Turiya Yoga in North Rocks | Product/service
Turiya Yoga
Locality: North Rocks
Phone: +61 400 003 148
Address: 105a North Rocks Road 2151 North Rocks, NSW, Australia
Website: http://Www.turiyayogaspace.com.au
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25.01.2022 Happy winter my friends. We celebrated with rainy bush walks and apple cake. Did I mention a yoga practice is also a great way to warm the body?!? ... Take care everyone, peace out #aussiewinter #bushwalkingwithkids #rainybushwalking #getoutside #yogapractice #naturelover #motherearth #pachamama
25.01.2022 We are so excited to welcome back Jayur Meditation to Turiya Yoga Space! The last two workshops were truly transformative and brought a deep sense of peace and balance to those who attended. We do have a couple of spaces left for the session next Monday evening - but dont delay buying tickets as we sold out last time!
24.01.2022 My dear Yoga friends! How are you faring through these unusual times? How nature is testing us right now! I invite you to come and practice with us. For one hour let us shift our attention away from the swirling hurricane of the outside world, and bring our awareness internally. Let us breathe deeply and close our eyes and deeply feel present in our bodies. In all of the surrounding change let us connect to something deeper within us. ... From next week we will be beginning our weeknight classes in the Yoga space again and we would love to have you join us. Due to the changing nature of the world around us I will be offering the TUESDAY & THURSDAY classes in 6 WEEK blocks to allow us flexibility to shift where we need to. Please find details below for the Tues/Thurs evening classes: Dates: Week beginning 20th July - week ending 30th August. Cost: 1 class / week - $108; 2 classes / week - $170 Due to my motherly/family commitments the Wednesday and Saturday classes will be running casually at $20/class. This means that the Wednesday and Saturday classes will run most weeks, but not necessarily all. I will be providing the available offerings through our new booking system a month in advance so you have some notice of when to expect class. As you are aware we have strict limitations on numbers to allow enough space to keep everyone safe. Thus please email or text me to secure your place and I will send you details of how to book. I look forward to welcoming you back to the Yoga space again. Namaste, Tara #sydneyyoga #yogapractice #yogaeverydamnday #yogastudios #yogalife #yogalove #spirituality #meditation
24.01.2022 And I feel it has come, my time for release Will you set me free ~ @xavierruddofficial . . Grateful for the cleansing nature of water of the sea and the storm this afternoon after a fairly tense week. .... How have you been this week? Has there been a something in the air?!!Please drop us a comment below . I hope that the afternoon hail () and thunder storm aided to cleanse and soothe and balance the system. . Sound on to hear the impressive clatter of hailstones on my windshield alongside my rootsy soundtrack as both children slept in the car! Bliss! . #hailstorm #xavierrudd #setmefree #cleanse #yogaphilosophy #thistooshallpass #calmafterthestorm #balance #mentalhealth #ruokeveryday #ruok See more
24.01.2022 We have a couple of places left for tomorrow mornings class - if one has your name on it, please message us!We have a couple of places left for tomorrow mornings class - if one has your name on it, please message us!
23.01.2022 Afternoon rest. Viparita Karani with my biggest babe. Kevin the crane coming to rest too. Not sure why he needs to be so close to my head. #yogamama #yogimama #viparitakarani #legsupthewall #rest #pause #nervoussystemregulation #yoga #mentalhealth #mumlife #sydneyyoga
22.01.2022 This could be you. Join us.
22.01.2022 Tomorrows Saturday class will run at 3pm - please message us if you would like a place, or a zoom link!Tomorrows Saturday class will run at 3pm - please message us if you would like a place, or a zoom link!
