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21.01.2022 Good afternoon wondrous followers. I hoping that we will be able to get some more people interested in this page so I am offering a free 1 hour tarot reading or 1 hour healing treatment (your choice) to a lucky someone. All you need to do is share like my page, share this post and tag a friend.... I shall do a random draw on Friday evening at 8pm and will announce the winner!
17.01.2022 Dont let someone make you doubt who you are. Stand proud!
13.01.2022 Here is a simple ritual for using this full moon. Blessed be!
13.01.2022 Have a fantastic day! -Photo is from the tasmanian pagan alliance Facebook page.
12.01.2022 Some info for those new to witchcraft
08.01.2022 Do you know that Easter is actually a pagan holiday? The pagan holiday celebrating the goddess Ishtar (pronounced easter) was taken over by the Christian faith in order to convert the heathens/pagans to Christianity. The goddess was one of fertility and her symbols are the rabbit and the egg.
07.01.2022 Wicca is religion, being a witch does not make you a Wiccan, and being Wiccan does not make you a witch. Wicca is a religion and there are many branches of Wicca out there. Even though magick and the religious system do go hand and hand together, a good portion still prefer to keep the two separate. Gardnerians follow the workings set out by Gerald Gardner (who was taught by a High Priestess named "Old Dorothy") without all the New Age add ons, their system consists of a H...igh Priest/ess with levels of initiates. A true Gardnerian can be traced all the way back to Gerald Gardner. This religion believes highly in polarity, balance, and the worship of a God and Goddess. You also have Alexandrian Wicca, this was founded by Maxine and Alex Sanders in 1962 closely related to Gardnerian Wicca with contributions of ceremonial magick and Qabalah. These are just some of your original Wicca origins, and the list can get extensive as each year more and more are created. Its important to know your craft history, and not claim ownership of a title when you have no clue what that entitles. Research and research again, limit yourselves to titles as they are are only titles, a witch does not need the title of Wicca or Witch to be a practitioner of magick. Some food for thought.
05.01.2022 Creation said: I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality. The eagle said,... Give it to me. I will take it to the moon. The Creator said, No. One day they will go there and find it. The salmon said, I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean. The Creator said, No. They will go there, too. The buffalo said, I will bury it on the Great Plains. The Creator said, They will cut into the skin of the earth and find it even there. Grandmother who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said Put it inside of them. And the Creator said, It is done. Creation story from the Hopi Nation, Arizona Artist: Vasil Woodland **I ninjaed this from a page called mishkiki as I loved it so much**
05.01.2022 If your new to crystals and have no idea what the most popular ones are about, here is a quick guide for you.
04.01.2022 I am in a sorry state today! For some weird reason, my molar filling has seemed to have cracked and half has fallen out, leaving my sensitive tooth exposed. I was scheduled for the dentist next Tuesday but am now starting to get pain and headaches because of it. What would a Hedgewitch do? A poultice of sage, slippery elm and myrrh, hidden in my cheek and pressed against the inflamed area.... All three ingredients have antiseptic properties while both sage and myrrh also have pain relieving properties. Remember when making home remedies, keep it simple and dont complicate things by using a dozen ingredients! Blessed be!
03.01.2022 What is a Hedgewitch. A Hedge Witch is a solitary practitioner of the herbal arts - both, medicinal and spiritual. She is the person you call when you develop a rash or get a toothache, and the doctor or dentist is unavailable. She is the person you consult when strange things go bump in the night, or you are certain that someone just gave you the evil eye. Her cupboard contains the remedy for what ails you - physical and spiritual.... A Hedge Witch usually does not belong to a coven. She does not follow the tenets of any sect or organized religion. Her craft is her own - usually handed down to her by family and honed by her own experience and research. You will not find two Hedge Witches that are alike. Each follows her own path. The common thread that puts us under the heading of Hedge Witch is our herbal remedies and our solitary spiritual practices The name, Hedge Witch, comes from days of old when villages were separated by forests. The edge of a village where the forest began was called the hedge. In most villages there was an herbal practitioner, who lived in the forest or near the edge of the forest. This was the person the villagers appealed to when there was no doctor, or the doctor couldnt cure them. The practitioner who lived by the hedge and practiced herbal arts was called a Hedge Witch. Today, a Hedge Witch may or may not live near the forest, but you likely will find her there at one time or another. Most Hedge Witches have a reverence for nature. They know the medicinal and spiritual properties of everything that grows, and they understand natures balance. A wise Hedge Witch enlists nature to deal with natural problems. She harvests more weeds than she pulls. She invites wasps, spiders and other predators to kill unwanted bugs. She uses plants and animals to divert bunnies from the vegetable garden. But the most definitive characteristic of a Hedge Witch is that she has a remedy for everything under the sun, and much of it was prepared by the light of the moon.
01.01.2022 Welcome to all my new followers. Please comment below and introduce yourself. We would love to know if your a witch, a Wiccan, spiritualist or just plain ole you!!!
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