Sharon Pearson in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Author
Sharon Pearson
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Address: 37-39 Albert Road 3004 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 You never know how much you didn’t appreciate hugging until you can’t anymore... Share a in the comments if you’re going to give your friends and family a massive hug and really cherish it when this is all over
24.01.2022 Every person I meet is in the career that was shaped by their upbringing, and their roles. Caretaker. Hero. Star. Scapegoat. Placator. Victim. Family lawyer. Family Engineer. Your tribe gets its feelings of the tribe you being who you need to be, to validate them. ... That was a part of the deal as you grew up. Now you're grown up. Are you going to do what you want to do? Are you serving your community the way you want to? Is what you do, your passion? If you didn't do what you do, what would you do instead? Have a plan. Act on the plan. Don't die with your song unsung.
24.01.2022 I believe in you, youve got this
23.01.2022 You never know how much you didnt appreciate hugging until you cant anymore... Share a in the comments if youre going to give your friends and family a massive hug and really cherish it when this is all over
21.01.2022 There's a huge difference between passion and purpose. You're not "finding" passion, only experiencing it. Your passion is for you. It could be something that brings more vitality into your life, literally. Spend time doing things that make you feel energized if you want to feel more passion Your purpose is the central means of motivation in your life. And I think the intention of everyone is exactly the same: to live a life that is the most genuine and motivated life for YOU and to share with the world your own special self. You encourage others to do the same when you live your life with so much courage
21.01.2022 Let me be honest with you. Challenges are inevitable. We face them every single day. ... We are in control of how we want to live our lives. We can either run away from the challenges or face them and be tougher. It's not about living a problem-free life, it's about showing up and facing them with a positive mindset
21.01.2022 Your awesome life starts with small things that will boost your happiness you feel in your life. #Daily Promise 1: Express gratitude The researchers analyzed their findings to figure out how gratitude has these effects. Gratitude disconnects us from toxic, negative emotions and the ruminating that often accompanies them. Writing a letter shifts our attention so that our focus is on positive emotions. The positive effects of gratitude writing compound like interest. You not notice the benefit of a daily or weekly practice, but after several weeks and months, you will. A gratitude practice trains the brain to be more in tune with experiencing gratitude a positive plus a positive, equal more positives. Daily Promise #2: Exercise for 15 minutes. Research shows you 're improving your happiness by actually moving your body for just 15 minutes. Physical activity causes the release of chemicals into your brain that affect your mood. You won't always feel like it, but afterwards You will feel happier when you do it anyway and get a big boost in happiness. Daily Promise #3: Do something kind for someone you love. Two recent studies suggest that giving to others makes us happy, even happier than spending on ourselves. Whats more, our kindness might create a virtuous cycle that promotes lasting happiness and altruism. So send someone flowers, buy a coffee for someone who cant afford it These simple yet powerful daily promises to yourself will change your life. HAPPINESS IS A HABIT. And you can only make it one if you practice it everyday. YOU have the power to be happy and YOU have the power to create more happiness in your life
20.01.2022 Making the most of the Sunday Spring sun in Melbourne. When we cant go to our favourite cafes we bring them to us. Later Ill go to the gym (my lounge) and do Pilates and yoga. Planning and strategising in changing times for next year for The Coaching Institute in the boardroom (our back garden). Then an outing to the front garden for some weeding. Also rearranging furniture is feeding my need for variety. I had some sad news this week from Perth so keeping myself... focused on what gives me joy is nurturing my heart. Anyone else planning on being in Tuscany tonight (candlelit meal of risotto)?
20.01.2022 This is the best method ever to make your own day and spread happiness around to others. Dont wait to be happy; think of something good in your life, smile, and see what happens
18.01.2022 We can't let anyone's emotions trump our own emotions. Emotions don't just happen to you. They are a part of you. They are conditioning. They are practice. They are what you have trained your mind and body to feel. For every moment think about the pleasant aspects of our life, and feel the feelings we attach to them, we are literally, building and strengthening the neurology for these emotions.... We are training ourselves to be happy So today, focus on being happy, focus on these four aspects and feel your emotions fully
18.01.2022 Your capacity for truth is one of your greatest strengths. It cuts through the noise and distractions and distils all the threads into your life. This is the truth, you are worthy, you are loveable and you are enough. And the truth lies within you. It's okay to self-doubt at times. It's okay to question yourself sometimes.... You have the power to change that, and the power to live your awesome life. Take 10 minutes out of your life to practice things that calm your soul, the habits that show you this is true.