22.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/shantalamusic/videos/198305864852713/ Beautiful music live now
21.01.2022 Due to the constantly changing nature of this pandemic keeping us all on our toes, I have decided to stream the Tuesday and Thursday evening classes live online to give people who might not be comfortable or able to come to the studio a chance to practice at home. Because we will be streaming via zoom at the same time as the class is happening in person, we will only be able to offer a one way interaction. What this means is that we will connecting with you on a subtle energ...etic level as you will be joining us live, but we wont be able to monitor your movements and practice as we usually would as teachers. Thus it is even more important that you keep your attention inward and listen to your body, and please dont go too fast or too far if your body is telling you to stop. And remember, you can always come out of any posture to take a pause at any time. As this is a different service to our last terms zoom offering and our face to face offering, we will be offering this at a reduced rate of $50 for 6 weeks. As mentioned above this will only be offered on the Tuesday and Thursday evening classes. Please contact me to sign up. #livestreamyoga #onlineyogaclasses #covidexercise #mentalhealth #meditation #spirituality #wellness #sydneyyoga #sydneyyogateacher
20.01.2022 A beautiful passage to lighten your Monday Thank you Swami's Yoga Retreat. "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul... the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us" Saint Terese of Liseaux #yogaphilosophy #inspiration #loveyoga #yogainspiration #yogalove #peacewithin #trusttheprocess
20.01.2022 Proudly COVID Safe. For those joining us at the yoga space we are proud to advise you that we are a registered COVID Safe business. We ask all students and teachers to:... Stay at home if unwell or if you have been in contact with a known COVID-19 case, or returned from overseas or Victoria in the past 14 days. Use the provided hand sanitiser before and after class. BYO mat & pillow/blanket for relaxation/meditation. Maintain physical distancing throughout class. The Yoga space and any used blocks will be sanitised following every class and there will be strict restrictions on the maximum number of students in a class. If you dont have a yoga mat, we have some for sale at a low cost. Most importantly, we are so honoured to be able to offer Yoga to you in these uncertain times. It is such a valuable tool to help us stay centred, grounded and diffuse any anxious or fearful feelings. Stay well and safe everyone, and breathe deeply. #covidsafe #nswhealth #yogaformentalhealth #yogasydney #sydneyyogastudio #yogaeverydamnday
20.01.2022 When you arrive at Turiya Yoga Space, you will be greeted by hand sanitiser , sunflowers , Lord Buddha , and the occasional Paw Patrol truck . . Tomorrow is my last Saturday morning class before we head away for the Christmas break, hope to see you there! After tomorrow, Saturday classes will continue for another two more weeks under the loving care of @pranawithprarthana . .... . #pawpatrol #yogamum #yogamumma #reallifeyoga #mumlife #covidsafe #thisishowweroll #yogasydney #homeashram #urbanashram See more
20.01.2022 All are welcome in our Yoga space. #homeashram #urbanyoga #yogaforall #spirituality #yogaphilosophy #yogaforbeginners #yogalove #loveyoga #lovewins
19.01.2022 Natures proof my friends, that the storm does pass. #naturesinspiration #nothingispermanent #thistooshallpass #hanginthere #yogaphilosophy #spiritualjourney #tattwamasi #lookinward #sakshi
19.01.2022 Those chilly August winds have eased and buds in the garden are starting to bloom... And we are so excited to be welcoming Spring! I have found myself guided to do a lot of strong twists in our classes the past couple of weeks and with spring around the corner this makes perfect sense! The icy chill of winter that can leave us feeling perhaps a bit heavy and wanting hibernate indoors with a hot chocolate is literally starting to melt away now.... This means it is the perfect opportunity to squeeze into the body, breathe deeply and completely, and expel any stagnant energy from the body as we move with nature and her blooming. Our next 6 week block for our Tuesday & Thursday sessions begins next week! Just in time for spring. The Wednesday & Saturday sessions will continue to run casually. And all Hatha Yoga classes will be streamed online. Please get in touch to secure your place as space is limited to continue to keep us safe. I look forward to connecting with you in Yoga again See you in the Yoga space soon... Namaste, Tara Prarthana Nandini Venunathan Begin Now Yoga #yogasydney #onlineyoga #onlineyogaclasses #zoomyoga #parraparents #hillsdistrictmums #breathe #destress #detoxyoga #springyoga #yogalove
