to why we should be 'allowed' to have it ... well I'm tired, aren't I?? Right??? The fact is that snaccidents make the whole situation worse - particularly if we're tired. So you have some chocolate and feel better for a little bit. Your blood sugar gets a spike which - ironically - makes you sleepy, not hyper! So then you're sleepy because you're (a) already tired and (b) experiencing a blood sugar spike and then BINGO!! - we're reaching for another refined carbohydrate snack that will just elevate our blood sugar more ... and the cycle continues until we sleep it off and restore harmony. So, bottom line - prioritise getting enough sleep, I promise you the end of the movie wont matter as much as your wellbeing the next day. And keep your blood sugar nicely balanced by eating protein, fat and carbs in the right ratios during the day. ... and yes, for once I'm telling you to go to bed instead of get up and exercise!! Go figure, eh?!

06.01.2022 Although being in a solid exercise routine is good, sometimes it's great to shake it up a little and try something a bit new. I've been having great fun with resistance bands lately, they've really added a new dimension to both mine and my client's workouts - with some people getting extraordinary results just with resistance bands alone! So when you're feeling like challenging yourself, give your workouts a bit of a twist and add a band in ... I can't guarantee you'll be walking in an attractive way the next day, but you'll certainly get a banging good workout!

06.01.2022 Every transformation I have the privilege to be a part of is extra special to me, but I do have to say that when people open themselves up to transform themselves on the highest rating Australian breakfast television show it takes a little more bravery than normal! To my three Sunrise Couples - thank you. You trusted me, did everything I asked you to do and you worked so hard for your outstanding results. Watching your confidence and self belief grow over the last couple of months has been nothing short of pure joy

06.01.2022 Hey everyone - meet one of my current champions, young Kenny Dubman. Kenny got in touch after he saw the epic transformation of Kenny Wayne Shepherd - and after a quick chat Kenny D and I got to work. In eight weeks, Kenny went from having low energy, low muscle tone and pretty unfit to ... well, you can see the photos for yourself! #BeastMode There’s no magic pill around here though. Ken has put in the hard work and consistent effort, day after day he’s been focussed, dedic...ated and committed to improving his health - with shining results!! I’m so proud of this awesome fella. He’s a brilliant role model Dad, a spectacular musician, and an all round lovely guy with the best ever sense of humour ... not to mention some serious abs and guns now!! Aaaaaand he also wins the award to be the only American client to send me a video of himself speaking in a perfect Aussie accent Rock on Captain - your extraordinary future awaits you my friend xx

06.01.2022 Workout Wednesday!!! Six minutes of pure pleasure for your muscles right here folks! You’ll need something to lift (tins of food, your dog, or some hand weights) and a wall and off you go! This one is so much fun that I just KNOW you’ll be wanting to do it at least three times in a row!! Stay hydrated - make sure you have some water handy... Go at your own pace and within your own range of movement Warm up beforehand and gently stretch afterwards And above all - have some fun. Life is always better if we throw in a giggle here and there ... even my hubby laughs at me in this one! (baaad husband!!!) Stay healthy, Folks!!

05.01.2022 IT’S HEEEEERE!!!!!! My beautiful Sunrise Couples Challenge winners are being revealed this week and I am beyond excited!!! Here’s a sneak peek of some fun we had on Monday morning ... [insert evil genius cackle here] Gosh I love a good boot camp!!

05.01.2022 Hungry?? Are you sure??? Let's take a look at the difference between what is actual physical hunger (ie, your body is low on fuel) and what I like to call 'mouth hungry', ie you just 'feel' like eating! That could be cravings, stress, boredom or just poor habits (yep, I said it!).... If you ate something in the last two to two & a half hours then unless you've been running a marathon in that time you're unlikely to be low on fuel physically. Also, what is it that you feel like eating? If it's something sugary or refined carb-y instead of a proper meal (even something like a delicious chicken sandwich!) then again, it's unlikely that you're physically hungry and you're probably looking to self-comfort, distract or occupy yourself by eating. If you've done a bit of a self check and you're not actually HUNGRY but you get the urge to eat, then you might want to help yourself out by looking at managing your stress and activity levels a bit more effectively, or find ways to comfort and reward yourself in ways that don't involve food - like finding a hobby (exercise is always good!), some meditation, or talking with some supportive friends. If you reeeeaaaaally can't stop yourself from a 'snaccident' then your best bet is always a handful of veggie sticks ... carrots and capsicum can be quite sweet, they give a satisfying crunch and they're really quick & easy to prepare! Winning!! SJ

04.01.2022 "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them."... The Ode, from ‘For The Fallen’ by Lawrence Binyon Lest We Forget

03.01.2022 I saw this picture on Instagram today, and honestly I could write ten pages about why pictures like this one make me really angry. It's so irresponsible to promote diets or programs that 'promise' these kinds of results - even though I know that the vast majority of people don't fall for it and scroll on, there are some people who are vulnerable, frustrated and at the end of their rope enough for a picture like this to provide them with a glimmer of hope. Isn't it about time we started concentrating on the glowing beauty of abundant health with a balance of body fat and lean mass that makes our body energetic and healthy... rather than just being 'skinny'??

02.01.2022 From Sunny Australia to where ever you are in this big beautiful world, may your 2021 be an abundance of joy, love, vitality and health ... along with a few challenges that help us grow (like it or not, they’re important too!!) I’m not one for ‘new year new you’ kinda deals or tacky gimmicks, I believe every day is a privileged new opportunity to do things a little better than we did the day before. What ever you do, make it count towards some greater good

02.01.2022 It's been a little quiet around here lately, I have been up to some seriously exciting stuff but in usual 'Sam' style I've been so engrossed in doing it I completely forget to take photos and post about it!! (gosh that makes me feel really old!!) I did have a chat with the awesome Pablo Miller on Triple M last week about red meat - thankfully he recorded it so I can share it here with you! Have a listen ...

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