18.01.2022 Appreciation asks for nothing. Grace begins when you move from your normal thoughts, to thoughts of appreciation. The moment doesn't have to be perfect. The moment can be any moment. This moment. Learn to feel the emotion of gratitude for this moment, regardless of what presents. I do know if you act as if you want this moment, regardless of what it is, you will feel more positive about yourself, your life and your choices.
17.01.2022 A couple of things to know on this R U OK Day in 2020 It is OK to be feeling down, to feel a sense of loss for what we cant do now, to feel sad that you are missing someone. It is so OK to ask for support to help you through that. It is OK to support someone who may be doing it a little tough. And it is OK too if you are feeling OK right now. Its OK to feel whatever you feel, whether thats down, great, isolated, alone. ... Every emotion is a reflection of who we are and where were at, and thats OK too. From everyone at The Coaching Institute, we see you. You matter so much. And I know youre sending the same back to somebody you love and care about.
17.01.2022 Hello everyone x Some thoughts on goals we have two levels of goals. One gets our attention, and the other can get neglected. There's external goals like relationships... career... finance... health... business... it's all 'out there'... And then there are the 'in here' goals... Emotional intimacy... Meeting our own needs... Learning about our boundaries... Self-care... Self-respect... Compassion.... compassionate thoughts towards ourselves and others... Resilience... Curiosity... Wellbeing... to enjoy our day without fear of unknown/success/failure/of not being enough/of not being worthy... and this is all 'in here'. It's so much easier to strive for the out there goals. It's what we're used to, trained to do, comfortable with, and encouraged to do. But what if, for our kids, and for ourselves, we spent as much or more time focused on the inner journey. EVERY 'out there' goal is really an attempt to achieve an 'in here' state. Maybe it's time to link all our 'out there' to 'in here'... Did that give you a sense of wellbeing? What emotions did you notice or tune into? How closely did you connect with your emotions? How did you feel about that? Do you feel okay feeling that? What needs did you have that you met as you went about striving for that goal? What did you learn about yourself as you strive for that goal? How was this an example of your resilience? How was this an example of your curiosity? How did you encourage yourself with your self-talk? What mistakes did you make? What did you learn through them? What would you share with the next person who strives for this? The point of life isn't to tick the to-do list. It's to be the best version of ourselves, to express our deepest, truest selves, to be our truest selves, and allow the space for others to do the same. I believe that takes more thought than, 'Did you do it?' or 'Well done. Good job.' Have a great day. xxxx
17.01.2022 That's the truth. Make those little moments matter. Make this moment, right now, matter. ... Give this moment, your attention, your focus, your appreciation
17.01.2022 At the Emotional Intimacy Breakthrough training this month I had shared with my lovely students the rituals JP and I have. Every week we travel around the world right here at Bistro JP and its so beautiful to see these rituals trickle down in the TCI community. Our beautiful student Casey Williamson travelled to Tuscany with her partner. ... I hope you had an epic time #Repost @the.courage.project with @make_repost RELATIONSHIP RITUALS . A while back my wife, Mars, and I had a chat about our shared values and two of our top 3 are exploration and connection. We both love to travel and try new things, connecting over indulgent experiences, particularly in new places. . This extended lockdown that Melbournes having has put a stop to any travel for a while but that doesnt mean we cant still live out our values. . One of my mentors @sharon.pearson.official shared a ritual that her and her husband have... they visit a different country each week through food, music and themed dress... all within their own home. . Mars and I loved this idea and decided to model it as part of our mission to become more emotionally intimate. Last week I asked Mars where shed like to go and of course she said Italy - I couldve put money on that. So I asked her what that meant to her... spaghetti bolognese, caprese salad, red wine, garlic bread and Dean Martin playing in the background. . We had a ball cooking together, enjoying our meal, chatting over dinner, and what I think she loved most was me letting go of perfectionism and micromanaging in the kitchen and instead just honouring what she wanted (even if garlic bread isnt technically Italian ). . Were so grateful to have the guidance of those whove done the work so we can follow their example and build a relationship full of love and connection. This is now one of our new rituals. Next week were off to Paris. Taking meal suggestions below
17.01.2022 Your boundaries are your source of love, compassion, and generosity. Until we know our own boundaries, our relationships are not reciprocal experiences of love, care and respect. Instead they are built on compromise, playing a role and being loved for who we are not. To be loveable is to have strong boundaries in place. ... It's to know how to love, respect for ourselves, how to give the same to others, and how to receive this from others. Do you have healthy boundaries in place? Comment below and let me know!