19.01.2022 Mummas and bubbas savasana. Hands on babes, feeding babes, having some space free from babes. In mums and bubs yoga anything goes. Sometimes there’s gurgling, sometimes screaming, sometimes cackling or guzzling milk. Sometimes, on a rare occasion, on a blue moon, at a high tide in spring, even silence! We consider this all part of the wondrous package that is mums and bubs yoga. Within the non yoga, tending to babies part, you will be guided to remain mindful and present,... thus cultivating a sense of beauty in the mundane. I thank all the mummas for putting their trust in me to guide them through their yoga practice. . . . #mumsandbubsyoga #mumsandbubs #postpartum #postpartumjourney #postpartumfitness #postpartummentalhealth #postnatalyoga #postnataldepression #postnatalanxiety #postnatalmentalhealth #meditation #mindfulness #matrescence #yogasydney See more
19.01.2022 Just sneaking in a couple of chest openers while this happens.... Where can you find a micromoment for some breathing and opening??? #puddlejumping #winterplay #natureplay #sunnywinterday #sneakypractice #yogaanywhereanytime #yogimama #yogamum #reallifeyoga
18.01.2022 From wild rain and thunder to calm winds and a glowing sky. Let this be a reminder of the everchanging nature of the physical world in which we reside and are a part of, but yet are not. #tattwamasi #sohum #consciousness #spirituality #allistemporary #youarethesoul #mindfulness #spiritualjourney #yogaphilosophy #thistooshallpass
18.01.2022 A couple of spots left in tomorrow mornings class. If they are for you, please comment or message! A couple of spots left in tomorrow mornings class. If they are for you, please comment or message!
17.01.2022 To dear yoga friends, I hope that you are all fairing well wherever you are and with whatever conditions you are dealing with, and managing to find some space/moments in your days to bring your attention inwards and have some space for your self. I wanted to let you know it is not too late to join our classes! In case all of the other emails and updates were confusing I wanted to summarise it into one email for you!... Tuesday and Thursday are still running as a block. If you would like to join for the remaining 5 weeks it is just $90 to attend one class per week and $140 to join two. Wednesday and Saturday are still running casually. If you would like to be kept in touch with all the updates to do with the running of these classes please message me or email me back! And finally we have our live stream offering for those who wish to or need to stay home. For just $75 you can tune in to up to 3 of our Hatha Yoga classes per week. Or for one per week it is $50. That price is for the next 5 weeks of classes! Please do get in touch if you are feeling the pull for a little bit of rest and digest, some deep breathing and a reset of the mental chatter. Yours in Yoga, Namaste Tara #yoga #yogasydney #hathayoga #onlineyogaclasses #livestreamyoga #restanddigest #monkeymind #breathe #meditate
17.01.2022 Happy Friday. X And thank you @charliemackesy for this gem of a book. #positivity #keepgoing #youarestrong #tattwamasi #sohum #youareloved #youareenough #yogaphilosophy #charliemackesy
17.01.2022 Throwback Thursday. To impromptu Kirtan and fluting with Acharya Rajan Sharma Bhimsen sapkota, it think possibly circa 2015. Pre-kids certainly! #throwbackthursday #tbt #kirtan #mantra #yogapractice #yogilife #nadayoga
16.01.2022 Just letting you know that we are also humans, trying to get by in life, eating tinned beans amongst the fresh garden produce. Happy Friday folks. #beansmeansheinz #balance #weareoutofbread #andmilk #triedtoshopyesterday #didntmakeitwithkids #alsolostmychildinkmart
16.01.2022 Grateful to have Sarah covering this evenings class for us whilst our regular teacher is away! We have some spaces left if you would like to join, please get in touch if these spots are for you!
