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Barenaked studio in Yowie Bay, New South Wales, Australia | Party & entertainment service

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Barenaked studio

Locality: Yowie Bay, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 403 190 121

Address: 2 Forest Rd Yowie Bay 2228 Yowie Bay, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 This is just a preliminary sketch for an illustration on a beer can for @dangerous.ales Funny thing about my little practice drawings, is that I always like them best! Sometimes, actually, all the time... the first lines are the truest. I wonder if that’s a metaphor for life? #wisewords #kateswednesdaywisdom #firstlines #pencilsketches #mermaids #dangerousales

22.01.2022 BIRTHDAY LOVE! Today is the day and I’m feeling all loved up and grateful. The years keep on rolling by and I’m trying to pause and take note of all the beautiful and little things around me, I’m dead set the luckiest woman I know. So here’s my proposal... share one of my posts on your story with the hashtag #barenakedbirthday and I’ll pick a winner and send an original artwork to some fortunate soul. Any pic will do... I love you all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! #birthdaylove #barenakedbirthday #loveyousall #itsmypartyandillcryifiwantto #nudewoman #watercolour #lifedrawing #nudeselfie #gratefulheart #luckywoman

22.01.2022 We are back! Ladies, get involved in this... if nothing else it’s a top spot to get your gear off, have a tipple and draw someone gorgeous!

22.01.2022 I know that this is not about me, however I also am aware of the greater affects of saying nothing and remaining silent when faced with uncomfortable truths on social justice issues. Historically speaking, many of the now obvious revolutionary changes have come through blood and tears, where one event cracks a wall and amplifies an already brimming body of water that comes crashing down with an unstoppable force. I am conscious of my white privilege. My health, my ‘good luck...’, my enormous advantage has come largely due to the colour of the skin I was born with. I will never have to worry that my children might be taken away, or that they could be violently arrested and locked up without charge for minor misdemeanours. My bag does not get searched when I leave a supermarket, my parents will likely live into their 80’s, my teenagers will probably get into universities and get the jobs they desire. I could go on... Collectively, I believe we can do better. There is power in shared consciousness, united in outrage and compassion could we make a difference in the world? Particularly here, for the First Nations people in this beautiful country... their lives matter. #alwayswillbe #nomorestolensisters #imsorry #privilege #enough #alllivesmatter #nomoreaboriginaldeathsincustody #istandwithyou See more

22.01.2022 This is me enjoying a much deserved Backyard Pale Ale @dangerous.ales after finishing a painting on a shipping container aka cool room @the.milton.hotel As the saying goes, whether you think you can or can’t do something, you’re right. I’ve honestly stopped thinking that maybe there are some little (or big) dreams that are beyond my capabilities... because they’re not. One of my daughters wrote something about herself today, she said that sometimes people aren’t nice to her a...nd that it upsets her, then she said that ‘mum always says it doesn’t matter what other people think, and she’s right, it never matters.’ Who knew they listened?! I’m proud of her, I hope she keeps that bravery and strength of spirit, it’s all you need. Anyway, it’s always a work in progress... #tuesdaynightmusings #lifelessons #ithinkicanithinkican #willamywilla #dangerousales #themiltonhotel #backyard #hillshoist #hellococky #beer #cheers See more

21.01.2022 Get yourself a best mate who looks at you like this.... It’s as if this year has made a real point of highlighting what actually matters to us. We always know, but it’s been made pretty clear to all of us that every option we have taken as given, like spending time with our mates, our families, heading out to see live music, dance or theatre, even a weekend away somewhere! Can so easily be lost. Life as we know it has changed, probably irrevocably. I’m one of the lucky to have my family and friends around me most of the time. Even so, I find myself lonely at times... I know that what’s important above travel and social outings are my people, my dearest friends and beautiful family. Hold them close peeps! There’s nothing other than this! #love #friends #mypeople #idonthavemuchbutiknowiloveyou #mates #covid #isolation #tellyourfriendsyoulovethem

19.01.2022 I listened to something this morning about creative block and how to overcome it. What he said was, that it’s no good reading about the creative process, watching something inspiring, listening to music etc... that’s all procrastination. I thought, yes... that is exactly what I do! I even clean out cupboards, weird, I know? The only way around it is to actually do... because creativity is a process, you have to get out your tools and have a play, whatever those tools are. It ...might be your pen if you’re a writer, or your piano/guitar if you play music? For me, it’s drawing and painting... just do it, as the slogan goes! Without the intention of making anything amazing. It’s the only way... thank you @blindboyboatclub my guru. These drawings are my creative play today, get cracking creatives!! #justdoit #creativeplay #drawing #pastels #colour #nudes #creativeblock #wednesdayinspo #sunsout #whatsthecraic See more

19.01.2022 The days are getting colder... the nights, longer. But that is alright, that is ok, because it makes me appreciate the long, prickling hot summer days that will come again. Like this one, it was Autumn in the Byron hinterland. One glorious afternoon where all of these beautiful people came together in what I can only describe as a magical union. Sometime soon I will be doing these things in this place with you, whoever you may be, and I cannot wait! In the meantime I’ll be hi...bernating, making art and keeping cozy! Much love to you all, and thank you to everyone who made this possible. Model @atmospheric_liver Photography - @jodiplumbleyphotography Events - @moonshinewomen Venue - @byronviewfarm Styling - @the.seasalter Florist - @thefrenchpetal Furniture Hire - @theweddingshed Hair - @anitabauerhair Art Classes - @barenakedstudios Antipasti - @thepicnicportal High Tea - @hightealadieslismore Chocolates - @gabrielle_chocolate Transport - @may_the_ek_byron_bay #coviddays #longnights #coldmornings #byronbay #lifedrawinghens #byronhens #hensbyronbay #jodiplumbleyphotography