16.01.2022 When you wait for someone else to change to change as the reason why you're not doing what you need to be doing, you're really saying, "I have no power. The other person's feelings influence me" Recognize that this belief says that something outside of you controls you that someone else has a sway over your choices, that you are dependent on another. Know that you are the reason for how you feel, for what you think and for how you live. You didn't have this power when you w...ere young. And now you do. Use it.
16.01.2022 This moment. Not tomorrow. Not my problems. Not my to-do list. Just this. xxx
15.01.2022 And introducing ... Jenny Delaney, the latest epic member of our TCI community to write a fabulous book, Taking Your Life From OK to Awesome! Jenny, thank you so much for your generosity in sharing a copy with me. You're all kinds of awesomecan't wait to get stuck into my new read!
13.01.2022 Throwback to having a lovely conversation with the amazing John Assaraf for the #Perspectives podcast! #Perspectives is where we all get to hang out, celebrate the diversity of ideas, share thoughts, challenge the status quo and have the most raw and open discussions about how we can live our fullest life when 'getting by' seems the easier path. Do you want to listen to interesting insights about social media perils, cancel culture, climate change, what the world will look l...ike in years ahead, and personal issues including claiming confidence, time management for busy working women and resilience. You can discover live coaching sessions around what matters to you most. Listen to the latest podcast here:
13.01.2022 Hello everyone x Spending my morning goal setting for 2021 Week three of thinking it through and setting up for a successful year Every year I set up to 15 personal and business goals (including a WIG, or Wildly Important Goal) every year, from those that are close and inclusive and emotionally intimate with my friends to sprawling professional ones.... Goal setting is a great way to reflect on the meaning of your life and how your goals are going to contribute towards living and achieving the goal of being your truest self. What are your goals for 2021?
13.01.2022 Spread love, joy and kindness everywhere you go! Comment with a if you resonate with this!
13.01.2022 It was great to get down to business on a Disruptive Leadership Zoom training, talking out-of-the-box innovations, the upside of expensive car washes and thefor meintriguing topic of lead and lag measures. My best tip for today? Pretty simple: in business, if you dont take care of the bad smell its going to keep lingering way past you fixing what you think is the problem. It works at home too! Start looking for where that smell is coming from, people!
12.01.2022 Fantastic day today talking to my old friend John Assaraf in the US for an upcoming Perspective podcast. As usual, we had a lot of fun and poked a few bears, and when we jumped off Zoom at the end I felt grateful to have such a smart and mindful person in my world. Thanks John! I won't tell you all yet what we chatted aboutthat would give things awaybut needless to say we covered a lot of ground about coaching, business and life in 2020.... Looking forward to seeing you soon!
12.01.2022 "Your heart knows the way, run in that direction" - Rumi When we begin trusting our heart calling, it gets easier to for you to trust yourself and all your future decisions. Before you realise it, you will be embracing your Ultimate Self and your own divine guidance system. And before you know it, maybe you will even begin running in the direction it leads in.... Drop a if you are ready to follow your heart.
11.01.2022 Read that once again. Embrace the moment for what it is. Experience it fully, as it is. Set aside your self-talk telling you your preferences and your expectations. Let this moment be. It's seeing how intimate moments, vulnerable moments, precious moments, cherished moments, aren't created from a defensive posture, but from one of openness, warmth, love, availability, and thoughtfulness. ... Your Awesome Life is held fragilely in the hands of your willingness to show up. Comment with a if you agree!
10.01.2022 In the Far East, there is a tree known as Chinese Bamboo. Its not just another tree there is something very different about it. While other trees will grow at their own, steady pace, the Chinese Bamboo wont come out of the ground for the first four years.... Yes thats four years. Youll never notice it; its as if the tree doesnt exist. You might even laugh at the caretaker who is so lovingly taking care of an invisible tree. BUT during year five, something magical happens. The caretakers efforts pay off big time. Within five weeks, the humble Chinese bamboo grows to 90 feet. People who go the mile work in a similar way. Youll see them put their heads down, working their hours away on an insane concept. No results. In life, there is no failure, there is only feedback. So the next time you think you've failed, re-think your strategy, give yourself feedback and don't do what you'd done before!