15.01.2022 We have a couple of spots left in class tomorrow morning - will you join us to welcome your weekend?!?We have a couple of spots left in class tomorrow morning - will you join us to welcome your weekend?!?
15.01.2022 Found this little snap shot on the wall of our local shopping centre. . Does this resonate with you? I read this a few times before deciding it is worth taking a photo of this simple message. We are always striving for something aren’t we? Always looking for something to be better, for a challenging period to pass, for a more stimulating job, a bigger home... . Holy moly, how much energy is expended on these thoughts?!! ... . Imagine if we simply existed where we are now, accepting the turbulent rapids of life, and enjoying with gratitude the smoother parts with life’s river opens up, flowing and peaceful. . Just imagine! . There is a traditional story about a musk deer, that emits a beautiful scent. But it doesn’t know where the scent is coming from! It drives it self crazy, running around the forest in search of this seemingly elusive aroma. . Of course little does it know, that the glorious scent is, in fact, coming from inside itself. . This desire for something better, something more is something that we cannot find in the external world. It will drive us mad, as we frantically try to fill our selves up from the outside. . If only we could realise our very presence, our existence, our consciousness, is that which we are searching for. Just as we are made of earth, and made of stars, the entirety of the universe exists within. . We just need to stop and be quiet long enough to notice it. . #presence #yogaphilosophy #spiritualjourney #meditation #mindfulness #satchitananda #tattwamasi #sohum #lookwithin #happiness #spirituality See more
14.01.2022 A beautiful passage to lighten your Monday Thank you Swamis Yoga Retreat. "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul... the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us" Saint Terese of Liseaux #yogaphilosophy #inspiration #loveyoga #yogainspiration #yogalove #peacewithin #trusttheprocess
14.01.2022 What a day! Filled with a whole lot of new yoga experiences! One of which was mummas and bubbas this morning, and what a joy it was. The babies were amazing, the mummas got to do some yoga, and I had a special helper for relaxation so mumma got to lie down on her own! I am honestly so grateful to have had the honour of guiding you and your beautiful babes through a yoga practice. Can’t wait for next week. . . . #mumsandbubsyoga #postpartumjourney #mentalhealth #postpartumsupport #mumsandbubsaustralia #mumsandbubs #postpartumhealth #yogamama #yogini #yogamum #yogimama #yogababy
13.01.2022 This evening, come and be inspired to break free from the limitations of your mind and live in the nature of your true self! 8pm Sydney time on zoom! We will be sharing some music and meditation Meeting code: 83617458769 Password: 552931... Acharya Rajan Sharma Bhimsen sapkota See more
12.01.2022 Gosh, it ain’t much, but if some space to reset your mind, rest and breath helps someone get through the next week, it’s the least we can do xx Please share with anyone who may be interested. And yes, that’s tomorrow #mumlife ... I hope to see some of you there. #melbournelockdown #melbournelockdown2021 #yogapractice #zoomyoga #onlineyogaclasses #yogaformentalhealth #meditation See more
12.01.2022 Asish & I are honoured to be sharing some music, meditation and the story of our yoga journey this evening 8pm in an online satsang with the ever wonderful and inspiring Acharya Rajan Sharma Bhimsen sapkota Please do join us with the below zoom details - we would love to see you there
12.01.2022 Golden Milk | Warm, soothing, nourishing, immunity building. . Just what one needs with another spring cold snap! . This delightful sweet milk is the perfect evening beverage on a cool evening. ... . Simply add per cup of milk of your choice: 1-2 cardamom pods 1 inch cinnamon stick some fresh ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp turmeric 1 tsp jaggery/unrefined sugar . If the weather is cool/you are feeling chilled you can also add some black pepper and ginger powder. . You can also add a dab of ghee if you have it. . Bring to boil on stove top to allow everything to infuse nicely, then strain and enjoy. . If using honey to sweeten, it is important to only add this at the end once the milk has cooled to drinking temperature as heating honey causes it to change forms and makes it toxic to the body according to the science of ayurveda. . This is the original version of the currently fashionable turmeric latte, and is the perfect pre-sleep tonic. . Sweet dreams all . #ayurveda #goldenmilk #turmericlatte #immunityboost #ojas #yogamama #ayurvedalifestyle #yogalife #yogini #balancedlife #vatapacifying See more