16.01.2022 Sometimes, just when you think that you’re going nowhere, or haven’t really accomplished much... something happens to remind you, that at some point you did a really hard thing, even though the annoying self doubting voice in your head said you could not or would not. Magically another world opens up! What I’ve found is, it’s never out of thin air. Good things come from lots of hard work, even when it’s the last thing you feel like doing! Thanks for coming to my TED talk, p...lenty more where that came from! Also, I’m still available for hens parties... Covid be gone! #mondaymusings #tedtalks #lifecoach #hardwork #goodthings #selfportrait #watercolor #barenakedstudios See more

16.01.2022 They say to writers, write about what you know... it will resonate. I think the same for any art; paint, draw, sing and dance about what hurts, what makes your heart burst and break and never ever sacrifice authenticity for relatability. So, once again The subject I know best is me! Here I am today and I feel like this water-coloured slightly wobbly mess. Which suits me just fine thank you. #selfportrait #procrastination #watercolour #face #fridaymusings #fridakahlo #watercolourkate #barenakedstudios #facefriday

16.01.2022 Check this out if you’ve got a spare minute on Thursday... it’ll be fun!

13.01.2022 If this looks like a beautiful afternoon to you, it was. Some gorgeous women and a few (also gorgeous) blokes painting and feasting in the magical Byron hinterland. I love doing work like this, I can hardly call it a job? But it’s what I do and for that I’m mighty grateful... if you have a girls weekend to plan later in the year and this sounds like heaven to you, get in touch with @moonshinewomen Billie will sort you out. Come hang with me and my friends, you’ll love it! pho...tos - @jodiplumbleyphotography Events - @moonshinewomen Venue - @byronviewfarm Styling - @the.seasalter Florist - @thefrenchpetal Furniture Hire - @theweddingshed Hair - @anitabauerhair Art Classes - @barenakedstudios Antipasti - @thepicnicportal High Tea - @hightealadieslismore Chocolates - @gabrielle_chocolate Transport - @may_the_ek_byron_bay #byronbayhens #barenakedstudios #girlsweekendgetaway #moonshinewomen #lifedrawing

11.01.2022 It’s world breastfeeding week! I was lucky enough to be able to feed all of my babies and I can honestly say that it was a beautiful (mostly) experience. Even with the cracked nipples, the leaky enormous boobs, the occasional mastitis and the sometimes all night milk bar... I loved it! Women are truly superheroes, the relationship and the special bond that we forge with our babies in those months or years is invaluable. I hope all the mothers starting on the lactation trip got all the love and support they need, it ain’t always easy! Sending love and milky kisses! #worldbreastfeedingweek #happyboobs #milkybreath #gotmilk #lactating #mumsaremagic #breastfeedingqueen

10.01.2022 Here I go... get into it!

07.01.2022 Here’s me doing my thing... just to let you all know, I’m still hosting fun (covid safe) life drawing sessions! Hen’s parties, blessingways, birthday celebrations and other special occasions... social distanced life drawing! It’s a vibe.... #hensparty #lifedrawing #lifedrawingparty #blessingway #socialdistancing2020 #covidsafetymeasures #nudedrawing

04.01.2022 What a way to spend a sunny Saturday in Byron Bay... sketching by the pool. @real.escapes @a11i8 #sketchingbythepool #byronbay #henspartybyronbay #lifedrawing #woman #retro #blackandwhite #barenakedstudios

04.01.2022 This afternoon I presented a portrait demonstration to the Sutherland Shire Art Society. It was so much fun! This is Peter, the treasurer... It’s quite an intimate thing, drawing someone’s face, looking into their eyes. It takes a certain confidence to stare straight back. I appreciated Karen, Ken and Peters’ trust in me, to quickly sketch their likeness... I’ll be back! #sutherlandshireartsociety #localartist #sketch #portrait #graphite #charcoaldrawing #quicksketch #barenakedstudios

03.01.2022 If you feel like you need a rainy day feel good activity, the Dandenong Council have put together a little video featuring yours truly... set yourself up with some paper and a pencil for 10 minutes of one on one time with me! Why wouldn’t you? I hope you like it? Let me know, sending love and elbow taps in the place of hugs, because covid #missingyou #lovethis #artiniso #borntobeonfilm #nofilter #sketchy #ifyoulovemeletmeknow #dandenong #council #artonline #onlineartclass

02.01.2022 Ladies, ladies, ladies... party season is kicking off, my calendar is looking like Paris Hilton’s circa 2005... so many engagements! If you need to lock in a girls night or a hens party, hit me up right about now, Sydney/Byron Bay/Gold Coast! #letsgetthispartystarted #hensparty #barenakedstudios #lifedrawinghensparty #nudedrawing #byronbayhensparty #girlsgirlsgirls

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