10.01.2022 Always remember, you are the most important person in your life Take this chance and put yourself at the top of your to-do list, every single day. One day at a time and everything will fall into place. ... Comment below with a you are ready to say yes to yourself!
10.01.2022 #Perspectives Podcast - Rebecca Huntley
08.01.2022 Chances are you have a bottle of Bondi Sands product somewhere in your house. You may know the Australian company is the world’s top selling self-tanning brand, turning over more than $100 million last year and being feted by the likes of Kylie Jenner and Emily Ratajkowski. What you may not know is the personal rags-to-riches story of Blair James, who co-founded Bondi Sands with Shaun Wilson. On new #Perspectives podcast ‘Midas Touch’, Blair tells me about the terrible... impact of the deaths of both his parents by the time he was 23 and how a single Melbourne tanning salon was the genesis of an international empire. He talks modern entrepreneurship, marketing, creativity and how he and Shaun believed we could be the number one selling self-tanning brand in the world from day one. I think we used to talk about that before we even sold one product. ‘Midas Touch’ is out now.
08.01.2022 This is a question I frequently ask all my business students in our trainings and I thought I'd jump on here and tell us my thoughts on the success of your team and how you can nourish them. Are you in love with what why you do what you do? At the heart of a great business is the vision the team share-- it's the reason they're there. ... If the reason anyone on your team is there to collect a pay packet, they need to lift their game or move on. They're only hurting themselves and the team, and they'll never reach their full potential. Their career will be one of the constant moves, dissatisfaction and blaming the company. But it's them, and their problem will go with them. All of the team need to throw in the vision it has shared with them; Support it. Champion it. Breathe it. By doing this, your team will know the true commitment. They will flourish, 'get ahead', be admired and experience not just success but fulfillment - that feeling of meaning endeavour that people say they seeking yet rarely create for themselves right where they are.
08.01.2022 In todays Disruptive Leadership class we dived deep into the importance of values in your business. If you dont have values as the priority, you get mood, personality preferences, clashes, the last conversation whatever the moment presents or suggests, all of which are very subjective. Values trump personal preference, any day.... Link values to decision-making, then reverse engineer it. Tap into the stuff that makes the business the strongest. Why do values matter? We hire, performance assess, and fire based on values. If youre not a values match, it's best for you to de-select yourself. Values are so important, if youre phenomenal at the job but not aligned to our values, it's best to find a role with another company
07.01.2022 It's to be present to what is, rather than what you expect, prefer, or want. It requires us to set aside the ludicrous and delusional notion that we always know what's best, that we are always right, that we are in control, or that we have nothing to learn. It insists that instead of deciding the world must match our beliefs or we're unhappy, we attempt to see the world for the way it is. ... In being open to new alternatives, maybe we do move the dial a little close to Our Awesome Life.
07.01.2022 It's no secret I've had days and probably whole years where I haven't felt okay, and I'm so grateful not to be in that place anymore. But especially at a time when people's worlds have been flipped upside down and shaken, I know that not feeling okay is common and normaland that we can help. How do you ask someone today (or anytimelooking out for others doesn't have a use by date) if they're okay? This is what I'd try:... Look after yourself first so you're in a good headspace to help someone else. Be gentle. Ask, 'What's been happening and how are you feeling?') Avoid a confrontation and don't criticise/insist if the other person doesn't want to talk. Listen with an open mind. If someone shares a problem, don't offer a solution or make it about yourself. Ask questions. Say, "Tell me more about that. Is it okay if I ask you a question or two so I can start to understand what's going on?" Say powerful and genuine validations: That sounds really challenging. How can I help? I'm here for you. And be brave. The conversation you have today and the care you show could change a life. Let's start with you. R U OK? Let's talk.
07.01.2022 In a relationship, is your connection with your partner more important, or the connection with your kids? I believe one definitely comes before the other, as we revealed in an "unthinkable but true sentence" during last week's Emotional Intimacy Breakthrough class. Find out what I said here, and comment below and share your thoughts about what keeps a relationship connected.