10.01.2022 Throwback Thursday. To impromptu Kirtan and fluting with Acharya Rajan Sharma 'Bhimsen sapkota', it think possibly circa 2015. Pre-kids certainly! #throwbackthursday #tbt #kirtan #mantra #yogapractice #yogilife #nadayoga
10.01.2022 Reassurance that the kids are actually taking on some of our positive Yogi habits, and not just learning the bad mutterings that come out of my mouth in a moment of frustration. . . Here is the scene: ... Post dinner shambles. I have just stopped the big one from throwing rice around the room (why?!?) and the small one is tottering around smooshing in said rice to the floor. I am fighting a losing battle of cleaning whilst more mess is created. As I am trying to make sweet turmeric milk for them to have before bed, I take off the lock on the drawer of glass jars full of spices. I turn back to the bench for a moment, and there enter Master 1, it is like he knows the opportunity to get in the drawer is short lived. He moves quickly, so fast that mumma does not notice he has opened top drawer, and removed cinnamon jar..... smash. Battle against kitchen (and children) officially lost. I put small one safe his his chair and am visibly annoyed by this end of the day upset to add to the already chaos. As I stare at the mess wondering where to begin, the big one pipes up: do this mama. I glance up. He is taking his arms up wide and breathing in. Bringing them together in prayer and breathing out. He repeats: do this. I follow his instructions. What a gift from the heavens. I could pause, breathe and reset my upset system. We often do this in the morning before breakfast 3 times when I am feeling like I have already run a marathon before we have sat down to eat. And so I guess it paid off. The small little habits do get imprinted ready to be reminded of when you need it most. I am grateful to my divine little being for piping up at the right moment and working as a messenger from heaven at that moment! Go easy friends, and remember small steps... #yogalife #yogamum #yogimama #takeadeepbreath #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #breatheinbreatheout #yogalifestyle #yogaeveryday #pranayama See more
10.01.2022 Tomorrow's Saturday class will run at 3pm - please message us if you would like a place, or a zoom link!Tomorrow's Saturday class will run at 3pm - please message us if you would like a place, or a zoom link!
10.01.2022 Sometimes I wonder what I am doing having left my profession to teach yoga. Words like this bring a warmth to my heart and remind me of the reason. It is such an honour to be a part of bringing people back to discover their true nature. Thank you for these beautiful words below Lizzy Cayanan who is, by the way, an amazing photographer Elizabeth Anne Photography I feel like me again. Well, a better version of me. I feel calm, centred and empowered. I feel awake, peace...ful and warm. This evening Marc and I participated in a zoom yoga class. The recorded link meant we were able to join when the kids were asleep, from our lounge room, and could pause any time we needed (thankfully basketball was the only interruption). We played deep theta 2 in the background and put lamps only on and felt so very calm. It was Marc’s first yoga session. I CANNOT encourage you more to sign up- you can use your pass to attend in person in north rocks or via zoom if more convenient. I didn’t realise how terribly sore and tight my joints were, I could feel them lengthen and strengthen but more than anything, I could just focus on my breath throughout. A peace I haven’t felt in so long. Tara didn’t ask me to share this, I actually asked her if I could. I truly hope our experience tonight and intentions moving forward might encourage and inspire you. This is affordable and so very important for your health and emotional state. Plus it makes for a healthy date night / time with your loved one. I love the classes because they are clear and completely not pretentious. And now we are on zoom for life- any of you my friends, can join. Seriously the wisest decision I have made in a long time. Thank you so very much Tara xxx #mentalhealth #yogaformentalhealth #meditation #mindfulness #contentment #santosha #selfcare #datenight #yogadate #yogasydney #zoomyoga
10.01.2022 Too soon? Come on, if we dont laugh, well cry right?!? A reminder to all yogis that these are not online classes per se. Yes, it is a class, and yes it is online, but because the class is being held in the yoga space with other students attending in person, the teachers will not be able to monitor your progress and position in the postures. Yes, we will be connecting with you on a subtle energetic level because as we know energy knows no distance, but it wont be an in...teractive class like we have offered in the past. So as per previous post, please please listen to your body and dont go to fast or too far and take a pause where you need. If you are interested in joining this great offer, please get in touch ASAP! We begin tomorrow! #livestreamyoga #zoomyoga #connect #covidyoga #covidsafe #stayhome #isolationyoga #spirituality #hathayogaonline #hathayoga
09.01.2022 After the year that was 2020, we all need a bit of de-stressing! . Yoga not only helps us wind down, declutter our minds, and helps our bodies become stronger and more flexible, but gives us invaluable tools that we can take off the mat. With the global tension that seemed to rise and bubble with the pandemic situation, it becomes more important than ever to do something to help ease the burden on our minds. ... Yoga enables us to to train our selves to breathe a little deeper throughout the day, so that our stress levels don't build and build; to become aware of our posture and notice where we might be constantly holding tension when we are triggered; and to observe the happenings of our bodies and minds so that we can pause and respond rather than react! . . It is not really about what we do on the mat, but the re-writing of new pathways, and unraveling of our old habits to help us live a more content existence. Make 2021 the year that you commit to your mental and physical wellbeing my friends; it is too important not to. Classes begin tomorrow, so don't hesitate to book your spot! We can't wait to see you all again. Wishing you so much love and respect to you on your journey, whatever that may be. . #yogasydney #yogaphilosophy #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #spirituality #spiritualjourney #yogalife #mentalhealth #sadhana #yogaquotes #yogainspiration
09.01.2022 Happy Diwali from our family to yours. This festival of lights is a celebration of good over evil, light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance. May the everpresent light in our hearts remove any darkness and ignorance and bring peace to all brings. #diwali #diwali2020 #deepavali #happydiwali #yogaphilosophy #loveandlight
09.01.2022 When everyone has a cold (not COVID, we got tested! ) and your tulsi plants are on the shrivelled side being winter, and then you remember that perhaps you have some dried from last year! Hurrah! @dr_rafeenas spiced tea (our cold and flu staple) all around! Stay warm and well dear friends. #lastwomanstanding #ayurveda #herbaltea #adaptogens #ayurvedalifestyle #yogamama #immunehealth #tulsi #tulsitea #holybasil
08.01.2022 Long, extended exhalations at kiddie bath time to soothe the nervous system. And heck, I dont know what it could be that might be triggering my fight or flight response - the shrill, high pitched squeals from the one year old? The 1000 decibel boat driving cries from the 3 year old? The terror of not knowing if one will gouge the others skin open or tip a jug of water over their head? Long exhalations very needed to tell the poor system, that despite the external input, it is indeed safe haha. These micro moments are what keeps me in the buffer zone as a busy mama through the day - what are your strategies? Id love to hear! #yogamama #witchinghour #yogini #warriormama #mumlife #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #breathe #micromeditation #mindfulness #presence
08.01.2022 Will you be Yoga-ing with us? We would love to see you! Please comment below or message to book as space is limited. Breathe deeply friends, Namaste