07.01.2022 And that’s a wrap to day two of Meta Dynamics III Today was all about integrating different archetypes into your being. It was about integrating parts of you that have been disowned. What a day!
07.01.2022 Embrace the chaos. It’s a wonderful way to deal with the unknown and the possibility of how things might be; it’s where we learn, explore and find meaning. Chaos is one of nature’s greatest forces? It has brought forth much more wonder and joy than we realise and tend to imagine.
06.01.2022 Just consider for a moment the possibility that you have within you a reservoir or resourcefulness, compassion, resilience, and courage. What if, despite the negative press you give yourself, you were born naturally adventurous, loveable, worthy, brave, and courageous and curious about your world? The law of attraction and manifestation is very real. It isnt some supernatural phenomenon. ... Its simple. If you prime your brain to see opportunities, itll find them. If you prime your brain to see failure, youll find it. Your brain has a selective focus mechanism. Positive thinking tweaks your selective focus in the right direction. So are you choosing to become the best version of yourself today?
05.01.2022 I have so much gratitude this week. For all of you who reached out after my sad start to September. For all of you who keep showing up to learn and rock out at TCI. For my health and happiness and husband. And for your amazing support for my #Perspectives podcast. We only started the podcast last year, and it has now had 260,000 views from all of you amazing people. ... The two 'Mother Load' episodes where TCI's open, authentic Sasha Dumaresq gave me the privilege of coaching her around motherhood issues have been watched 30,000 times. Part II of 'Mother Load' set a new record for the show with 42,172 views and counting. I did a sneaky Google and found out any podcast above 36,000 views is in the top one per cent globally. That's stunning. Thank you Sasha, for sharing with the community about a personal challenge which has struck such a public chord. You're incredible. The best thing about hosting the podcast is the conversations I get to have with thought leaders, authors and media stars including Bernard Salt, Natasha Tynes and Katrina Blowers. We've talked social media perils, panic attacks, what the world will look like after the pandemic, time management, cancel culture, business, play, daily life. The latest #Perspectives episode No Planet B launched this week with lawyer turned broadcaster and social researcher Rebecca Huntley telling why she pledged the rest of her life to work for one hugely important but problematic cause. If you haven't caught it yet, listen here. And thank you, thank you, thank you again everyone, for your support and for being so interested in what matters most to the world. I'm wowed and completely humbled by you!
03.01.2022 Did you know that reasearch says if you want to be happier, you should do something that makes you happy? It's really that simple. And it's a strategy I have been following since years. I simply have a cup of tea, listen to my favourite songs or even just have a small walk with my dogs. ... Stop waiting to be happy. Be that force of change and make yourself happy. Because if you dont, who will?
02.01.2022 Our inner strength is immense and it never disappoints when it's put to the test. There will be moments when you feel like giving up, but when you are closest to achieving your goals, it is during those moments. These are the tests which we have to face and pass in our lives. In various ways, everybody faces such obstacles, and you will, too. ... Be fierce to face obstacles. Believe in yourself, it's only going to make you stronger!
02.01.2022 RIP Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) brilliant mind, advocate for equality for women in many cases in the US Supreme Court. She is one of my heroes. I love her pure mind, her compassion. Her ability to sort noise from truth. Her unswerving service to justice. Shes a great example of leadership when it can be argued its often missing. #RBG #RIPRBG
02.01.2022 Want to know what pushed lawyer turned social researcher and ABC broadcaster Rebecca Huntley to dedicate the rest of her life to a divisive cause? I did, so I asked Rebecca to join me on my #Perspectives podcast, out tomorrow. In a conversation that was both optimistic and terrifying, Rebecca told me two years ago she was busy teaching her three kids to swim, brush before bedtime and ace their times tables when she realised there was no point them having perfect teeth, ...a freestyle stroke and maths skills if they had no viable planet to live on. The fabulously pragmatic Rebecca talked Elon Musk, keep cups, PR problems and relatable solutionsas well as why only a small group of Australians are climate deniers: Very few of us are of the view that its great we have slightly higher temperatures so we can grow different types of wine grapes in Tasmania. Join me on No Planet B to find out what we can all do, what Rebecca did for the cause that she hasnt even told her mum about her (Its a reminder this is a fight Ive got to stay in) and where birdwatchers fit in. New #Perspectives podcast out this Wednesday.
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