06.01.2022 Are you even aware of how wonderous you are? Of your infinite potential and of the power that lies within? We exist in this world in this paradox of a perfect imperfection. We are limited in a sense by our mind and its complexities, much like dust on a mirror, yet simultaneously our soul within us is whole, perfect and complete. The soul knows no imperfection, it knows no fear or stress. It is pure and absolute, limitless and free. This is why we practice Yoga. Though the p...ractice of Yoga, the layers of densities that bring about this stress and complexity gradually dissipate. Like peeling back an onion. And as we delve deeper and deeper within, we get closer to the centre. Closer to the source. Closer to our soul. Closer to our true self. So that we can express in the world purely and freely. And this is something worth practicing for. Our next 6 week block for our Tuesday. Thursday evening classes begins next week and there are some spaces left.... Will you join us? #yoga #yogasydney #yogaphilosophy #vedanta #meditation #iamthat #knowthyself #selfdiscovery #spirituality #peacewithin
06.01.2022 Just glorious having the back doors open for class on a morning like this morning . #yogasydney #sydneyyogateacher #onlineyogaclasses #yogini #hillsdistrictmums #parraparents #meditation #northrocks #community #spirituality #wellness
06.01.2022 Did you run wild in the wind today like these little Wild Earthlings ? The wind can be so energising, invigorating us, and bringing the movement that might be needed if we are feeling to be in a state of inertia. (Eg winter hibernation ). For some, the wind can leave us feeling a bit agitated or irritated or restless if we already have a tendency to move quickly, have an active mind or are prone to anxiety. ... If this is you, what to do when we find ourselves amongst the wild element of air? Well, the opposite of wild, fast moving, flippant wind my friends, is our old friend, earth. Stable, soothing, ever reliable earth. So if you find your self feeling irritated by the fast paced wind and the change in weather, you might like to try becoming aware of your feet touching the ground. Perhaps, gently lengthen your exhalation. Soften the belly. Take 3 long, slow breaths, feeling with the exhalation that your breath is travelling down into the ground through your feet. You can do this anywhere, with eyes open or closed. Please do give it a try, Id love to hear how you go. And if you were feeling a bit stuck in a certain aspect of your life, then I invite you to welcome the wind to bring that shift and momentum to bring about change or let go of an old habit... Take care my friends #yogamama #yogimamalife #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #wildearthlings #grounding #earthing #nervoussystemregulation #breathedeeply #welcomechange
05.01.2022 A sneaky little practice after class this morning #yoga #yogamum #sydneyyoga #suryanamaskara #selfcare #abyasa #yogini #practiceandalliscoming
05.01.2022 My beautiful group of yoginis this morning, kicking off 2021 with a bang , or in this case inversion! I just loveeeeee seeing everyone in a different version here, some taking rest in viparita karani, legs up the wall, some experimenting with some elevation for the first time, some reconnecting with their inner gymnastics child in shoulder stand! In class here it is NOT about what you can do. It is the journey of the inner self, that is the true journey. . Today’s class was nearly full, so make sure you book early to avoid disappointment. . #comeasyouare #yogaforall #accessibleyoga #spiritualjourney #spirituality #nonjudgement #hathayoga #inversions #viparitakarani
04.01.2022 Homebrewing. #kombucha #kombuchabrewing #kombuchatea #fermentationstation #guthealth #adaptogens #healthylifestyle #yogalifestyle #yogimama #ayurvedalife #yogilife
04.01.2022 Today is Guru Purnima. A day to honour our teachers - our family, friends, children who inspire us, support us and push our buttons, allowing us to unfold and unravel the layers of density that surround our true nature. And especially honouring our spiritual teachers - those who work tirelessly to guide us along this mysterious pathway of spirituality, and share their wisdom selflessly with humanity. #spirituality #gurupurnima #gurupurnima2020 #trust #surrender #spiritualjourney #enlightenment #samadhi #yogaphilosophy #yoga
03.01.2022 I will be offering an intimate class for mummas and bubbas tomorrow morning! This will be a free class with the option to continue with paid classes going forward. Suitable for mummas and babies from the post partum check until when they start crawling. The perfect way to connect with other likeminded mummas and your self through the transition into motherhood. Only two places left ~ please message ASAP to book!
03.01.2022 Mamas, I can’t tell you how thrilled we are to be hosting this amazing offering. I will be offering a beautiful restful yoga practice to close. See below for all the juicy details, and book your early bird ticket now, because I am sure these tickets will be snapped up quickly and you don’t want to miss this. . Posted @withregram @alitablanchardspace Sydney mamas, this day retreat is all about nurturing you.... An intimate gathering of mothers who crave connection, rest, nurturing and growth in your motherhood. Facilitated by Certified Parent Coaches Alita Blanchard and Michelle Diasinos each holding space with women’s circle and breathwork practices. We will then guide you through some basic principles of conscious and connected parenting to help you feel less alone and overwhelmed in mothering your children. A chance to bring light to the guilt, shame and anger that is so prevalent but rarely discussed. To close, Tara Menon of @turiyayogaspace, North Rocks Sydney, will guide you through a gentle restorative yoga and mindfulness practice to soothe your nervous system and enable deep rest. Lunch and refreshments included. To secure your place, DM Alita online, message 0410324042 or email [email protected] $230 EARLY BIRD by 1 Feb LIMITED TO 7 SPACES - Register early. #mamaretreat #motherretreat #sydneymums #motherhoodretreat #mamarising #matrescence #consciousparenting #retreatssydney #motherscircle
03.01.2022 This makes me so happy! I love when everyone in the class is doing the pose a different way to suit their ability and need for the day. Yoga is not about going straight to the most advanced pose. That is not more desirable, nor what it is about. We need to let go of our ego telling us that we need to be better, stronger, faster, or that we are worth less if we do the more beginner posture. Who cares. What matters is that we are doing something. If we keep practicing something we can only move forward. And our own personal journey is what it is all about. It is all about us. Well done to our Saturday morning Yoginis rocking out Ardha Chandrasana. Take it easy everyone and happy weekend. . . . #ardhachandrasana #ardhachandrasanavariation #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogaprops #yogaeveryday #sadhana #justkeepswimming #spiritualjourney
01.01.2022 Knackered. A non-stop day of parks, and holding tumbling injured toddlers and encouraging stuck 3 year olds on the climbing frame and dustpan and brooming rice off the floor and zoom yoga teaching and sanitising and coordinating more zoom for tonights streaming and sending messages and more sanitising and dinner chaos and holding crying toddler in the bath and breastfeeding and washing dishes and holding thrashing toddler and finally asleep. No more emails or timetables for ...you tonight my friends. I meditated and the new moon vibes ripped me open and stripped me of some of the denser parts of my nature. Time to put little babe back to bed and for me to shower and sleep Oh, and do it all again tomorrow. #mumlife #yogamum #yoginimama #readyforbed #newmoon #spiritualwarrior #knackeredmummy #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurmama #workingmum #yogateachersydney See more
01.01.2022 I have high massage standards. I would lie there: its a bit soft, should I say something? Maybe they are just warming up, Ill wait. 10 minutes later: Its still the same. I guess I should say something now, but then they will be thinking that I havent been enjoying it this whole time. ... Not relaxing to say the least. . So with this my friends, it is with confidence that I am wholeheartedly recommending Abyanga (Ayurvedic massage) by Dr Rafeena - Ayurveda & Herba...l Medicine Sydney . I never have thoughts of if it is too soft or too hard. I never think, oh why did you skim over that sore spot. I typically like a firm massage but this isnt the type of massage that has elbows dug into your shoulders leaving you sore and bruised the next day, which is merely temporarily satisfying. . There is something magical about it - large sweeping movements, combined with subtle pressure points and some firmness on occasion where needed. It allows Prana to flow, detoxifies, which encourages you to rest, and most importantly, leaves the mind clear. When the mind is clear, pain and aches will begin to subside. When Prana is flowing, our physical body is full of vitality. I am so graceful to Rafeena Kidavintavida for her loving touch, I feel renewed, relaxed and inspired, and it was such a joy to visit her in her new centre in north parramatta! . . #abyanga #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurvedicmassage #ayurvedasydney #drrafeena #yogalifestyle #selfcare
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